Freedom Dead 50 Years
After Kent State (videos)

May 4, 2020, USA. Today, the Government targets Blacks for the crime of being Black, orders Americans off the public beaches they have paid for through their taxes, prosecutes journalists for the crime of journalism, has authorized the permanent detention of Americans without rights or trial, has authorized the assassination of American citizens and has obliterated the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments.

In 1970, there was a hope of freedom and America had a Constitution. The four who died in Ohio had reason to believe that freedom would win out. In 2020, the last of American freedoms died, making their deaths a sad but meaningless memory. Most of America is under house arrest, making almost all American activities illegal. In many states even walking across the street to visit a neighbor is a crime. In 2020, walking while Black is even more of a crime than before now that almost nobody is legally in a position to watch and question the legality of the actions of the police.

America had already adopted the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Students across America were protesting the draft, which ushered the bodies of American youth into wars where they were ordered to kill or be killed. They were being forced to kill innocent Vietnamese people and children over there so the enemy wouldn’t come over here. But then Americans believed they had the right to determine what would happen with their own bodies.
In 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom and other Governors in other states told the people that their bodies belong to their state and not to themselves, that children cannot go to school, and that people are not allowed to open their own businesses.
In 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom and other Governors in other states told the people that their bodies belong to their state and not to themselves, that children cannot go to school, and that people are not allowed to open their own businesses.

This weekend, in Laguna Beach and Huntington Beach, Americans held up signs with such sayings as and "The shutdown is killing us." “My body, My Choice," and“Give me liberty or give me death” and "The shutdown is killing us." People cannot afford to eat or get regular medical care due to the shutdown. It is interesting how some people claim to be pro-choice and yet to want to control what people do with their bodies and where they take them. In legal terms, house arrest of the public is false imprisonment.

In Orange County, CA, law enforcement is refusing to enforce Governor Gavin Newsom’s edicts preventing the public from going to their own beaches. They watched as beach-goers crossed the beach right into the water. But to Newsom, this was not acceptable. After all, the people might catch a fatal disease from the waves or the sand. And don’t forget about the Killer Hornets. The most common signs at protests which took place in Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach were calls for the recall of Governor Newsom and expressing the right of people to freedom.

Orange County has very low death rates from COVID-19 in spite of the classification of heart attack deaths, stroke deaths and other natural cause deaths (due to lack of medical care under the shutdown) as COVID deaths. In California, cardiac specialists and other critical care specialists are on vacation until July and patents can only get treated in hospitals that that are no longer designated for people with critical health conditions. This protest had a mixture of liberals, conservatives, moderates, libertarians, socialists, Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians and so forth. Several of the Blacks laughed at the idea that they were “white supremacists” or ”Trump supporters” as some have called the protesters. Most of the protesters expressed feeling that Newsome was acting illegally or tyrannically.

In other counties, the police and sheriff deputies were not so respectful of the right of the people to be at the beach. In San Diego, mothers have been charged for taking their children to the beach. A woman was brutally forced to the ground for daring to walk her dog on the beach. Apparently, in San Diego, dogs are to get no exercise and required to poop in the house.

At the Orange County protests an RN case manager Patricia James exposed the COVID fraud. She has been exposing empty hospitals. On her caseload, she had had exactly two actual COVID patents, both now doing well. One was a lung cancer who survived COVID. She pointed out that eight times as many have died in the U.S. from Influenza A and B than from COVID. The problem has been what doctors and nurses are calling the misdesignation of cause of death. According to the CDC’s current page, over 718,000 have died in the U.S. from all causes and only a little over 37,000 have died from COVID in the first four months of this year. In other words, the phenomenal numbers being bantered around in the press have no relation to what either the CDC says or to what frontline doctors and nurses say. Doctors have refuted the numbers in videos but those videos of frontline doctors have mostly been censored by those promoting fear. Remember FDR's words. "There is nothing to fear but fear itself."

While fear has kept the American people under voluntary house arrest, the U.S. Government has taken action to starve and kill the people of Venezuela, to threaten war with Iran, China and other countries and to assist in the theft of Syrian land from Syria. Americans apparently are OK with this as there are no anti-war protests. Outside of those involved in the anti-lockdown protests, almost all Americans are apparently OK with being forced to pay rent with no income and with the likelihood they soon would be joining the homeless and living in the streets. The yellow vest protestors in France now apparently are OK with Macron as they are no longer taking to the streets and objecting to his government. And almost all Americans are OK with the police shooting and targeting Blacks or they would be having Black Lives Matter protests against such acts.
Under the Supremacy Clause, the Governor cannot override the Constitution of the United States. California also has a Constitution with essentially the same provisions as the U.S. Bill of Rights. In other words, the lockdowns are Unconstitutional and illegal.
Under the Supremacy Clause, the Governor cannot override the Constitution of the United States. California also has a Constitution with essentially the same provisions as the U.S. Bill of Rights. In other words, the lockdowns are Unconstitutional and illegal.

While the Black Lives Matter protests have gone away, courtesy of Gavin Newsom, a half block from the Laguna Beach protest, an African-American male was detained, searched, pushed to the concrete, cable-tied and arrested. There appeared to be no reason for the detention or search and the only ones who watched and cared were those protesting the lockdown. Did having observers present prevent worse treatment? Clearly, there is no way of knowing the answer to that question. So what remains of the Black Lives Matter movement is now part of the anti-lockdown protests.
Below are three of the videos filmed in Laguna Beach by The Justice Gazette. Also linked below is the YouTube video of the Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young of their song reminding us of what happened 50 years ago today.
Below are three of the videos filmed in Laguna Beach by The Justice Gazette. Also linked below is the YouTube video of the Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young of their song reminding us of what happened 50 years ago today.