Hundreds of Sanders Supporters File Suit After Finding their Voters Registrations Were Illegally Altered. Who Benefits from the Vote Fraud?

April 16, 2016, New York. Today, thousands of New Yorkers filled 20 New York blocks to let the world know that New York belongs to Bernie Sanders if the voters of that state have their say in Tuesday's election.
Yesterday, hundreds of New Yorkers filed suit after finding that their voters registrations had been altered without their consent. A similar phenomenon has been happening in various states across the country.
All Sanders supporters are being advised to go to the polls to vote, regardless of whether or not their registrations are accurate. If possible, voters should go online to obtain a cell phone screen shot or photograph of a copy of their voters registrations in case they are declined at the polling place. It should be available online at the Board of Elections, If voters can't find can't find online or it is altered, they are advised to go to the polls, anyway. If it has been altered, they can vote an affidavit or demand to obtain a court order from the judge on call. There is a good chance they will be allowed to vote a regular ballot if they choose the court order option. Voters are being advised that requesting a court order from the judge on call is the preferred option. In any case, they should also take a photo of their ballot or affidavit. This helps document the number of votes Sanders receives. .
Every Sanders voter is being told that their vote is critical. Their neighbors or family members may be among those disenfranchised and a voter may wind up being the only one whose vote counts in their neighborhood.
The real question lies in who altered the registrations? Why were the registrations of Sanders supporters altered and not those of the Clinton supporters? The easiest way to alter the registrations would be by computer. Last year, NGO Van, associated with the Hillary Clinton campaign and with Debbie Wasserman Schultz, made the Sanders data available to the Clinton campaign and visa versa. The Sanders campaign blew the whistle on the problem and the Democratic National Committee temporarily confiscated Sanders's voting data, which included the names, phone numbers and addresses of supporters known at that time. It turns out that one of Sanders campaign's software people, who was fired following the incident, may have been a plant from the Clinton campaign, which would likely mean additional access by Clinton to the Sanders data files. More than once the Sanders voter information data bases have been hacked. Executives for certain software corporations capable of engaging in hacking have contributed large sums to Clinton's campaign. Of course, that doesn't mean they engaged in such hacking operations. All that speaks to is opportunity.
What about motive? Surely winning New York and the nomination wouldn't be a motive for someone to rig an election? And a candidate already on the possible verge of indictment for numerous other possible crimes against the country surely is above reproach, right?
For years, Americans have been warned about the ease of computerized election rigging by programmers who have said they have written and could easily install programs that could flip election outcomes. In the case of closed primaries, the easiest way to rig an election is to make sure none of your opponent's supporters can vote.
Sanders supporters have been calling for a Justice Department investigation. It was primarily Sanders supporters who also discovered their registrations had been illegally altered in Arizona a week after the Sanders voter data bases were hacked. Hmmm.
Making things more complicated, many polling places in areas where Sanders is expected to win big in New York have cut six hours out of their voting hours, making it harder for working New Yorkers to vote. Under the law, voters must be given time off work to vote, but many voters aren't aware of this.
One thing is certain. Any victory by Clinton in New York will be instantly suspect and attributed by New Yorkers and Americans to the disenfranchisement of Sanders supporters. Some suggest that Americans count each New York Sanders vote double to determine the correct percentage of the support he would obtain if half his supporters hadn't been disenfranchised. The DNC, which is backing Clinton would never do this, but it cannot stop Americans from speculating what the total would have been if all Sanders supporters had been allowed to vote in New York state.
Oddities like this only fuel the anger against Hillary Clinton and add to the likelihood that most Americans, especially Democrats, will refuse to vote for her in the general election. A majority of voters already have an unfavorable opinion of Clinton, making it unlikely she could could win if nominated. Polls show the best chance for a Democratic victory in November is if Sanders is the Democratic nominee. Additional polls show that Sanders could beat both Clinton and any Republican nominee in a three-way race, something that is becoming more and more likely with each rigged primary.
Yesterday, hundreds of New Yorkers filed suit after finding that their voters registrations had been altered without their consent. A similar phenomenon has been happening in various states across the country.
All Sanders supporters are being advised to go to the polls to vote, regardless of whether or not their registrations are accurate. If possible, voters should go online to obtain a cell phone screen shot or photograph of a copy of their voters registrations in case they are declined at the polling place. It should be available online at the Board of Elections, If voters can't find can't find online or it is altered, they are advised to go to the polls, anyway. If it has been altered, they can vote an affidavit or demand to obtain a court order from the judge on call. There is a good chance they will be allowed to vote a regular ballot if they choose the court order option. Voters are being advised that requesting a court order from the judge on call is the preferred option. In any case, they should also take a photo of their ballot or affidavit. This helps document the number of votes Sanders receives. .
Every Sanders voter is being told that their vote is critical. Their neighbors or family members may be among those disenfranchised and a voter may wind up being the only one whose vote counts in their neighborhood.
The real question lies in who altered the registrations? Why were the registrations of Sanders supporters altered and not those of the Clinton supporters? The easiest way to alter the registrations would be by computer. Last year, NGO Van, associated with the Hillary Clinton campaign and with Debbie Wasserman Schultz, made the Sanders data available to the Clinton campaign and visa versa. The Sanders campaign blew the whistle on the problem and the Democratic National Committee temporarily confiscated Sanders's voting data, which included the names, phone numbers and addresses of supporters known at that time. It turns out that one of Sanders campaign's software people, who was fired following the incident, may have been a plant from the Clinton campaign, which would likely mean additional access by Clinton to the Sanders data files. More than once the Sanders voter information data bases have been hacked. Executives for certain software corporations capable of engaging in hacking have contributed large sums to Clinton's campaign. Of course, that doesn't mean they engaged in such hacking operations. All that speaks to is opportunity.
What about motive? Surely winning New York and the nomination wouldn't be a motive for someone to rig an election? And a candidate already on the possible verge of indictment for numerous other possible crimes against the country surely is above reproach, right?
For years, Americans have been warned about the ease of computerized election rigging by programmers who have said they have written and could easily install programs that could flip election outcomes. In the case of closed primaries, the easiest way to rig an election is to make sure none of your opponent's supporters can vote.
Sanders supporters have been calling for a Justice Department investigation. It was primarily Sanders supporters who also discovered their registrations had been illegally altered in Arizona a week after the Sanders voter data bases were hacked. Hmmm.
Making things more complicated, many polling places in areas where Sanders is expected to win big in New York have cut six hours out of their voting hours, making it harder for working New Yorkers to vote. Under the law, voters must be given time off work to vote, but many voters aren't aware of this.
One thing is certain. Any victory by Clinton in New York will be instantly suspect and attributed by New Yorkers and Americans to the disenfranchisement of Sanders supporters. Some suggest that Americans count each New York Sanders vote double to determine the correct percentage of the support he would obtain if half his supporters hadn't been disenfranchised. The DNC, which is backing Clinton would never do this, but it cannot stop Americans from speculating what the total would have been if all Sanders supporters had been allowed to vote in New York state.
Oddities like this only fuel the anger against Hillary Clinton and add to the likelihood that most Americans, especially Democrats, will refuse to vote for her in the general election. A majority of voters already have an unfavorable opinion of Clinton, making it unlikely she could could win if nominated. Polls show the best chance for a Democratic victory in November is if Sanders is the Democratic nominee. Additional polls show that Sanders could beat both Clinton and any Republican nominee in a three-way race, something that is becoming more and more likely with each rigged primary.