Bernie (Birdie) Sanders Takes West Coast by Landslide, Picking up Victories up to 4 to 1 in Alaska, Hawaii and Washington.
Is It Time for Hillary to Drop Out?

March 26, 2016. West Coast, U.S.A. A landslide hit the West coast today and that landslide was Bernie Sanders, destroying Hillary Clinton in Alaska, Washington State and Hawaii. It wasn't just some places Bernie won in those states. He won landslides everywhere, in every county and every island. In some precincts, he won 100% and in some counties, he won above 90%. with all victories well above 2 to 1 and ranging to 4 to 1 statewide.
Hillary Clinton cannot win the Presidency without the West Coast. Is it time for her to drop out? In Washington State, her campaign was again caught cheating. Letters bearing Hillary Clinton's name and providing the wrong caucus times and locations were sent to Sanders supporters in Washington State. The word got out and the Sanders supporters sent messages calling on Washington residents to check caucus locations. Still this may have cut into his overwhelming landslide in Washington State. Perhaps he would have received 90% in every county in Washington State but for misleading Clinton letters that appear to be another instance of Clinton election fraud.
In every state where Clinton has done well, there has been documented evidence of v fraud, other crimes and/or disenfranchisements. It appears that the only way Clinton can do well is to cheat. If she doesn't cheat, she loses according to overwhelmingly convincing evidence.
Is it time for Clinton to drop out? Bernie Sanders is ahead in national Democratic polls. Clinton's negatives are so high that most Democrats would not vote for her in November if she were the nominee. In one poll asking if Democrats would support Clinton going to prison, 98% said yes. The fact that Clinton could not win even a single county or island today is indicative of how much stronger Bernie Sanders is as a candidate. His crowds have topped 25,000 in places and everywhere he goes, he speaks to thousands in packed facilities with overflow crowds in nearby rooms. Polls show that Clinton would lose to Donald Trump, Those same polls show Sanders would beat Trump by 24 points.
The crowd in Oregon and viewers on the Internet went crazy on March 25th when a little bird flew onto the podium as Sanders was speaking. Instantly people started using the bird as a symbol for a new party, which would be expected to arise in support of Sanders and his movement should Clinton receive the nominations. Earlier in the week, Sanders told the TYT Network he might not support Clinton if she were nominated. Even if he were to do so, the vast majority of his supporters would not follow.
Most objective analysts are saying Clinton has no chance of victory in November because her negatives would prevent people from voting for her. She is seen as a "liar," "cheater," "mass murderer," "dangerous criminal" and "election rigger" by the bulk of the voters. The election fiasco in Arizona following the hacking of the Sanders voter database has added to previous calls for Clinton and her husband to be indicted for election crimes. Arizona residents are calling for a re-vote there on June 7th. Sanders won above 52% of the live vote in Arizona and is expected to win a fair election if one is held in Arizona. All this means is that the outcome of any Clinton election victory will be questioned and doubted or dismissed by voters. Adding to the unlikeliness of her defeating the Republican nominee, whoever he is, is the fact that she is also under investigation for a number of other crimes, at least one of which may carry the very death penalty she supports. Many researchers expect Clinton to be indicted before the general election.
Today's victories along with Sanders landslides in three elections (Americans Abroad, Utah and Idaho) earlier in the week show that he is not just popular but he is overwhelmingly popular in states needed for a Democratic victory in November. This week has seen a surge in Sanders delegates. This week's blowout victories have placed him further along the track towards the Democratic nomination and 2016 Presidency.
Hillary Clinton cannot win the Presidency without the West Coast. Is it time for her to drop out? In Washington State, her campaign was again caught cheating. Letters bearing Hillary Clinton's name and providing the wrong caucus times and locations were sent to Sanders supporters in Washington State. The word got out and the Sanders supporters sent messages calling on Washington residents to check caucus locations. Still this may have cut into his overwhelming landslide in Washington State. Perhaps he would have received 90% in every county in Washington State but for misleading Clinton letters that appear to be another instance of Clinton election fraud.
In every state where Clinton has done well, there has been documented evidence of v fraud, other crimes and/or disenfranchisements. It appears that the only way Clinton can do well is to cheat. If she doesn't cheat, she loses according to overwhelmingly convincing evidence.
Is it time for Clinton to drop out? Bernie Sanders is ahead in national Democratic polls. Clinton's negatives are so high that most Democrats would not vote for her in November if she were the nominee. In one poll asking if Democrats would support Clinton going to prison, 98% said yes. The fact that Clinton could not win even a single county or island today is indicative of how much stronger Bernie Sanders is as a candidate. His crowds have topped 25,000 in places and everywhere he goes, he speaks to thousands in packed facilities with overflow crowds in nearby rooms. Polls show that Clinton would lose to Donald Trump, Those same polls show Sanders would beat Trump by 24 points.
The crowd in Oregon and viewers on the Internet went crazy on March 25th when a little bird flew onto the podium as Sanders was speaking. Instantly people started using the bird as a symbol for a new party, which would be expected to arise in support of Sanders and his movement should Clinton receive the nominations. Earlier in the week, Sanders told the TYT Network he might not support Clinton if she were nominated. Even if he were to do so, the vast majority of his supporters would not follow.
Most objective analysts are saying Clinton has no chance of victory in November because her negatives would prevent people from voting for her. She is seen as a "liar," "cheater," "mass murderer," "dangerous criminal" and "election rigger" by the bulk of the voters. The election fiasco in Arizona following the hacking of the Sanders voter database has added to previous calls for Clinton and her husband to be indicted for election crimes. Arizona residents are calling for a re-vote there on June 7th. Sanders won above 52% of the live vote in Arizona and is expected to win a fair election if one is held in Arizona. All this means is that the outcome of any Clinton election victory will be questioned and doubted or dismissed by voters. Adding to the unlikeliness of her defeating the Republican nominee, whoever he is, is the fact that she is also under investigation for a number of other crimes, at least one of which may carry the very death penalty she supports. Many researchers expect Clinton to be indicted before the general election.
Today's victories along with Sanders landslides in three elections (Americans Abroad, Utah and Idaho) earlier in the week show that he is not just popular but he is overwhelmingly popular in states needed for a Democratic victory in November. This week has seen a surge in Sanders delegates. This week's blowout victories have placed him further along the track towards the Democratic nomination and 2016 Presidency.