by Umesh Rao

Imagine a world that is fully sustainable infinitely. Imagine a world where people's basic needs are met with half a day's worth of work and any additional income they make they can use for their luxury. Imagine a world where people place service to others before self and so nobody feels insecure of their place in the world. Now Google each candidate's vision for America, look up tulsi2020.com/vision and tell me which vision describes this end goal? You will be surprised most candidates do not even have a vision for America and those who publish a vision, jump right into individual issues. When you don't have the big picture and the end goal in mind, you are most likely going to be applying Band-Aids to solve problems.
America is bleeding, literally bleeding soldiers lives and their blood. America is also bleeding precious resources from infrastructure development and the only candidate talking about both is Tulsi Gabbard. That's because Tulsi has seen war. She serves in a field medical unit in the Hawaiian Army National Guard so she has seen first-hand the deaths and the soldiers wounded, both physically and mentally. She has also served in the Hawaii legislature, was a five-year term member of the Council On Foreign Relations, served on the House Committee on
Foreign Affairs and now serves in the U.S. Congress and in the House Armed Services Committee.
When you are travelling in an airplane, the air hostess instructs that when the air masks drop first help yourself and then attend to anybody around who needs help. The same principle applies here. We have to stop the bleeding before we can start building to achieve the vision.
When I attended a meet and greet with Tulsi I learned from her that today we spend four billion dollars a month on Afghanistan alone. You can find this in the DOD's cost of war report. In comparison the HUD.GOV lists an allocation of 1 billion dollars a year for community development, called community development block grant, for ALL the states to share. The media itself seems to be not aware of these figures.
The founding people of this nation, simply put, came up with a model for governance – Liberty and Justice. During that time there were no political parties. Today the primary means to justice is seen as the government and the primary means to liberty is seen as no government. It is this perception that has resulted in two parties – the Democrats and the Republicans – representing Justice and Liberty and the polarization of politics and government gridlock. Only a service before self attitude can reverse this polarization and get our government functioning for the people again in the way the founders of our nation envisioned. Tulsi represents that attitude. For more about Tulsi the person and how she came to follow service before self, please see
© 2019 by Umesh Rao and The Justice Gazette
America is bleeding, literally bleeding soldiers lives and their blood. America is also bleeding precious resources from infrastructure development and the only candidate talking about both is Tulsi Gabbard. That's because Tulsi has seen war. She serves in a field medical unit in the Hawaiian Army National Guard so she has seen first-hand the deaths and the soldiers wounded, both physically and mentally. She has also served in the Hawaii legislature, was a five-year term member of the Council On Foreign Relations, served on the House Committee on
Foreign Affairs and now serves in the U.S. Congress and in the House Armed Services Committee.
When you are travelling in an airplane, the air hostess instructs that when the air masks drop first help yourself and then attend to anybody around who needs help. The same principle applies here. We have to stop the bleeding before we can start building to achieve the vision.
When I attended a meet and greet with Tulsi I learned from her that today we spend four billion dollars a month on Afghanistan alone. You can find this in the DOD's cost of war report. In comparison the HUD.GOV lists an allocation of 1 billion dollars a year for community development, called community development block grant, for ALL the states to share. The media itself seems to be not aware of these figures.
The founding people of this nation, simply put, came up with a model for governance – Liberty and Justice. During that time there were no political parties. Today the primary means to justice is seen as the government and the primary means to liberty is seen as no government. It is this perception that has resulted in two parties – the Democrats and the Republicans – representing Justice and Liberty and the polarization of politics and government gridlock. Only a service before self attitude can reverse this polarization and get our government functioning for the people again in the way the founders of our nation envisioned. Tulsi represents that attitude. For more about Tulsi the person and how she came to follow service before self, please see
© 2019 by Umesh Rao and The Justice Gazette