Bernie's In. Does Hillary Have a Chance?

National News, April 30,2015: Bernie Sanders is now the leading liberal candidate in the bid for the U.S. Presidency. His announcement necessarily was boycotted by several of the industrial mass media stations and papers but it was caught by the people. In recent years the people of the United States have woken up and turned to the net and independent sources for their news. This is handy as Bernie Sanders favors net neutrality Many of the industrial mass media news networks are opposed. After all, they don't want to lose war profits from their sister divisions of the industrial complex. . Tom Hartmann, C-Span and surprisingly Fox took the lead in their news shows in informing the public that the people had a candidate in the race for President. So far the reaction from the public has been extremely favorable.
Before the announcement, a satirical headline in the New Yorker announced, “Hillary Expected to Adopt All of Sanders’s Positions by Noon.” Polls show that for Hillary to take such a step would dramatically increase her standing with voters but she is already on record as supporting and promoting TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and as having a love affair with Monsanto, the source of most genetically modified food, which has been scientifically shown to cause cancer and other serious health conditions. There was a great deal of speculation that Elizabeth Warren, scheduled to speak at the 2015 California Democratic Convention later this month, would run, but she recently announced her decision to forego the race.
Before the announcement, a satirical headline in the New Yorker announced, “Hillary Expected to Adopt All of Sanders’s Positions by Noon.” Polls show that for Hillary to take such a step would dramatically increase her standing with voters but she is already on record as supporting and promoting TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and as having a love affair with Monsanto, the source of most genetically modified food, which has been scientifically shown to cause cancer and other serious health conditions. There was a great deal of speculation that Elizabeth Warren, scheduled to speak at the 2015 California Democratic Convention later this month, would run, but she recently announced her decision to forego the race.

In March, 2015, a staff reporter from the Justice Gazette encouraged Bernie to run for President. Justice Gazette reporter pointed out that, if Sanders or Dennis Kucinich didn't enter the race, the Democrats wouldn't have anyone to vote for and they would stay home. This would result in a Republican Presidency. Polls show Democrats are fed up with their party and this is why last year had a record low turnout.
A number of liberal groups are checking to see whether former Representatives Dennis Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney enter the race before making a full commitment. So far neither has expressed plans to run for the 2016 Presidency. When asked by a Justice Gazette reporter in March if he would be running for President, Kucinich said, "I don't know." The one problem Bernie has with liberal groups is his seeming failure to recognize the extent of the genocide being perpetrated by Israel on the Palestinian people and children. On this issue, both Kucinich and McKinney have views that resonate more with the concerns of human rights groups, such as Amnesty International. Sanders did improve his standing with neutral observers of the conflict when he criticized Benjamin Netanyahu's 2015 speech to Congress wherein Bibi pushed for war with Iran. Bernie further increased liberal opinion of him when he refused to vote in favor of a resolution supporting Israel earlier this year.
Humanitarian groups have called for a boycott of Israel, for an end to arms shipments and other aid to Israel and for the trying Israel's leaders for crimes agianst humanity. Concerned observers of Israel's role in the Middle East have noted that Israel has enough weapons of mass destruction, supplied mostly by the U.S., to wipe out most or all of its neighbors in contrast to Palestinian bottle rockets that have done little or no damage to Israel--in spite of Israel's whinning. Israel has targetted schools and hospitals and temporarily incarcerated a former member of Congress and a Nobel Peace Prize winner when the two tried to bring life-saving supplies to Palestinian children dying as a result of being targetting by Israeli weapons that violate the Geneva Conventions. Groups are hoping that Bernie will look more closely at what is happening in the recurring Israeli attacks on Palestinian children and babies. Does being born Palestinian give a child a lesser right to live?
Unless more populists jump into the race, it appears that Bernie Sanders will be the Presidential candidate the liberal and progressive masses will likely rally around in 2016.
Following is a list of bills Sanders has sponsored/co-sponsored.
S. 1041: A bill to eliminate certain subsidies for fossil-fuel production.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 22, 2015
Referred to Committee: Apr 22, 2015
S. 964: Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Act of 2015
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 15, 2015
Referred to Committee: Apr 15, 2015
S. 922: Corporate Tax Dodging Prevention Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 14, 2015
Referred to Committee: Apr 14, 2015
S. 878: A bill to establish a State residential building energy efficiency upgrades loan pilot program.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 26, 2015
Referred to Committee: Mar 26, 2015
S. 731: Social Security Expansion Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 12, 2015
Referred to Committee: Mar 12, 2015
S. 570: Comprehensive Dental Reform Act of 2015
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 25, 2015
Referred to Committee: Feb 25, 2015
S. 268: Rebuild America Act of 2015
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 27, 2015
Referred to Committee: Jan 27, 2015
S.J.Res. 4: A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to restore the rights of the American people that were taken away by the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizens United case and related decisions, to protect
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 21, 2015
Referred to Committee: Jan 21, 2015
S. 2948: Medicaid Generic Drug Price Fairness Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 20, 2014
Referred to Committee: Nov 20, 2014
S. 2918: Democracy Day Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 12, 2014
Referred to Committee: Nov 12, 2014
S.Res. 577: A resolution permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 12, 2014
Agreed To (Simple Resolution): Nov 18, 2014
S. 2905: Carbon Pollution Transparency Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 18, 2014
Referred to Committee: Sep 18, 2014
S. 2899: Responsible Estate Tax Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 18, 2014
Referred to Committee: Sep 18, 2014
S. 2901: 10 Million Solar Roofs Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 18, 2014
Referred to Committee: Sep 18, 2014
S. 2849: Developing Innovative Partnerships and Learning Opportunities that Motivate Achievement Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 17, 2014
Referred to Committee: Sep 17, 2014
S. 2832: Employ Young Americans Now Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 16, 2014
Referred to Committee: Sep 16, 2014
S. 2782: A bill to amend title 36, United States Code, to improve the Federal charter for the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 9, 2014
Referred to Committee: Sep 9, 2014
S. 2548: A bill to require the Commodity Futures Trading commission to take certain emergency action to eliminate excessive speculation in energy markets.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 26, 2014
Referred to Committee: Jun 26, 2014
S. 2450: Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 9, 2014
Reported by Committee: Jun 10, 2014
S. 2422: Ensuring Veterans Access to Care Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 3, 2014
Reported by Committee: Jun 4, 2014
S. 2413: Restoring Veterans Trust Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 2, 2014
Referred to Committee: Jun 2, 2014
S. 2412: WORK Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 2, 2014
Referred to Committee: Jun 2, 2014
S. 2411: United States Employee Ownership Bank Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 2, 2014
Referred to Committee: Jun 2, 2014
S. 2349: Supporting College Success Through Dual Enrollment Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 15, 2014
Referred to Committee: May 15, 2014
S. 2326: Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 13, 2014
Referred to Committee: May 13, 2014
S. 2229: Expanding Primary Care Access and Workforce Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 9, 2014
Referred to Committee: Apr 9, 2014
S. 1982: Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 3, 2014
Reported by Committee: Feb 4, 2014
S. 1950: Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 16, 2014
Reported by Committee: Jan 27, 2014
S. 1782: American Health Security Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 9, 2013
Referred to Committee: Dec 9, 2013
S. 1759: Teaching Health Center Reauthorization Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 21, 2013
Referred to Committee: Nov 21, 2013
S. 1762: End Polluter Welfare Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 21, 2013
Referred to Committee: Nov 21, 2013
S.Res. 307: A resolution permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 20, 2013
Agreed To (Simple Resolution): Nov 20, 2013
S. 1604: Veterans Health Care Eligibility Expansion and Enhancement Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 29, 2013
Reported by Committee: Nov 19, 2013
S. 1583: Mental Health Support for Veteran Families and Caregivers Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Referred to Committee: Oct 28, 2013
S. 1582: Improved Compensation for Hearing Loss Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Referred to Committee: Oct 28, 2013
S. 1584: A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide replacement automobiles for certain disabled veterans and members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Referred to Committee: Oct 28, 2013
S. 1579: SCRA Enhancement and Improvement Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Referred to Committee: Oct 28, 2013
S. 1586: Enhanced Dental Care for Veterans Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Referred to Committee: Oct 28, 2013
S. 1585: A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to update the Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance program to base premium rates on the Commissioners 2001 Standard Ordinary Mortality Table instead of the Commissioners 1941 Standard Ordinary Table of
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Referred to Committee: Oct 28, 2013
S. 1578: A bill to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to cover the costs associated with the care of veterans at medical foster homes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Referred to Committee: Oct 28, 2013
S. 1581: Survivors of Military Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Reported by Committee: Nov 19, 2013
S. 1562: Older Americans Act Reauthorization Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 30, 2013
Reported by Committee: Oct 30, 2013
S. 1564: Protecting Those Who Protected Us Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 30, 2013
Referred to Committee: Sep 30, 2013
S.Res. 243: An original resolution authorizing expenditures by the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 19, 2013
Referred to Committee: Sep 19, 2013
S. 1522: Comprehensive Dental Reform Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 18, 2013
Referred to Committee: Sep 18, 2013
S.Res. 233: A resolution authorizing expenditures by the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 17, 2013
Referred to Committee: Sep 17, 2013
S. 1252: Upper Missisquoi and Trout Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 27, 2013
Reported by Committee: Nov 21, 2013
S. 1200: Residential Energy Savings Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 20, 2013
Referred to Committee: Jun 20, 2013
S. 1168: Restore Our Privacy Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 13, 2013
Referred to Committee: Jun 13, 2013
S. 1170: Youth Jobs Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 13, 2013
Referred to Committee: Jun 13, 2013
S. 1028: Older Americans Act Amendments of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 23, 2013
Referred to Committee: May 23, 2013
S. 1018: Federal Reserve Independence Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 22, 2013
Referred to Committee: May 22, 2013
S. 944: Veterans Health and Benefits Improvement Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 14, 2013
Reported by Committee: Jul 24, 2013
S. 928: Claims Processing Improvement Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 9, 2013
Referred to Committee: May 9, 2013
S. 922: Veterans Equipped for Success Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 9, 2013
Referred to Committee: May 9, 2013
S. 927: Veterans’ Outreach Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 9, 2013
Referred to Committee: May 9, 2013
S. 893: Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 8, 2013
Enacted — Signed by the President: Nov 21, 2013
S. 894: A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to extend expiring authority for work-study allowances for individuals who are pursuing programs of rehabilitation, education, or training under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs,
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 8, 2013
Referred to Committee: May 8, 2013
S. 885: A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 35 Park Street in Danville, Vermont, as the “Thaddeus Stevens Post Office”.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 7, 2013
Enacted — Signed by the President: Nov 26, 2014
S. 858: State Leadership in Health Care Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 6, 2013
Referred to Committee: May 6, 2013
S. 825: Homeless Veterans Prevention Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 25, 2013
Referred to Committee: Apr 25, 2013
S. 844: Supporting Community Schools Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 25, 2013
Referred to Committee: Apr 25, 2013
S. 852: Veterans’ Health Promotion Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 25, 2013
Referred to Committee: Apr 25, 2013
S. 851: Caregivers Expansion and Improvement Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 25, 2013
Reported by Committee: Jul 24, 2013
S. 735: Survivor Benefits Improvement Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 16, 2013
Referred to Committee: Apr 16, 2013
S. 685: Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Exist Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 9, 2013
Referred to Committee: Apr 9, 2013
S. 627: Medical Innovation Prize Fund Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 20, 2013
Referred to Committee: Mar 20, 2013
S. 626: Prize Fund for HIV/AIDS Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 20, 2013
Referred to Committee: Mar 20, 2013
S.J.Res. 11: A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to restore the rights of the American people that were taken away by the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizens United case and related decisions, to protect
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 13, 2013
Referred to Committee: Mar 13, 2013
S. 525: A bill proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to restore the rights of the American people that were taken away by the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizens United case and related decisions, to protect the integrity of
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 12, 2013
Referred to Committee: Mar 12, 2013
S. 500: Keeping Our Social Security Promises Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 7, 2013
Referred to Committee: Mar 7, 2013
S. 471: Fair Access to Credit Scores Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 6, 2013
Referred to Committee: Mar 6, 2013
S.Res. 48: An original resolution authorizing expenditures by the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 26, 2013
Referred to Committee: Feb 26, 2013
S. 332: Climate Protection Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 14, 2013
Referred to Committee: Feb 14, 2013
S. 329: Sustainable Energy Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 14, 2013
Referred to Committee: Feb 14, 2013
S. 316: Postal Service Protection Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 13, 2013
Referred to Committee: Feb 13, 2013
S. 250: Corporate Tax Dodging Prevention Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 7, 2013
Referred to Committee: Feb 7, 2013
S. 3562 (112th): Older Americans Act Amendments of 2012
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 19, 2012
Referred to Committee: Sep 19, 2012
S. 3506 (112th): Ethical Pathway Act of 2012
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Aug 2, 2012
Referred to Committee: Aug 2, 2012
S. 3419 (112th): United States Employee Ownership Bank Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 23, 2012
Referred to Committee: Jul 23, 2012
S. 3421 (112th): WORK Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 23, 2012
Referred to Committee: Jul 23, 2012
S. 3272 (112th): Comprehensive Dental Reform Act of 2012
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 7, 2012
Referred to Committee: Jun 7, 2012
S. 3219 (112th): Federal Reserve Independence Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 22, 2012
Referred to Committee: May 22, 2012
S. 3080 (112th): End Polluter Welfare Act of 2012
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 10, 2012
Referred to Committee: May 10, 2012
S. 2222 (112th): A bill to require the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to take certain actions to reduce excessive speculation in energy markets.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 21, 2012
Referred to Committee: Mar 21, 2012
S. 2037 (112th): Older Americans Act Amendments of 2012
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 26, 2012
Referred to Committee: Jan 26, 2012
S.J.Res. 33 (112th): A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to expressly exclude for-profit corporations from the rights given to natural persons by the Constitution of the United States, prohibit corporate spen
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 8, 2011
Referred to Committee: Dec 8, 2011
S. 1853 (112th): Postal Service Protection Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 10, 2011
Referred to Committee: Nov 10, 2011
S. 1716 (112th): Assuring Successful Students through Effective Teaching Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 17, 2011
Referred to Committee: Oct 17, 2011
S. 1558 (112th): Keeping Our Social Security Promises Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 14, 2011
Referred to Committee: Sep 14, 2011
S. 1428 (112th): Stop Outsourcing Security Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 27, 2011
Referred to Committee: Jul 27, 2011
S. 1414 (112th): Community-Supported Agriculture Promotion Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 26, 2011
Referred to Committee: Jul 26, 2011
S. 1311 (112th): Improving Student Achievement and Engagement through Expanded Learning Time Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 30, 2011
Referred to Committee: Jun 30, 2011
S. 1200 (112th): End Excessive Oil Speculation Now Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 15, 2011
Referred to Committee: Jun 15, 2011
S. 1138 (112th): Prize Fund for HIV/AIDS Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 26, 2011
Referred to Committee: May 26, 2011
S. 1137 (112th): Medical Innovation Prize Fund Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 26, 2011
Referred to Committee: May 26, 2011
S. 1108 (112th): 10 Million Solar Roofs Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 26, 2011
Reported by Committee: Dec 15, 2011
S. 1019 (112th): Secondary School Reentry Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 18, 2011
Referred to Committee: May 18, 2011
S. 1017 (112th): Disabled Veteran Caregiver Housing Assistance Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 17, 2011
Referred to Committee: May 17, 2011
S. 915 (112th): American Health Security Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 9, 2011
Referred to Committee: May 9, 2011
S.Res. 119 (112th): A resolution recognizing past, present, and future public health and economic benefits of cleaner air due to the successful implementation of the Clean Air Act.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 31, 2011
Referred to Committee: Mar 31, 2011
S. 616 (112th): Supporting Community Schools Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 17, 2011
Referred to Committee: Mar 17, 2011
S. 582 (112th): Social Security Protection Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 15, 2011
Referred to Committee: Mar 15, 2011
S. 552 (112th): Emergency Deficit Reduction Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 10, 2011
Referred to Committee: Mar 10, 2011
S. 426 (112th): Developing Innovative Partnerships and Learning Opportunities that Motivate Achievement Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 1, 2011
Referred to Committee: Mar 1, 2011
S. 294 (112th): Foundations for Success Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 7, 2011
Referred to Committee: Feb 7, 2011
S. 73 (112th): State Leadership in Health Care Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 25, 2011
Referred to Committee: Jan 25, 2011
S. 4057 (111th): State Leadership in Health Care Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 22, 2010
Referred to Committee: Dec 22, 2010
S. 4030 (111th): A bill to amend the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 to establish a community-supported agriculture promotion program.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 15, 2010
Referred to Committee: Dec 15, 2010
S. 3985 (111th): Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 29, 2010
Failed Cloture: Dec 8, 2010
S. 3976 (111th): Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 19, 2010
Referred to Committee: Nov 19, 2010
S.Res. 664 (111th): A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate in opposition to privatizing Social Security, raising the retirement age, or other similar cuts to benefits under title II of the Social Security Act.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 29, 2010
Referred to Committee: Sep 29, 2010
S. 3921 (111th): Ethical Pathway Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 29, 2010
Referred to Committee: Sep 29, 2010
S. 3923 (111th): Let the States Innovate on Sustainable Energy Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 29, 2010
Referred to Committee: Sep 29, 2010
S. 3612 (111th): Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park Establishment Amendments Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 19, 2010
Referred to Committee: Jul 19, 2010
S. 3531 (111th): Dairy Market Stabilization Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 24, 2010
Referred to Committee: Jun 24, 2010
S. 3533 (111th): Responsible Estate Tax Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 24, 2010
Referred to Committee: Jun 24, 2010
S. 3460 (111th): 10 Million Solar Roofs Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 7, 2010
Reported by Committee: Aug 5, 2010
S. 3433 (111th): Clean Coasts and Efficient Cars Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 27, 2010
Referred to Committee: May 27, 2010
S. 3362 (111th): Sustainable Schools Pollution Reduction Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 13, 2010
Reported by Committee: May 20, 2010
S. 3023 (111th): Stop Outsourcing Security Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 23, 2010
Referred to Committee: Feb 23, 2010
S. 2993 (111th): 10 Million Solar Roofs and 10 Million Gallons of Solar Water Heating Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 4, 2010
Referred to Committee: Feb 4, 2010
S. 2910 (111th): Increasing American Wages and Benefits Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 18, 2009
Referred to Committee: Dec 18, 2009
S. 2914 (111th): United States Employee Ownership Bank Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 18, 2009
Referred to Committee: Dec 18, 2009
S. 2909 (111th): WORK Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 18, 2009
Referred to Committee: Dec 18, 2009
S. 2804 (111th): Employ America Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 19, 2009
Referred to Committee: Nov 19, 2009
S. 2746 (111th): Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Exist Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 5, 2009
Referred to Committee: Nov 5, 2009
S. 1798 (111th): Automatic Reserve Component Enrollment Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 19, 2009
Referred to Committee: Oct 19, 2009
S. 1753 (111th): Disabled Veteran Caregiver Housing Assistance Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 5, 2009
Referred to Committee: Oct 5, 2009
S. 1752 (111th): A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide wartime disability compensation for certain veterans with Parkinson’s disease.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 5, 2009
Referred to Committee: Oct 5, 2009
S. 1721 (111th): Transportation Low Emissions Energy Plan 2020 Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 25, 2009
Referred to Committee: Sep 25, 2009
S. 1685 (111th): Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 17, 2009
Referred to Committee: Sep 17, 2009
S. 1621 (111th): Thermal Energy Efficiency Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Aug 6, 2009
Referred to Committee: Aug 6, 2009
S. 1246 (111th): Home Energy Retrofit Finance Program Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 11, 2009
Referred to Committee: Jun 11, 2009
S. 1225 (111th): Energy Market Manipulation Prevention Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 10, 2009
Referred to Committee: Jun 10, 2009
S. 898 (111th): States’ Right To Innovate in Health Care Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 24, 2009
Referred to Committee: Apr 24, 2009
S. 820 (111th): Veterans Mobility Enhancement Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 2, 2009
Referred to Committee: Apr 2, 2009
S. 822 (111th): Volunteer Firefighter and EMS Support Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 2, 2009
Referred to Committee: Apr 2, 2009
S. 821 (111th): A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit the Secretary of Veterans Affairs from collecting certain copayments from veterans who are catastrophically disabled, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 2, 2009
Referred to Committee: Apr 2, 2009
S. 792 (111th): Improvement of the National Program of Cancer Registries Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 2, 2009
Referred to Committee: Apr 2, 2009
S. 703 (111th): American Health Security Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 25, 2009
Referred to Committee: Mar 25, 2009
S. 604 (111th): Federal Reserve Sunshine Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 16, 2009
Referred to Committee: Mar 16, 2009
S. 582 (111th): Interest Rate Reduction Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 12, 2009
Referred to Committee: Mar 12, 2009
S. 513 (111th): Federal Reserve Transparency Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 3, 2009
Referred to Committee: Mar 3, 2009
S. 486 (111th): Access for All America Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 26, 2009
Referred to Committee: Feb 26, 2009
S. 400 (111th): Financial Crisis Investigation Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 9, 2009
Referred to Committee: Feb 9, 2009
S. 198 (111th): A bill to direct the Secretary of Transportation to waive non-Federal share requirements for certain transportation programs and activities through September 30, 2009.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 9, 2009
Referred to Committee: Jan 9, 2009
S. 25 (111th): Digital TV Transition Fairness Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 7, 2009
Referred to Committee: Jan 7, 2009
S. 3740 (110th): Digital TV Transition Fairness Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 11, 2008
Referred to Committee: Dec 11, 2008
S. 3728 (110th): A bill to direct the Secretary of Transportation to waive non-Federal share requirements for certain transportation programs and activities through September 30, 2009.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 10, 2008
Referred to Committee: Dec 10, 2008
S. 3693 (110th): Stop the Greed on Wall Street Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 19, 2008
Referred to Committee: Nov 19, 2008
S. 3692 (110th): A bill to rescind Treasury Notice 2008-83.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 19, 2008
Referred to Committee: Nov 19, 2008
S. 3694 (110th): A bill to amend the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act to limit obligations to $350,000,000,000, absent majority approval by the Congress.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 19, 2008
Referred to Committee: Nov 19, 2008
S. 3676 (110th): Volunteer Firefighter and EMS Support Act of 2008
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 1, 2008
Referred to Committee: Oct 1, 2008
S. 3413 (110th): Access for All America Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 31, 2008
Referred to Committee: Jul 31, 2008
S. 3412 (110th): Access for All America Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 31, 2008
Referred to Committee: Jul 31, 2008
S. 3224 (110th): 10 Million-Solar Roofs Act of 2008
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 7, 2008
Referred to Committee: Jul 7, 2008
S. 3186 (110th): Warm in Winter and Cool in Summer Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 24, 2008
Failed Cloture: Jul 26, 2008
S.Res. 509 (110th): A resolution recognizing the week of April 7, 2008 to April 13, 2008, as “National Public Health Week”.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 9, 2008
Referred to Committee: Apr 9, 2008
S. 2660 (110th): Consumer Protection and Cost Accountability Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 25, 2008
Referred to Committee: Feb 25, 2008
S. 2405 (110th): Keeping Americans Warm Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 4, 2007
Referred to Committee: Dec 4, 2007
S. 2398 (110th): Stop Outsourcing Security Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 16, 2007
Referred to Committee: Nov 16, 2007
S. 2210 (110th): Medical Innovation Prize Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 19, 2007
Referred to Committee: Oct 19, 2007
S. 2157 (110th): Expanded Education Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 4, 2007
Referred to Committee: Oct 4, 2007
S. 2094 (110th): Increasing American Wages and Benefits Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 26, 2007
Referred to Committee: Sep 26, 2007
S. 2031 (110th): States’ Right To Innovate in Health Care Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 7, 2007
Referred to Committee: Sep 7, 2007
S. 1982 (110th): United States Employee Ownership Bank Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Aug 2, 2007
Referred to Committee: Aug 2, 2007
S. 1564 (110th): All Healthy Children Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 7, 2007
Referred to Committee: Jun 7, 2007
S. 1326 (110th): Comprehensive Veterans Benefits Improvements Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 8, 2007
Referred to Committee: May 8, 2007
S. 1201 (110th): Clean Power Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 24, 2007
Referred to Committee: Apr 24, 2007
S. 1008 (110th): A bill to amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to improve and strengthen the safety inspection process of nuclear facilities.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 28, 2007
Referred to Committee: Mar 28, 2007
S. 941 (110th): Community Health Centers Investment Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 20, 2007
Referred to Committee: Mar 20, 2007
S. 818 (110th): National Priorities Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 8, 2007
Referred to Committee: Mar 8, 2007
S.Con.Res. 13 (110th): A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the President should not initiate military action against Iran without first obtaining authorization from Congress.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 15, 2007
Referred to Committee: Feb 15, 2007
S. 309 (110th): Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 16, 2007
Referred to Committee: Jan 16, 2007
H.R. 5761 (109th): Spent Nuclear Fuel Control and Accounting Act of 2006
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 11, 2006
Referred to Committee: Jul 11, 2006
H.Res. 864 (109th): Recognizing the importance of shared housing in the United States.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 12, 2006
Referred to Committee: Jun 12, 2006
H.R. 5245 (109th): To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1 Marble Street in Fair Haven, Vermont, as the “Matthew Lyon Post Office Building”.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 27, 2006
Enacted — Signed by the President: Aug 2, 2006
H.R. 5157 (109th): Vermont Wilderness Act of 2006
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 6, 2006
Referred to Committee: Apr 6, 2006
H.R. 5034 (109th): To redesignate the White Rocks National Recreation Area in the State of Vermont as the “Robert T. Stafford White Rocks National Recreation Area”.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 28, 2006
Referred to Committee: Mar 28, 2006
H.R. 4697 (109th): Medicare Drugs for Seniors (MEDS) Act of 2006
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 1, 2006
Referred to Committee: Feb 1, 2006
H.R. 4420 (109th): To repeal tax subsidies enacted by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 for oil and gas, to repeal certain other oil and gas subsidies in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and to use the proceeds to carry out the Low-Income Home Energy Assist
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 18, 2005
Referred to Committee: Nov 18, 2005
H.R. 4333 (109th): Tire-Derived Fuel Safety Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 15, 2005
Referred to Committee: Nov 15, 2005
H.R. 4052 (109th): Pension Benefits Protection Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 7, 2005
Referred to Committee: Oct 7, 2005
H.R. 3601 (109th): Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 28, 2005
Referred to Committee: Jul 28, 2005
H.R. 3492 (109th): Consumer Credit Card Protection Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 27, 2005
Referred to Committee: Jul 27, 2005
H.R. 2457 (109th): Employee Ownership Opportunity Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 18, 2005
Referred to Committee: May 18, 2005
H.R. 2240 (109th): Urban and Rural Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 10, 2005
Referred to Committee: May 10, 2005
H.R. 1619 (109th): Loan Shark Prevention Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 13, 2005
Referred to Committee: Apr 13, 2005
H.R. 1474 (109th): Federal Aviation Safety Security Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 5, 2005
Referred to Committee: Apr 5, 2005
H.R. 1440 (109th): Stamp Out Censorship Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 17, 2005
Referred to Committee: Mar 17, 2005
H.R. 1157 (109th): Freedom to Read Protection Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 8, 2005
Referred to Committee: Mar 8, 2005
H.J.Res. 27 (109th): Withdrawing the approval of the United States from the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 2, 2005
Failed House: Jun 9, 2005
H.R. 728 (109th): To withdraw normal trade relations treatment from the products of the People’s Republic of China.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 9, 2005
Referred to Committee: Feb 9, 2005
H.R. 594 (109th): Oral Health Promotion Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 2, 2005
Referred to Committee: Feb 2, 2005
H.R. 417 (109th): Medical Innovation Prize Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 26, 2005
Referred to Committee: Jan 26, 2005
H.R. 3888 (108th): To prohibit business enterprises that lay-off a greater percentage of their United States workers than workers in other countries from receiving any Federal assistance, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 3, 2004
Referred to Committee: Mar 3, 2004
H.Con.Res. 369 (108th): Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of Matthew Lyon.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 25, 2004
Referred to Committee: Feb 25, 2004
H.R. 3228 (108th): To withdraw normal trade relations treatment from the products of the People’s Republic of China.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 2, 2003
Referred to Committee: Oct 2, 2003
H.R. 2969 (108th): United States Employee Ownership Bank Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 25, 2003
Referred to Committee: Jul 25, 2003
H.R. 2970 (108th): To authorize the disinterment from the Lorraine American Cemetery in St. Avold, France, of the remains of Private First Class Alfred J. Laitres, of Island Pond, Vermont, who died in combat in France on December 25, 1944, and to authoriz
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 25, 2003
Referred to Committee: Jul 25, 2003
H.R. 2724 (108th): Credit Bait and Switch Prevention Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 14, 2003
Referred to Committee: Jul 14, 2003
H.R. 2546 (108th): Free Credit Report Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 19, 2003
Referred to Committee: Jun 19, 2003
H.R. 2498 (108th): Medicare Extension of Drugs to Seniors (MEDS) Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 17, 2003
Referred to Committee: Jun 17, 2003
H.R. 2497 (108th): Prescription Drug Parity for Americans Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 17, 2003
Referred to Committee: Jun 17, 2003
H.R. 2462 (108th): Protect Diversity in Media Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 12, 2003
Referred to Committee: Jun 12, 2003
H.R. 2262 (108th): Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 22, 2003
Referred to Committee: May 22, 2003
H.R. 1990 (108th): Family Dairy Farmer Preservation Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 6, 2003
Referred to Committee: May 6, 2003
H.R. 1677 (108th): Pension Benefits Protection Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 8, 2003
Referred to Committee: Apr 8, 2003
H.R. 1157 (108th): Freedom to Read Protection Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 6, 2003
Referred to Committee: Mar 6, 2003
H.R. 1102 (108th): National Affordable Housing Trust Fund Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 5, 2003
Referred to Committee: Mar 5, 2003
H.R. 1022 (108th): Urban and Rural Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 27, 2003
Referred to Committee: Feb 27, 2003
H.R. 847 (108th): Preserving Access to Safe Affordable Canadian Medicines Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 13, 2003
Referred to Committee: Feb 13, 2003
H.R. 5631 (107th): Local Control of Cellular Towers Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 10, 2002
Referred to Committee: Oct 10, 2002
H.R. 5632 (107th): Local Control of Broadcast Towers Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 10, 2002
Referred to Committee: Oct 10, 2002
H.R. 5305 (107th): To authorize the disinterment from the Lorraine American Cemetery in St. Avold, France, of the remains of Private First Class Alfred J. Laitres, of Island Pond, Vermont, who died in combat in France on December 25, 1944, and to authoriz
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 26, 2002
Referred to Committee: Jul 26, 2002
H.R. 5306 (107th): Urban and Rural Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Act of 2002
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 26, 2002
Referred to Committee: Jul 26, 2002
H.R. 5231 (107th): To amend title 10, United States Code, to repeal the required offset of certain military separation benefits by the amount of disability benefits paid by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 25, 2002
Referred to Committee: Jul 25, 2002
H.R. 5191 (107th): Oral Health Promotion Act of 2002
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 23, 2002
Referred to Committee: Jul 23, 2002
H.J.Res. 98 (107th): Providing for a 3-year moratorium on postage rate increases for nonprofit organizations and certain other mailers.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 17, 2002
Referred to Committee: Jun 17, 2002
H.R. 4778 (107th): Pension Protection Act of 2002
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 20, 2002
Referred to Committee: May 20, 2002
H.R. 4614 (107th): To permit commercial importation of prescription drugs from Canada, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 25, 2002
Referred to Committee: Apr 25, 2002
H.R. 4476 (107th): Dental Health Improvement Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 17, 2002
Referred to Committee: Apr 17, 2002
H.R. 3274 (107th): Comprehensive Energy Conservation Act for the 21st Century
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 9, 2001
Referred to Committee: Nov 9, 2001
H.R. 2813 (107th): Cable TV Consumers Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Aug 2, 2001
Referred to Committee: Aug 2, 2001
H.R. 2812 (107th): Minimum Wage Restoration Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Aug 2, 2001
Referred to Committee: Aug 2, 2001
H.R. 2476 (107th): Higher Education Assistance Improvement Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 11, 2001
Referred to Committee: Jul 11, 2001
H.R. 2349 (107th): National Affordable Housing Trust Fund Act of 2001
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 27, 2001
Referred to Committee: Jun 27, 2001
H.R. 2319 (107th): Food Stamp Overpayment Protection Act of 2001
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 26, 2001
Referred to Committee: Jun 26, 2001
H.R. 2134 (107th): To amend title IV of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to increase the phase-in limitation applicable to the guarantee under such title of benefit improvements made prior to plan termination.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 12, 2001
Referred to Committee: Jun 12, 2001
H.R. 2086 (107th): Alternative Medical Access for Federal Employees Act of 2001
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 6, 2001
Referred to Committee: Jun 6, 2001
H.R. 2087 (107th): Federal Employees’ Access to Chiropractic Health Care Act of 2001
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 6, 2001
Referred to Committee: Jun 6, 2001
H.R. 2035 (107th): Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 25, 2001
Referred to Committee: May 25, 2001
H.Con.Res. 115 (107th): Supporting the goals and ideas of a National Child Care Worthy Wage Day.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 26, 2001
Referred to Committee: Apr 26, 2001
H.R. 1512 (107th): Medicare Extension of Drugs to Seniors (MEDS) Act of 2001
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 4, 2001
Referred to Committee: Apr 4, 2001
H.R. 1252 (107th): Arsenic Reduction in Drinking Water Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 27, 2001
Referred to Committee: Mar 27, 2001
H.R. 698 (107th): Prescription Reimportation, Improvement, Correction, and Enhancement Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 14, 2001
Referred to Committee: Feb 14, 2001
H.R. 5215 (106th): To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude national service educational awards from the recipient’s gross income.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 19, 2000
Referred to Committee: Sep 19, 2000
H.R. 5085 (106th): IMF Reform Act of 2000
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 27, 2000
Referred to Committee: Jul 27, 2000
H.Con.Res. 353 (106th): Expressing the sense of the Congress that a national summit of sports, political, community, and media leaders should be promptly convened to develop a multifaceted action plan to deter acts of violence, especially domestic violenc
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 14, 2000
Referred to Committee: Jun 14, 2000
H.Res. 479 (106th): Global Sustainable Development Resolution
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 13, 2000
Referred to Committee: Apr 13, 2000
H.R. 3608 (106th): Home Heating Oil Price Stability Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 9, 2000
Referred to Committee: Feb 9, 2000
H.R. 3494 (106th): State and Local Automated Teller Machine Regulation Protection Act of 1999
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 18, 1999
Referred to Committee: Nov 18, 1999
H.R. 3229 (106th): Electronic Fund Transfer Fees Act of 1999
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 4, 1999
Referred to Committee: Nov 4, 1999
H.R. 2902 (106th): Pension Benefits Protection and Preservation Act of 1999
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 21, 1999
Referred to Committee: Sep 21, 1999
H.R. 2835 (106th): To require an assessment of research on effects of radio frequency emissions on human health.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 9, 1999
Referred to Committee: Sep 9, 1999
H.R. 2834 (106th): To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to clarify State and local authority to regulate the placement, construction, and modification of broadcast transmission and telecommunications facilities, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 9, 1999
Referred to Committee: Sep 9, 1999
H.R. 2360 (106th): To provide that benefits under chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code, may be afforded for covered services provided by a licensed or certified chiropractor, acupuncturist, massage therapist, naturopathic physician, or midwife, witho
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 24, 1999
Referred to Committee: Jun 24, 1999
H.R. 2361 (106th): Medicare Home Health Care Restoration Act of 1999
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 24, 1999
Referred to Committee: Jun 24, 1999
H.Con.Res. 135 (106th): Expressing the sense of Congress with regard to preserving and expanding Medicare.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 16, 1999
Referred to Committee: Jun 16, 1999
H.R. 1422 (106th): Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 14, 1999
Referred to Committee: Apr 14, 1999
H.R. 1277 (106th): Workplace Democracy Act of 1999
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 24, 1999
Referred to Committee: Mar 24, 1999
H.R. 652 (106th): Veterans Burial Benefits Act of 1999
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 9, 1999
Referred to Committee: Feb 9, 1999
H.R. 626 (106th): Health Care Research and Development and Taxpayer Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 8, 1999
Referred to Committee: Feb 8, 1999
H.R. 627 (106th): Liveable Wage Act of 1999
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 8, 1999
Referred to Committee: Feb 8, 1999
H.R. 4708 (105th): Veterans Burial Benefits Act of 1998
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 6, 1998
Referred to Committee: Oct 6, 1998
H.R. 4671 (105th): To redesignate the Marsh-Billings National Historical Park in the State of Vermont as the “Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park”.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 1, 1998
Referred to Committee: Oct 1, 1998
H.R. 4084 (105th): Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act of 1998
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 18, 1998
Referred to Committee: Jun 18, 1998
H.R. 3758 (105th): Health Care Research and Development and Taxpayer Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 29, 1998
Referred to Committee: Apr 29, 1998
H.R. 3106 (105th): Accountability for International Bailouts Act of 1998
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 27, 1998
Referred to Committee: Jan 27, 1998
H.Res. 334 (105th): Directing the Secretary of the Treasury to produce all factual information pertaining to the actions taken by the Secretary of the Treasury and the United States Executive Directors at the international financial institutions to comply
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 13, 1997
Referred to Committee: Nov 13, 1997
H.R. 3015 (105th): Senior Nutrition Funding Act of 1997
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 9, 1997
Referred to Committee: Nov 9, 1997
H.R. 3016 (105th): To amend section 332 of the Communications Act of 1934 to preserve State and local authority to regulate the placement, construction, and modification of certain telecommunications facilities, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 9, 1997
Referred to Committee: Nov 9, 1997
H.R. 3017 (105th): Rights of the Child Act of 1997
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 9, 1997
Referred to Committee: Nov 9, 1997
H.Con.Res. 189 (105th): Revising the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 1998 with respect to the appropriate budgetary levels for Social Security and national defense for fiscal years 1999 through 2002 in order to mainta
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 7, 1997
Referred to Committee: Nov 7, 1997
H.R. 2475 (105th): Bonded Child Labor Elimination Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 15, 1997
Referred to Committee: Sep 15, 1997
H.R. 2278 (105th): Liveable Wage Act of 1997
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 28, 1997
Referred to Committee: Jul 28, 1997
H.R. 2280 (105th): To establish limitations on the ability of a Federal agency to pay a contractor under a contract with the agency for the costs of compensation with respect to the services of any individual.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 28, 1997
Referred to Committee: Jul 28, 1997
H.R. 2279 (105th): To amend title 10, United States Code, to establish limitations on taxpayer-financed compensation for defense contractors.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 28, 1997
Referred to Committee: Jul 28, 1997
H.R. 2071 (105th): Good Corporate Citizenship and Federal Procurement Incentives Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 25, 1997
Referred to Committee: Jun 25, 1997
H.R. 2068 (105th): Dairy, Nutrition, and Conservation Act of 1997
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 25, 1997
Referred to Committee: Jun 25, 1997
H.R. 2069 (105th): To amend the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 to ensure that firms that have shown a commitment to reinvestment and job creation in the United States are given preference in obtaining financial assistance from the Export-Import Bank of th
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 25, 1997
Referred to Committee: Jun 25, 1997
H.R. 2012 (105th): Workplace Democracy Act of 1997
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 23, 1997
Referred to Committee: Jun 23, 1997
H.Con.Res. 91 (105th): Expressing the sense of Congress that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency should take immediate steps to abate emissions of mercury and release to Congress the study of mercury required under the Clean Air Act,
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 22, 1997
Referred to Committee: May 22, 1997
H.Res. 132 (105th): Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives against reductions in Social Security benefits and arbitrary reductions in the Consumer Price Index.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 24, 1997
Referred to Committee: Apr 24, 1997
H.R. 1117 (105th): Victims of Abuse Insurance Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 18, 1997
Referred to Committee: Mar 18, 1997
H.R. 1079 (105th): Fast-Track Fairness and Accountability Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 13, 1997
Referred to Committee: Mar 13, 1997
H.Con.Res. 44 (105th): Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to United States opposition to the prison sentence of Tibetan ethnomusicologist Ngawang Choephel by the Government of the People’s Republic of China, and that the United States shoul
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 11, 1997
Referred to Committee: Mar 11, 1997
H.Con.Res. 29 (105th): Expressing the sense of the Congress that a national summit of sports, political, community, and media leaders should be promptly convened to develop a multifaceted action plan to deter acts of violence, especially domestic violence
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 27, 1997
Referred to Committee: Feb 27, 1997
H.R. 795 (105th): Electronic Fund Transfer Fees Act of 1997
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 13, 1997
Referred to Committee: Feb 13, 1997
H.R. 648 (105th): Boeing-McDonnell Douglas Corporate Welfare Elimination Act of 1997
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 6, 1997
Referred to Committee: Feb 6, 1997
H.R. 4270 (104th): Health Care Research and Development and Consumer Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 27, 1996
Referred to Committee: Sep 27, 1996
H.R. 4033 (104th): To amend chapter 35 of title 44, United States Code, popularly known as the Paperwork Reduction Act, to ensure that Federal agencies give priority to reducing paperwork burdens on small businesses having 50 or fewer employees.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 5, 1996
Referred to Committee: Sep 5, 1996
H.Con.Res. 199 (104th): Expressing the sense of the Congress that a national summit of sports, political, and community leaders should be promptly convened to develop a multifaceted action plan to promote citizenship through sports, emphasizing the aspect
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 24, 1996
Referred to Committee: Jul 24, 1996
H.R. 3607 (104th): To amend chapter 35 of title 44, United States Code, popularly known as the Paperwork Reduction Act, to ensure that Federal agencies give priority to reducing paperwork burdens on small businesses having 50 or fewer employees.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 10, 1996
Referred to Committee: Jun 10, 1996
H.R. 3608 (104th): To amend section 818 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 to prohibit additional payments for restructuring costs under defense contracts and to revise certain reporting requirements relating to such costs.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 10, 1996
Referred to Committee: Jun 10, 1996
H.R. 3512 (104th): To amend title 10, United States Code, to establish limitations on taxpayer-financed compensation for defense contractors.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 22, 1996
Referred to Committee: May 22, 1996
H.R. 3513 (104th): To establish limitations on the ability of a Federal agency to pay a contractor under a contract with the agency for the costs of compensation with respect to the services of any individual.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 22, 1996
Referred to Committee: May 22, 1996
H.R. 3444 (104th): To amend section 818 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 to repeal certain provisions and revise certain reporting requirements relating to payment of restructuring costs under defense contracts.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 10, 1996
Referred to Committee: May 10, 1996
H.R. 3221 (104th): Electronic Fund Transfer Fees Act of 1996
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 29, 1996
Referred to Committee: Mar 29, 1996
H.R. 3222 (104th): Hippocratic Oath and Patient Protection Act of 1996
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 29, 1996
Referred to Committee: Mar 29, 1996
H.Con.Res. 152 (104th): Expressing the sense of Congress that legislation containing a cross-border fee for vehicles and pedestrians entering the United States from Canada or Mexico is unwise and should not be enacted.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 14, 1996
Referred to Committee: Mar 14, 1996
H.R. 2714 (104th): Fair International Standards in Trade (FIST) Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 5, 1995
Referred to Committee: Dec 5, 1995
H.J.Res. 129 (104th): Granting the consent of Congress to the Vermont-New Hampshire Interstate Public Water Supply Compact.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 30, 1995
Passed House: Mar 19, 1996
H.R. 2654 (104th): Victims of Abuse Insurance Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 16, 1995
Referred to Committee: Nov 16, 1995
H.R. 2534 (104th): Corporate Responsibility Act of 1995
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 25, 1995
Referred to Committee: Oct 25, 1995
H.R. 2245 (104th): National Community Health Advisor Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Aug 4, 1995
Referred to Committee: Aug 4, 1995
H.R. 2085 (104th): Bovine Growth Hormone Milk Labeling and Residue Test Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 20, 1995
Referred to Committee: Jul 20, 1995
H.R. 2084 (104th): Bovine Growth Hormone Milk Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 20, 1995
Referred to Committee: Jul 20, 1995
H.R. 2000 (104th): Dairy, Nutrition, and Conservation Act of 1995
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 10, 1995
Referred to Committee: Jul 10, 1995
H.R. 1964 (104th): To authorize the President to award the Medal of Honor to the unknown Vermonter who lost his life while serving in the Continental Army in the War of Independence and who has been selected by the people of Vermont to represent all Vermo
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 29, 1995
Referred to Committee: Jun 29, 1995
H.Con.Res. 79 (104th): Expressing the sense of Congress regarding an appropriate minimum length of stay for routine deliveries.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 27, 1995
Referred to Committee: Jun 27, 1995
H.R. 1629 (104th): Come Home, Corporate America, Act of 1995
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 12, 1995
Referred to Committee: May 12, 1995
H.R. 1511 (104th): Nuclear Freeze: Part II Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 7, 1995
Referred to Committee: Apr 7, 1995
H.R. 1357 (104th): To provide certain employee protection benefits for railroad employees.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 29, 1995
Referred to Committee: Mar 29, 1995
H.R. 1356 (104th): Public Interest Legislature Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 29, 1995
Referred to Committee: Mar 29, 1995
H.R. 1355 (104th): Workplace Democracy Act of 1995
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 29, 1995
Referred to Committee: Mar 29, 1995
H.R. 918 (104th): To reduce the Official Mail Allowance of Members of the House.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 13, 1995
Referred to Committee: Feb 13, 1995
H.R. 867 (104th): Congressional Limitation on Executive Bailouts Act of 1995
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 8, 1995
Referred to Committee: Feb 8, 1995
H.Con.Res. 18 (104th): Expressing the sense of the Congress that United States investors, lenders, and corporations should assume the full measure of risk and responsibility for their investments and loans in Mexico since the devaluation of the peso on De
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 24, 1995
Referred to Committee: Jan 24, 1995
H.R. 363 (104th): Liveable Wage Act of 1995
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 4, 1995
Referred to Committee: Jan 4, 1995
H.R. 5278 (103rd): Jobs and Investment Act of 1994
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 7, 1994
Referred to Committee: Oct 20, 1994
H.R. 5126 (103rd): Workplace Democracy Act of 1992
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 28, 1994
Referred to Committee: Sep 28, 1994
H.R. 5093 (103rd): To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide a 1-year extension of the applicability of certain provisions in the programs for block grants regarding mental health and substance abuse, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 23, 1994
Referred to Committee: Sep 23, 1994
H.R. 5094 (103rd): To provide a 1-year extension of the applicability of the authority to transfer funds under the programs for block grants regarding mental health and substance abuse.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 23, 1994
Referred to Committee: Sep 23, 1994
H.R. 4710 (103rd): Fair International Standards in Trade (FIST) Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 30, 1994
Referred to Committee: Jun 30, 1994
H.R. 4669 (103rd): Bovine Growth Hormone Milk Labeling and Residue Test Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 28, 1994
Referred to Committee: Jun 28, 1994
H.R. 4618 (103rd): Bovine Growth Hormone Milk Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 21, 1994
Referred to Committee: Jun 21, 1994
H.R. 4024 (103rd): National Community Health Advisor Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 11, 1994
Referred to Committee: Mar 11, 1994
H.R. 3866 (103rd): To provide certain employee protection benefits for railroad employees.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 11, 1994
Referred to Committee: Feb 11, 1994
H.R. 3370 (103rd): Milk Supply Management and Nutrition Assistance Act of 1993
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 26, 1993
Referred to Committee: Oct 26, 1993
H.R. 3323 (103rd): To provide that rates of pay for the President and Members of Congress shall be made equivalent to the rates of pay for their counterparts in the United Mexican States if legislation implementing the North American Free Trade Agreement
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 20, 1993
Referred to Committee: Oct 20, 1993
H.R. 1791 (103rd): To restore reductions in veterans benefits made by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 21, 1993
Referred to Committee: Apr 21, 1993
H.R. 1299 (103rd): Resolution Trust Corporation Fair Funding Act of 1993
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 10, 1993
Referred to Committee: Mar 10, 1993
H.R. 692 (103rd): Liveable Wage Act of 1993
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 27, 1993
Referred to Committee: Jan 27, 1993
H.Con.Res. 15 (103rd): Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the need for the President to seek the Senate’s advice and consent to ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 6, 1993
Referred to Committee: Jan 6, 1993
H.R. 6041 (102nd): Workplace Democracy Act of 1992
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 25, 1992
Referred to Committee: Sep 25, 1992
H.Res. 515 (102nd): Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the need for the President to seek the Senate’s advice and consent to ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 9, 1992
Referred to Committee: Jul 9, 1992
H.R. 5207 (102nd): To provide that elections for President, Vice President, and members of the Congress be held on Saturday and Sunday.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 19, 1992
Referred to Committee: May 19, 1992
H.R. 5186 (102nd): To provide financing incentives to promote energy efficiency in residential buildings, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 14, 1992
Referred to Committee: May 14, 1992
H.R. 5131 (102nd): To amend the Solid Waste Disposal Act to regulate the manufacture, collection, and disposal of batteries.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 11, 1992
Referred to Committee: May 11, 1992
H.Res. 359 (102nd): To express the sense of the House of Representatives regarding breast cancer.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 7, 1992
Referred to Committee: Feb 7, 1992
H.R. 4206 (102nd): Cancer Registries Amendment Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 7, 1992
Referred to Committee: Feb 7, 1992
H.R. 4030 (102nd): Marsh-Billings National Historical Park Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 26, 1991
Referred to Committee: Nov 26, 1991
H.R. 2530 (102nd): National Health Care and Cost Containment Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 4, 1991
Referred to Committee: Jun 4, 1991
H.R. 2439 (102nd): Cable Television Subscriber Protection Act of 1991
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 22, 1991
Referred to Committee: May 22, 1991
H.R. 2373 (102nd): Escrow Deposit Act of 1991
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 16, 1991
Referred to Committee: May 16, 1991
H.R. 2304 (102nd): To restore reductions in veterans benefits made by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 9, 1991
Referred to Committee: May 9, 1991
H.R. 1353 (102nd): Entitled the “Taconic Mountains Protection Act of 1991”.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 7, 1991
Referred to Committee: Mar 7, 1991
H.J.Res. 132 (102nd): To designate March 4, 1991, as “Vermont Bicentennial Day”.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 19, 1991
Referred to Committee: Feb 19, 1991
H.R. 695 (102nd): Guard and Reserve Family Protection Act of 1991
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 29, 1991
Referred to Committee: Jan 29, 1991
A number of liberal groups are checking to see whether former Representatives Dennis Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney enter the race before making a full commitment. So far neither has expressed plans to run for the 2016 Presidency. When asked by a Justice Gazette reporter in March if he would be running for President, Kucinich said, "I don't know." The one problem Bernie has with liberal groups is his seeming failure to recognize the extent of the genocide being perpetrated by Israel on the Palestinian people and children. On this issue, both Kucinich and McKinney have views that resonate more with the concerns of human rights groups, such as Amnesty International. Sanders did improve his standing with neutral observers of the conflict when he criticized Benjamin Netanyahu's 2015 speech to Congress wherein Bibi pushed for war with Iran. Bernie further increased liberal opinion of him when he refused to vote in favor of a resolution supporting Israel earlier this year.
Humanitarian groups have called for a boycott of Israel, for an end to arms shipments and other aid to Israel and for the trying Israel's leaders for crimes agianst humanity. Concerned observers of Israel's role in the Middle East have noted that Israel has enough weapons of mass destruction, supplied mostly by the U.S., to wipe out most or all of its neighbors in contrast to Palestinian bottle rockets that have done little or no damage to Israel--in spite of Israel's whinning. Israel has targetted schools and hospitals and temporarily incarcerated a former member of Congress and a Nobel Peace Prize winner when the two tried to bring life-saving supplies to Palestinian children dying as a result of being targetting by Israeli weapons that violate the Geneva Conventions. Groups are hoping that Bernie will look more closely at what is happening in the recurring Israeli attacks on Palestinian children and babies. Does being born Palestinian give a child a lesser right to live?
Unless more populists jump into the race, it appears that Bernie Sanders will be the Presidential candidate the liberal and progressive masses will likely rally around in 2016.
Following is a list of bills Sanders has sponsored/co-sponsored.
S. 1041: A bill to eliminate certain subsidies for fossil-fuel production.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 22, 2015
Referred to Committee: Apr 22, 2015
S. 964: Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Act of 2015
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 15, 2015
Referred to Committee: Apr 15, 2015
S. 922: Corporate Tax Dodging Prevention Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 14, 2015
Referred to Committee: Apr 14, 2015
S. 878: A bill to establish a State residential building energy efficiency upgrades loan pilot program.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 26, 2015
Referred to Committee: Mar 26, 2015
S. 731: Social Security Expansion Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 12, 2015
Referred to Committee: Mar 12, 2015
S. 570: Comprehensive Dental Reform Act of 2015
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 25, 2015
Referred to Committee: Feb 25, 2015
S. 268: Rebuild America Act of 2015
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 27, 2015
Referred to Committee: Jan 27, 2015
S.J.Res. 4: A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to restore the rights of the American people that were taken away by the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizens United case and related decisions, to protect
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 21, 2015
Referred to Committee: Jan 21, 2015
S. 2948: Medicaid Generic Drug Price Fairness Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 20, 2014
Referred to Committee: Nov 20, 2014
S. 2918: Democracy Day Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 12, 2014
Referred to Committee: Nov 12, 2014
S.Res. 577: A resolution permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 12, 2014
Agreed To (Simple Resolution): Nov 18, 2014
S. 2905: Carbon Pollution Transparency Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 18, 2014
Referred to Committee: Sep 18, 2014
S. 2899: Responsible Estate Tax Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 18, 2014
Referred to Committee: Sep 18, 2014
S. 2901: 10 Million Solar Roofs Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 18, 2014
Referred to Committee: Sep 18, 2014
S. 2849: Developing Innovative Partnerships and Learning Opportunities that Motivate Achievement Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 17, 2014
Referred to Committee: Sep 17, 2014
S. 2832: Employ Young Americans Now Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 16, 2014
Referred to Committee: Sep 16, 2014
S. 2782: A bill to amend title 36, United States Code, to improve the Federal charter for the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 9, 2014
Referred to Committee: Sep 9, 2014
S. 2548: A bill to require the Commodity Futures Trading commission to take certain emergency action to eliminate excessive speculation in energy markets.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 26, 2014
Referred to Committee: Jun 26, 2014
S. 2450: Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 9, 2014
Reported by Committee: Jun 10, 2014
S. 2422: Ensuring Veterans Access to Care Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 3, 2014
Reported by Committee: Jun 4, 2014
S. 2413: Restoring Veterans Trust Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 2, 2014
Referred to Committee: Jun 2, 2014
S. 2412: WORK Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 2, 2014
Referred to Committee: Jun 2, 2014
S. 2411: United States Employee Ownership Bank Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 2, 2014
Referred to Committee: Jun 2, 2014
S. 2349: Supporting College Success Through Dual Enrollment Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 15, 2014
Referred to Committee: May 15, 2014
S. 2326: Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 13, 2014
Referred to Committee: May 13, 2014
S. 2229: Expanding Primary Care Access and Workforce Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 9, 2014
Referred to Committee: Apr 9, 2014
S. 1982: Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 3, 2014
Reported by Committee: Feb 4, 2014
S. 1950: Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 16, 2014
Reported by Committee: Jan 27, 2014
S. 1782: American Health Security Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 9, 2013
Referred to Committee: Dec 9, 2013
S. 1759: Teaching Health Center Reauthorization Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 21, 2013
Referred to Committee: Nov 21, 2013
S. 1762: End Polluter Welfare Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 21, 2013
Referred to Committee: Nov 21, 2013
S.Res. 307: A resolution permitting the collection of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate buildings.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 20, 2013
Agreed To (Simple Resolution): Nov 20, 2013
S. 1604: Veterans Health Care Eligibility Expansion and Enhancement Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 29, 2013
Reported by Committee: Nov 19, 2013
S. 1583: Mental Health Support for Veteran Families and Caregivers Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Referred to Committee: Oct 28, 2013
S. 1582: Improved Compensation for Hearing Loss Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Referred to Committee: Oct 28, 2013
S. 1584: A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide replacement automobiles for certain disabled veterans and members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Referred to Committee: Oct 28, 2013
S. 1579: SCRA Enhancement and Improvement Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Referred to Committee: Oct 28, 2013
S. 1586: Enhanced Dental Care for Veterans Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Referred to Committee: Oct 28, 2013
S. 1585: A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to update the Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance program to base premium rates on the Commissioners 2001 Standard Ordinary Mortality Table instead of the Commissioners 1941 Standard Ordinary Table of
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Referred to Committee: Oct 28, 2013
S. 1578: A bill to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to cover the costs associated with the care of veterans at medical foster homes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Referred to Committee: Oct 28, 2013
S. 1581: Survivors of Military Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 28, 2013
Reported by Committee: Nov 19, 2013
S. 1562: Older Americans Act Reauthorization Act of 2014
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 30, 2013
Reported by Committee: Oct 30, 2013
S. 1564: Protecting Those Who Protected Us Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 30, 2013
Referred to Committee: Sep 30, 2013
S.Res. 243: An original resolution authorizing expenditures by the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 19, 2013
Referred to Committee: Sep 19, 2013
S. 1522: Comprehensive Dental Reform Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 18, 2013
Referred to Committee: Sep 18, 2013
S.Res. 233: A resolution authorizing expenditures by the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 17, 2013
Referred to Committee: Sep 17, 2013
S. 1252: Upper Missisquoi and Trout Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 27, 2013
Reported by Committee: Nov 21, 2013
S. 1200: Residential Energy Savings Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 20, 2013
Referred to Committee: Jun 20, 2013
S. 1168: Restore Our Privacy Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 13, 2013
Referred to Committee: Jun 13, 2013
S. 1170: Youth Jobs Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 13, 2013
Referred to Committee: Jun 13, 2013
S. 1028: Older Americans Act Amendments of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 23, 2013
Referred to Committee: May 23, 2013
S. 1018: Federal Reserve Independence Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 22, 2013
Referred to Committee: May 22, 2013
S. 944: Veterans Health and Benefits Improvement Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 14, 2013
Reported by Committee: Jul 24, 2013
S. 928: Claims Processing Improvement Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 9, 2013
Referred to Committee: May 9, 2013
S. 922: Veterans Equipped for Success Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 9, 2013
Referred to Committee: May 9, 2013
S. 927: Veterans’ Outreach Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 9, 2013
Referred to Committee: May 9, 2013
S. 893: Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 8, 2013
Enacted — Signed by the President: Nov 21, 2013
S. 894: A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to extend expiring authority for work-study allowances for individuals who are pursuing programs of rehabilitation, education, or training under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs,
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 8, 2013
Referred to Committee: May 8, 2013
S. 885: A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 35 Park Street in Danville, Vermont, as the “Thaddeus Stevens Post Office”.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 7, 2013
Enacted — Signed by the President: Nov 26, 2014
S. 858: State Leadership in Health Care Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 6, 2013
Referred to Committee: May 6, 2013
S. 825: Homeless Veterans Prevention Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 25, 2013
Referred to Committee: Apr 25, 2013
S. 844: Supporting Community Schools Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 25, 2013
Referred to Committee: Apr 25, 2013
S. 852: Veterans’ Health Promotion Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 25, 2013
Referred to Committee: Apr 25, 2013
S. 851: Caregivers Expansion and Improvement Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 25, 2013
Reported by Committee: Jul 24, 2013
S. 735: Survivor Benefits Improvement Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 16, 2013
Referred to Committee: Apr 16, 2013
S. 685: Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Exist Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 9, 2013
Referred to Committee: Apr 9, 2013
S. 627: Medical Innovation Prize Fund Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 20, 2013
Referred to Committee: Mar 20, 2013
S. 626: Prize Fund for HIV/AIDS Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 20, 2013
Referred to Committee: Mar 20, 2013
S.J.Res. 11: A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to restore the rights of the American people that were taken away by the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizens United case and related decisions, to protect
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 13, 2013
Referred to Committee: Mar 13, 2013
S. 525: A bill proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to restore the rights of the American people that were taken away by the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizens United case and related decisions, to protect the integrity of
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 12, 2013
Referred to Committee: Mar 12, 2013
S. 500: Keeping Our Social Security Promises Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 7, 2013
Referred to Committee: Mar 7, 2013
S. 471: Fair Access to Credit Scores Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 6, 2013
Referred to Committee: Mar 6, 2013
S.Res. 48: An original resolution authorizing expenditures by the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 26, 2013
Referred to Committee: Feb 26, 2013
S. 332: Climate Protection Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 14, 2013
Referred to Committee: Feb 14, 2013
S. 329: Sustainable Energy Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 14, 2013
Referred to Committee: Feb 14, 2013
S. 316: Postal Service Protection Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 13, 2013
Referred to Committee: Feb 13, 2013
S. 250: Corporate Tax Dodging Prevention Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 7, 2013
Referred to Committee: Feb 7, 2013
S. 3562 (112th): Older Americans Act Amendments of 2012
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 19, 2012
Referred to Committee: Sep 19, 2012
S. 3506 (112th): Ethical Pathway Act of 2012
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Aug 2, 2012
Referred to Committee: Aug 2, 2012
S. 3419 (112th): United States Employee Ownership Bank Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 23, 2012
Referred to Committee: Jul 23, 2012
S. 3421 (112th): WORK Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 23, 2012
Referred to Committee: Jul 23, 2012
S. 3272 (112th): Comprehensive Dental Reform Act of 2012
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 7, 2012
Referred to Committee: Jun 7, 2012
S. 3219 (112th): Federal Reserve Independence Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 22, 2012
Referred to Committee: May 22, 2012
S. 3080 (112th): End Polluter Welfare Act of 2012
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 10, 2012
Referred to Committee: May 10, 2012
S. 2222 (112th): A bill to require the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to take certain actions to reduce excessive speculation in energy markets.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 21, 2012
Referred to Committee: Mar 21, 2012
S. 2037 (112th): Older Americans Act Amendments of 2012
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 26, 2012
Referred to Committee: Jan 26, 2012
S.J.Res. 33 (112th): A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to expressly exclude for-profit corporations from the rights given to natural persons by the Constitution of the United States, prohibit corporate spen
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 8, 2011
Referred to Committee: Dec 8, 2011
S. 1853 (112th): Postal Service Protection Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 10, 2011
Referred to Committee: Nov 10, 2011
S. 1716 (112th): Assuring Successful Students through Effective Teaching Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 17, 2011
Referred to Committee: Oct 17, 2011
S. 1558 (112th): Keeping Our Social Security Promises Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 14, 2011
Referred to Committee: Sep 14, 2011
S. 1428 (112th): Stop Outsourcing Security Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 27, 2011
Referred to Committee: Jul 27, 2011
S. 1414 (112th): Community-Supported Agriculture Promotion Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 26, 2011
Referred to Committee: Jul 26, 2011
S. 1311 (112th): Improving Student Achievement and Engagement through Expanded Learning Time Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 30, 2011
Referred to Committee: Jun 30, 2011
S. 1200 (112th): End Excessive Oil Speculation Now Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 15, 2011
Referred to Committee: Jun 15, 2011
S. 1138 (112th): Prize Fund for HIV/AIDS Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 26, 2011
Referred to Committee: May 26, 2011
S. 1137 (112th): Medical Innovation Prize Fund Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 26, 2011
Referred to Committee: May 26, 2011
S. 1108 (112th): 10 Million Solar Roofs Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 26, 2011
Reported by Committee: Dec 15, 2011
S. 1019 (112th): Secondary School Reentry Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 18, 2011
Referred to Committee: May 18, 2011
S. 1017 (112th): Disabled Veteran Caregiver Housing Assistance Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 17, 2011
Referred to Committee: May 17, 2011
S. 915 (112th): American Health Security Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 9, 2011
Referred to Committee: May 9, 2011
S.Res. 119 (112th): A resolution recognizing past, present, and future public health and economic benefits of cleaner air due to the successful implementation of the Clean Air Act.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 31, 2011
Referred to Committee: Mar 31, 2011
S. 616 (112th): Supporting Community Schools Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 17, 2011
Referred to Committee: Mar 17, 2011
S. 582 (112th): Social Security Protection Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 15, 2011
Referred to Committee: Mar 15, 2011
S. 552 (112th): Emergency Deficit Reduction Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 10, 2011
Referred to Committee: Mar 10, 2011
S. 426 (112th): Developing Innovative Partnerships and Learning Opportunities that Motivate Achievement Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 1, 2011
Referred to Committee: Mar 1, 2011
S. 294 (112th): Foundations for Success Act of 2011
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 7, 2011
Referred to Committee: Feb 7, 2011
S. 73 (112th): State Leadership in Health Care Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 25, 2011
Referred to Committee: Jan 25, 2011
S. 4057 (111th): State Leadership in Health Care Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 22, 2010
Referred to Committee: Dec 22, 2010
S. 4030 (111th): A bill to amend the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 to establish a community-supported agriculture promotion program.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 15, 2010
Referred to Committee: Dec 15, 2010
S. 3985 (111th): Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 29, 2010
Failed Cloture: Dec 8, 2010
S. 3976 (111th): Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 19, 2010
Referred to Committee: Nov 19, 2010
S.Res. 664 (111th): A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate in opposition to privatizing Social Security, raising the retirement age, or other similar cuts to benefits under title II of the Social Security Act.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 29, 2010
Referred to Committee: Sep 29, 2010
S. 3921 (111th): Ethical Pathway Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 29, 2010
Referred to Committee: Sep 29, 2010
S. 3923 (111th): Let the States Innovate on Sustainable Energy Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 29, 2010
Referred to Committee: Sep 29, 2010
S. 3612 (111th): Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park Establishment Amendments Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 19, 2010
Referred to Committee: Jul 19, 2010
S. 3531 (111th): Dairy Market Stabilization Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 24, 2010
Referred to Committee: Jun 24, 2010
S. 3533 (111th): Responsible Estate Tax Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 24, 2010
Referred to Committee: Jun 24, 2010
S. 3460 (111th): 10 Million Solar Roofs Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 7, 2010
Reported by Committee: Aug 5, 2010
S. 3433 (111th): Clean Coasts and Efficient Cars Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 27, 2010
Referred to Committee: May 27, 2010
S. 3362 (111th): Sustainable Schools Pollution Reduction Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 13, 2010
Reported by Committee: May 20, 2010
S. 3023 (111th): Stop Outsourcing Security Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 23, 2010
Referred to Committee: Feb 23, 2010
S. 2993 (111th): 10 Million Solar Roofs and 10 Million Gallons of Solar Water Heating Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 4, 2010
Referred to Committee: Feb 4, 2010
S. 2910 (111th): Increasing American Wages and Benefits Act of 2010
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 18, 2009
Referred to Committee: Dec 18, 2009
S. 2914 (111th): United States Employee Ownership Bank Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 18, 2009
Referred to Committee: Dec 18, 2009
S. 2909 (111th): WORK Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 18, 2009
Referred to Committee: Dec 18, 2009
S. 2804 (111th): Employ America Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 19, 2009
Referred to Committee: Nov 19, 2009
S. 2746 (111th): Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Exist Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 5, 2009
Referred to Committee: Nov 5, 2009
S. 1798 (111th): Automatic Reserve Component Enrollment Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 19, 2009
Referred to Committee: Oct 19, 2009
S. 1753 (111th): Disabled Veteran Caregiver Housing Assistance Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 5, 2009
Referred to Committee: Oct 5, 2009
S. 1752 (111th): A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide wartime disability compensation for certain veterans with Parkinson’s disease.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 5, 2009
Referred to Committee: Oct 5, 2009
S. 1721 (111th): Transportation Low Emissions Energy Plan 2020 Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 25, 2009
Referred to Committee: Sep 25, 2009
S. 1685 (111th): Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 17, 2009
Referred to Committee: Sep 17, 2009
S. 1621 (111th): Thermal Energy Efficiency Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Aug 6, 2009
Referred to Committee: Aug 6, 2009
S. 1246 (111th): Home Energy Retrofit Finance Program Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 11, 2009
Referred to Committee: Jun 11, 2009
S. 1225 (111th): Energy Market Manipulation Prevention Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 10, 2009
Referred to Committee: Jun 10, 2009
S. 898 (111th): States’ Right To Innovate in Health Care Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 24, 2009
Referred to Committee: Apr 24, 2009
S. 820 (111th): Veterans Mobility Enhancement Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 2, 2009
Referred to Committee: Apr 2, 2009
S. 822 (111th): Volunteer Firefighter and EMS Support Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 2, 2009
Referred to Committee: Apr 2, 2009
S. 821 (111th): A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit the Secretary of Veterans Affairs from collecting certain copayments from veterans who are catastrophically disabled, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 2, 2009
Referred to Committee: Apr 2, 2009
S. 792 (111th): Improvement of the National Program of Cancer Registries Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 2, 2009
Referred to Committee: Apr 2, 2009
S. 703 (111th): American Health Security Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 25, 2009
Referred to Committee: Mar 25, 2009
S. 604 (111th): Federal Reserve Sunshine Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 16, 2009
Referred to Committee: Mar 16, 2009
S. 582 (111th): Interest Rate Reduction Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 12, 2009
Referred to Committee: Mar 12, 2009
S. 513 (111th): Federal Reserve Transparency Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 3, 2009
Referred to Committee: Mar 3, 2009
S. 486 (111th): Access for All America Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 26, 2009
Referred to Committee: Feb 26, 2009
S. 400 (111th): Financial Crisis Investigation Act of 2009
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 9, 2009
Referred to Committee: Feb 9, 2009
S. 198 (111th): A bill to direct the Secretary of Transportation to waive non-Federal share requirements for certain transportation programs and activities through September 30, 2009.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 9, 2009
Referred to Committee: Jan 9, 2009
S. 25 (111th): Digital TV Transition Fairness Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 7, 2009
Referred to Committee: Jan 7, 2009
S. 3740 (110th): Digital TV Transition Fairness Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 11, 2008
Referred to Committee: Dec 11, 2008
S. 3728 (110th): A bill to direct the Secretary of Transportation to waive non-Federal share requirements for certain transportation programs and activities through September 30, 2009.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 10, 2008
Referred to Committee: Dec 10, 2008
S. 3693 (110th): Stop the Greed on Wall Street Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 19, 2008
Referred to Committee: Nov 19, 2008
S. 3692 (110th): A bill to rescind Treasury Notice 2008-83.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 19, 2008
Referred to Committee: Nov 19, 2008
S. 3694 (110th): A bill to amend the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act to limit obligations to $350,000,000,000, absent majority approval by the Congress.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 19, 2008
Referred to Committee: Nov 19, 2008
S. 3676 (110th): Volunteer Firefighter and EMS Support Act of 2008
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 1, 2008
Referred to Committee: Oct 1, 2008
S. 3413 (110th): Access for All America Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 31, 2008
Referred to Committee: Jul 31, 2008
S. 3412 (110th): Access for All America Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 31, 2008
Referred to Committee: Jul 31, 2008
S. 3224 (110th): 10 Million-Solar Roofs Act of 2008
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 7, 2008
Referred to Committee: Jul 7, 2008
S. 3186 (110th): Warm in Winter and Cool in Summer Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 24, 2008
Failed Cloture: Jul 26, 2008
S.Res. 509 (110th): A resolution recognizing the week of April 7, 2008 to April 13, 2008, as “National Public Health Week”.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 9, 2008
Referred to Committee: Apr 9, 2008
S. 2660 (110th): Consumer Protection and Cost Accountability Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 25, 2008
Referred to Committee: Feb 25, 2008
S. 2405 (110th): Keeping Americans Warm Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 4, 2007
Referred to Committee: Dec 4, 2007
S. 2398 (110th): Stop Outsourcing Security Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 16, 2007
Referred to Committee: Nov 16, 2007
S. 2210 (110th): Medical Innovation Prize Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 19, 2007
Referred to Committee: Oct 19, 2007
S. 2157 (110th): Expanded Education Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 4, 2007
Referred to Committee: Oct 4, 2007
S. 2094 (110th): Increasing American Wages and Benefits Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 26, 2007
Referred to Committee: Sep 26, 2007
S. 2031 (110th): States’ Right To Innovate in Health Care Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 7, 2007
Referred to Committee: Sep 7, 2007
S. 1982 (110th): United States Employee Ownership Bank Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Aug 2, 2007
Referred to Committee: Aug 2, 2007
S. 1564 (110th): All Healthy Children Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 7, 2007
Referred to Committee: Jun 7, 2007
S. 1326 (110th): Comprehensive Veterans Benefits Improvements Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 8, 2007
Referred to Committee: May 8, 2007
S. 1201 (110th): Clean Power Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 24, 2007
Referred to Committee: Apr 24, 2007
S. 1008 (110th): A bill to amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to improve and strengthen the safety inspection process of nuclear facilities.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 28, 2007
Referred to Committee: Mar 28, 2007
S. 941 (110th): Community Health Centers Investment Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 20, 2007
Referred to Committee: Mar 20, 2007
S. 818 (110th): National Priorities Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 8, 2007
Referred to Committee: Mar 8, 2007
S.Con.Res. 13 (110th): A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the President should not initiate military action against Iran without first obtaining authorization from Congress.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 15, 2007
Referred to Committee: Feb 15, 2007
S. 309 (110th): Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 16, 2007
Referred to Committee: Jan 16, 2007
H.R. 5761 (109th): Spent Nuclear Fuel Control and Accounting Act of 2006
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 11, 2006
Referred to Committee: Jul 11, 2006
H.Res. 864 (109th): Recognizing the importance of shared housing in the United States.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 12, 2006
Referred to Committee: Jun 12, 2006
H.R. 5245 (109th): To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1 Marble Street in Fair Haven, Vermont, as the “Matthew Lyon Post Office Building”.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 27, 2006
Enacted — Signed by the President: Aug 2, 2006
H.R. 5157 (109th): Vermont Wilderness Act of 2006
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 6, 2006
Referred to Committee: Apr 6, 2006
H.R. 5034 (109th): To redesignate the White Rocks National Recreation Area in the State of Vermont as the “Robert T. Stafford White Rocks National Recreation Area”.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 28, 2006
Referred to Committee: Mar 28, 2006
H.R. 4697 (109th): Medicare Drugs for Seniors (MEDS) Act of 2006
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 1, 2006
Referred to Committee: Feb 1, 2006
H.R. 4420 (109th): To repeal tax subsidies enacted by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 for oil and gas, to repeal certain other oil and gas subsidies in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and to use the proceeds to carry out the Low-Income Home Energy Assist
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 18, 2005
Referred to Committee: Nov 18, 2005
H.R. 4333 (109th): Tire-Derived Fuel Safety Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 15, 2005
Referred to Committee: Nov 15, 2005
H.R. 4052 (109th): Pension Benefits Protection Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 7, 2005
Referred to Committee: Oct 7, 2005
H.R. 3601 (109th): Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 28, 2005
Referred to Committee: Jul 28, 2005
H.R. 3492 (109th): Consumer Credit Card Protection Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 27, 2005
Referred to Committee: Jul 27, 2005
H.R. 2457 (109th): Employee Ownership Opportunity Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 18, 2005
Referred to Committee: May 18, 2005
H.R. 2240 (109th): Urban and Rural Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 10, 2005
Referred to Committee: May 10, 2005
H.R. 1619 (109th): Loan Shark Prevention Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 13, 2005
Referred to Committee: Apr 13, 2005
H.R. 1474 (109th): Federal Aviation Safety Security Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 5, 2005
Referred to Committee: Apr 5, 2005
H.R. 1440 (109th): Stamp Out Censorship Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 17, 2005
Referred to Committee: Mar 17, 2005
H.R. 1157 (109th): Freedom to Read Protection Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 8, 2005
Referred to Committee: Mar 8, 2005
H.J.Res. 27 (109th): Withdrawing the approval of the United States from the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 2, 2005
Failed House: Jun 9, 2005
H.R. 728 (109th): To withdraw normal trade relations treatment from the products of the People’s Republic of China.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 9, 2005
Referred to Committee: Feb 9, 2005
H.R. 594 (109th): Oral Health Promotion Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 2, 2005
Referred to Committee: Feb 2, 2005
H.R. 417 (109th): Medical Innovation Prize Act of 2005
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 26, 2005
Referred to Committee: Jan 26, 2005
H.R. 3888 (108th): To prohibit business enterprises that lay-off a greater percentage of their United States workers than workers in other countries from receiving any Federal assistance, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 3, 2004
Referred to Committee: Mar 3, 2004
H.Con.Res. 369 (108th): Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of Matthew Lyon.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 25, 2004
Referred to Committee: Feb 25, 2004
H.R. 3228 (108th): To withdraw normal trade relations treatment from the products of the People’s Republic of China.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 2, 2003
Referred to Committee: Oct 2, 2003
H.R. 2969 (108th): United States Employee Ownership Bank Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 25, 2003
Referred to Committee: Jul 25, 2003
H.R. 2970 (108th): To authorize the disinterment from the Lorraine American Cemetery in St. Avold, France, of the remains of Private First Class Alfred J. Laitres, of Island Pond, Vermont, who died in combat in France on December 25, 1944, and to authoriz
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 25, 2003
Referred to Committee: Jul 25, 2003
H.R. 2724 (108th): Credit Bait and Switch Prevention Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 14, 2003
Referred to Committee: Jul 14, 2003
H.R. 2546 (108th): Free Credit Report Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 19, 2003
Referred to Committee: Jun 19, 2003
H.R. 2498 (108th): Medicare Extension of Drugs to Seniors (MEDS) Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 17, 2003
Referred to Committee: Jun 17, 2003
H.R. 2497 (108th): Prescription Drug Parity for Americans Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 17, 2003
Referred to Committee: Jun 17, 2003
H.R. 2462 (108th): Protect Diversity in Media Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 12, 2003
Referred to Committee: Jun 12, 2003
H.R. 2262 (108th): Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 22, 2003
Referred to Committee: May 22, 2003
H.R. 1990 (108th): Family Dairy Farmer Preservation Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 6, 2003
Referred to Committee: May 6, 2003
H.R. 1677 (108th): Pension Benefits Protection Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 8, 2003
Referred to Committee: Apr 8, 2003
H.R. 1157 (108th): Freedom to Read Protection Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 6, 2003
Referred to Committee: Mar 6, 2003
H.R. 1102 (108th): National Affordable Housing Trust Fund Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 5, 2003
Referred to Committee: Mar 5, 2003
H.R. 1022 (108th): Urban and Rural Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 27, 2003
Referred to Committee: Feb 27, 2003
H.R. 847 (108th): Preserving Access to Safe Affordable Canadian Medicines Act of 2003
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 13, 2003
Referred to Committee: Feb 13, 2003
H.R. 5631 (107th): Local Control of Cellular Towers Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 10, 2002
Referred to Committee: Oct 10, 2002
H.R. 5632 (107th): Local Control of Broadcast Towers Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 10, 2002
Referred to Committee: Oct 10, 2002
H.R. 5305 (107th): To authorize the disinterment from the Lorraine American Cemetery in St. Avold, France, of the remains of Private First Class Alfred J. Laitres, of Island Pond, Vermont, who died in combat in France on December 25, 1944, and to authoriz
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 26, 2002
Referred to Committee: Jul 26, 2002
H.R. 5306 (107th): Urban and Rural Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Act of 2002
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 26, 2002
Referred to Committee: Jul 26, 2002
H.R. 5231 (107th): To amend title 10, United States Code, to repeal the required offset of certain military separation benefits by the amount of disability benefits paid by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 25, 2002
Referred to Committee: Jul 25, 2002
H.R. 5191 (107th): Oral Health Promotion Act of 2002
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 23, 2002
Referred to Committee: Jul 23, 2002
H.J.Res. 98 (107th): Providing for a 3-year moratorium on postage rate increases for nonprofit organizations and certain other mailers.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 17, 2002
Referred to Committee: Jun 17, 2002
H.R. 4778 (107th): Pension Protection Act of 2002
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 20, 2002
Referred to Committee: May 20, 2002
H.R. 4614 (107th): To permit commercial importation of prescription drugs from Canada, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 25, 2002
Referred to Committee: Apr 25, 2002
H.R. 4476 (107th): Dental Health Improvement Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 17, 2002
Referred to Committee: Apr 17, 2002
H.R. 3274 (107th): Comprehensive Energy Conservation Act for the 21st Century
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 9, 2001
Referred to Committee: Nov 9, 2001
H.R. 2813 (107th): Cable TV Consumers Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Aug 2, 2001
Referred to Committee: Aug 2, 2001
H.R. 2812 (107th): Minimum Wage Restoration Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Aug 2, 2001
Referred to Committee: Aug 2, 2001
H.R. 2476 (107th): Higher Education Assistance Improvement Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 11, 2001
Referred to Committee: Jul 11, 2001
H.R. 2349 (107th): National Affordable Housing Trust Fund Act of 2001
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 27, 2001
Referred to Committee: Jun 27, 2001
H.R. 2319 (107th): Food Stamp Overpayment Protection Act of 2001
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 26, 2001
Referred to Committee: Jun 26, 2001
H.R. 2134 (107th): To amend title IV of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to increase the phase-in limitation applicable to the guarantee under such title of benefit improvements made prior to plan termination.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 12, 2001
Referred to Committee: Jun 12, 2001
H.R. 2086 (107th): Alternative Medical Access for Federal Employees Act of 2001
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 6, 2001
Referred to Committee: Jun 6, 2001
H.R. 2087 (107th): Federal Employees’ Access to Chiropractic Health Care Act of 2001
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 6, 2001
Referred to Committee: Jun 6, 2001
H.R. 2035 (107th): Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 25, 2001
Referred to Committee: May 25, 2001
H.Con.Res. 115 (107th): Supporting the goals and ideas of a National Child Care Worthy Wage Day.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 26, 2001
Referred to Committee: Apr 26, 2001
H.R. 1512 (107th): Medicare Extension of Drugs to Seniors (MEDS) Act of 2001
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 4, 2001
Referred to Committee: Apr 4, 2001
H.R. 1252 (107th): Arsenic Reduction in Drinking Water Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 27, 2001
Referred to Committee: Mar 27, 2001
H.R. 698 (107th): Prescription Reimportation, Improvement, Correction, and Enhancement Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 14, 2001
Referred to Committee: Feb 14, 2001
H.R. 5215 (106th): To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude national service educational awards from the recipient’s gross income.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 19, 2000
Referred to Committee: Sep 19, 2000
H.R. 5085 (106th): IMF Reform Act of 2000
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 27, 2000
Referred to Committee: Jul 27, 2000
H.Con.Res. 353 (106th): Expressing the sense of the Congress that a national summit of sports, political, community, and media leaders should be promptly convened to develop a multifaceted action plan to deter acts of violence, especially domestic violenc
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 14, 2000
Referred to Committee: Jun 14, 2000
H.Res. 479 (106th): Global Sustainable Development Resolution
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 13, 2000
Referred to Committee: Apr 13, 2000
H.R. 3608 (106th): Home Heating Oil Price Stability Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 9, 2000
Referred to Committee: Feb 9, 2000
H.R. 3494 (106th): State and Local Automated Teller Machine Regulation Protection Act of 1999
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 18, 1999
Referred to Committee: Nov 18, 1999
H.R. 3229 (106th): Electronic Fund Transfer Fees Act of 1999
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 4, 1999
Referred to Committee: Nov 4, 1999
H.R. 2902 (106th): Pension Benefits Protection and Preservation Act of 1999
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 21, 1999
Referred to Committee: Sep 21, 1999
H.R. 2835 (106th): To require an assessment of research on effects of radio frequency emissions on human health.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 9, 1999
Referred to Committee: Sep 9, 1999
H.R. 2834 (106th): To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to clarify State and local authority to regulate the placement, construction, and modification of broadcast transmission and telecommunications facilities, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 9, 1999
Referred to Committee: Sep 9, 1999
H.R. 2360 (106th): To provide that benefits under chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code, may be afforded for covered services provided by a licensed or certified chiropractor, acupuncturist, massage therapist, naturopathic physician, or midwife, witho
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 24, 1999
Referred to Committee: Jun 24, 1999
H.R. 2361 (106th): Medicare Home Health Care Restoration Act of 1999
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 24, 1999
Referred to Committee: Jun 24, 1999
H.Con.Res. 135 (106th): Expressing the sense of Congress with regard to preserving and expanding Medicare.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 16, 1999
Referred to Committee: Jun 16, 1999
H.R. 1422 (106th): Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 14, 1999
Referred to Committee: Apr 14, 1999
H.R. 1277 (106th): Workplace Democracy Act of 1999
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 24, 1999
Referred to Committee: Mar 24, 1999
H.R. 652 (106th): Veterans Burial Benefits Act of 1999
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 9, 1999
Referred to Committee: Feb 9, 1999
H.R. 626 (106th): Health Care Research and Development and Taxpayer Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 8, 1999
Referred to Committee: Feb 8, 1999
H.R. 627 (106th): Liveable Wage Act of 1999
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 8, 1999
Referred to Committee: Feb 8, 1999
H.R. 4708 (105th): Veterans Burial Benefits Act of 1998
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 6, 1998
Referred to Committee: Oct 6, 1998
H.R. 4671 (105th): To redesignate the Marsh-Billings National Historical Park in the State of Vermont as the “Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park”.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 1, 1998
Referred to Committee: Oct 1, 1998
H.R. 4084 (105th): Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act of 1998
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 18, 1998
Referred to Committee: Jun 18, 1998
H.R. 3758 (105th): Health Care Research and Development and Taxpayer Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 29, 1998
Referred to Committee: Apr 29, 1998
H.R. 3106 (105th): Accountability for International Bailouts Act of 1998
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 27, 1998
Referred to Committee: Jan 27, 1998
H.Res. 334 (105th): Directing the Secretary of the Treasury to produce all factual information pertaining to the actions taken by the Secretary of the Treasury and the United States Executive Directors at the international financial institutions to comply
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 13, 1997
Referred to Committee: Nov 13, 1997
H.R. 3015 (105th): Senior Nutrition Funding Act of 1997
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 9, 1997
Referred to Committee: Nov 9, 1997
H.R. 3016 (105th): To amend section 332 of the Communications Act of 1934 to preserve State and local authority to regulate the placement, construction, and modification of certain telecommunications facilities, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 9, 1997
Referred to Committee: Nov 9, 1997
H.R. 3017 (105th): Rights of the Child Act of 1997
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 9, 1997
Referred to Committee: Nov 9, 1997
H.Con.Res. 189 (105th): Revising the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 1998 with respect to the appropriate budgetary levels for Social Security and national defense for fiscal years 1999 through 2002 in order to mainta
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 7, 1997
Referred to Committee: Nov 7, 1997
H.R. 2475 (105th): Bonded Child Labor Elimination Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 15, 1997
Referred to Committee: Sep 15, 1997
H.R. 2278 (105th): Liveable Wage Act of 1997
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 28, 1997
Referred to Committee: Jul 28, 1997
H.R. 2280 (105th): To establish limitations on the ability of a Federal agency to pay a contractor under a contract with the agency for the costs of compensation with respect to the services of any individual.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 28, 1997
Referred to Committee: Jul 28, 1997
H.R. 2279 (105th): To amend title 10, United States Code, to establish limitations on taxpayer-financed compensation for defense contractors.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 28, 1997
Referred to Committee: Jul 28, 1997
H.R. 2071 (105th): Good Corporate Citizenship and Federal Procurement Incentives Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 25, 1997
Referred to Committee: Jun 25, 1997
H.R. 2068 (105th): Dairy, Nutrition, and Conservation Act of 1997
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 25, 1997
Referred to Committee: Jun 25, 1997
H.R. 2069 (105th): To amend the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 to ensure that firms that have shown a commitment to reinvestment and job creation in the United States are given preference in obtaining financial assistance from the Export-Import Bank of th
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 25, 1997
Referred to Committee: Jun 25, 1997
H.R. 2012 (105th): Workplace Democracy Act of 1997
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 23, 1997
Referred to Committee: Jun 23, 1997
H.Con.Res. 91 (105th): Expressing the sense of Congress that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency should take immediate steps to abate emissions of mercury and release to Congress the study of mercury required under the Clean Air Act,
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 22, 1997
Referred to Committee: May 22, 1997
H.Res. 132 (105th): Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives against reductions in Social Security benefits and arbitrary reductions in the Consumer Price Index.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 24, 1997
Referred to Committee: Apr 24, 1997
H.R. 1117 (105th): Victims of Abuse Insurance Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 18, 1997
Referred to Committee: Mar 18, 1997
H.R. 1079 (105th): Fast-Track Fairness and Accountability Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 13, 1997
Referred to Committee: Mar 13, 1997
H.Con.Res. 44 (105th): Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to United States opposition to the prison sentence of Tibetan ethnomusicologist Ngawang Choephel by the Government of the People’s Republic of China, and that the United States shoul
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 11, 1997
Referred to Committee: Mar 11, 1997
H.Con.Res. 29 (105th): Expressing the sense of the Congress that a national summit of sports, political, community, and media leaders should be promptly convened to develop a multifaceted action plan to deter acts of violence, especially domestic violence
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 27, 1997
Referred to Committee: Feb 27, 1997
H.R. 795 (105th): Electronic Fund Transfer Fees Act of 1997
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 13, 1997
Referred to Committee: Feb 13, 1997
H.R. 648 (105th): Boeing-McDonnell Douglas Corporate Welfare Elimination Act of 1997
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 6, 1997
Referred to Committee: Feb 6, 1997
H.R. 4270 (104th): Health Care Research and Development and Consumer Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 27, 1996
Referred to Committee: Sep 27, 1996
H.R. 4033 (104th): To amend chapter 35 of title 44, United States Code, popularly known as the Paperwork Reduction Act, to ensure that Federal agencies give priority to reducing paperwork burdens on small businesses having 50 or fewer employees.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 5, 1996
Referred to Committee: Sep 5, 1996
H.Con.Res. 199 (104th): Expressing the sense of the Congress that a national summit of sports, political, and community leaders should be promptly convened to develop a multifaceted action plan to promote citizenship through sports, emphasizing the aspect
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 24, 1996
Referred to Committee: Jul 24, 1996
H.R. 3607 (104th): To amend chapter 35 of title 44, United States Code, popularly known as the Paperwork Reduction Act, to ensure that Federal agencies give priority to reducing paperwork burdens on small businesses having 50 or fewer employees.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 10, 1996
Referred to Committee: Jun 10, 1996
H.R. 3608 (104th): To amend section 818 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 to prohibit additional payments for restructuring costs under defense contracts and to revise certain reporting requirements relating to such costs.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 10, 1996
Referred to Committee: Jun 10, 1996
H.R. 3512 (104th): To amend title 10, United States Code, to establish limitations on taxpayer-financed compensation for defense contractors.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 22, 1996
Referred to Committee: May 22, 1996
H.R. 3513 (104th): To establish limitations on the ability of a Federal agency to pay a contractor under a contract with the agency for the costs of compensation with respect to the services of any individual.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 22, 1996
Referred to Committee: May 22, 1996
H.R. 3444 (104th): To amend section 818 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 to repeal certain provisions and revise certain reporting requirements relating to payment of restructuring costs under defense contracts.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 10, 1996
Referred to Committee: May 10, 1996
H.R. 3221 (104th): Electronic Fund Transfer Fees Act of 1996
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 29, 1996
Referred to Committee: Mar 29, 1996
H.R. 3222 (104th): Hippocratic Oath and Patient Protection Act of 1996
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 29, 1996
Referred to Committee: Mar 29, 1996
H.Con.Res. 152 (104th): Expressing the sense of Congress that legislation containing a cross-border fee for vehicles and pedestrians entering the United States from Canada or Mexico is unwise and should not be enacted.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 14, 1996
Referred to Committee: Mar 14, 1996
H.R. 2714 (104th): Fair International Standards in Trade (FIST) Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Dec 5, 1995
Referred to Committee: Dec 5, 1995
H.J.Res. 129 (104th): Granting the consent of Congress to the Vermont-New Hampshire Interstate Public Water Supply Compact.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 30, 1995
Passed House: Mar 19, 1996
H.R. 2654 (104th): Victims of Abuse Insurance Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 16, 1995
Referred to Committee: Nov 16, 1995
H.R. 2534 (104th): Corporate Responsibility Act of 1995
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 25, 1995
Referred to Committee: Oct 25, 1995
H.R. 2245 (104th): National Community Health Advisor Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Aug 4, 1995
Referred to Committee: Aug 4, 1995
H.R. 2085 (104th): Bovine Growth Hormone Milk Labeling and Residue Test Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 20, 1995
Referred to Committee: Jul 20, 1995
H.R. 2084 (104th): Bovine Growth Hormone Milk Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 20, 1995
Referred to Committee: Jul 20, 1995
H.R. 2000 (104th): Dairy, Nutrition, and Conservation Act of 1995
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 10, 1995
Referred to Committee: Jul 10, 1995
H.R. 1964 (104th): To authorize the President to award the Medal of Honor to the unknown Vermonter who lost his life while serving in the Continental Army in the War of Independence and who has been selected by the people of Vermont to represent all Vermo
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 29, 1995
Referred to Committee: Jun 29, 1995
H.Con.Res. 79 (104th): Expressing the sense of Congress regarding an appropriate minimum length of stay for routine deliveries.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 27, 1995
Referred to Committee: Jun 27, 1995
H.R. 1629 (104th): Come Home, Corporate America, Act of 1995
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 12, 1995
Referred to Committee: May 12, 1995
H.R. 1511 (104th): Nuclear Freeze: Part II Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 7, 1995
Referred to Committee: Apr 7, 1995
H.R. 1357 (104th): To provide certain employee protection benefits for railroad employees.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 29, 1995
Referred to Committee: Mar 29, 1995
H.R. 1356 (104th): Public Interest Legislature Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 29, 1995
Referred to Committee: Mar 29, 1995
H.R. 1355 (104th): Workplace Democracy Act of 1995
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 29, 1995
Referred to Committee: Mar 29, 1995
H.R. 918 (104th): To reduce the Official Mail Allowance of Members of the House.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 13, 1995
Referred to Committee: Feb 13, 1995
H.R. 867 (104th): Congressional Limitation on Executive Bailouts Act of 1995
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 8, 1995
Referred to Committee: Feb 8, 1995
H.Con.Res. 18 (104th): Expressing the sense of the Congress that United States investors, lenders, and corporations should assume the full measure of risk and responsibility for their investments and loans in Mexico since the devaluation of the peso on De
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 24, 1995
Referred to Committee: Jan 24, 1995
H.R. 363 (104th): Liveable Wage Act of 1995
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 4, 1995
Referred to Committee: Jan 4, 1995
H.R. 5278 (103rd): Jobs and Investment Act of 1994
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 7, 1994
Referred to Committee: Oct 20, 1994
H.R. 5126 (103rd): Workplace Democracy Act of 1992
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 28, 1994
Referred to Committee: Sep 28, 1994
H.R. 5093 (103rd): To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide a 1-year extension of the applicability of certain provisions in the programs for block grants regarding mental health and substance abuse, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 23, 1994
Referred to Committee: Sep 23, 1994
H.R. 5094 (103rd): To provide a 1-year extension of the applicability of the authority to transfer funds under the programs for block grants regarding mental health and substance abuse.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 23, 1994
Referred to Committee: Sep 23, 1994
H.R. 4710 (103rd): Fair International Standards in Trade (FIST) Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 30, 1994
Referred to Committee: Jun 30, 1994
H.R. 4669 (103rd): Bovine Growth Hormone Milk Labeling and Residue Test Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 28, 1994
Referred to Committee: Jun 28, 1994
H.R. 4618 (103rd): Bovine Growth Hormone Milk Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 21, 1994
Referred to Committee: Jun 21, 1994
H.R. 4024 (103rd): National Community Health Advisor Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 11, 1994
Referred to Committee: Mar 11, 1994
H.R. 3866 (103rd): To provide certain employee protection benefits for railroad employees.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 11, 1994
Referred to Committee: Feb 11, 1994
H.R. 3370 (103rd): Milk Supply Management and Nutrition Assistance Act of 1993
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 26, 1993
Referred to Committee: Oct 26, 1993
H.R. 3323 (103rd): To provide that rates of pay for the President and Members of Congress shall be made equivalent to the rates of pay for their counterparts in the United Mexican States if legislation implementing the North American Free Trade Agreement
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Oct 20, 1993
Referred to Committee: Oct 20, 1993
H.R. 1791 (103rd): To restore reductions in veterans benefits made by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Apr 21, 1993
Referred to Committee: Apr 21, 1993
H.R. 1299 (103rd): Resolution Trust Corporation Fair Funding Act of 1993
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 10, 1993
Referred to Committee: Mar 10, 1993
H.R. 692 (103rd): Liveable Wage Act of 1993
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 27, 1993
Referred to Committee: Jan 27, 1993
H.Con.Res. 15 (103rd): Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the need for the President to seek the Senate’s advice and consent to ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 6, 1993
Referred to Committee: Jan 6, 1993
H.R. 6041 (102nd): Workplace Democracy Act of 1992
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Sep 25, 1992
Referred to Committee: Sep 25, 1992
H.Res. 515 (102nd): Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the need for the President to seek the Senate’s advice and consent to ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jul 9, 1992
Referred to Committee: Jul 9, 1992
H.R. 5207 (102nd): To provide that elections for President, Vice President, and members of the Congress be held on Saturday and Sunday.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 19, 1992
Referred to Committee: May 19, 1992
H.R. 5186 (102nd): To provide financing incentives to promote energy efficiency in residential buildings, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 14, 1992
Referred to Committee: May 14, 1992
H.R. 5131 (102nd): To amend the Solid Waste Disposal Act to regulate the manufacture, collection, and disposal of batteries.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 11, 1992
Referred to Committee: May 11, 1992
H.Res. 359 (102nd): To express the sense of the House of Representatives regarding breast cancer.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 7, 1992
Referred to Committee: Feb 7, 1992
H.R. 4206 (102nd): Cancer Registries Amendment Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 7, 1992
Referred to Committee: Feb 7, 1992
H.R. 4030 (102nd): Marsh-Billings National Historical Park Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Nov 26, 1991
Referred to Committee: Nov 26, 1991
H.R. 2530 (102nd): National Health Care and Cost Containment Act
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jun 4, 1991
Referred to Committee: Jun 4, 1991
H.R. 2439 (102nd): Cable Television Subscriber Protection Act of 1991
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 22, 1991
Referred to Committee: May 22, 1991
H.R. 2373 (102nd): Escrow Deposit Act of 1991
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 16, 1991
Referred to Committee: May 16, 1991
H.R. 2304 (102nd): To restore reductions in veterans benefits made by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: May 9, 1991
Referred to Committee: May 9, 1991
H.R. 1353 (102nd): Entitled the “Taconic Mountains Protection Act of 1991”.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Mar 7, 1991
Referred to Committee: Mar 7, 1991
H.J.Res. 132 (102nd): To designate March 4, 1991, as “Vermont Bicentennial Day”.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Feb 19, 1991
Referred to Committee: Feb 19, 1991
H.R. 695 (102nd): Guard and Reserve Family Protection Act of 1991
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
Introduced: Jan 29, 1991
Referred to Committee: Jan 29, 1991