Rigged: How Donald Trump
Won Both DNC Super Tuesdays

March 11, 2020. Americans have been cheated as out and out election rigging takes to a new level. Has Bernie's acquiescence in the election fraud committed against him and against the American people succeeded in destroying democracy in America?
In CA, possibly millions of voters were disenfranchised. In 2018, there were over five million NPP voters in CA. That number has gone up dramatically since 2018. Though eligible to vote in the Democratic primary, none of the NPP (No Party Preference) voters were offered a Democratic ballot. They were handed or mailed ballots without the Presidential category and without any information on how to obtain a ballot with the Presidential candidates. If they found out to ask for a “Democratic cross-over ballot” and did so, they often had the opportunity to vote in the Presidential election. According to reports, only a very small percentage of NPP voters knew to do this and asked for "Democratic cross-over ballots." In counties like Orange, they had to turn in their mailed non-Presidential ballot or fill out a non-receipt form and say the magic words. Often, even after following all the steps to vote, NPP voters were only given provisional ballots, which will probably never be counted. In other words, the vast majority of the approximately six million NPP voters were disenfranchised in California. Imagine Bernie's landslide victory in California if five million more eligible California voters had not been obstructed from voting for him.
California had other problems. In Los Angeles County, when the machines went down in areas that were strongly pro-Bernie, voters who were entitled to vote on regular ballots were given provisional ballots or "placebo ballots," as America's top election expert Greg Palast calls them. New riggable and largely untested machines were used for the first time in Los Angeles County. According to poll workers, voters were not clear what to do with the ballots they were handed after the machines went down. According to poll workers,after the machines went down, a sizable percentage of voters left with their ballots apparently thinking they the ballots were a receipt. There have been calls for the resignation of Dean Logan, the Los Angeles Registrar.
Exit polls were way off from the results and showed that Bernie should have won California by a much larger percentage than he did. (All the exit poll raw data in the various states showed that Bernie should have received significantly more votes in every state where this data was available.) Exit polls being off from results are the number one indicator of election fraud. This appears to be why the DNC has gone to such great lengths to hide or stop exit polls. Twelve year olds can change the voting machine result in five minutes. Anyone with a quarter can alter the machine counts. This is a serious problem. Years ago, former Secretary of State Kevin Shelley was set up and forced to resign after he insisted that California return to being a paper ballot state. Under the current Secretary of State Alex Padilla, voter irregularities in California have been at an all-time high.
In Texas, the ballots from a number of pro-Bernie precincts were not included in the total. Again, exit polls were at odds with the results to the extent that such a discrepancy would be greater than that used previously to discredit elections in other countries.
In Maine and Massachusetts, the exit polls also showed that Bernie should have won both of those states. The problem again was the computerized voting.
The DNC has worked hard to defeat Bernie. Joseph Biden, a man who has considerable difficulty stringing words into a logical sentence, offered withdrawing candidates positions in his Administration in apparent exchange for their dropping out and joining his campaign. His offer was successful. Elizabeth Warren, who was reportedly put into the race by the DNC for the sole purpose of defeating Bernie, took enough votes away from Bernie in key states the first Super Tuesday to give Biden the appearance of the momentum he needed to look electable. Along with the rigging and help from Elizabeth Warren, Biden was give a faux lead in the delegate count. After suspending her campaign, Warren continued to attack Bernie Sanders, making it clear that she was never a supporter of a progressive agenda.
To further rig the primaries, the DNC and other candidates have pretended that the only woman of color in the race, Tulsi Gabbard, is not in the race. Tulsi is still running for President and has delegates. The DNC and other remaining candidates have essentially spit on the graves of Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B Anthony and Eleanor Roosevelt in their attacks on and hiding of Congresswoman and MajorTulsi Gabbard. This was also an affront to all veterans. Tulsi is the only current candidate who has served in the military. Eleanor spent her time as First Lady fighting against the extreme bigotry displayed against Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Their fear is that Tulsi would help Bernie win the nomination if she were allowed her place in any more debates. She has ended the Presidential hopes of two Establishment candidates in prior debates. Tulsi qualified for the next debate but then the DNC changed the rules, such that Tulsi and even Warren –if Warren were still in the race- would not be allowed into the next debate.
Joe Biden cannot beat Donald Trump. The Postal Workers endorsed Bernie Sanders. Joe Biden eliminated Social Security benefits for postal workers in 1984. Worker who were to receive the standard postal pension at the time were to have their Social Security so dramatically cut that it went to zero. Some, who found out about the Biden cuts in time and were not close to retirement, switched to a different retirement system. Others would have had to do so at the cost of a significant portion their postal pension. So workers continued to work, some into their later eighties as the Biden Social Security cuts made it impossible for them to retire.
Joe did not passively vote for the War in Iraq. He knew that the claims about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq was a lie. Instead of telling the people the truth, he reiterated all the lies about Iraq and sold Congress on the war. How could a relative of someone who died in Iraq ever forgive his or herself for voting to make the man responsible for that death?
Biden also worked to sell Congress the PATRIOT Act and other legislation that took away American freedoms. He promoted the crime bill that resulted in the locking up of innocent Blacks. He continues to demand the incarceration of drug users, not caring about the health benefits of certain drugs for which some medical patients have been locked up.
Very few parents would consider voting for a man who spoke to grammar school kids about other kids playing with the hairs on his legs, a man who seems to have trouble keeping his face and hands off children.
Not only have the past primaries been rigged against Bernie but upcoming ones are as well. In Cook County (Chicago), the rigging is already arranged. Hard Lens Media did a YouTube interview with an election integrity whistleblower that is linked below. Also below are links to two other YouTube Videos, one uploaded to YouTube by Lee Camp of Redacted Tonight, a show that previously documented all the election fraud in 2016. Now Camp has started documenting the election fraud of 2020. Everyone is encouraged to subscribe to Lee Camp's YouTube channels for updates about 2020 election fraud against Bernie and against the people of the USA. Additionally the Convo Couch video of how Los Angeles residents in Bernie’s stronghold areas lost their votes gives a glimpse of the California election fraud. The Convo Couch has collected extensive evidence of election fraud in Los Angeles County.
Bernie is not an innocent in this election fraud. He has failed to acknowledge the massive DNC election fraud of 2016 and led Californians to believe that he had a team prepared to protect the voted in California. His team did nothing that was visible to protect the integrity of the California vote. Though Joe Biden has been the recipient of the Irregularities from South Carolina through the present, Bernie continues to call Biden his “good friend” and has indicated he will support Biden if Biden has a plurality. What if this plurality is only due to fraud and what if Bernie in fact had more votes, though uncounted? Berners are waiting for their candidate to stand up against election fraud. If he fails to do so and to stop Biden’s theft of the nomination, Donald Trump is guaranteed four more years.
Bernie has a serious choice to make: loyalty to his "good friend" Biden or loyalty to the people of the Untied States. If Bernie doesn't make that choice in favor of defeating Joe Biden, the American people will. If Biden is the nominee, in 2020, Donald Trump will win both the electoral and popular votes.
In CA, possibly millions of voters were disenfranchised. In 2018, there were over five million NPP voters in CA. That number has gone up dramatically since 2018. Though eligible to vote in the Democratic primary, none of the NPP (No Party Preference) voters were offered a Democratic ballot. They were handed or mailed ballots without the Presidential category and without any information on how to obtain a ballot with the Presidential candidates. If they found out to ask for a “Democratic cross-over ballot” and did so, they often had the opportunity to vote in the Presidential election. According to reports, only a very small percentage of NPP voters knew to do this and asked for "Democratic cross-over ballots." In counties like Orange, they had to turn in their mailed non-Presidential ballot or fill out a non-receipt form and say the magic words. Often, even after following all the steps to vote, NPP voters were only given provisional ballots, which will probably never be counted. In other words, the vast majority of the approximately six million NPP voters were disenfranchised in California. Imagine Bernie's landslide victory in California if five million more eligible California voters had not been obstructed from voting for him.
California had other problems. In Los Angeles County, when the machines went down in areas that were strongly pro-Bernie, voters who were entitled to vote on regular ballots were given provisional ballots or "placebo ballots," as America's top election expert Greg Palast calls them. New riggable and largely untested machines were used for the first time in Los Angeles County. According to poll workers, voters were not clear what to do with the ballots they were handed after the machines went down. According to poll workers,after the machines went down, a sizable percentage of voters left with their ballots apparently thinking they the ballots were a receipt. There have been calls for the resignation of Dean Logan, the Los Angeles Registrar.
Exit polls were way off from the results and showed that Bernie should have won California by a much larger percentage than he did. (All the exit poll raw data in the various states showed that Bernie should have received significantly more votes in every state where this data was available.) Exit polls being off from results are the number one indicator of election fraud. This appears to be why the DNC has gone to such great lengths to hide or stop exit polls. Twelve year olds can change the voting machine result in five minutes. Anyone with a quarter can alter the machine counts. This is a serious problem. Years ago, former Secretary of State Kevin Shelley was set up and forced to resign after he insisted that California return to being a paper ballot state. Under the current Secretary of State Alex Padilla, voter irregularities in California have been at an all-time high.
In Texas, the ballots from a number of pro-Bernie precincts were not included in the total. Again, exit polls were at odds with the results to the extent that such a discrepancy would be greater than that used previously to discredit elections in other countries.
In Maine and Massachusetts, the exit polls also showed that Bernie should have won both of those states. The problem again was the computerized voting.
The DNC has worked hard to defeat Bernie. Joseph Biden, a man who has considerable difficulty stringing words into a logical sentence, offered withdrawing candidates positions in his Administration in apparent exchange for their dropping out and joining his campaign. His offer was successful. Elizabeth Warren, who was reportedly put into the race by the DNC for the sole purpose of defeating Bernie, took enough votes away from Bernie in key states the first Super Tuesday to give Biden the appearance of the momentum he needed to look electable. Along with the rigging and help from Elizabeth Warren, Biden was give a faux lead in the delegate count. After suspending her campaign, Warren continued to attack Bernie Sanders, making it clear that she was never a supporter of a progressive agenda.
To further rig the primaries, the DNC and other candidates have pretended that the only woman of color in the race, Tulsi Gabbard, is not in the race. Tulsi is still running for President and has delegates. The DNC and other remaining candidates have essentially spit on the graves of Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B Anthony and Eleanor Roosevelt in their attacks on and hiding of Congresswoman and MajorTulsi Gabbard. This was also an affront to all veterans. Tulsi is the only current candidate who has served in the military. Eleanor spent her time as First Lady fighting against the extreme bigotry displayed against Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Their fear is that Tulsi would help Bernie win the nomination if she were allowed her place in any more debates. She has ended the Presidential hopes of two Establishment candidates in prior debates. Tulsi qualified for the next debate but then the DNC changed the rules, such that Tulsi and even Warren –if Warren were still in the race- would not be allowed into the next debate.
Joe Biden cannot beat Donald Trump. The Postal Workers endorsed Bernie Sanders. Joe Biden eliminated Social Security benefits for postal workers in 1984. Worker who were to receive the standard postal pension at the time were to have their Social Security so dramatically cut that it went to zero. Some, who found out about the Biden cuts in time and were not close to retirement, switched to a different retirement system. Others would have had to do so at the cost of a significant portion their postal pension. So workers continued to work, some into their later eighties as the Biden Social Security cuts made it impossible for them to retire.
Joe did not passively vote for the War in Iraq. He knew that the claims about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq was a lie. Instead of telling the people the truth, he reiterated all the lies about Iraq and sold Congress on the war. How could a relative of someone who died in Iraq ever forgive his or herself for voting to make the man responsible for that death?
Biden also worked to sell Congress the PATRIOT Act and other legislation that took away American freedoms. He promoted the crime bill that resulted in the locking up of innocent Blacks. He continues to demand the incarceration of drug users, not caring about the health benefits of certain drugs for which some medical patients have been locked up.
Very few parents would consider voting for a man who spoke to grammar school kids about other kids playing with the hairs on his legs, a man who seems to have trouble keeping his face and hands off children.
Not only have the past primaries been rigged against Bernie but upcoming ones are as well. In Cook County (Chicago), the rigging is already arranged. Hard Lens Media did a YouTube interview with an election integrity whistleblower that is linked below. Also below are links to two other YouTube Videos, one uploaded to YouTube by Lee Camp of Redacted Tonight, a show that previously documented all the election fraud in 2016. Now Camp has started documenting the election fraud of 2020. Everyone is encouraged to subscribe to Lee Camp's YouTube channels for updates about 2020 election fraud against Bernie and against the people of the USA. Additionally the Convo Couch video of how Los Angeles residents in Bernie’s stronghold areas lost their votes gives a glimpse of the California election fraud. The Convo Couch has collected extensive evidence of election fraud in Los Angeles County.
Bernie is not an innocent in this election fraud. He has failed to acknowledge the massive DNC election fraud of 2016 and led Californians to believe that he had a team prepared to protect the voted in California. His team did nothing that was visible to protect the integrity of the California vote. Though Joe Biden has been the recipient of the Irregularities from South Carolina through the present, Bernie continues to call Biden his “good friend” and has indicated he will support Biden if Biden has a plurality. What if this plurality is only due to fraud and what if Bernie in fact had more votes, though uncounted? Berners are waiting for their candidate to stand up against election fraud. If he fails to do so and to stop Biden’s theft of the nomination, Donald Trump is guaranteed four more years.
Bernie has a serious choice to make: loyalty to his "good friend" Biden or loyalty to the people of the Untied States. If Bernie doesn't make that choice in favor of defeating Joe Biden, the American people will. If Biden is the nominee, in 2020, Donald Trump will win both the electoral and popular votes.