Time to Deport ALL the Immigrants...
Political Satire by Ruth Hull
(Reprinted from 2012 article)
Time to Deport ALL the Immigrants (and their Offspring and Their Offspring's Offspring and so on)
Groups are clamoring for deportation of immigrants and the following suggested policy and announcement could provide a solution to all of America's and the world's problems. Those wanting to protect life on Earth might want to help put this policy into effect.
NOTICE TO ALL IMMIGRANTS and their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great grandchildren, etc., start packing. Buses will be lining up to remove you and all the belongings you can carry. Because of the close proximity to other people, no weapons or other arms will be allowed on the buses. Since your ancestors are probably from somewhere overseas, ships and airplanes will be made available for your departure- economy class.
If you wish to bring more items than fit into your space on the bus, you can follow Mitt Romney's suggestion and voluntarily deport yourself before the bus arrives. Except for the mandatory deportation, travel will be at your expense.
Some violent elements of this country may require additional police back-up. Therefore, the buses arriving at the Capitol, White House and Pentagon will be staffed by descendants of the original Americans (armed with the latest pentagon devices) to ensure that nobody gets out of line or tries to smuggle any weapons of mass destruction onto the buses. And no, Bernanke, you will not be allowed to remove the money. That belongs to America's taxpayers and in this case, the remaining taxpayers.
You must admit that the Minute Men, who will be joining Congress, the President and the Supreme Court on the bus, have a good point. This country has been over-run by violent immigrants who are committing crimes right and left. These violent immigrants must be deported and proof of real citizenship must be presented to remain. Get your local Native America tribal community to present an affidavit of citizenship if you believe you have a right to stay.
From the start, the immigrants have shown extremely barbaric behavior, such as the cannibalism that took place in Jamestown and later strip-searching of minors for which deportee Chief Justice John Roberts expressed support in a lower court decision before being confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court. It's a good thing the Senate is going with him.
America will rise in world standings as the violent progeny of immigrants depart without weapons or drones. These offspring of immigrants have become so dangerous that they are killing people and children around the world and hauling them off for torture to places like Guantanamo, Kuwait, Azerbaijan and Virginia. Currently, these savage immigrant descendants are dropping bombs on babies in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya and elsewhere. Children of immigrants are supplying warplanes and bombs to terrorists who occupy and bomb their neighbor's lands in the Middle East. They have authorized the detention without trial or rights of everyone in the world and have authorized unlimited acts of political assassination. They are locking up and murdering innocent people of color in places called "death row." They have turned America into the largest prison state in the history of the planet.
Some immigrant progeny have become so insane that they are coming up with "Stand your Ground," laws that white psychos use to shoot innocent Black kids carrying candy bars. In places like Aliso Viejo, California, fat off-duty officers are using little Black kids for parking lot chairs as the kids struggle to breathe. In Orange, California, immigrant descendants are enacting gang injunctions to criminalize association by non-Anglos with other non-Anglos. Even worse, terrorists who are descended from immigrants, are flying drones over the skies of America threatening all the inhabitants. The new deportation policy will fix all this.
However, there is a concern about the safety of children on the buses. For that reason, we request that immigrants, particularly those of British descent, refrain from cannibalism this time around.
The good news is that America's resources (all of them), the entire nuclear arsenal, the drone fleets, and all government planes are to be returned to their rightful owners, a collective of groups who once had a history of peace and love of nature. The world can only hope that the proper owners of America's nuclear arsenal and drones fleets will choose to unlearn all the genocidal, Earth-destroying, and imperialistic lessons the immigrants have taught them. At the same time, it is important to remember that these former and new owners of this country are only human. Let's hope they are merciful and not angry about those reservations, the Trail of Tears, the genocidal slaughters, etc.
Article and photo copyrighted© by Ruth Hull, 2012.
About the Author. Ruth Hull is an investigative journalist and legal scholar who has written hundreds of articles on the subjects of politics, human rights, current events and Constitutional law. She has had the courage to research areas often censored by various publications, including OpEdNews and the mainstream corporate media. The political satire above shows Ms. Hull's strong support for immigrants' rights. Though it has been three years since this article was written, it seems appropriate to republish it now in view of the current racist bigotry that refugees have been experiencing going into Thanksgiving. The United States was founded by immigrants and refugees or their descendants. Ms. Hull has stated that, "It is hypocritical for Americans to deny protection and human rights to refugees in the modern world."