Public Attributes Clinton Election Victories to Criminal Activity as Sanders Does Better than Obama Did in O8

March 15, 2016. Americans are wondering how many of the Clintons crimes have to be caught on camera before a prosecution starts. In Boston, it is illegal to campaign within 150 feet of a polling place. Not only was Bill Clinton caught on video right in front of a polling place campaigning for his wife Hillary Clinton's election campaign on March 1, but he also blocked the voting in one polling place for two hours and was caught on camera taking the campaign inside a polling place that day. Approximately 120,000 Americans, mostly Democrats, have signed a petition calling for Bill Clinton's arrest for these actions, but nothing has happened to indicate that the authorities are taking their jobs seriously.
So Bill did it again in Chicago on March 15, 2016. There he was not allowed to campaign for Hillary within 100 feet of a polling place but again was caught on video campaigning well within the 100 foot zone. He went from polling place to polling place campaigning for Hillary Clinton again. Another petition is gathering signatures calling for his arrest in connection with these actions in Chicago. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton could be theoretically charged with felonies in connection with the campaign's apparent scheme to violate election laws. Because the possible crimes committed cross state lines and because a national campaign is involved, this also appears to involve federal offenses as well as state offenses. In both cases, residents of the relevant states are calling for the Clinton campaign to lose its delegates by default.
But there is more. Hillary Clinton, didn't just have her husband appearing to violate campaign laws by campaigning right in front of and inside polling places. She, herself, carried her campaign into a polling place in North Carolina on March 15, 2016. There is also a call for her to lose her delegates there due to cheating and election crimes.
In Florida, Sanders supporters rushed to the polls to vote, only to be told in Central Florida that there were no more ballots and that the voters should go home.
This comes on the heels of apparent election fraud on the part of the Clinton campaign having been video-recorded in the Democratic caucuses in Iowa and Nevada and in the Democratic primary in Georgia. Now it turns out that Clinton may lose Iowa, anyway, due a recounting of delegates in one county. However, if she were to lose the delegates in all the states where there is evidence of cheating on the part of the Clinton campaign, the election would be over for her.
A growing number of Americans see something hypocritical and sinister in Hillary Clinton's insistence that Blacks serve long sentences for drug use while she and her husband flaunt their own apparent violations of the law. Much of the public has come to see U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch as a weak and biased official unable to do her job when friends like the Clintons are caught in what appear to be numerous instances of felonious criminal activity. Some ask, why the Clintons can commit crimes with no consequences while middle class citizens would go to jail if they were to break even minor laws. Many feel that, in appearing to openly break the law, the Clintons have made a mockery of the Constitution and the entire American justice system. Some Democrats are saying that this is the Clinton's "F-You" to anyone not of their upper class standing.
The Clintons' actions are particularly troubling to those who fought what they considered to be election fraud against Al Gore in Florida in 2000. A sizable number of Gore supporters feel that the Clintons have spit on democracy, itself, and have committed election crimes far worse and more flagrant than those they attribute to George W. Bush and Karl Rove.
Overall, Bernie Sanders is doing much better in the primaries and caucuses than Obama did in 2008. Obama lost New Hampshire, Michigan, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas and Colorado, states that Sanders has won. Obama lost 21 states (including Ohio) to Clinton but still defeated Clinton for the nomination. In Ohio, Republicans are allowed to vote in the Democratic primary and it is believed that Donald Trump's supporters gave Clinton her narrow win there while the raid backfired on Trump, giving Kasich the Republican win in Ohio. It is not surprising that the Republicans in Ohio jumped in to try to block Obama's nomination as well. So far, all but the confederate states and states where the results are questionable have gone to Bernie Sanders. Bernie is also winning the swing states like Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Missouri and Minnesota, along with states like Michigan, New Hampshire, Maine and maybe belatedly Iowa. The bulk of the delegates needed for the nomination are still up for grabs. Sanders is expected to pull California and maybe New York. His supporters seem to agree and have been continuously donating ever since the results started coming in. While the network news pushes Clinton, Sanders's support across the country is increasing. Was Obama told he was a message candidate at this point? Obama wasn't about to pack it up then and Sanders, who is doing better, isn't about to pack it up now.
So Bill did it again in Chicago on March 15, 2016. There he was not allowed to campaign for Hillary within 100 feet of a polling place but again was caught on video campaigning well within the 100 foot zone. He went from polling place to polling place campaigning for Hillary Clinton again. Another petition is gathering signatures calling for his arrest in connection with these actions in Chicago. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton could be theoretically charged with felonies in connection with the campaign's apparent scheme to violate election laws. Because the possible crimes committed cross state lines and because a national campaign is involved, this also appears to involve federal offenses as well as state offenses. In both cases, residents of the relevant states are calling for the Clinton campaign to lose its delegates by default.
But there is more. Hillary Clinton, didn't just have her husband appearing to violate campaign laws by campaigning right in front of and inside polling places. She, herself, carried her campaign into a polling place in North Carolina on March 15, 2016. There is also a call for her to lose her delegates there due to cheating and election crimes.
In Florida, Sanders supporters rushed to the polls to vote, only to be told in Central Florida that there were no more ballots and that the voters should go home.
This comes on the heels of apparent election fraud on the part of the Clinton campaign having been video-recorded in the Democratic caucuses in Iowa and Nevada and in the Democratic primary in Georgia. Now it turns out that Clinton may lose Iowa, anyway, due a recounting of delegates in one county. However, if she were to lose the delegates in all the states where there is evidence of cheating on the part of the Clinton campaign, the election would be over for her.
A growing number of Americans see something hypocritical and sinister in Hillary Clinton's insistence that Blacks serve long sentences for drug use while she and her husband flaunt their own apparent violations of the law. Much of the public has come to see U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch as a weak and biased official unable to do her job when friends like the Clintons are caught in what appear to be numerous instances of felonious criminal activity. Some ask, why the Clintons can commit crimes with no consequences while middle class citizens would go to jail if they were to break even minor laws. Many feel that, in appearing to openly break the law, the Clintons have made a mockery of the Constitution and the entire American justice system. Some Democrats are saying that this is the Clinton's "F-You" to anyone not of their upper class standing.
The Clintons' actions are particularly troubling to those who fought what they considered to be election fraud against Al Gore in Florida in 2000. A sizable number of Gore supporters feel that the Clintons have spit on democracy, itself, and have committed election crimes far worse and more flagrant than those they attribute to George W. Bush and Karl Rove.
Overall, Bernie Sanders is doing much better in the primaries and caucuses than Obama did in 2008. Obama lost New Hampshire, Michigan, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas and Colorado, states that Sanders has won. Obama lost 21 states (including Ohio) to Clinton but still defeated Clinton for the nomination. In Ohio, Republicans are allowed to vote in the Democratic primary and it is believed that Donald Trump's supporters gave Clinton her narrow win there while the raid backfired on Trump, giving Kasich the Republican win in Ohio. It is not surprising that the Republicans in Ohio jumped in to try to block Obama's nomination as well. So far, all but the confederate states and states where the results are questionable have gone to Bernie Sanders. Bernie is also winning the swing states like Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Missouri and Minnesota, along with states like Michigan, New Hampshire, Maine and maybe belatedly Iowa. The bulk of the delegates needed for the nomination are still up for grabs. Sanders is expected to pull California and maybe New York. His supporters seem to agree and have been continuously donating ever since the results started coming in. While the network news pushes Clinton, Sanders's support across the country is increasing. Was Obama told he was a message candidate at this point? Obama wasn't about to pack it up then and Sanders, who is doing better, isn't about to pack it up now.

While Sanders has continued to abide by the rules and to still do better than Obama did in 08, Bill and Hillary Clinton have shown that they can get away with seemingly lawless behavior. The public is angry. According to loyal Democrats who are ready to purge their party of what they call Hillarybots, this means they will not support Hillary Clinton if she is nominated and they will not support Democratic candidates for Congress if the Democratic Party nominates Hillary Clinton. As Greg, a lifelong Democrat from California said, "The Clintons may think they are above the law but the American people are not going to allow it Watch the voters throw the crooks out in November." If he is right, the next President will be either Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump but not Hillary Clinton.