Hillary Clinton's War Against Freedom of the Press and the Right to Tell the Truth

October 19, 2016. U.S.A. From the founding of the United States of America to the present day, the mere right to report the news or to tell the truth has never been so strongly in danger. All of these current threats to the truth appear to be related to Hillary Clinton's war on journalists and whistleblowers who might interfere with her plans. Americans fear that, should Clinton take office as President, truth and justice and the Bill of Rights will forever be dead. From Julian Assange to Amy Goodman and Shalene Woodley, the Clinton forces have worked overtime to silence the news media and the release of truthful information the public has a right to know. Americans are terrified of what a Clinton Presidency will bring.
People are asking what Hillary Clinton is so afraid the public will learn from future leaks? The public wants to know what Hillary fears so much that John Kerry had to threaten Ecuador into cutting Julian Assange's Internet access. While Ecuador will not back down on protecting Assange, it is not powerful enough to survive a military attack by the United States, just as the world governments were not powerful enough to stop the United States from bringing down the plane of the leader of the sovereign Nation of Bolivia. Evo Morales did not have truth-teller Edward Snowden on board his plane but the mere possibility that a foreign government might be assisting with the protection of news bearers was enough for the United States to violate international law. Imagine what would have happened if a foreign government had forced down the plane of the President of the United States.
Pipelines being built on behalf of profiteers who are funding Hillary Clinton's campaign are more protected than the rights of newsmen and documentary makers, one of whom (Deia Schlosberg) may be facing a 45 year prison term for filming a pipeline protest. Arrest warrants were put out for Amy Goodman and Shailene Woodley for filming. Shailene was told on camera that her arrest was because she was known. The goal was to inspire fear among reporters and filmmakers.
Never before in history have so many whistle-blowers (truth-tellers) been prosecuted and persecuted. The U.S. Government's biggest war is the war on truth. Telling the truth can get you life in solitary torture in the United States. Ask Chelea Manning. After eight-term Congressman Dennis Kucinich pointed out that Obama's and Clinton's war on Libya was illegal under the U.S. Constitution, his congressional district was eliminated and Cleveland was divided up in such a way as to essentially eliminate the right of Clevelanders to have a say in federal policy affecting their city.
In addition to pushing Ecuador into cutting Assange's Internet access, the Hillary Clinton campaign is spreading rumors that some false documents will be released among future leaks. The attack isn't working. Julian Assange's information has a history of having 100% accuracy and the public believes that Hillary Clinton is desperately lying out of fear of what the public would learn if they see the next set of leaks. The DNC has ordered the public to not look at the emails being released and CNN has tried to scare the public into falsely believing that even looking at the leaks is illegal. Hillary's campaign has become so desperate that it has been caught trying to set Assange up on false claims of pedophilia.
The leaks to date has shown that MSNBC, CNN, ABC and other major networks and newspapers are taking orders from the DNC and Clinton's campaign as to what news is to be covered, what questions are to be asked and what is not to be covered. In other words, instead of covering the news, the favored mass media is obstructing and actively preventing the public from learning the factual news.
The policy of attacking the truth and news gatherers is consistent with Hillary Clinton's statements that she wants an "unaware" and "compliant citizenry." Clinton's America comes straight out of 1984, where the Ministry of Truth changes all the articles to reflect its new version of truth and prohibits even thinking thoughts that are true. To enforce this, the Thought Police look in people's windows. Telescreens in people's homes betray their words, facial expressions and actions. Compare 1984's telescreens to the NDA revelations regarding monitoring of Americans learned about from Edward Snowden, who had to flee the country and seek asylum in Russia to avoid possible execution for telling the truth. The use of drones and government eavesdropping and spying via people's phones and computers is even more extensive than what took place in George Orwell's version of the future. The arrest of whistle-blowers and their torture (Ministry of Love style) is an punishment created by the Clintons, Clinton-supporter George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Indeed, those who are aware and informed are frightened of the future that Hillary Clinton is expected to bring while surveys and polls show her supporters are "compliant" and "unaware," the way Hillary Clinton wants them to be.
The Justice Gazette has surveyed supporters of the various candidates (100 per campaign), running for President. What the Justice Gazette writers have learned is that candidate-preference appears to be related to how informed or uninformed supporters are about their candidate, the government and geography. Below is a sampling of some of the questions and knowledge of the supporters of the various candidates.
Ability to name 7 or more Supreme Court Justices:
Hillary Clinton supporters: 15%
Donald Trump supporters 53%
Jill Stein supporters 86%
Gary Johnson supporters 23%
Knowledge of what NDAA stands for:
Hillary Clinton supporters: 10%
Donald Trump supporters 35%
Jill Stein supporters 97%
Gary Johnson supporters 62%
Knowledge that NDAA includes indefinite detention provisions:
Hillary Clinton supporters: 5%
Donald Trump supporters 25%
Jill Stein supporters: 92%
Gary Johnson supporters 51%
Ability to accurately identify more than 2 of their candidates's positions on major issues:
Hillary Clinton supporters: 28%
Donald Trump supporters: 61%
Jill Stein supporters: 100%
Gary Johnson supporters: 12%
Ability to accurately identify more than 5 of their candidates's positions on major issues:
Hillary Clinton supporters: 5%
Donald Trump supporters: 35%
Jill Stein supporters: 96%
Gary Johnson supporters: 9%
Ability to locate Syria on a map:
Hillary Clinton supporters: 15%
Donald Trump supporters: 29%
Jill Stein supporters: 68%
Gary Johnson supporters: 18%
Knew what fracking is:
Hillary Clinton supporters: 40%
Donald Trump supporters 73%
Jill Stein supporters 100%
Gary Johnson supporters 68%
Most given reason for support of their candidate:
Hillary Clinton supporters: She is a woman
Donald Trump supporters: Stop government corruption
Jill Stein supporters: (even split) Peace/Protect the environment
Gary Johnson supporters: Stop Trump and Clinton
An interesting note is this. Over 65% of Gary Johnson’s supporters incorrectly believed he supports publicly funded college (which he doesn’t) and opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership (which he doesn’t). Johnson's support for the TPP is likely the reason that Ron Paul has spoken out in support of Jill Stein over Gary Johnson. Paul is opposed to free trade agreements that send Americans' jobs overseas.
Polls and surveys show that the majority of Americans do not believe Hillary Clinton will be legitimately elected. Many are prepared to call her the "Second Resident" after her backer and promoter George W. Bush, who was often referred to as "The Resident," throughout his eight years in the top office. Counts of the Florida ballots that journalists continued (after the Supreme Court stopped the official count) established that Al Gore did win Florida and the 2000 Presidential election. Instead of helping Al Gore take the Presidency he had won, Hillary Clinton formed an alliance with George W. Bush and assisted him on pushing free trade bills and wars through Congress. (Prior to promoting the War in Iraq, Hillary Clinton was privy to intelligence information that there were NO weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.) Al Gore asked Democratic legislators to stand down and not contest Bush's Florida electors. This had nothing to do with Ralph Nader, though Nader has been demonized by those not knowing the facts.
People around the world are watching America's loss of journalistic freedom in fear of Hillary Clinton's next war. The majority of Americans disbelieve the American mass media, which is at an all time low in credibility. Hillary has been promoting the censoring of the web, the major current source of news to most Americans. Americans are feeling more powerless than ever before in history. Some Americans are calling for "Radio Free America" and "Internet Free America" to be launched in Canada and Mexico to attempt to assist the people of the United States in gaining access to accurate information. Clinton has spoken of using drone attacks and nuclear weapons to stop leaks of information. In the eyes of an increasing number of Americans and people around the world, America is no longer a leader but simply a bully to be feared.
People are asking what Hillary Clinton is so afraid the public will learn from future leaks? The public wants to know what Hillary fears so much that John Kerry had to threaten Ecuador into cutting Julian Assange's Internet access. While Ecuador will not back down on protecting Assange, it is not powerful enough to survive a military attack by the United States, just as the world governments were not powerful enough to stop the United States from bringing down the plane of the leader of the sovereign Nation of Bolivia. Evo Morales did not have truth-teller Edward Snowden on board his plane but the mere possibility that a foreign government might be assisting with the protection of news bearers was enough for the United States to violate international law. Imagine what would have happened if a foreign government had forced down the plane of the President of the United States.
Pipelines being built on behalf of profiteers who are funding Hillary Clinton's campaign are more protected than the rights of newsmen and documentary makers, one of whom (Deia Schlosberg) may be facing a 45 year prison term for filming a pipeline protest. Arrest warrants were put out for Amy Goodman and Shailene Woodley for filming. Shailene was told on camera that her arrest was because she was known. The goal was to inspire fear among reporters and filmmakers.
Never before in history have so many whistle-blowers (truth-tellers) been prosecuted and persecuted. The U.S. Government's biggest war is the war on truth. Telling the truth can get you life in solitary torture in the United States. Ask Chelea Manning. After eight-term Congressman Dennis Kucinich pointed out that Obama's and Clinton's war on Libya was illegal under the U.S. Constitution, his congressional district was eliminated and Cleveland was divided up in such a way as to essentially eliminate the right of Clevelanders to have a say in federal policy affecting their city.
In addition to pushing Ecuador into cutting Assange's Internet access, the Hillary Clinton campaign is spreading rumors that some false documents will be released among future leaks. The attack isn't working. Julian Assange's information has a history of having 100% accuracy and the public believes that Hillary Clinton is desperately lying out of fear of what the public would learn if they see the next set of leaks. The DNC has ordered the public to not look at the emails being released and CNN has tried to scare the public into falsely believing that even looking at the leaks is illegal. Hillary's campaign has become so desperate that it has been caught trying to set Assange up on false claims of pedophilia.
The leaks to date has shown that MSNBC, CNN, ABC and other major networks and newspapers are taking orders from the DNC and Clinton's campaign as to what news is to be covered, what questions are to be asked and what is not to be covered. In other words, instead of covering the news, the favored mass media is obstructing and actively preventing the public from learning the factual news.
The policy of attacking the truth and news gatherers is consistent with Hillary Clinton's statements that she wants an "unaware" and "compliant citizenry." Clinton's America comes straight out of 1984, where the Ministry of Truth changes all the articles to reflect its new version of truth and prohibits even thinking thoughts that are true. To enforce this, the Thought Police look in people's windows. Telescreens in people's homes betray their words, facial expressions and actions. Compare 1984's telescreens to the NDA revelations regarding monitoring of Americans learned about from Edward Snowden, who had to flee the country and seek asylum in Russia to avoid possible execution for telling the truth. The use of drones and government eavesdropping and spying via people's phones and computers is even more extensive than what took place in George Orwell's version of the future. The arrest of whistle-blowers and their torture (Ministry of Love style) is an punishment created by the Clintons, Clinton-supporter George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Indeed, those who are aware and informed are frightened of the future that Hillary Clinton is expected to bring while surveys and polls show her supporters are "compliant" and "unaware," the way Hillary Clinton wants them to be.
The Justice Gazette has surveyed supporters of the various candidates (100 per campaign), running for President. What the Justice Gazette writers have learned is that candidate-preference appears to be related to how informed or uninformed supporters are about their candidate, the government and geography. Below is a sampling of some of the questions and knowledge of the supporters of the various candidates.
Ability to name 7 or more Supreme Court Justices:
Hillary Clinton supporters: 15%
Donald Trump supporters 53%
Jill Stein supporters 86%
Gary Johnson supporters 23%
Knowledge of what NDAA stands for:
Hillary Clinton supporters: 10%
Donald Trump supporters 35%
Jill Stein supporters 97%
Gary Johnson supporters 62%
Knowledge that NDAA includes indefinite detention provisions:
Hillary Clinton supporters: 5%
Donald Trump supporters 25%
Jill Stein supporters: 92%
Gary Johnson supporters 51%
Ability to accurately identify more than 2 of their candidates's positions on major issues:
Hillary Clinton supporters: 28%
Donald Trump supporters: 61%
Jill Stein supporters: 100%
Gary Johnson supporters: 12%
Ability to accurately identify more than 5 of their candidates's positions on major issues:
Hillary Clinton supporters: 5%
Donald Trump supporters: 35%
Jill Stein supporters: 96%
Gary Johnson supporters: 9%
Ability to locate Syria on a map:
Hillary Clinton supporters: 15%
Donald Trump supporters: 29%
Jill Stein supporters: 68%
Gary Johnson supporters: 18%
Knew what fracking is:
Hillary Clinton supporters: 40%
Donald Trump supporters 73%
Jill Stein supporters 100%
Gary Johnson supporters 68%
Most given reason for support of their candidate:
Hillary Clinton supporters: She is a woman
Donald Trump supporters: Stop government corruption
Jill Stein supporters: (even split) Peace/Protect the environment
Gary Johnson supporters: Stop Trump and Clinton
An interesting note is this. Over 65% of Gary Johnson’s supporters incorrectly believed he supports publicly funded college (which he doesn’t) and opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership (which he doesn’t). Johnson's support for the TPP is likely the reason that Ron Paul has spoken out in support of Jill Stein over Gary Johnson. Paul is opposed to free trade agreements that send Americans' jobs overseas.
Polls and surveys show that the majority of Americans do not believe Hillary Clinton will be legitimately elected. Many are prepared to call her the "Second Resident" after her backer and promoter George W. Bush, who was often referred to as "The Resident," throughout his eight years in the top office. Counts of the Florida ballots that journalists continued (after the Supreme Court stopped the official count) established that Al Gore did win Florida and the 2000 Presidential election. Instead of helping Al Gore take the Presidency he had won, Hillary Clinton formed an alliance with George W. Bush and assisted him on pushing free trade bills and wars through Congress. (Prior to promoting the War in Iraq, Hillary Clinton was privy to intelligence information that there were NO weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.) Al Gore asked Democratic legislators to stand down and not contest Bush's Florida electors. This had nothing to do with Ralph Nader, though Nader has been demonized by those not knowing the facts.
People around the world are watching America's loss of journalistic freedom in fear of Hillary Clinton's next war. The majority of Americans disbelieve the American mass media, which is at an all time low in credibility. Hillary has been promoting the censoring of the web, the major current source of news to most Americans. Americans are feeling more powerless than ever before in history. Some Americans are calling for "Radio Free America" and "Internet Free America" to be launched in Canada and Mexico to attempt to assist the people of the United States in gaining access to accurate information. Clinton has spoken of using drone attacks and nuclear weapons to stop leaks of information. In the eyes of an increasing number of Americans and people around the world, America is no longer a leader but simply a bully to be feared.