Will the State of Pennsylvania Murder Mumia?
Warning to all reporters revealing instances of police misconduct: take note of what happened to reporter Mumia Abu Jamal. According to the witnesses who recanted their testimony, Mumia was framed. He spent almost 30 years in solitary on death row. After a partially successful appeal eliminated his death sentence, it was clear that the State of Pennsylvania had no evidence to re-try him and so they moved him into cell where he received sub-human treatment as a life prisoner without the possibility of Parole.
When the conditions at the prison and lack of proper medical care landed him in the infirmary a few weeks ago, his family WAS NOT NOTIFIED. When he was rushed to Schuylkill Medical Center and placed in the Critical Care Unit WITH NO NOTICE to his family. After his family, through their own efforts discovered what had happened, they were at first denied visitation. Later a couple of family members were allowed a short visit but then visits were cut off and even his wife and older brother was not allowed to see him. Family members were told they would be allowed only visits once a week.
The reason for his condition: NEGLECT. The prison, though having notice of serious conditions indicitive of diabetes, failed to check his blood surgery until it reached 773, more than 700% of the save limit. 780 often results in death.
Though Mumia remains in critical or serious condition, he has been sent back to what have been described as deplorable and inhuman conditions at SCI-Mahoney prison in Central Pennsylvania. Many familiar with the treatment of Mumia have classified the conditions to which he has been subjected as torture. Activists are calling the actions of the State of Pennsylvania "Murder by Neglect," premature but indicative of where they feel the neglect is heading. Though family and friends are imploring the State of Pennsylvania to allow Mumia to see medical specialists to help him recover, their requests have been met with deaf ears.
Mumia’s supporters are demanding his immediate release. One of the reasons is that there is no evidence that has not been refuted connecting him to the murder of police officer Daniel Faulkner. However, there are a lot of witnesses claiming the Philadelphia police coerced them into presenting false evidence against Mumia at the time of trial.
President Barack Obama has to deal with supporters of Troy Davis continuing to blame Obama for the death of Davis after all the evidence against him proved to be false. Supreme Court Justices continue to say that likely innocence is no reason to stop an execution. Often innocent prisoners sit in prison because, though their innocence is known, deadlines were missed or criminal procedure doesn’t allow for a way for the innocent to be released in most cases.
The possibility of the death of Mumia in prison could easily cut short the political career of Pennsylvania’s new governor Tom Wolf. Mumia is the most popular man in Pennsylvania and that state's voters continue to be furious about the continuing human rights violations to which Mumia is being subjected.
Mumia has become a national leader through his radio broadcasts from death row, his work as a reporter and his endeavor to assist the unfortunate with their own human rights struggles. According to several polls, a sizable number of Pennsylvanians would elect Mumia Governor if he were eligible to be on the ballot.
Following are numbers supporters are urging people to call to demand a pardon for Mumia Abu Jamal:
Governor Tom Wolf: (717) 579-3666
President Barack Obama: (202) 456-1414

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