Winner of the Third Debate: Tulsi Gabbard
Loser: The DNC

Other losers:
Everyone on Stage
September 12, 2019. Houston Texas. The third debate was reminiscent of fingers scraping a blackboard. The one face viewers did not see as the horrible screeching took place was that of Tulsi Gabbard, who is currently polling higher than most of those on the debate stage.

At the debate party I walked into, a party sponsored by two Bernie Sanders groups, the restaurant/bar was almost empty after the debate was already underway. Eventually more people walked into the restaurant and hung out mostly at the bar, chatting. It was hard to determine what percentage of the crowd was there for the debate as the chatter was so loud. Eventually, the waitress turned on the closed caption for the debate so those interested could see what was being said. Later multiple screens were tuned to a football game for those who had lost interest in the debate. Everyone spoken to in the place agreed that Tulsi should have been on the stage and that the debate would have been better if she were there.
Words used by the crowd to describe the debate: boring, slanted, rigged, terrible, the worst. Actually, these were some of the nicer words.
Words used by the crowd to describe the debate: boring, slanted, rigged, terrible, the worst. Actually, these were some of the nicer words.

As expected, without Tulsi, Bernie was alone against a sea of attacks. Everyone had compromised their Medicare for All position or so watered it down as to make it nothing more than a public option. Biden mentioned that people could buy into it.
Though Bernie was allowed to speak on some issues, he was largely ignored during most of the debate He not only blew the Venezuela question by repeating Trump’s talking points but his response was so bad that progressives were texting to their friends that he had lost their votes. Among those contacted by email was America’s all-time most progressive Congresswoman. (Not Tulsi, though Tulsi is better on Venezuela than Bernie.) The Congresswoman (whose name is not being used as permission has not yet been obtained to use her name in this article but is well-known to every progressive), reacted to Bernie’s comments by saying, “Horrible, just horrible.”
Bernie was ignored on such issues as climate change. When he did get a chance to speak, he tried to get out his most progressive positions in the hopes of letting the public know what they missed when he wasn’t being questioned. The only one he dared to nail on the issues was Joe Biden, the punching boy for the people on stage. (Biden is a red herring. The DNC is pushing Elizabeth Warren, who is using her Senate corporate donations for her Presidential campaign and will use corporate and PAC funding for the general election.) Castro also got in a zinger against Biden, implying that he was old and had a bad memory.
Nobody on stage won the debate, though Bernie probably did better than most. He did lose votes from progressives on foreign policy as previously noted.
Though Bernie was allowed to speak on some issues, he was largely ignored during most of the debate He not only blew the Venezuela question by repeating Trump’s talking points but his response was so bad that progressives were texting to their friends that he had lost their votes. Among those contacted by email was America’s all-time most progressive Congresswoman. (Not Tulsi, though Tulsi is better on Venezuela than Bernie.) The Congresswoman (whose name is not being used as permission has not yet been obtained to use her name in this article but is well-known to every progressive), reacted to Bernie’s comments by saying, “Horrible, just horrible.”
Bernie was ignored on such issues as climate change. When he did get a chance to speak, he tried to get out his most progressive positions in the hopes of letting the public know what they missed when he wasn’t being questioned. The only one he dared to nail on the issues was Joe Biden, the punching boy for the people on stage. (Biden is a red herring. The DNC is pushing Elizabeth Warren, who is using her Senate corporate donations for her Presidential campaign and will use corporate and PAC funding for the general election.) Castro also got in a zinger against Biden, implying that he was old and had a bad memory.
Nobody on stage won the debate, though Bernie probably did better than most. He did lose votes from progressives on foreign policy as previously noted.

Some of those present said they were going to go home and watch some of Tulsi’s videos. They missed the days when she made debates exciting. Not one person in the room was impressed with the DNC and most saw the debates as a useless political fraud on the public.