Why Voters Say Never to Clinton
We’re Her Crime Victims
by Natalie

June 12, 2016. Poll after poll shows that 83 to 94% of Sanders supporters will never back Hillary Clinton. Even the TYT poll adds up to 83% never supporting Hillary Clinton. Maybe it’s because, though the media and the DNC thinks the American voters are scum, too low class, to deserve a say in who will be President, we have learned through the Bernie Sanders campaign that we deserve better. We hope that after the crimes committed against the California voters, Sanders agrees. You see, though Sanders may have had his campaign derailed by theft, he didn’t have his vote stolen. We the American people did.
We stood by and will continue to stand by Bernie Sanders. Will he stand by us?
In terms of our country and our democracy, election theft through crimes against millions of our people is a form of national domestic violence. Those continuing to support the Democratic Party after the crimes, the lies and the betrayals are like domestic violence enablers or like Stockholmed victims of domestic violence. In American society, victims of domestic violence are often pushed into forgiving and acquiescing in the beatings/rapes that their perpetrators commit against them. “He’s really on your side. So just let it go. Put the family first. Where would you go if you left?” But the leading cause of death among women, ages 18 to 44, is domestic violence. So this approach doesn’t work so well. (Interestingly, the majority of women, ages 18 to 44, are refusing to vote for Clinton. Guess they are tired of being crime victims and are standing up to fight for their lives.)
Hillary Clinton, in disenfranchising millions of our friends, our brothers and sisters, our parents and our children, has taken away the most important asset a citizen of the United States has---their vote. She has treated the American people as if we don’t have any rights—except to bow down to her planned Presidency as if she is an ordained Queen. Forcing more than 50% of those properly registered to vote In California to vote provisional ballots is an affront to us all. The vote flipping in California, where the poll workers reported that Sanders won the electronic votes by more than a two to one margin but the results reversed the victory, creating a flipped picture, establishes to the voters that their votes really did not make a difference—that their votes were meaningless. They might as well have stayed home and planted flowers. The people saw their votes, their voices were meaningless because Hillary Clinton is apparently willing to commit any heinous act, commit any crime against the people of the United States that she feels she has to commit in order to secure the Presidency. Democratic voters in other states were crime victims as well. Remember, the 126,000 registered Democrats in Brooklyn who were removed from the voters rolls for Clinton’s benefit the backwards counting of votes in Delaware, the difference between the actual ballot count and the vote count in Chicago, the closure of 2/3 to 3/4 of the polling places in Puerto Rico and Rhode Island and Arizona, and the removal of Sanders' supporters from the Democratic rolls in Arizona. Vote flipping and a reversal of counting of Bernie’s ballots and rigging of elections in state after states was a crime against the voters of all the states where the rigging happened and overall the theft of the nomination is a crime against the people of the United States.
Not only will we not support Clinton in her crimes against us, the American people, we cannot support anyone who endorses those crimes. The sad part is they are trying to get Bernie Sanders to cave and betray the American people. Since he would have won the nomination if the voters had been allowed to have their say, he is a victim too but one crime victim should never sell out the other crime victims or pretend that the other victims are unworthy of receiving justice for the crimes committed against them. That is not honorable and surely Sanders is too honorable to do that.
There comes a time when people have to ask whether American is important enough to stand up and fight for. Donald Trump, mouthy though he is, has never committed a crime against the voters, has never committed a crime against our brothers, sisters, parents and children. He is a distraction from the serious crime of election theft and from the criminal who has committed crimes against millions of voter victims. Why would we, the American people, support someone who committed a crime against us over someone who has not?
Has acquiescence in domestic violence become so prevalent that we are expected to support and vote for the perpetrators of crimes against us?
The saddest thing for a victim of domestic violence or rape is to watch as friends are paid off with money or favors to fall in line behind the perpetrator. It is the betrayal that hurts the most. Now, the American people are being made to agree they are worthless, powerless, that they should be OK being turned into slaves, subjects of the candidate who has perpetrated the worst of all crimes that could be committed against the voters.
We, the victims of Hillary Clinton’s crimes against America, ask that Bernie Sanders never acquiesce and never endorse those crimes committed against us. We ask him to instead stand by use, the people, the voters. We know that supporting the Democratic Party will help Bernie in the Senate but this isn’t who he is---or at least not who we have come to believe he is. To back Clinton would be to treat the voters, the American people, who have been wronged, as if we have no value, as if our votes should never matter. Is this the statement Sanders wants to make? Is this how he feels about the millions of us who sacrificed to donate money to his campaign?
It doesn't matter what the Democratic Platform says because, in the last 24 years, the Democratic Presidents have completely ignored the Democratic Platform once in office. So do most Democratic members of Congress.
Bernie has three choices: (1) He can support the crimes committed against us by endorsing Hillary Clinton and helping the person who committed crimes get elected President. Even worse, he can pretend that those crimes did not occur and that the perpetrator is something other than a serial criminal. (2) He could be silent and refuse to do the dirty deed of endorsing the perpetrator. (3) He could be true to everything he claimed to stand for and run an independent campaign or endorse a third party candidate.
Jill Stein has made Bernie Sanders an offer. He can still be President. The polls show that, while Clinton cannot defeat Trump, Bernie as a third party candidate can. If Bernie is truly committed to defeating Trump, as opposed to acquiescing in crimes that have been committed against the American people, he can and will tell the Democratic Party where to go and stand with the American people by continuing his candidacy into November. I cannot believe he would choose the Democratic Party over us, the people.
Bernie’s real character will be shown in whether he has the courage and strength to stand up to the Democratic establishment by refusing to endorse Hillary Clinton and by allowing us to have a President who will support-not suppress and oppress-us, the people who voted to make him President.
We stood by and will continue to stand by Bernie Sanders. Will he stand by us?
In terms of our country and our democracy, election theft through crimes against millions of our people is a form of national domestic violence. Those continuing to support the Democratic Party after the crimes, the lies and the betrayals are like domestic violence enablers or like Stockholmed victims of domestic violence. In American society, victims of domestic violence are often pushed into forgiving and acquiescing in the beatings/rapes that their perpetrators commit against them. “He’s really on your side. So just let it go. Put the family first. Where would you go if you left?” But the leading cause of death among women, ages 18 to 44, is domestic violence. So this approach doesn’t work so well. (Interestingly, the majority of women, ages 18 to 44, are refusing to vote for Clinton. Guess they are tired of being crime victims and are standing up to fight for their lives.)
Hillary Clinton, in disenfranchising millions of our friends, our brothers and sisters, our parents and our children, has taken away the most important asset a citizen of the United States has---their vote. She has treated the American people as if we don’t have any rights—except to bow down to her planned Presidency as if she is an ordained Queen. Forcing more than 50% of those properly registered to vote In California to vote provisional ballots is an affront to us all. The vote flipping in California, where the poll workers reported that Sanders won the electronic votes by more than a two to one margin but the results reversed the victory, creating a flipped picture, establishes to the voters that their votes really did not make a difference—that their votes were meaningless. They might as well have stayed home and planted flowers. The people saw their votes, their voices were meaningless because Hillary Clinton is apparently willing to commit any heinous act, commit any crime against the people of the United States that she feels she has to commit in order to secure the Presidency. Democratic voters in other states were crime victims as well. Remember, the 126,000 registered Democrats in Brooklyn who were removed from the voters rolls for Clinton’s benefit the backwards counting of votes in Delaware, the difference between the actual ballot count and the vote count in Chicago, the closure of 2/3 to 3/4 of the polling places in Puerto Rico and Rhode Island and Arizona, and the removal of Sanders' supporters from the Democratic rolls in Arizona. Vote flipping and a reversal of counting of Bernie’s ballots and rigging of elections in state after states was a crime against the voters of all the states where the rigging happened and overall the theft of the nomination is a crime against the people of the United States.
Not only will we not support Clinton in her crimes against us, the American people, we cannot support anyone who endorses those crimes. The sad part is they are trying to get Bernie Sanders to cave and betray the American people. Since he would have won the nomination if the voters had been allowed to have their say, he is a victim too but one crime victim should never sell out the other crime victims or pretend that the other victims are unworthy of receiving justice for the crimes committed against them. That is not honorable and surely Sanders is too honorable to do that.
There comes a time when people have to ask whether American is important enough to stand up and fight for. Donald Trump, mouthy though he is, has never committed a crime against the voters, has never committed a crime against our brothers, sisters, parents and children. He is a distraction from the serious crime of election theft and from the criminal who has committed crimes against millions of voter victims. Why would we, the American people, support someone who committed a crime against us over someone who has not?
Has acquiescence in domestic violence become so prevalent that we are expected to support and vote for the perpetrators of crimes against us?
The saddest thing for a victim of domestic violence or rape is to watch as friends are paid off with money or favors to fall in line behind the perpetrator. It is the betrayal that hurts the most. Now, the American people are being made to agree they are worthless, powerless, that they should be OK being turned into slaves, subjects of the candidate who has perpetrated the worst of all crimes that could be committed against the voters.
We, the victims of Hillary Clinton’s crimes against America, ask that Bernie Sanders never acquiesce and never endorse those crimes committed against us. We ask him to instead stand by use, the people, the voters. We know that supporting the Democratic Party will help Bernie in the Senate but this isn’t who he is---or at least not who we have come to believe he is. To back Clinton would be to treat the voters, the American people, who have been wronged, as if we have no value, as if our votes should never matter. Is this the statement Sanders wants to make? Is this how he feels about the millions of us who sacrificed to donate money to his campaign?
It doesn't matter what the Democratic Platform says because, in the last 24 years, the Democratic Presidents have completely ignored the Democratic Platform once in office. So do most Democratic members of Congress.
Bernie has three choices: (1) He can support the crimes committed against us by endorsing Hillary Clinton and helping the person who committed crimes get elected President. Even worse, he can pretend that those crimes did not occur and that the perpetrator is something other than a serial criminal. (2) He could be silent and refuse to do the dirty deed of endorsing the perpetrator. (3) He could be true to everything he claimed to stand for and run an independent campaign or endorse a third party candidate.
Jill Stein has made Bernie Sanders an offer. He can still be President. The polls show that, while Clinton cannot defeat Trump, Bernie as a third party candidate can. If Bernie is truly committed to defeating Trump, as opposed to acquiescing in crimes that have been committed against the American people, he can and will tell the Democratic Party where to go and stand with the American people by continuing his candidacy into November. I cannot believe he would choose the Democratic Party over us, the people.
Bernie’s real character will be shown in whether he has the courage and strength to stand up to the Democratic establishment by refusing to endorse Hillary Clinton and by allowing us to have a President who will support-not suppress and oppress-us, the people who voted to make him President.