Bernie Sanders Decimates All Opponents in Presidential Forum as CDP Plunges into Darkness (Video)

November 17, 2019. Long Beach, CA. Bernie Sanders was the clear star of the California Democratic Convention. Most delegates boycotted the portions of the convention where Bernie was not present. When Bernie spoke the thunder of the applause drowned out everything else.
On November 16, 2019 at the Presidential Forum, Bernie gave the answer Democrats across America had been waiting for a candidate to say.
“I think Morales did a very good job of ending poverty, in giving the indigenous people a voice they never had before.
“But at the end of the day, it was the military that intervened in that process and asked him to leave. When the military intervenes, Jorge in my view, that’s called a coup.”

The night before, Tom Steyer in answer to a question about intervention had given a round-about answer that made it clear he supported U.S. interventionalism in foreign nations.
Even Tulsi Gabbard has not expressed an opinion so far about Bolivia. Most of the Democratic Establishment supports removal of governments not supportive of U.S. Corporate rule throughout the world. Gabbard is opposed to regime change wars and sanctions and is expected to take a stance in support of Evo Morales.
Even Tulsi Gabbard has not expressed an opinion so far about Bolivia. Most of the Democratic Establishment supports removal of governments not supportive of U.S. Corporate rule throughout the world. Gabbard is opposed to regime change wars and sanctions and is expected to take a stance in support of Evo Morales.

The Bolivian Congress representing the people of Venezuela has now rejected Evo Morales’s resignation and the people are attempting to revolt against the coup leaders though armed police firing bullets into crowds makes it hard to stand up to the government and survive. The rogue School of the America’s Government installed in Bolivia has sent out death squads for Evo Morales and other progressive legislators who were rescued by Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Mexico has provided asylum to the legitimate government of Bolivia.
Gavin Newsom was at the convention. He discussed his efforts to make the criminal justice system in California more fair. Gavin pulled off what no other Governor has had the courage to do. He declared a moratorium on the death penalty. He is reportedly planning to run for President in 2024. Controller Betty Yee is considering a run for Governor. Cenk Uygur of the Establishment Network TYT was the Convention there pushing the talking points for Regime Change in Venezuela.
Gavin Newsom was at the convention. He discussed his efforts to make the criminal justice system in California more fair. Gavin pulled off what no other Governor has had the courage to do. He declared a moratorium on the death penalty. He is reportedly planning to run for President in 2024. Controller Betty Yee is considering a run for Governor. Cenk Uygur of the Establishment Network TYT was the Convention there pushing the talking points for Regime Change in Venezuela.

A large percentage of the delegates boycotted the floor sessions of much of the convention. A rogue Resolutions Committee touted a referendum in which a yes” voted would support SB10, legislation that would result in no release for most poor, indigent and minority arrestees pending trial as a bill that simply replaced monetary bail with own recognizance (O.R.) release. SB10 sets up a risk assessment process that would allow the rich to get out of jail O.R. while the poor, Latinos and Blacks would likely be held until trial. Holding the poor and minorities in jail pending trial destroys their lives and makes it almost impossible for them to assist their attorneys in preparing their defense. When the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice and ACLU both oppose a bill, that bill is probably very dangerous. Both organizations opposed SB10. The problem with the Resolutions Committee is that new Chairman Rusty Hicks prevented criminal defense attorneys from having a voice. On the floor the microphones were cut at the time when sections of the Resolutions calendar could have been pulled for discussion under the party’s bylaws. This appeared to be intentional as several defense attorney tried to get the attention of the chairwoman of the Resolutions Committee to let her know they were pulling the committee’s recommendation on the referendum but were ignored. With the microphone cut, they couldn’t be heard by the floor which ignorantly approved the Resolution’s Report.

The Platform Committee vote on an Amendment to support the right of Palestinians to live in peace and freedom was overseen by Colby King. As happened in 2016 in Nevada where a vote was seemingly intentionally called for the losing side, King claimed the opposition to the amendment won and then cut the microphones so that calls for division or a hand-count could not be heard. Among those who opposed support for a free Palestine where children would no longer be shot on a regular basis was State Senator Scott Weiner, a State Senator who reportedly has a long history of placing his prejudices over the needs of people. Many parents have opposed previous legislation supportive of pedophiles introduced by Scott Weiner. However, Weiner has sponsored legislation that has assisted criminal defendants. The inconsistency in Weiner's reaction to human rights gives the appearance that he is a very complicated person..

The police would not say whether the significant number of police, searches and body scanning devises were requested by Rusty Hicks. However, there has never been such an invasive treatment of delegates in previous conventions. Delegates took pictures of the police and a couple of people referred to the place as "Gestapo Headquarters." Some delegates even spoke of wanting to recall Hicks and restore the chairmanship of Eric Bauman, whom most present at the convention seemed to believe was removed based on falsehoods and bigotry.

Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Tulsi Gabbard boycotted the Convention in spite of all being invited. A lot of Tulsi supporters took her absence to mean that she did not care about the California vote.
Tulsi might have snubbed California but she is in sight of winning the nomination. She continues to rise in the polls. The latest national poll has Tulsi at 9% and in fourth place. At the convention, volunteers brought signs to promote Gabbard. The Tulsi booth was pretty quiet and invisible. Some felt it had been placed in its location on the back side of the other booths to hide support for Tulsi. Though Tulsi appeals to independents, California has a semi-closed primary and many other states have closed primaries. To win, Tulsi will need to open herself up more to speaking to Democratic groups, such as the California Democrats, who can vote in their own primaries.
Tulsi might have snubbed California but she is in sight of winning the nomination. She continues to rise in the polls. The latest national poll has Tulsi at 9% and in fourth place. At the convention, volunteers brought signs to promote Gabbard. The Tulsi booth was pretty quiet and invisible. Some felt it had been placed in its location on the back side of the other booths to hide support for Tulsi. Though Tulsi appeals to independents, California has a semi-closed primary and many other states have closed primaries. To win, Tulsi will need to open herself up more to speaking to Democratic groups, such as the California Democrats, who can vote in their own primaries.

Bernie’s presence was felt everywhere. He had hundreds of volunteers marching around the convention center with signs and chanting. More than a hundred of those supporters followed him on his caucus tour after he spoke at the forum. He spoke to the California Young Democrats, the Progressive Caucus and the African-American Caucus, and other caucuses. Video is below. Civil Rights leaders Delores Huerta watched from the front row as Bernie spoke to the African-American caucus. No other candidate came close to Bernie’s popularity at the convention. Bernie has been known to couch his positions to avoid sounding too progressive on foreign policy. His support for Evo Morales and willingness to speak out about the military coup in Bolivia may be a prelude to a new day where he will have the courage to stand up against the Establishment and say what he really thinks about foreign policy.
The following videos were recorded by the Justice Gazette staff.
The following videos were recorded by the Justice Gazette staff.