Courageous Heroes,
Standing Up for The American People

February 27, 2021. San Diego, CA. Many are familiar with online heroes such as Ryan Christian, Ben Swann, Craig “Pasta” Jardula, Johnny Mayorca, Jason Bermas, Richard Medhurst, Cindy Sheehan and Del Bigtree, who have stood up against censorship to report documented information the public needs to know. The information that all the above heroes are bringing to the public could save lives while MSM parrots bring fake news that costs way too many lives, both in the USA and elsewhere. On February 27, reporters from The Justice Gazette were able to see two heroes who have personally taken on tyranny and the risk of losing everything to save and protect the lives of people in the United States and elsewhere. These were Judy Mikovits and Tony Roman,

Altruistic health professionals and people investigating medical information around the world have long celebrated and loved Judy Mikovits. The word “altruistic” is used here as many health professionals have put lucrative monetary schemes and dictates from Big Pharma profiteers above human health. But professionals who put human life and people above profits love the fact that Dr. Mikovits is an honest professional, a virologist, whose work and information has saved a great many lives. Anyone studying her wealth of information could one day find their own life being saved by her work. For saving lives and telling the truth, she has been well punished by those who feel health care should be about money, not lives. Virtually everything has been taken away from her and yet she continues to fight for people.
Judy Mikovits spoke about the deadly dangers of mask-wearing, of the vaccines being pushed on the public and of the need for people to have courage. A least one reporter from The Justice Gazette suffered life-threatening health consequences as a result of masking and several journalists from The JG have met individuals who have been hospitalized or from mask-wearing. Despite extensive attempts by those making money off death and negative health consequences to silence Judy, she continues to be a shining example of a professional with the courage to always put the truth and people first, before profits or fear. She has written three books and has a fourth one that will be available soon. Her website is
Judy Mikovits spoke about the deadly dangers of mask-wearing, of the vaccines being pushed on the public and of the need for people to have courage. A least one reporter from The Justice Gazette suffered life-threatening health consequences as a result of masking and several journalists from The JG have met individuals who have been hospitalized or from mask-wearing. Despite extensive attempts by those making money off death and negative health consequences to silence Judy, she continues to be a shining example of a professional with the courage to always put the truth and people first, before profits or fear. She has written three books and has a fourth one that will be available soon. Her website is

Tony Roman is the proprietor/owner of Basilico’s Pasta e Vino Restaurant in Huntington Beach, CA. After the mask mandate came down from Governor Gavin Newsom, Tony developed his own mandate. No masks are allowed in his restaurant. In fact, his restaurant has bouncers ready for anyone trying to enter wearing a mask. He has successfully fought the establishment, including California’s Alcohol Beverage Control. This is a man who does not cower or cave in to fear or threats. He has received many death threats. He has received so many in fact that he has an answering machine that has a number to press for any callers wishing to make death threats to him and requesting they leave their phone number and address so Guido can get back to them. It is interesting that the mask-wearers so often threaten violence and use of lethal force against those who want to breathe. Non-maskers have not been threatening anyone. Some feel the violence and threats may be a result of oxygen deprivation. Not one person has reported sick as a result of eating in Basilico’s. However, it has a lot of satisfied customers. The restaurant is regularly full. 2020 was the restaurant’s best full year to date. Is extremely popular, generally filled to capacity with a line of people wait to get inside for a joyful eating experience. Customers report that it is well worth the wait.
The Justice Gazette recorded videos of the event which will be linked or uploaded in the next couple of days.
The Justice Gazette recorded videos of the event which will be linked or uploaded in the next couple of days.