Oligarchs on the Run

January 31, 2022. North America. As Justin Trudeau hides from the massive crowds of freedom supporters, the California Democratic Party discovers that their vaccine mandate at its annual convention would eliminate the presence of most of the parties elected African-American delegates from having any say in the platform or endorsements. Angry African-Americans Democrats vowed never to vote Democrat again if banned from the convention. So avoiding the confrontation, the CDP decided to switch to a virtual only convention.
In Canada, over fifty thousand truckers convoyed across the country to the Capitol. The event sent Trudeau into hiding, fearful of the millions of peaceful people who supported the convoy and opposed the mandates. Trudeau pretended the peaceful collection of nurses, doctors, scientists, educators, truck drivers and others who arrived at the Capitol to oppose the mandates were a violent fringe group, but nobody believed his lie. There were people of all races and political backgrounds standing up against tyranny. Lawmakers in Canada are discovering that the majority of Canadians (both vaxed and unvaxed) oppose the mandates and will likely vote in new law-makers if the mandates are not ended immediately. There are calls for Trudeau’s immediate resignation.
A similar but larger convoy of truckers and people of all parties (including Democrats) is being planned to demonstrate the opposition of Americans of all races and backgrounds to the U.S. mandates. Democrats are expected to lose significant races in November as a result of the draconian handling of COVID. A great many progressives, Democrats and former Democrats are attending freedom rallies in California and elsewhere. While elitists try to paint those opposing the mandates as racist, the mandates hurt African-Americans, Latinos and Native-Americans (the majority of whom refuse to be vaxed) more than white Americans.
The voice of the people is starting to be heard. Saskatchewan announced it was dropping its mandates but people have learned not to trust words. Likewise, the the United Kingdom, Denmark and Finland announced they have ended their mandates. Sweden had already ended its mandates. In Asia, Japan also dropped its mandates.
But the mandates are still alive in most Western countries. Showing that the mandates do not apply to the elites, Gavin Newsom, Los Angles Mayor Eric Garcetti, San Francisco Mayor London Breed and Magic Johnson attended a ballgame in California without masks and without social distancing.
While the moving of the planned Los Angeles California Democratic Convention to a fully virtual platform may allow the CDP to avoid physical protests that were planned for March 3 through 6 and the immediate ire of African-American and Native American elected delegates who would have been excluded from its convention under the CDP’s vax and mask rules, that does not ensure them the support of voters in November. California has perhaps the least accurate election system in the USA as Bernie Sanders voters discovered in 2016 and 2020. (See videos of election irregularities uploaded by The Justice Gazette and the election integrity experts at The Convo Couch). Uncertain elections may save the Democratic Party in California but the Democrats are currently expected to lose both Houses of Congress in 2022 unless the Party starts working with the people as opposed to imprisoning them and taking away their bodily choices.
Here are some links to some YouTube videos that were put up by various sources of the Canadian Convoy. If the YouTube videos below disappear, check out these BItchute links to videos of the Convoy. CANADIAN TRUCKERS CONVOY FOR FREEDOM AND AGAINST DICTATOR JUSTIN TRUDEAU C0VID TYRANNY https://www.bitchute.com/video/r0kJyYhwmt3E/ CROWD GATHERS IN SOLIDARITY IN OTTAWA AHEAD OF THE ARRIVAL OF THE TRUCKER FREEDOM CONVOY https://www.bitchute.com/video/lva1IiVkO5A/ THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ON ALMOST EVERY OVERPASS': FREEDOM CONVOY ROLLS ACROSS CANADA https://www.bitchute.com/video/lRD5dHQ7iq0/ CONVOY TRUCKERS, SUPPORTERS SHOW UP EARLY TO TOMORROW'S PARLIAMENT HILL DEMONSTRATION https://www.bitchute.com/video/lRxR9uc0s8k/
In Canada, over fifty thousand truckers convoyed across the country to the Capitol. The event sent Trudeau into hiding, fearful of the millions of peaceful people who supported the convoy and opposed the mandates. Trudeau pretended the peaceful collection of nurses, doctors, scientists, educators, truck drivers and others who arrived at the Capitol to oppose the mandates were a violent fringe group, but nobody believed his lie. There were people of all races and political backgrounds standing up against tyranny. Lawmakers in Canada are discovering that the majority of Canadians (both vaxed and unvaxed) oppose the mandates and will likely vote in new law-makers if the mandates are not ended immediately. There are calls for Trudeau’s immediate resignation.
A similar but larger convoy of truckers and people of all parties (including Democrats) is being planned to demonstrate the opposition of Americans of all races and backgrounds to the U.S. mandates. Democrats are expected to lose significant races in November as a result of the draconian handling of COVID. A great many progressives, Democrats and former Democrats are attending freedom rallies in California and elsewhere. While elitists try to paint those opposing the mandates as racist, the mandates hurt African-Americans, Latinos and Native-Americans (the majority of whom refuse to be vaxed) more than white Americans.
The voice of the people is starting to be heard. Saskatchewan announced it was dropping its mandates but people have learned not to trust words. Likewise, the the United Kingdom, Denmark and Finland announced they have ended their mandates. Sweden had already ended its mandates. In Asia, Japan also dropped its mandates.
But the mandates are still alive in most Western countries. Showing that the mandates do not apply to the elites, Gavin Newsom, Los Angles Mayor Eric Garcetti, San Francisco Mayor London Breed and Magic Johnson attended a ballgame in California without masks and without social distancing.
While the moving of the planned Los Angeles California Democratic Convention to a fully virtual platform may allow the CDP to avoid physical protests that were planned for March 3 through 6 and the immediate ire of African-American and Native American elected delegates who would have been excluded from its convention under the CDP’s vax and mask rules, that does not ensure them the support of voters in November. California has perhaps the least accurate election system in the USA as Bernie Sanders voters discovered in 2016 and 2020. (See videos of election irregularities uploaded by The Justice Gazette and the election integrity experts at The Convo Couch). Uncertain elections may save the Democratic Party in California but the Democrats are currently expected to lose both Houses of Congress in 2022 unless the Party starts working with the people as opposed to imprisoning them and taking away their bodily choices.
Here are some links to some YouTube videos that were put up by various sources of the Canadian Convoy. If the YouTube videos below disappear, check out these BItchute links to videos of the Convoy. CANADIAN TRUCKERS CONVOY FOR FREEDOM AND AGAINST DICTATOR JUSTIN TRUDEAU C0VID TYRANNY https://www.bitchute.com/video/r0kJyYhwmt3E/ CROWD GATHERS IN SOLIDARITY IN OTTAWA AHEAD OF THE ARRIVAL OF THE TRUCKER FREEDOM CONVOY https://www.bitchute.com/video/lva1IiVkO5A/ THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ON ALMOST EVERY OVERPASS': FREEDOM CONVOY ROLLS ACROSS CANADA https://www.bitchute.com/video/lRD5dHQ7iq0/ CONVOY TRUCKERS, SUPPORTERS SHOW UP EARLY TO TOMORROW'S PARLIAMENT HILL DEMONSTRATION https://www.bitchute.com/video/lRxR9uc0s8k/