Bernie Sanders Wins Big in Iowa
HaHa Party Caught Red-handed with
Hand in Cookie Jar

February 4, 2020. Iowa. Bernie won a sizable victory in Iowa in spite of the appearance of rigging by the DNC and a certain candidate involving the use of an app created by people tied to Hillary Clinton and Pete Buttigieg and funded by the DNC and also by Pete Buttigieg. The app company is appropriately named Shadow. Seemingly knowing the app would give him victory if let to carry out its function, Mayor Pete gave a victory speech without results, seemingly knowing in advance that the app would back him up. But the app was caught misrepresenting numbers and the caucus were thrown into chaos, resulting in the Iowa Democratic Party being unable to come out with elections results in a timely fashion. However internal polling and known vote counts established Bernie as the clear winner with a sizable victory.
Other oddities were seen that included invalid unsigned ballots for Warren being left on chairs and reportedly included in the count.
Americans are tweeting: #MayorCheat and #DNCRigged as alleged DNC election fraud is being blamed by the public for the disaster. The Nevada Democratic Party, which was going to use the Buttigieg-Clinton Shadow app, said they would not do so.
Bernie's big win sends the DNC into disaster control mode, seemingly delaying results to suppress news that will continue to propel Bernie Sanders into the nomination. Bernie is one of two candidates the DNC has been trying to block. The Democratic Presidential candidate the war proponents in the DNC most fear is Constitution proponent Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard who want to end all the wars and restore Freedom of the Press.
The best analysis so far of the Iowa Caucus was done by Lee Camp of Redacted Tonight. His YouTube video is linked below.
Other oddities were seen that included invalid unsigned ballots for Warren being left on chairs and reportedly included in the count.
Americans are tweeting: #MayorCheat and #DNCRigged as alleged DNC election fraud is being blamed by the public for the disaster. The Nevada Democratic Party, which was going to use the Buttigieg-Clinton Shadow app, said they would not do so.
Bernie's big win sends the DNC into disaster control mode, seemingly delaying results to suppress news that will continue to propel Bernie Sanders into the nomination. Bernie is one of two candidates the DNC has been trying to block. The Democratic Presidential candidate the war proponents in the DNC most fear is Constitution proponent Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard who want to end all the wars and restore Freedom of the Press.
The best analysis so far of the Iowa Caucus was done by Lee Camp of Redacted Tonight. His YouTube video is linked below.
Update: The DNC, which is biased against Bernie, took over the counting of Bernie's votes and the votes were seemingly changed when the results at 62% came back up. Bernie had counters at all caucuses and can prove he won Iowa by a large margin. Democratic voters and caucus-goers are calling "foul" on the DNC and are talking of taking to the streets if the results are not corrected to match Bernie's sizable victory. George Galloway has declared Trump the winner and said that Europeans, who want Trump defeated, would not trust the DNC to run a bordello. This appears to be the start of a season of rigging against the people of the United States in the Democratic nomination process.