Sanders Wins Fifth Debate;
Clinton Booed and Caught Lying,
Again and Again

Durham, New Hampshire. February 4, 2015. Polls, including a poll of more than 50,000 viewers, found that Bernie Sanders won the 5th debate by 86 or more percent. While the debate allowed Sanders to talk about his economic policies, which more than 200 top economists say will save the country trillions, the debate did no favors for his opponent Hillary Clinton, who was seen as argumentative, not credible, desperate and disingenuous.
Though Clinton was allowed to fill half the room with her strongest supporters and lobbyists, she still found herself booed when she falsely accused Sanders of smearing her. Watch the debate clip below that was uploaded to Youtube by "Cannabinoid Research."
Though Clinton was allowed to fill half the room with her strongest supporters and lobbyists, she still found herself booed when she falsely accused Sanders of smearing her. Watch the debate clip below that was uploaded to Youtube by "Cannabinoid Research."

Throughout the debate, it appeared to observers that Clinton was making up claims without any basis in reality. She responded to the first question by dramatically misstating the specifics of Sanders's universal health care proposal (Medicare for All) in an apparent attempt to frighten viewers. She falsely claimed he would immediately scrap the current system and start from scratch, going back to ground zero, when she knew quite well that was not what he was proposing. She also provided false information on what his proposals for education and health care would cost. 200 of the top economists in the county including Clinton's husband' Bill's Secretary of Labor Robert Reich (a former FTC Policy Planning Director) have stated that Sanders's economic plan would save the country $5 trillion. She pretended that his education plan would make the middle and lower classes pay for Donald Trump's children to go to college when, in fact, the plan was for the opposite, for Wall Street investors to pay for middle and lower class children to go to college. These are falsehoods, she knows to be false, that she continues to repeat in an effort to scare the public in the hopes voters will not check out the truth before voting.
Clinton's falsehood's continued through the night. In addition to misstating her own record, she blamed Sanders for a deregulation pushed through the Senate at the last minute by her husband (Bill Clinton) under threat to the Senators of a government shut down. She attacked Sanders for opposing legislation she supported that would have created a wall on the border of Mexico and placed immigrants in the equivalent of concentration camps with no path to citizenship. Writers from the Justice Gazette marched in May Day marches (wherein freeways were closed down) in protest against that bill. The pro-immigrant community was pleased that Sanders joined the immigrants in opposing the bill that Clinton falsely claimed was pro-immigrant. Clinton's misrepresentations with respect to that bill are sort of like "clean air" bills that increase the rights of polluters to make dirty air.
Though Clinton denied support for free trade, her record shows support for multiple free trade bills. Though she denied that Wall Street funds paid to her influenced her votes, she voted to give Goldman Sachs and her other Wall Street donors $700 billion dollars in 2008. No wonder they are willing to pay Clinton $225,000 per speech. When asked to release transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street, she balked, saying she would "look into it." That is considered the official code phrase for "no way in hell."
The one issue where she did come clean was her strong support for the death penalty. Sanders opposes the death penalty as he is concerned about the high number of innocent minorities who have been executed and because he does not believe our nation should engage in killing.
Clinton's falsehood's continued through the night. In addition to misstating her own record, she blamed Sanders for a deregulation pushed through the Senate at the last minute by her husband (Bill Clinton) under threat to the Senators of a government shut down. She attacked Sanders for opposing legislation she supported that would have created a wall on the border of Mexico and placed immigrants in the equivalent of concentration camps with no path to citizenship. Writers from the Justice Gazette marched in May Day marches (wherein freeways were closed down) in protest against that bill. The pro-immigrant community was pleased that Sanders joined the immigrants in opposing the bill that Clinton falsely claimed was pro-immigrant. Clinton's misrepresentations with respect to that bill are sort of like "clean air" bills that increase the rights of polluters to make dirty air.
Though Clinton denied support for free trade, her record shows support for multiple free trade bills. Though she denied that Wall Street funds paid to her influenced her votes, she voted to give Goldman Sachs and her other Wall Street donors $700 billion dollars in 2008. No wonder they are willing to pay Clinton $225,000 per speech. When asked to release transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street, she balked, saying she would "look into it." That is considered the official code phrase for "no way in hell."
The one issue where she did come clean was her strong support for the death penalty. Sanders opposes the death penalty as he is concerned about the high number of innocent minorities who have been executed and because he does not believe our nation should engage in killing.
But, in a world of so much violence and killing, I just don’t believe that government itself should be part of the killing.-- Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton upset a sizable percentage of Asian and Latino observers when she spoke of how she was flattered at receiving praise from the man people around the world call the "Butcher of Cambodia," the same man who is credited and sought by various governments in connection with his extremely bloody installation of Augusto José Ramón Pinochet as Dictator/President of Chile and in connection with the murder of American journalist Charlie Horman. Protection of Henry Kissinger from prosecution for war crimes is reportedly a significant part of the reason the U.S. Government has refused to join the International Criminal Court. Are policies such as the U.S. Government's 9/11/1973 installation of Pinochet and the mass killing of innocent women, children and American journalists to protect Wall Street interests Hillary's idea of good Latin American policy? When it comes to electability, the growing number of Latinos upset about U.S. interventionist policies supported by Clinton in Latin America and with her record of voting to confirm George W. Bush's nominees who had shown extreme disregard for human lives in Latin America make Clinton less likely to win a general election than Sanders. In view of the damage done by Pinochet to Chile, Clinton's praise for Kissinger and her support for the death penalty are expected to make it much harder for minorities in general to support Clinton, especially as the voters become more and more familiar with her positions and record.
The Justice Gazette has been conducting polling regarding whether liberal and progressive Democrats will support Hillary Clinton if she is nominated. The results so far, which will be discussed more fully in a later article after completion of the polling, are not promising. Clinton is counting on people to vote Democrat because they do not like Republicans. Her media industrial complex donors continue to mislead people into believing that the Sanders voters will follow Hillary if she is nominated. As a preview of the ongoing polling being done by the Justice Gazette, it appears that the anger felt by Democratic and formerly Democratic voters towards Hillary Clinton will prove a disaster for the Democratic Party in November, 2016, if she is nominated. But even if the voters don't approve of Hillary, she still has her husband Bill and Goldman Sachs lobbyist and fundraiser Steve Elmendorf, whom she brought to the November 4, 2016, debate to watch her fight to protect the interests of Goldman Sachs.
The following video placed on YouTube by Michael Armstrong exemplifies what appears to be Clinton's consistent pattern of using falsehoods to promote herself.
The Justice Gazette has been conducting polling regarding whether liberal and progressive Democrats will support Hillary Clinton if she is nominated. The results so far, which will be discussed more fully in a later article after completion of the polling, are not promising. Clinton is counting on people to vote Democrat because they do not like Republicans. Her media industrial complex donors continue to mislead people into believing that the Sanders voters will follow Hillary if she is nominated. As a preview of the ongoing polling being done by the Justice Gazette, it appears that the anger felt by Democratic and formerly Democratic voters towards Hillary Clinton will prove a disaster for the Democratic Party in November, 2016, if she is nominated. But even if the voters don't approve of Hillary, she still has her husband Bill and Goldman Sachs lobbyist and fundraiser Steve Elmendorf, whom she brought to the November 4, 2016, debate to watch her fight to protect the interests of Goldman Sachs.
The following video placed on YouTube by Michael Armstrong exemplifies what appears to be Clinton's consistent pattern of using falsehoods to promote herself.