Southern Californians Say Enough to Democratic Corporatism (Video)

August 27, 2016. Hollywood, CA. Bernie's Sanders's strongest supporters in Southern California have had enough of Democratic corporate politics. Of all those interviewed at the Enough is Enough rally and march in Hollywood on August 27th, not one person said he or she would vote for Hillary Clinton. Saturday, political revolutionaries got a treat as an all star list of speakers proclaimed that they are also fed up with establishment politics.
Rally-goers asked the press to mention, up front, that Tim Canova's primary is on Tuesday (August 30). Berners say that Tim's primary against Debbie Wasserman Schultz will be seen as a litmus test of whether there is any hope for reforming the Democratic Party.
The long list of speakers didn't pull any punches in standing up against Wall Street shills like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz and in firmly opposing Barack Obama's TPP and his planned pipeline through the Standing Rock Sioux Nation. Throughout the rally, speakers stood in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and also called for support for Tim Canova.
The massive crowds that came to rallies supporting Bernie and opposing Hillary Clinton show that the public will no longer settle for establishment politics. A real voter revolt is underway and it is not the one run by Jeff Weaver. Jeff Weaver (currently a Clinton promoter) is calling his organization, "Our Revolution," but when the bulk of activists who backed Sanders say "our revolution," they mean their revolution, NOT Jeff Weaver's 501 (c)(4), which Berners feel has deserted the real revolution. Weaver's revolution fell apart before it was even announced as Bernie's top staffers walked out to protest Jeff Weaver and his quest for billionaire donations. The majority of Bernie's supporters are now moving on to Jill Stein and candidates in other races who will carry on the work of the revolution.
Rally-goers asked the press to mention, up front, that Tim Canova's primary is on Tuesday (August 30). Berners say that Tim's primary against Debbie Wasserman Schultz will be seen as a litmus test of whether there is any hope for reforming the Democratic Party.
The long list of speakers didn't pull any punches in standing up against Wall Street shills like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz and in firmly opposing Barack Obama's TPP and his planned pipeline through the Standing Rock Sioux Nation. Throughout the rally, speakers stood in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and also called for support for Tim Canova.
The massive crowds that came to rallies supporting Bernie and opposing Hillary Clinton show that the public will no longer settle for establishment politics. A real voter revolt is underway and it is not the one run by Jeff Weaver. Jeff Weaver (currently a Clinton promoter) is calling his organization, "Our Revolution," but when the bulk of activists who backed Sanders say "our revolution," they mean their revolution, NOT Jeff Weaver's 501 (c)(4), which Berners feel has deserted the real revolution. Weaver's revolution fell apart before it was even announced as Bernie's top staffers walked out to protest Jeff Weaver and his quest for billionaire donations. The majority of Bernie's supporters are now moving on to Jill Stein and candidates in other races who will carry on the work of the revolution.

The speakers and performers list included: Shailene Woodley, YahNe Ndgo, Kendrick Sampson, Sameera Khan, Anthony Rogers-Wright, Cody Hall, George Funmaker, Carrie Sage Curley, Wendy Reed, Preston Picus, Alfredo Gama, Mende Smith, Heidi Harmon, Doug Applegate, Brandon Ramirez, Mike Farrell, Ron Varasteh, Eden McFadden, James Bergseid, Kor Element, and the Aztlan Underground Drummers.
The crowd was thrilled when America's favorite investigative reporter Greg Palast (Rolling Stone, BBC, London Guardian) took to the stage for a surprise appearance. Greg began by pointing out that the last time he had spoken to the Enough is Enough ralliers in Hollywood was just after Bernie Sanders had won the California Primary. Yes, he did. We reported it here and other reputable news services reported it as well. Bernie's California victory was hidden as a result of massive voter fraud and a mainstream corporate media that has frequently been caught misleading the public in order to promote its candidate Hillary Clinton. At Saturday's rally, Greg pointed out that the general election was also being stolen through voter disenfranchisement. For more information on Greg's findings and the election fraud, go to
The crowd was thrilled when America's favorite investigative reporter Greg Palast (Rolling Stone, BBC, London Guardian) took to the stage for a surprise appearance. Greg began by pointing out that the last time he had spoken to the Enough is Enough ralliers in Hollywood was just after Bernie Sanders had won the California Primary. Yes, he did. We reported it here and other reputable news services reported it as well. Bernie's California victory was hidden as a result of massive voter fraud and a mainstream corporate media that has frequently been caught misleading the public in order to promote its candidate Hillary Clinton. At Saturday's rally, Greg pointed out that the general election was also being stolen through voter disenfranchisement. For more information on Greg's findings and the election fraud, go to

YahNe Ndgo ( pictured to the left with Nancy Pelosi's independent challenger Preston Picus) was among many Berners who were very concerned about the failure of Bernie Sanders to appear with Tim Canova. Tim's work with regards to Debbie Wasserman Schultz shed considerable light on her alleged corruption and assisted Bernie Sanders in having her removed as DNC Chairwoman. Tim did extensive work for Bernie and most had expected Bernie to return the favor and have been disappointed by Bernie's failure to do so with some saying Bernie's has sold out. Others have pointed out, that though he endorsed Tim Canova, Bernie was pressured by the establishment. Some cited what they believe is evidence that Bernie and his wife were physically threatened and would be in danger if Bernie didn't join the DNC on the campaign trail.
Picus's opponent Nancy Pelosi voted for most of George W. Bush's agenda that attacked civil rights, promoted war and funded Wall Street. With Obama, she has continued to side with war profiteers and Wall Street corporations in her voting record. A decade ago, Pelosi had veterans and relatives of members of the front line military arrested as they entered her office building to ask her to cut the war funding. When Gold Star Mother Cindy Sheehan ran against Pelosi in 2008. Cindy's office was ransacked and there was strong evidence of election fraud in Pelosi's victory. Picus will have to hope that San Francisco's November election is less fraudulent than the June primary if he is to have any chance of defeating Pelosi.
The Greens and independents have an uphill battle. The main stream news outlets are actively stumping for Hillary and are blacking out information about third party candidates. Jill Stein is being excluded in most polls. To be allowed into the debate set up by the Democrats and Republicans, she needs 15% but how is she to get that 15% when her name is not even on the list? Participants in polls who say they plan to vote for Jill are told by pollsters that they can only choose between Clinton and Trump. The Libertarian candidate (Gary Johnson) has been included in more polls than Stein. There is a movement to boycott the Democratic-Republican debates and to invite Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to an inclusive debate. If Trump and Clinton fail to show up at the inclusive debate, they lose by default. Most Americans think Clinton and Trump would lose if they showed up, anyway. With virtually no polls showing accurate third party support, the election in November is a big question mark. However, most Californians expect Hillary Clinton to rig the election as she did the nomination, making the outcome of the vote irrelevant.
Below are some additional pictures and three Youtube videos from the rally taken by reporters from the Justice Gazette.
Picus's opponent Nancy Pelosi voted for most of George W. Bush's agenda that attacked civil rights, promoted war and funded Wall Street. With Obama, she has continued to side with war profiteers and Wall Street corporations in her voting record. A decade ago, Pelosi had veterans and relatives of members of the front line military arrested as they entered her office building to ask her to cut the war funding. When Gold Star Mother Cindy Sheehan ran against Pelosi in 2008. Cindy's office was ransacked and there was strong evidence of election fraud in Pelosi's victory. Picus will have to hope that San Francisco's November election is less fraudulent than the June primary if he is to have any chance of defeating Pelosi.
The Greens and independents have an uphill battle. The main stream news outlets are actively stumping for Hillary and are blacking out information about third party candidates. Jill Stein is being excluded in most polls. To be allowed into the debate set up by the Democrats and Republicans, she needs 15% but how is she to get that 15% when her name is not even on the list? Participants in polls who say they plan to vote for Jill are told by pollsters that they can only choose between Clinton and Trump. The Libertarian candidate (Gary Johnson) has been included in more polls than Stein. There is a movement to boycott the Democratic-Republican debates and to invite Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to an inclusive debate. If Trump and Clinton fail to show up at the inclusive debate, they lose by default. Most Americans think Clinton and Trump would lose if they showed up, anyway. With virtually no polls showing accurate third party support, the election in November is a big question mark. However, most Californians expect Hillary Clinton to rig the election as she did the nomination, making the outcome of the vote irrelevant.
Below are some additional pictures and three Youtube videos from the rally taken by reporters from the Justice Gazette.

Popular comedian Jimmy Dore was the final scheduled speaker and well worth the wait, according to the attendees. He told the crowd that Hillary encouraged everybody to vote their conscience and added:
"So it's true. She really does want me to vote for JIll Stein. Why else would she say that?"
Jimmy has had enough of corporatism and of former anti-war activists, like John Kerry, being corrupted by the military industrial complex. Jimmy noted that Obama had let all the torturers off the hook as their crimes were in the past. Jimmy jokingly pointed out that his own crimes were in the past too. (Jimmy's analysis is something criminal defense attorneys should look at. Citing The President's refusal to prosecute the past crimes of the Bush Administration as authority and precedent, it could theoretically be argued that all crimes are in the past and not subject to criminal prosecution. Releasing all of America's prisoners would certainly help reduce the budget.)
Jimmy pointed out that the revolution did not end with Bernie because Bernie-backed candidates have been winning their elections. He noted the importance of making sure Tim Canova wins his race. Several people in the crowd said they would like to see Jimmy run for office. One person in the audience said the IQ of America's leadership would dramatically increase if Jimmy were there.
"Hillary supporters will argue when everyone is corrupt, there is no corruption.-Jimmy Dore".
The Greens and independents have an uphill battle. The main stream news outlets are actively stumping for Hillary Clinton and are blacking out information about third party candidates. Jill Stein is being excluded in most polls. To be allowed into the debates set up by the Democrats and Republicans, she needs 15% but how is she to get that 15% when her name is not even on the list? Participants in polls who say they plan to vote for Jill are told by pollsters that they can only choose between Clinton and Trump. The Libertarian candidate (Gary Johnson) has been included in more polls than Stein. There is a movement to boycott the Democratic-Republican debates and to invite Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to an inclusive debate. If Trump and Clinton fail to show up at the inclusive debate, they lose by default. Most Americans think Clinton and Trump would lose if they showed up, anyway. With virtually no polls showing accurate third party support, the election in November is a big question mark. However, most Californians expect Hillary Clinton to rig the general election as she did the nomination, making the outcome of the vote irrelevant.
Below are some additional pictures and three YouTube videos from the rally taken by reporters from the Justice Gazette.
"So it's true. She really does want me to vote for JIll Stein. Why else would she say that?"
Jimmy has had enough of corporatism and of former anti-war activists, like John Kerry, being corrupted by the military industrial complex. Jimmy noted that Obama had let all the torturers off the hook as their crimes were in the past. Jimmy jokingly pointed out that his own crimes were in the past too. (Jimmy's analysis is something criminal defense attorneys should look at. Citing The President's refusal to prosecute the past crimes of the Bush Administration as authority and precedent, it could theoretically be argued that all crimes are in the past and not subject to criminal prosecution. Releasing all of America's prisoners would certainly help reduce the budget.)
Jimmy pointed out that the revolution did not end with Bernie because Bernie-backed candidates have been winning their elections. He noted the importance of making sure Tim Canova wins his race. Several people in the crowd said they would like to see Jimmy run for office. One person in the audience said the IQ of America's leadership would dramatically increase if Jimmy were there.
"Hillary supporters will argue when everyone is corrupt, there is no corruption.-Jimmy Dore".
The Greens and independents have an uphill battle. The main stream news outlets are actively stumping for Hillary Clinton and are blacking out information about third party candidates. Jill Stein is being excluded in most polls. To be allowed into the debates set up by the Democrats and Republicans, she needs 15% but how is she to get that 15% when her name is not even on the list? Participants in polls who say they plan to vote for Jill are told by pollsters that they can only choose between Clinton and Trump. The Libertarian candidate (Gary Johnson) has been included in more polls than Stein. There is a movement to boycott the Democratic-Republican debates and to invite Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to an inclusive debate. If Trump and Clinton fail to show up at the inclusive debate, they lose by default. Most Americans think Clinton and Trump would lose if they showed up, anyway. With virtually no polls showing accurate third party support, the election in November is a big question mark. However, most Californians expect Hillary Clinton to rig the general election as she did the nomination, making the outcome of the vote irrelevant.
Below are some additional pictures and three YouTube videos from the rally taken by reporters from the Justice Gazette.
