IN 2016?

On March 28, 2015, Dennis Kucinich spoke to multiple standing ovations at an event in Los Angeles. He proved that his honest approach to politics is still in style. The audience seemed mesmerized by his speech. More importantly, most in the audience agreed that Kucinich would be the most qualified to become President if he decided to run.
When Kucinich was later asked if he would be running for President in 2016, he responded, "I don't know," not a commitment to run but also not a refusal to consider a candidacy. This leads to some hope. Currently, Hillary Clinton is not popular with the majority of Democrats and a large percentage of the Democrats do no plan to vote for her. Given the Republican victories in the last low turnout election, a Clinton candidacy would be a disaster for the party. Elizabeth Warren fairs better in the polls. However, there has been a concern about Warren's failure to show any sympathy for the genocide being perpetrated against the Palestinian people. Warren's boycott of Benjamin Netanyahu provided some hope to Americans looking for a more neutral approach to the Middle Eastern situation.
When Kucinich was later asked if he would be running for President in 2016, he responded, "I don't know," not a commitment to run but also not a refusal to consider a candidacy. This leads to some hope. Currently, Hillary Clinton is not popular with the majority of Democrats and a large percentage of the Democrats do no plan to vote for her. Given the Republican victories in the last low turnout election, a Clinton candidacy would be a disaster for the party. Elizabeth Warren fairs better in the polls. However, there has been a concern about Warren's failure to show any sympathy for the genocide being perpetrated against the Palestinian people. Warren's boycott of Benjamin Netanyahu provided some hope to Americans looking for a more neutral approach to the Middle Eastern situation.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders also spoke in Los Angeles on March 28th. He also is considering a run for President. It was pointed out to him that, if neither he nor Kucinich run for President, the Democrats will mostly not vote. 2014 is likely to be nothing compared to the Republican landslide if the Democrats don't pick a candidate who is popular with the public. Sanders is very popular among liberals. Like Elizabeth Warren, his record seems to lack an understanding of the situation in Palestine. However, Sanders has a reputation for being honorable. He and Kucinich are like-minded in many ways. If Kucinich were part of his Administration, Kucinich could provide guidance in this area. On issues like single payer health care, peace in the Middle East, free college, protection of individual rights and liberties, Sanders has positions very similar to those of Kucinich If Kucinich does not run it is believed that Sanders, an independent who caucuses with the Senate Democrats, could carry the Democrats and independents to victory in 2016.

Another advantage Dennis Kucinich has is his wife Elizabeth, who led a health panel in Los Angeles at the Woman Giant event. Like Dennis and Bernie, Elizabeth has devoted her life to helping the less fortunate. She worked for some time with Mother Teresa prior to her marriage to Dennis. Her panel discussed steps that are being made to improve the food supply. The trouble is that the U.S. Government is in bed with Monsanto, the primary source of lethal Genetically Modified Crops. It seems that Monsanto is using Agent Orange on food products. The trouble for Democrats is that President Barack Obama has turned over much of the agricultural rights to Monsanto and has Monsanto representatives in his Administration. Hillary Clinton is also tight with Monsanto, another reason Clinton is unlikely to win the Presidency. The Democrats are in big trouble.

Kucinich and Sanders would likely make a winning team. Another popular pairing would be Dennis Kucinich and Dr. Ron Paul. For years, Kucinich and Paul worked together in the House of Representatives to protect American civil liberties and to get the country out of war. In 2008, when Obama first became the Democratic nominee, a very popular Cynthia McKinney took the Green nomination. Progressives and liberals have expressed considerable interest in a Kucinich-McKinney ticket.
Whoever else runs, people across the United States are hoping Dennis Kucinich returns to Government, whether as President, Vice President or Secretary of State. There has been a great deal of apathy since Dennis left Congress. Americans have been giving up on the two major parties, classifying them as part of a one-party system (similar to the status of the Communist Party in the former Soviet Uniion). Bringing Kucinich back would likely invigorate voters and restore a sense of hope to a nation that is too quickly losing faith.eck
To follow Dennis Kucinich, check out his site, http://kucinich.bluestatedigital.com/ or http://Kucinich.us/ .
Whoever else runs, people across the United States are hoping Dennis Kucinich returns to Government, whether as President, Vice President or Secretary of State. There has been a great deal of apathy since Dennis left Congress. Americans have been giving up on the two major parties, classifying them as part of a one-party system (similar to the status of the Communist Party in the former Soviet Uniion). Bringing Kucinich back would likely invigorate voters and restore a sense of hope to a nation that is too quickly losing faith.eck
To follow Dennis Kucinich, check out his site, http://kucinich.bluestatedigital.com/ or http://Kucinich.us/ .
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© by the Justice Gazette, 2015