Sanders Landslides to Victory in Wisconsin, Crushing Clinton Again for the Seventh Time in 16 Days

April 3, 2016. Wisconsin. Not since the late Robert F. Kennedy's popularity during the 1968 Presidential campaign has America seen the kind of enthusiasm and support Bernie Sanders is enjoying in his 2016 bid for the Presidency. People have been lining up for hours in lines stretching down many large blocks to see Sanders in record-breaking numbers in cities across the country.
The enthusiasm younger voters, older voters, and voters from all walks of life have for Sanders is sending sending shock waves through the "Establishment." Following other landslide victories elsewhere, Sanders more recently won landslide victories in Alaska, Hawaii, Washington State, Americans Abroad, Utah, Idaho and now Wisconsin.
Adding to his victories, it was recently learned that he actually won the State of Nevada, a state where the prior tallies were widely disputed because of discoveries of irregularities and election fraud, apparently on the part of the Hillary Clinton campaign. In fact, all of Clinton's victories have been riddled with allegations of voter suppression, fraud, and election crimes. The Sanders campaign has followed the request of over 100,000 voters in filing an action against Bill Clinton in connection with his apparent breach of election laws, caught on camera, in Massachusetts.
Leading into the Wisconsin election, advocates and spokespersons for Hillary Clinton in the Washington Post tried to do a hit piece on Bernie Sanders that had no effect. The voters have rallied against what they see as non-stop lies from the Clinton campaign and its media spokespersons. The majority of voters, particularly Democratic voters see Clinton as untrustworthy, along with her media supporters, most of whom have donated to her campaign. Bernie Sanders has refused to take bribes from corporations, including media corporations, and the public appreciates his honesty. His honesty ratings among Democrats and Republicans are above 92%.
One major faux pau for Clinton was her attempt to take unearned credit for New York's new $15/hour minimum wage law that she opposed. It was Bernie Sanders who pushed the $15/hour minimum wage, something Clinton said was unrealistic and couldn't be done.
Another major setback for the Clinton campaign came in the form of the release of "The Panama Papers," which showed that the Panama Free Trade Agreement she engineered as Secretary of State allowed leaders around the globe to dodge taxes through the loopholes created by her agreement. Bernie Sanders, predicting this very disaster that has now come to light, opposed Hillary Clinton's Panama Free Trade Agreement.
A more major setback to the Clinton campaign is the plan of more than 70% (Clinton media says 35%) of Sanders voters to refuse to vote for Clinton if the party nominates her. To Democrats and independents opposed to Clinton, this is a matter of conscience. Among other things Hillary Clinton is blamed by most liberals and progressives for the deaths of more than a million innocent Middle Easterners, for the deaths of Honduran children, for the loss of American jobs through her free trade agreements, and for the poisoning of America water and food supplies through her promotion of fracking and genetically modified organisms.
With Sanders bringing back the excitement of the late Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., and reminding Americans that the government is supposed to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people, it is no surprise Sanders has been endorsed by the late New York Senator's son Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the top environmental attorney in the United States, a man who has devoted most of his life to protecting the environment and the safety and health of American people.
Bernie Sanders is setting records that no Presidential candidate in history has ever set before. These include audience attendance and the number of individual donations from regular people. Sanders refuses money from PACS and corporations. Yet, month after month, his donations from regular people exceed Clinton's donations from the super-rich and Wall Street. Recently, George Clooney and his wife decided to host a fundraiser for Clinton with an entrance fee of $350,000 per couple. The average voter is not welcome at such events in Clinton's honor. The public resents the idea of coronating a queen as opposed to electing a leader who comes from the people.
Though the Clinton-supported media is doing its best to mislead the public on the number of delegates the candidates have, the gap is closing and it appears that there will be a contested convention this summer. Polls show that if Sanders is victorious, the Democratic Party will also be victorious in November. However, those same polls show that if Clinton is the nominee, the Democrats will lose the White House and probably both houses of Congress in 'November.
The enthusiasm younger voters, older voters, and voters from all walks of life have for Sanders is sending sending shock waves through the "Establishment." Following other landslide victories elsewhere, Sanders more recently won landslide victories in Alaska, Hawaii, Washington State, Americans Abroad, Utah, Idaho and now Wisconsin.
Adding to his victories, it was recently learned that he actually won the State of Nevada, a state where the prior tallies were widely disputed because of discoveries of irregularities and election fraud, apparently on the part of the Hillary Clinton campaign. In fact, all of Clinton's victories have been riddled with allegations of voter suppression, fraud, and election crimes. The Sanders campaign has followed the request of over 100,000 voters in filing an action against Bill Clinton in connection with his apparent breach of election laws, caught on camera, in Massachusetts.
Leading into the Wisconsin election, advocates and spokespersons for Hillary Clinton in the Washington Post tried to do a hit piece on Bernie Sanders that had no effect. The voters have rallied against what they see as non-stop lies from the Clinton campaign and its media spokespersons. The majority of voters, particularly Democratic voters see Clinton as untrustworthy, along with her media supporters, most of whom have donated to her campaign. Bernie Sanders has refused to take bribes from corporations, including media corporations, and the public appreciates his honesty. His honesty ratings among Democrats and Republicans are above 92%.
One major faux pau for Clinton was her attempt to take unearned credit for New York's new $15/hour minimum wage law that she opposed. It was Bernie Sanders who pushed the $15/hour minimum wage, something Clinton said was unrealistic and couldn't be done.
Another major setback for the Clinton campaign came in the form of the release of "The Panama Papers," which showed that the Panama Free Trade Agreement she engineered as Secretary of State allowed leaders around the globe to dodge taxes through the loopholes created by her agreement. Bernie Sanders, predicting this very disaster that has now come to light, opposed Hillary Clinton's Panama Free Trade Agreement.
A more major setback to the Clinton campaign is the plan of more than 70% (Clinton media says 35%) of Sanders voters to refuse to vote for Clinton if the party nominates her. To Democrats and independents opposed to Clinton, this is a matter of conscience. Among other things Hillary Clinton is blamed by most liberals and progressives for the deaths of more than a million innocent Middle Easterners, for the deaths of Honduran children, for the loss of American jobs through her free trade agreements, and for the poisoning of America water and food supplies through her promotion of fracking and genetically modified organisms.
With Sanders bringing back the excitement of the late Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., and reminding Americans that the government is supposed to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people, it is no surprise Sanders has been endorsed by the late New York Senator's son Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the top environmental attorney in the United States, a man who has devoted most of his life to protecting the environment and the safety and health of American people.
Bernie Sanders is setting records that no Presidential candidate in history has ever set before. These include audience attendance and the number of individual donations from regular people. Sanders refuses money from PACS and corporations. Yet, month after month, his donations from regular people exceed Clinton's donations from the super-rich and Wall Street. Recently, George Clooney and his wife decided to host a fundraiser for Clinton with an entrance fee of $350,000 per couple. The average voter is not welcome at such events in Clinton's honor. The public resents the idea of coronating a queen as opposed to electing a leader who comes from the people.
Though the Clinton-supported media is doing its best to mislead the public on the number of delegates the candidates have, the gap is closing and it appears that there will be a contested convention this summer. Polls show that if Sanders is victorious, the Democratic Party will also be victorious in November. However, those same polls show that if Clinton is the nominee, the Democrats will lose the White House and probably both houses of Congress in 'November.