Can Hillary Recover from Losing Debate to Bernie?
by Natalie

According to focus groups and polls across America, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s performance in the first debate was so poor that her Presidential chances have severely dimmed. Democratic audiences across expressed serious doubt that she is still electable. While the polls place her debate performance percentage mostly in the teens her rival Bernie Sanders primarily placed in the high seventies.
Pundits from the news media tried to resurrect Hillary’s campaign by claiming she did well but they failed to convince the millions of viewers. Bernie Sanders had over 100,000 house parties and the support of over 3 million debate viewers who were not going to allow NPR, MSNBC or CNN to change their perception of what they had witnessed.
At one point, Sanders came to Clinton’s rescue when Cooper Anderson asked about emails. Sanders pointed out that the public wanted to hear the candidates’ positions on real issues and not about emails.
To viewers, Clinton’s performance came across as plastic and canned. In contrast, Sanders came across as a wise professor, educating the public and the media on issues that mattered to the public. Sanders kept returning to the issue of income disparity in the United States and the struggle of the 99% to survive in a world where the top 1% owned nearly all the wealth and received the bulk of the tax breaks.
Pundits from the news media tried to resurrect Hillary’s campaign by claiming she did well but they failed to convince the millions of viewers. Bernie Sanders had over 100,000 house parties and the support of over 3 million debate viewers who were not going to allow NPR, MSNBC or CNN to change their perception of what they had witnessed.
At one point, Sanders came to Clinton’s rescue when Cooper Anderson asked about emails. Sanders pointed out that the public wanted to hear the candidates’ positions on real issues and not about emails.
To viewers, Clinton’s performance came across as plastic and canned. In contrast, Sanders came across as a wise professor, educating the public and the media on issues that mattered to the public. Sanders kept returning to the issue of income disparity in the United States and the struggle of the 99% to survive in a world where the top 1% owned nearly all the wealth and received the bulk of the tax breaks.

Sanders was the only person on stage who voted against the bankruptcy bill that made it harder for most Americans to survive a medical crisis. He also was the only person on stage who voted against the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, NAFTA, Welfare to Work, the NDAA (indefinite detention bills), the Real ID Act (giving unlimited power to the Secretary of Homeland Security), the removal of Glass Steagall protections for the public, and the Wall Street bailouts. Clinton in contrast supported, in one way or another, all those bills.
Doing badly in the first debate only added to Clinton’s problem of a perception that she is American royalty. Being part of the top 1% and tied to two Administrations that were linked to placing Wall Street before Main Street, Clinton has had an uphill climb. More than half of Democrats polled say they will not vote for Clinton under any circumstances. Without the assistance of more than half the voting members of her party, her candidacy is considered an albatross for the Democratic Party. Clinton has lucrative job possibilities on Wall Street and many Democrats feel shifting focus to those opportunities is her best option.
Doing badly in the first debate only added to Clinton’s problem of a perception that she is American royalty. Being part of the top 1% and tied to two Administrations that were linked to placing Wall Street before Main Street, Clinton has had an uphill climb. More than half of Democrats polled say they will not vote for Clinton under any circumstances. Without the assistance of more than half the voting members of her party, her candidacy is considered an albatross for the Democratic Party. Clinton has lucrative job possibilities on Wall Street and many Democrats feel shifting focus to those opportunities is her best option.