Kamala/Hillary, the Establishment
Loretta/Bernie Fighting the Establishment

Where you stand on the California's Senate race is likely determined by whether you support or question the Democratic Establishment. Kamala Harris has been on team Hillary from the start and the DNC loves her. Kamala was endorsed by 78% of the Democratic establishment and is supported by all t he top brass in the Democratic Party. If you are a loyal Democrat, she is your girl.
The California Democratic Party is essentially run by the prison lobby and the California Teacher's Association. In keeping with this, Kamala's primary platform plank is to arresting homeschooled kids AKA truants and their parents. In Los Angeles and other counties, government officials barge into the homes of homeschooling families and sometimes confiscate the children. The Homeschool Legal Defense Association recommends against opening the door to authorities absent a warrant. Kamala has statedthat not attending school is THE primary reason for Americans turning to crime and winding up in prison.
The California Democratic Party is essentially run by the prison lobby and the California Teacher's Association. In keeping with this, Kamala's primary platform plank is to arresting homeschooled kids AKA truants and their parents. In Los Angeles and other counties, government officials barge into the homes of homeschooling families and sometimes confiscate the children. The Homeschool Legal Defense Association recommends against opening the door to authorities absent a warrant. Kamala has statedthat not attending school is THE primary reason for Americans turning to crime and winding up in prison.

Kamala recently sided with the banks on the issue of home foreclosures. Her campaign has so much funding tha.t it is unlikely any opponent can beat her.. Homeowners protested Kamal at the 2015 Democratic Convention but Democratic insiders attending her event were largely unphased by the weak protest from the homeowners.
In contrast, Loretta Sanchez, got into Congress without any support from the Democratic Party, which actually was privately backing Bob Dornan. Loretta has sometimes been reprimanded by the Democratic Party for being too unorthodox. Upon her arrival in Congress, Dennis Kucinich shook her hand and congratulated her. She is a good friend of Dennis Kucinich's and of Bernie 'Sanders's. Loretta held an event for Bernie Sanders at her home and has a voting record that strongly refutes claims that she is a Bluedog Democrat. Loretta voted against the PATRIOT Act, against the wars, against the free trade bills and against the Wall Street bailouts. Her voting record is very similar to that of Bernie Sanders. Her record is also significantly more liberal than that of Barbara Boxer, who is being replaced in this election. She has stood up to Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi on many issues. Is it any wonder that the Democratic Establishment wants to throw her under the bus as it did Bernie Sanders?
Loretta Sanchez has also taken on the issue of women's rights and child sex trafficking, something Kamala has been afraid to address. California is the the child sex trafficking hub of the United States.
In parades, Loretta dances and socializes with the public. She comes across as a people-loving party person. On the other hand, Kamala has a more professional style. At her Attorney General Inauguration in 2010, Kamala divided the audience into sections based on a kind of ranking. Following the ceremony, there were two lines among her invited guests for greeting the new AG. One was for those who were allowed to touch and hug Kamala and the other one was for those who were not allowed to do anything but verbally congratulate her in person. It was a little reminiscent of the Indian caste system (part of Kamala's heritage), in which Braumins are at the top and the Untouchables are at the bottom.You simply don't allow the Untouchables to touch you. This is a strong contrast with Loretta's indiscriminate hugging of everyone who reaches out to her and Loretta's willingness to intermix with even homeless people, whom she has visited along the Santa Ana River and tried to assist.
So if you are a loyal Democrat who supports all the policy positions of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and the DNC, Kamala Harris is your choice for U.S. Senate. If you are leaning independent, are fed up with the DNC and want change, an end to the wars, an end to the free trade bills and accountability for Wall Street, Loretta is your candidate.
There are no Republicans or independents running in the race. You have exactly two choices. California is a Democratic State and so DNC candidate Kamala Harris will be the likely replacement for Barbara Boxer in the Senate. This article is not an endorsement of either candidate.
In contrast, Loretta Sanchez, got into Congress without any support from the Democratic Party, which actually was privately backing Bob Dornan. Loretta has sometimes been reprimanded by the Democratic Party for being too unorthodox. Upon her arrival in Congress, Dennis Kucinich shook her hand and congratulated her. She is a good friend of Dennis Kucinich's and of Bernie 'Sanders's. Loretta held an event for Bernie Sanders at her home and has a voting record that strongly refutes claims that she is a Bluedog Democrat. Loretta voted against the PATRIOT Act, against the wars, against the free trade bills and against the Wall Street bailouts. Her voting record is very similar to that of Bernie Sanders. Her record is also significantly more liberal than that of Barbara Boxer, who is being replaced in this election. She has stood up to Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi on many issues. Is it any wonder that the Democratic Establishment wants to throw her under the bus as it did Bernie Sanders?
Loretta Sanchez has also taken on the issue of women's rights and child sex trafficking, something Kamala has been afraid to address. California is the the child sex trafficking hub of the United States.
In parades, Loretta dances and socializes with the public. She comes across as a people-loving party person. On the other hand, Kamala has a more professional style. At her Attorney General Inauguration in 2010, Kamala divided the audience into sections based on a kind of ranking. Following the ceremony, there were two lines among her invited guests for greeting the new AG. One was for those who were allowed to touch and hug Kamala and the other one was for those who were not allowed to do anything but verbally congratulate her in person. It was a little reminiscent of the Indian caste system (part of Kamala's heritage), in which Braumins are at the top and the Untouchables are at the bottom.You simply don't allow the Untouchables to touch you. This is a strong contrast with Loretta's indiscriminate hugging of everyone who reaches out to her and Loretta's willingness to intermix with even homeless people, whom she has visited along the Santa Ana River and tried to assist.
So if you are a loyal Democrat who supports all the policy positions of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and the DNC, Kamala Harris is your choice for U.S. Senate. If you are leaning independent, are fed up with the DNC and want change, an end to the wars, an end to the free trade bills and accountability for Wall Street, Loretta is your candidate.
There are no Republicans or independents running in the race. You have exactly two choices. California is a Democratic State and so DNC candidate Kamala Harris will be the likely replacement for Barbara Boxer in the Senate. This article is not an endorsement of either candidate.