California's Parents and Children at War with Sacramento
over Forced Vacines that Kill
Across California, youth rights, parents' rights, religious rights and human rights groups are threatening a voters' revolt if SB 277, the forced vaccine bill, is adopted into law. Virtually every youth rights, parents’ rights, religious and human rights organization in America opposes SB 277. The bill eliminates personal and religious objections to life-threating injections of newborns, infants and youth. That doesn't leave a lot of voters left (outside of those working for the pharmaceutical industry) to vote for California Democrats in 2016. Are Democrats invincible in California? Can they remain in power if they subject California's children to forced injections of dangerous and deadly vaccines? 2016 will tell.
SB 277 contains a list of ten vaccines (all of which have been associated with life-threatening side effects) plus a catch-all (b) (11) provision allowing the State of California to force the injection of any new pharmaceutical product it chooses to authorize. The forced injections include lead, aluminum, and mercury. These particular vaccines have been documented as resulting in permanent brain damage, brain hemorrhaging, paralysis, autism and death in a significant number of children. For example, when given to a baby, the Hepatitis B Vaccine too often results in hemorrhaging and bleeding from the eyes. The result has too often been that parents whose children have received that vaccine have sometimes been erroneously arrested for shaking their baby when the vaccine was the sole cause of the problem. Though the pharmaceutical companies have done studies favorable to themselves, these have been disproven by the traumas received by the significant number of children permanently damaged by the designated vaccines.
If SB 277 become law, it is expected to be used to remove children from the homes of safe protective parents. These children likely will be placed into the burgeoning foster care system, where the death rate of children is ten times the rate of death of kids in the homes of their families. Often drug pushers are present in Child Protective Services' group homes and children who were not addicted going into the foster system wind up drug users and dealers themselves. 70% of the human trafficking victims in the United States come from the foster care system.
Homeschooled children are not exempt from the vaccine requirements as California homeschooled children are classified as private schooled children. Millions of California children are expected to go under the radar in their education if the bill passes, costing the State hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funds and other revenues and resulting in a crushing financial loss to California's schools.
Vaccines often delay the childhood diseases, resulting in a more serious health crisis of young adults. In contrast, the diseases, which doctors and the older generation considered trivial when they had them, provide a permanent immunity.
ON April 8, 2016, parents and children plan to rally at the State Capitol to let their legislators know how they feel. This is a partisan bill, backed by Democrats and opposed by Republicans. It is believed that substantial $$$ (bribes?) from the pharmaceutical lobbyists are the key reasons for the existence of and legislative support for this bill.
SB 277 contains a list of ten vaccines (all of which have been associated with life-threatening side effects) plus a catch-all (b) (11) provision allowing the State of California to force the injection of any new pharmaceutical product it chooses to authorize. The forced injections include lead, aluminum, and mercury. These particular vaccines have been documented as resulting in permanent brain damage, brain hemorrhaging, paralysis, autism and death in a significant number of children. For example, when given to a baby, the Hepatitis B Vaccine too often results in hemorrhaging and bleeding from the eyes. The result has too often been that parents whose children have received that vaccine have sometimes been erroneously arrested for shaking their baby when the vaccine was the sole cause of the problem. Though the pharmaceutical companies have done studies favorable to themselves, these have been disproven by the traumas received by the significant number of children permanently damaged by the designated vaccines.
If SB 277 become law, it is expected to be used to remove children from the homes of safe protective parents. These children likely will be placed into the burgeoning foster care system, where the death rate of children is ten times the rate of death of kids in the homes of their families. Often drug pushers are present in Child Protective Services' group homes and children who were not addicted going into the foster system wind up drug users and dealers themselves. 70% of the human trafficking victims in the United States come from the foster care system.
Homeschooled children are not exempt from the vaccine requirements as California homeschooled children are classified as private schooled children. Millions of California children are expected to go under the radar in their education if the bill passes, costing the State hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funds and other revenues and resulting in a crushing financial loss to California's schools.
Vaccines often delay the childhood diseases, resulting in a more serious health crisis of young adults. In contrast, the diseases, which doctors and the older generation considered trivial when they had them, provide a permanent immunity.
ON April 8, 2016, parents and children plan to rally at the State Capitol to let their legislators know how they feel. This is a partisan bill, backed by Democrats and opposed by Republicans. It is believed that substantial $$$ (bribes?) from the pharmaceutical lobbyists are the key reasons for the existence of and legislative support for this bill.
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© by the Justice Gazette, 2015