The Orange County Genocide:
A Crime Against Humanity?
by Natalie

August 15, 2016. Anaheim, CA. Out of existance, to vaporize, to cease to be. And when dead, all remembrances must also be destroyed. That is the new mandate of the County of Orange towards the County's poorest residents.
Residents, who had been thrown out of their homes by the County of Orange on behalf banks, rapists, violent abusers and bigots, have been driven to make their new homes in tent communities along Santa Ana River. In the section near Katella, these tents were largely invisible hidden between a hill and a follage-covered fence.
To make way for anti-homeless rocks, the county destroyed, confiscated or forced the removal of the homes of more than 50 families on August 15th. People were not given sufficent time to move and no place to go. As far as the county was concerned they were to vaporize, cease to exist. Many of these people were disabled. Many were domestic violence victims. Some were rape victims. Of the men, most were veterans who have risked their lives in combat for the county leaders who were trashing their homes.
But it wasn't just the homes that were trashed. A mermorial for the homeless dead, many of whom were Armed Services Veterans, were destroyed. Tombstones were broken up as if those who died were garbage, animals, not worthy of being remembered. Above is a picture of the truckbed containing remains of the memorial for the dead. How would the rich of Orange County feel if the memorials for their loved ones were desecreated? This won't happen as there are two Orange Counties: one for the rich and upper middle class and another for the lower middle class and the poor.
Residents, who had been thrown out of their homes by the County of Orange on behalf banks, rapists, violent abusers and bigots, have been driven to make their new homes in tent communities along Santa Ana River. In the section near Katella, these tents were largely invisible hidden between a hill and a follage-covered fence.
To make way for anti-homeless rocks, the county destroyed, confiscated or forced the removal of the homes of more than 50 families on August 15th. People were not given sufficent time to move and no place to go. As far as the county was concerned they were to vaporize, cease to exist. Many of these people were disabled. Many were domestic violence victims. Some were rape victims. Of the men, most were veterans who have risked their lives in combat for the county leaders who were trashing their homes.
But it wasn't just the homes that were trashed. A mermorial for the homeless dead, many of whom were Armed Services Veterans, were destroyed. Tombstones were broken up as if those who died were garbage, animals, not worthy of being remembered. Above is a picture of the truckbed containing remains of the memorial for the dead. How would the rich of Orange County feel if the memorials for their loved ones were desecreated? This won't happen as there are two Orange Counties: one for the rich and upper middle class and another for the lower middle class and the poor.

Several of the women interrviewed spoke of being thrown out of their homes by the courts, which gave their homes to abusers, men who had had sex with their children. t They had no place to go but to the river. This is Orange County's new domestic violence program: hrow domestic violence vicitms out of their homes and then destroy any home they create afterwords. One woman related how her husband had beat her, had sex with the girl she was caring for and then locked her out of the RV that had hers prior to her marriage. The husband told the judge he could not locate his wife during the divorce. In response, the judge awarded the violent abuser the woman's home. This happens regularly in Orange County. Many other domestic violence victims along the river shared similar stories.
Among the homeless were women who were disabled, crippled or partially blind, rape victims and pregnant women. The county just told them to move their stuff and when they couldn't move it fast enough, property was shreded. County workers and the deputies provided no assistance. Some of these women were less than a hundred pounds and had difficulty moving. Some had been told the county would move their stuff to 20 miles away, a location they could not easily access. But most of this stuff was trashed, torn up or broken up, and shredded, according to witnesses.
There was no practical reason for the eviction. The sharp rocks that are being moved in will not add anything to the setting. It appeared to be just a matter of economic bigotry and extreme cruelty towards some of the most innocent of Orange County's residents.
Among the homeless were women who were disabled, crippled or partially blind, rape victims and pregnant women. The county just told them to move their stuff and when they couldn't move it fast enough, property was shreded. County workers and the deputies provided no assistance. Some of these women were less than a hundred pounds and had difficulty moving. Some had been told the county would move their stuff to 20 miles away, a location they could not easily access. But most of this stuff was trashed, torn up or broken up, and shredded, according to witnesses.
There was no practical reason for the eviction. The sharp rocks that are being moved in will not add anything to the setting. It appeared to be just a matter of economic bigotry and extreme cruelty towards some of the most innocent of Orange County's residents.

Residents were not allowed to drive vehicles to the site, but rather had to hand carry their own stuff lengthy distances. This was an Orange County Trail of Tears. As the residents would move one load away, they would often return to find the rest of their belongs trashed or taken by the county. To the left is a woman (a domestic violence victim) sadly looking for her items, reporedly destroyed by the county while she moved what she could a considerable walking distance into the river bed.
The only place the residents have to go is into the river bed. The county workers know that this is where they forcing the residents to go. Women have reported rat bites and poisonous spider bites in the river. One woman's arms were dratically swollen from all the brown reckluse bites she had received in the river. Another problem with the river are diseases. But even worse are the deaths that take place when the county chooses to turn on the water and flood the homeless victims living in the riverbed. With the memorial now gone, those who have died, flushed by the county in the river, are to be forgotten.
The county has no outhouses or porta potties available to the homeless. The residents are expected to walk to very dangerous public bathrooms in the area. At these public bathrooms, not near their tents, they have been sexually assaulted and attacked with hypodermic needles. Most of the homeless were not involved in drugs, but it would be no surprise if the conditions created by the county led people to drugs, particularly after being assaulted at public bathrooms they had to walk to. When asked about bringing portable toilets to the tent city, Deputy Sheriff Vega insisted the residents would not use them-- though the county had never brought any to check out whether they would. Most of those living in the area were trying their best to be clean with what they had. However, the deputies spoke of them at length as if they were animals, subhuman.
The Sheriff's dputies showed no compassion of any kind for the homeless or their plight. Perhaps to get rid of the press, Officer Kohler (though somewhat inconsistent during his comments) finally led the press to believe that, though the residents were expected to move everything on the 15th, the county would not take their property that day. After the press left, the county did take property and destroy property. There have been past reports of deputies mistreating and terrorizing residents following the departure of the press in other homeless tent communities in Orange County.
The bulldozers were present and county workers said that an offsite PIO(public information officer) could answer questions and they did not know anything about they were doing--though they continued to break stuff up and plow stuff up. No county workers were willing to answer questions about what they were doing or what their plans were.
Orange County Supervisors are Lisa Bartlett, Michele Steel, Andrew Do, Todd Spitzer, and Shawn Nelson. These five individuals are very well off. Orange County residents provide them with salaries and they all live in very nice homes while the poorest residents are expected to disappear or die with no remembrance.
Though some bigots falsely claim the homeless want to be homeless, interviews of many of them homeless found not one homeless person who would not jump at the chance for a home if they could bring their pets. Pets are like children to those who have lost everything. Who would discard their children to move up in the world?
The problem, in all fairness, is not just in Orange County. The mistreatment of the homeless is taking place in counties all over the United States under an agenda set by heWall Street, which is allowed to confiscate the homes of Americans and send them into poverty. When you go to theou polls in November, you have a choice? You can vote for the Wall Street candidates or for someone else fosr President, Congress,
your state legislature and other offices. Many Americans are through with voting for incumbents, establishment candidates, or candidates from either of the major parties.
Below are videos filmed by the Justice Gazette Team of the losses created by the County of Orange on August 15th.
The only place the residents have to go is into the river bed. The county workers know that this is where they forcing the residents to go. Women have reported rat bites and poisonous spider bites in the river. One woman's arms were dratically swollen from all the brown reckluse bites she had received in the river. Another problem with the river are diseases. But even worse are the deaths that take place when the county chooses to turn on the water and flood the homeless victims living in the riverbed. With the memorial now gone, those who have died, flushed by the county in the river, are to be forgotten.
The county has no outhouses or porta potties available to the homeless. The residents are expected to walk to very dangerous public bathrooms in the area. At these public bathrooms, not near their tents, they have been sexually assaulted and attacked with hypodermic needles. Most of the homeless were not involved in drugs, but it would be no surprise if the conditions created by the county led people to drugs, particularly after being assaulted at public bathrooms they had to walk to. When asked about bringing portable toilets to the tent city, Deputy Sheriff Vega insisted the residents would not use them-- though the county had never brought any to check out whether they would. Most of those living in the area were trying their best to be clean with what they had. However, the deputies spoke of them at length as if they were animals, subhuman.
The Sheriff's dputies showed no compassion of any kind for the homeless or their plight. Perhaps to get rid of the press, Officer Kohler (though somewhat inconsistent during his comments) finally led the press to believe that, though the residents were expected to move everything on the 15th, the county would not take their property that day. After the press left, the county did take property and destroy property. There have been past reports of deputies mistreating and terrorizing residents following the departure of the press in other homeless tent communities in Orange County.
The bulldozers were present and county workers said that an offsite PIO(public information officer) could answer questions and they did not know anything about they were doing--though they continued to break stuff up and plow stuff up. No county workers were willing to answer questions about what they were doing or what their plans were.
Orange County Supervisors are Lisa Bartlett, Michele Steel, Andrew Do, Todd Spitzer, and Shawn Nelson. These five individuals are very well off. Orange County residents provide them with salaries and they all live in very nice homes while the poorest residents are expected to disappear or die with no remembrance.
Though some bigots falsely claim the homeless want to be homeless, interviews of many of them homeless found not one homeless person who would not jump at the chance for a home if they could bring their pets. Pets are like children to those who have lost everything. Who would discard their children to move up in the world?
The problem, in all fairness, is not just in Orange County. The mistreatment of the homeless is taking place in counties all over the United States under an agenda set by heWall Street, which is allowed to confiscate the homes of Americans and send them into poverty. When you go to theou polls in November, you have a choice? You can vote for the Wall Street candidates or for someone else fosr President, Congress,
your state legislature and other offices. Many Americans are through with voting for incumbents, establishment candidates, or candidates from either of the major parties.
Below are videos filmed by the Justice Gazette Team of the losses created by the County of Orange on August 15th.