Sanders Supporters: "Presidential Nominee Jill Stein Will Carry Out Bernie's Revolution"

August 6, 2016. Houstin, Texas. Sanders supporters were overjoyed as Green Party nominee Jill Stein vowed to continue the work of Bernie Sanders and achieve his goals and more if elected President. The Green momentum and ballot access has skyrocked and made a Stein Presidency possible, and even likely-though you won't hear this on the media networks stupping for her opponent Hillary Clinton. Jill is currently polling ahead of where Bernie Sanders was at this time last year. Jill is going for victory and planning on winning the Presidency. This has the bulk of Sanders supporters jumping on board for the ride. Justice Gazette polling and online polls show that signficantly more of Bernie's supporters will go to Stein than to DNC installed candidate HIllary Clinton.
In contrast to the Democratic National Convention of suppression, insults, decertification of delegates, mass incarcerations (though hidden from view), walk-outs, cutting of lights to hide delegates, white noise machines and confiscations of signs, the Green Party nominated Jill Stein from a sizable group of candidates in a peaceful, open manner. Jill received 92+% of the delegate vote at a harmonious but contested convention.
Unlike the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Tim Kaine, who is unpopular with Democrats, Jill impressed the world and the Green Party by picking human rights leaders Ajamu Baraka as her Vice Presidential pick.
Bernie Sanders supporters like Cornel West, have found that their conscience will ony allow them to back Jill Stein and not Hillary Clinton in this year's Presidential race. Susan Sarandon has said that Clinton appears to be more dangerous than Republican nominee Donald Trump. The most common comparison of Clinton and Trump is "The dispicable things Trump has said, Clinton has done." There is a major concern among the voting public that Hillary Clinton will follow through on the threats of using nuclear weapons and put America into a nuclear war with Russia, which will wipe out all above-ground life in the U.S. Clnton's past foreign policy decisions have shown she is willing to sacrifice the lives of milliions of innocent civilians to complete her agenda.
In addition to Bernie's plans to provide free public college, Jill Stein plans to elminate college debt for those have already graduated. Millions of Americans will be freed from college debts, some currently owing in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Jill has pointed out that this will cost the taxpayers significantly less than the Wall Street give-aways that don't benefit anybody but the top 1%. Economists are saying that the next Wall Street give-away to the top 1%i will drain the 99% of even more $$ than all the other "bail-outs." In contrast, eliminating student debt is expected to revitalize the economy and to bring jobs home.
Jill is the only candidate who is fully addressing climate change and working to improve food safety and clean water standards. Through her the TPP, Fracking/GMO promoter Hillary Clinton plans to turn all rights to determine food safety, clean water regulations and pollution laws to corporations that profit from poisoning the food and water, Terry McAulliffe (who accepted the nomination for her), her supporters on the DNC platform committee and lobyiests who have worked with her have informed the public that Clinton will support the TPP once on office. Clinton's State Deparmtent was instrumental in writing the TPP and her Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine voted for the TPP. Trump is second best on the environment as he is the only other candidate willing to stop the environmental-gutting TPP. However, Trump evidences a lack of understanding on Climate change. He also opposes GMO's and fracking. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate, supports the TPP. Most Lbiertarians oppose the TPP but Gary Johnson's platform is more Neocon than Libertarian.
Jill is the only candidate who will protect Social Security. Hillary Clinton and Gary Johnson both plan to raise the retirment age. Trump's position is unclear.
Jil Stein and Donald Trump are the only two candidates who would reign in Wall Street with the restoration of Glass Steagall. Clinton and Johnson have sided with Wall Street against Glass-Steagall regulations. Without Glass-Steagall, more Wall Street give-aways are certain.
Mass incarceration and private prisons will also be a thing of the past under the Stein Adminiatration. She will pardon political prisoners and whistle blowers, like Mumia Abu Jamal and Chelsea Manning. She will also pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. Hillary Clinton has received large donations from pirvate prisons. Also, Jill Stein will legalize marijuana and end the war on drugs. Gary Johnson and sometimes Donald Trump have indicated they will end the war on drugs. Clinton is a strong supporter of the war on drugs and opposes legalizing marijuan as her donors fear losing profits if it is legalized. The crime legslation Clinton promoted was much of the reason for the extent of the mass incarceration. Clinton has called Black teens , "Super-predators."
Additionally, Jill is the only candidate who will hold law enforcement accountable when suspects die in custody. Both Jill Stein and Gary Johnson oppose the death penalty, which targets minorites and the poor. Jill Stein's Vice Presidential nominee Ajamu Baraka has spent years working to abolish it. Hillary Clinton is a strong supporter of the death penalty.
On the issue of war, Jill Stein plans to create peace and respect for the United States through peace. Hillary Clinton is the ony candidate whose actions have resulted in the deaths of anyone and her actions have resulted in the deaths of more than a million innocent civilians. Trump's rhetoric is not good though, unlike Clinton he has made no claims of planning to go to war with a nuclear power.
See the Youtube Video (below) of Jill's acceptance speech for more information on her positions.
The article would not be complete without more of a discussion of Ajamu Baraka. Instead of just talking the talk, Baraka has walked the walk. He is an educator, writer, humanitarian, activist, organizer and leader with respect to human rights, both nationally and internationally. Baraka has provided trainings in human rights to Congress and the United Nations. He was the Founding Executive Director of the U.S. Human Rights Network and the co-convenor of the Mississippi Worker Center for Human Rights, He served in a leadership position with Amnesty International and directed Amnesty’s National Program to Abolish the Death Penalty, He is the most qualified Vice Presidential candiate on the issue of human rights that the Green Party, the Democratic Party, the Republican Party or the Libertarian Party has ever nominated.
Sanders supportesr have expressed concerns regardings Sanders support for Clinton and for the most regressive platform in Democratic Party history. The explainations range from claims that he was simply a sheepdog, to concerns that he would be forced out of his committee seniority in the Senate if her did otherwise to claims by witnesses that he appeared to have been roughed up, bruised and otherwise injured before moving to nominte Clinton by acclimation. Vladimir Putin reportedly has proof that Jane Sanders (Bernie's wife) was threatened. Though some believe that sticking with ones supporters comes first, others considere it to be highly admirable to place the safety of one's family above one's career. Numerous polls showed that Bernie Sanders would have become President if he had taken Jill's officer to be the Green nominee and this is what he gave up. Bernie Sanders won the first nomination round at the Democratic Convention and a redo was created to ensure Clinton's forced victory. Sanders is aware of the vote rigging and the fact that he gave up the Presidencyis, itself, and this has caused his supporters to contniue to question what would cause a man of his reported integrity to do that.
Youtube video's below: Richard From-Florida's video of Jill's acceptance speech and T-Fal's video of the "The TPP for dummies"