Trump Gives Country Back to People in Inaugural Speech BUT Are These Just Words?

sJanuary 20, 2017. Washington, District of Columbia. In the presence of large crowds and prior Presidents and opponents, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.
On the surface, his words were those that might have been given by Franklin Delano Roosevelt or John F. Kennedy. Much of the speech was reminiscent of the speeches of Bernie Sanders, who attended attended the Inauguration, along with Bill and Hillary Clinton, George and Laura Bush and Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter.
"We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people. Together, we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come. We will face challenges. We will confront hardships., but we will get the job done."
"January 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now. You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before. "
He called for an end to prejudice, for a rebuilding of America and for putting America first.
"But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists. Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities, rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation. An education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge. And the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential. This American carnage stops right here and stops right now. We are one nation and their pain is our pain, their dreams are our dreams, and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home and one glorious destiny. The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans."
From his speech, Trump's main path to restoring America appears to involve revitalizing America through restoring jobs to a nation whose biggest export is jobs. If he follows through with what he said in his Inaugural Address, this would place Trump on the side of working Americans and against the globalists who have been credited with destroying the economy and pushing the middle class into poverty.
"One by one, the factories have shut down and left our shores with not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind. The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world. But that is the past and now we are looking only to the future."
"We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American."
While Trump has spoken of providing access to health care for all Americans, has spoken of re-instituting Glass-Steagall, and spoken of protecting Medicare and Social Security, the GOP Congress (with the assistance of certain establishment Democrats) appears to have a different agenda. Trump's Cabinet comes from the richest of the richest Americans, people with expected difficulty relating to average people and who appear to have an animosity towards the environment and human rights.
If Trump follows through with his promises and if he dictates terms to Congress and his Cabinet, it will be a very different country than if Congress and the Cabinet dictate to Trump. Congressional Republicans and the Establishment Democrats are controlled in large part by greed and the Military Industrial Complex and Trump's promised plan would put the people before greed and the M.I.C., that costs America trillions annually that could be used to benefit the people and restore jobs.
"We've defended other nations' borders while refusing to defend our own. And we've spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while America's infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay."
"We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we will do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example."
Though Trump did not make any anti-immigrant comments, mixed in with the positive were overtones that may have had anti-immigrant implications. His remarks about strengthening our borders touch on a subject that concerns a great many Americans. Children have been ripped away from their parents due to immigration enforcement. Citizens have been detained and mistreated by law enforcement because they look like immigrants. People who have lived their lives in America, paid taxes and contributed to the American economy have frequently been ripped away from their families and communities and sent back to countries, where they have been terrorized and killed. Hillary Clinton was attacked by liberals for sending back children to their likely deaths in Honduras after she replaced that country's government with one antagonistic to human rights. So, it is expected that civil rights groups will watch Trump's actions carefully in this regards.
On the surface, his words were those that might have been given by Franklin Delano Roosevelt or John F. Kennedy. Much of the speech was reminiscent of the speeches of Bernie Sanders, who attended attended the Inauguration, along with Bill and Hillary Clinton, George and Laura Bush and Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter.
"We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people. Together, we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come. We will face challenges. We will confront hardships., but we will get the job done."
"January 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now. You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before. "
He called for an end to prejudice, for a rebuilding of America and for putting America first.
"But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists. Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities, rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation. An education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge. And the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential. This American carnage stops right here and stops right now. We are one nation and their pain is our pain, their dreams are our dreams, and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home and one glorious destiny. The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans."
From his speech, Trump's main path to restoring America appears to involve revitalizing America through restoring jobs to a nation whose biggest export is jobs. If he follows through with what he said in his Inaugural Address, this would place Trump on the side of working Americans and against the globalists who have been credited with destroying the economy and pushing the middle class into poverty.
"One by one, the factories have shut down and left our shores with not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind. The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world. But that is the past and now we are looking only to the future."
"We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American."
While Trump has spoken of providing access to health care for all Americans, has spoken of re-instituting Glass-Steagall, and spoken of protecting Medicare and Social Security, the GOP Congress (with the assistance of certain establishment Democrats) appears to have a different agenda. Trump's Cabinet comes from the richest of the richest Americans, people with expected difficulty relating to average people and who appear to have an animosity towards the environment and human rights.
If Trump follows through with his promises and if he dictates terms to Congress and his Cabinet, it will be a very different country than if Congress and the Cabinet dictate to Trump. Congressional Republicans and the Establishment Democrats are controlled in large part by greed and the Military Industrial Complex and Trump's promised plan would put the people before greed and the M.I.C., that costs America trillions annually that could be used to benefit the people and restore jobs.
"We've defended other nations' borders while refusing to defend our own. And we've spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while America's infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay."
"We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we will do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example."
Though Trump did not make any anti-immigrant comments, mixed in with the positive were overtones that may have had anti-immigrant implications. His remarks about strengthening our borders touch on a subject that concerns a great many Americans. Children have been ripped away from their parents due to immigration enforcement. Citizens have been detained and mistreated by law enforcement because they look like immigrants. People who have lived their lives in America, paid taxes and contributed to the American economy have frequently been ripped away from their families and communities and sent back to countries, where they have been terrorized and killed. Hillary Clinton was attacked by liberals for sending back children to their likely deaths in Honduras after she replaced that country's government with one antagonistic to human rights. So, it is expected that civil rights groups will watch Trump's actions carefully in this regards.

67 Democratic members of Congress chose not to attend. Establishment Democrats were very upset over the loss of Hillary Clinton, blaming her loss on Bernie Sanders, on Russians and on James Comey. Polls conducted by the Justice Gazette showed that Hillary Clinton did not have a chance of winning. The Justice Gazette polls were attacked by those of the mainstream media, which claimed Donald Trump didn't have a chance of winning. The results bear out the accuracy of the Justice Gazette polls. (Note: the Justice Gazette never endorsed either major party Presidential candidate for the November election.)
Though certain Democratic members of Congress refused to attend, three Democratic Presidents and their wives were in attendance. The presence of three Democratic Presidents, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, in effect, gave the protest by the 67 Democrats the appearance of pettiness. The people in the various districts and states elected the members of Congress to do their bidding and this could have a negative impact on legislation put forth by those boycotting, thereby indirectly harming the interests of their constituents.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi also attended but was later booed by parade watchers as her name was announced. She has become very unpopular with the anti-war and Occupy Wall Street movements.
The protests were smaller than expected, especially as the Democratic Party and other groups bussed in protesters. Yes, we do have evidence of democratic party buses. This is in contrast to the protesters bused in by the GOP, who attacked voting rights supporters following the 2000 election. So far, 95 protesters have been arrested, but most of the protesters are not protesting Trump, so much as calling attention to issues that matter most to them. Trump's pledge to support all the people would necessarily include listening to the issues represented by the various groups.
Trump's statements supportive of the Clintons at the Inaugural Luncheon may have signaled a lack of willingness to follow through on his pledge to prosecute Hillary Clinton. Very few people actually expected him to go through with that particular promise as the two have been friends for quite some time. Clinton encouraged Trump to run for office and the DNC helped ensure his victory.
Obama did not go out quietly. His parting gift to the people of Libya included more bombs that approximately 85 people. When it comes to speeches, Obama was a great orator, but his Presidency did not follow the content of his speeches. If Trump fulfills his promises, America's foreign policy will involve more diplomacy and peace.
Though certain Democratic members of Congress refused to attend, three Democratic Presidents and their wives were in attendance. The presence of three Democratic Presidents, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, in effect, gave the protest by the 67 Democrats the appearance of pettiness. The people in the various districts and states elected the members of Congress to do their bidding and this could have a negative impact on legislation put forth by those boycotting, thereby indirectly harming the interests of their constituents.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi also attended but was later booed by parade watchers as her name was announced. She has become very unpopular with the anti-war and Occupy Wall Street movements.
The protests were smaller than expected, especially as the Democratic Party and other groups bussed in protesters. Yes, we do have evidence of democratic party buses. This is in contrast to the protesters bused in by the GOP, who attacked voting rights supporters following the 2000 election. So far, 95 protesters have been arrested, but most of the protesters are not protesting Trump, so much as calling attention to issues that matter most to them. Trump's pledge to support all the people would necessarily include listening to the issues represented by the various groups.
Trump's statements supportive of the Clintons at the Inaugural Luncheon may have signaled a lack of willingness to follow through on his pledge to prosecute Hillary Clinton. Very few people actually expected him to go through with that particular promise as the two have been friends for quite some time. Clinton encouraged Trump to run for office and the DNC helped ensure his victory.
Obama did not go out quietly. His parting gift to the people of Libya included more bombs that approximately 85 people. When it comes to speeches, Obama was a great orator, but his Presidency did not follow the content of his speeches. If Trump fulfills his promises, America's foreign policy will involve more diplomacy and peace.