BLM Events Sabotaged: Stealing of Message by
Pro-Police Forces

June 8,2020. Southern California. A person is killed by police every 7 hours. Unarmed Blacks are five times more likely to be killed by police as Whites. Only 1% of officers who kill civilians are ever indicted, whereas 90% of civilians who kill civilians are indicted. American police kill civilians 350% per capita more than law enforcement in the next highest country. Compared with other wealthy countries, U.S. police kill over 3000% more Americans per capita annually than those in other wealthy countries. Why? Joe Biden’s crime bill populated and militarized the police forces of the U.S.. Statistically, the likelihood of being killed by an officer is much higher in a Democratic city with a Democratic mayor, a Democratic District Attorney and a Democratic Governor than in Republican-run areas. Los Angeles continues to be number one in police killings of Black Americans.

As tens of thousands marched to end police killings of Blacks in Southern California, rallies were being taken over by those promoting politicians most responsible for the killings of Blacks in America. If you look at the signs carried by the tens of thousands of protesters in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, none supported the election of segregationist Joe Biden, whose crime bill resulted in the very killings Black Lives Matter is protesting. Though signs throughout all the rallies called for defunding the police, Joe Biden says he will NOT defund the police. Not one sign at these rallies called for electing people of a particular political party. At least half of all Americans (particularly on the left) do not belong to any political party. In Los Angeles, where Democratic District Attorney Jackie Lacey refuses to prosecute cop killers and where Democratic Mayor Eric Garcetti has so heavily militarized the police that Los Angeles has the reputation for being the top city for police killings of Blacks, the June 3rd master of ceremonies chosen by Black Lives Matter because he was an actor, pushed for Angelinos to vote for Democrats and to elect Joe Biden.

In Lake Forest, Orange County, though not one anti-Trump or pro-Biden sign could be seen in the crowd, two speakers encouraged the thousands present to vote for Joe Biden under the fallacious pretense that doing so would end police violence. It is important to note that Donald Trump is not tied to any California killings by police, but Joe Biden’s crime bill has been documented as being a significant factor in killings by police in California. Americans are receiving emails from the Democratic Party falsely pretending that the BLM protests are Democratic protests. This is happening as Congressional Democrats prepare legislation what will increase police funding instead of defunding police departments across America. Democrats are pretending that this bill will reduce the number of Blacks killed by police. Basically, it is a bait and switch with little more than lip service to reducing the violence against Blacks. That does not mean that Donald Trump deserves re-election but his actions are unrelated to killings of Blacks in California. Nobody on The Justice Gazette team voted for Trump four years ago or plans to vote for him this year, but the JG team realizes that when it comes to saving lives, pushing party politics is not the answer.

Has Los Angeles’s Democratic District Attorney Jackie Lacey prosecuted any officers for running over Black Lives Matter protesters in the last couple of weeks? Has she initiated prosecution of L.A. officers over the false arrests of journalists in Los Angeles over the last couple of weeks? Has she initiated prosecution of officers over the use of tear gas and rubber projectiles against civilians over the last couple of weeks? Has she prosecuted her own husband for sticking a gun in the face of Lexi Underwood’s mother? Orange County had a corrupt district attorney. "Snitch Scandal" District Attorney Tony Rackauckas was voted out of office in the last election and replaced by Todd Spitzer, who has a strong reputation for integrity. Tony Rackauckas and Todd Spitzer are both Republicans. Interestingly, Democrats stabbed their own candidate (Greg Diamond) in the back in 2014 in order to assist right-wing Republican Tony Rackauckas's re-election that year in spite of the record number of police slayings of minorities that went unaddressed during Rackauckas's terms. Todd, who defeated his Republican opponent, along top OC Democratic leaders backing the corrupt Republican former D.A. in 2018, has promised more openness and accountability.

Who put armed troops with M4 assault rifles and M500 shot guns ever few feet throughout downtown Los Angeles? It was Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom. The President had nothing to do with that. Those guns were not pointed at the officers doing the violence. They were ready to fire on peaceful protesters assembling and marching against police violence. This does not mean that Democratic voters support violence but that that Democratic leaders get away with creating or encouraging more domestic and international violence because they have a D in front of their name while the public is lulled to sleep by the letter "D." If a Republican Governor had flooded the streets of Los Angeles with assault weapons and troops ready to use them on civilians, there would have been a public outcry. Regarding George Floyd, the Mayor of Minneapolis and the Governor of Minnesota are both Democrats.
Now, there are a great many pacifistic and honorable Democrats, such as former eight term Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich and six-term Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney who worked hard to end racial inequality in the system and to end U.S. imperialism. California also has some strong voices for racial justice in the California State Legislature. The political issue is only being addressed here in response to the seemingly intentional misrepresentations made by people with an agenda at the rallies, seemingly to mislead civil rights activists who came hoping to find a way to save lives and not expecting to receive a political plug for a pro-police candidate.
Now, there are a great many pacifistic and honorable Democrats, such as former eight term Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich and six-term Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney who worked hard to end racial inequality in the system and to end U.S. imperialism. California also has some strong voices for racial justice in the California State Legislature. The political issue is only being addressed here in response to the seemingly intentional misrepresentations made by people with an agenda at the rallies, seemingly to mislead civil rights activists who came hoping to find a way to save lives and not expecting to receive a political plug for a pro-police candidate.

In contrast to Democratically-run County of Los Angeles, police racism is more under the table in Orange County, controlled by a Republican Board of Supervisors. On June 6, 2020, he police were very polite and helpful with regards to protesters marching in Newport Beach and Lake Forest. They worked hard to present a community-friendly appearance. Interestingly, the Newport Beach rally took place at Newport Harbor High School in front of an apartment complex that was the scene of a double homicide. Multiple potential witnesses knew one of the victims but not the African-American grabbed out of convenience from a local jail to be prosecuted. The victim the witnesses knew had been threatened by a white man. If called, the witnesses are likely to connect the dots between the white man who threatened the murdered woman and a White man, not a Black man. So why was a Black man who never met the victims charged? It happens every day in the USA. Criminal defense attorneys can tell you that Blacks are typically over charged and often arrested on minimal evidence while Whites (particularly White males) are typically undercharged and usually where there is much more extensive evidence of guilt. This results in an increased number of Blacks in the over-populated prison system. A good example of a racist arrest and prosecution took place in the case of Kevin Cooper (San Bernardino County) resulting in a Black man sitting in prison for over four decades for murders believed by most (including members of the jury that convicted him) to have been committed by three White men. Evidence was altered and/or destroyed by the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department and exonerating evidence was hidden from the defense and the jury in the Cooper case.

At Newport Harbor High School, a thousand or more protesters rallied and marched up Irvine Blvd to the Back Bay and then back to the high school, all chanting against police violence, calling for the defunding of the police and making note of the names of some of the victims. Not one of the marchers chanted anything political. The fact that Republicans dramatically outnumber Democrats in Newport Beach is a strong indication that support for Black Lives Matter events and equal justice for Blacks crosses party lines. At this event, there was no support for candidates of either party as members of the crowd who were interviewed indicated they did not believe that partisan politics was appropriate at a rally aimed at saving lives.

In Lake Forest, five thousand at an early count, started marching from Trabucco and El Toro to the Lake Forest Sports Park three miles away. Some stayed along the street and continued to display their signs to honking cars Between one and two thousand made it up to the park. At the rally, the best speech was given by a 21 year old girl, whose first name was Alasha (spelling uncertain) who had grown up in the area. She spoke of her experience of being one of a small number of Black high school students in Lake Forest and of her experience in Whittier speaking as police arrived with batons. A video of her speech is below. Two of the other speakers tried to turn the event into a political rally for Joe Biden. Most protesters were polite but not buying into the pro-Biden political push. Most of those attending were well educated and only interested in stopping the violence against Blacks.

On another note, while social distancing is not happening at the rallies, graduating students are not being allowed to graduate in person at most high schools and have to do virtual graduations. Below is a picture of Kaylee Flores, who dropped by Newport Harbor High School in her graduation outfit that she would have worn in picking up her diploma on stage but for policies set in play by a government that cares nothing about high school graduates who have worked hard for their graduation day.
Below are some additional pictures and videos from the Orange County protests of June 6th.
Below are some additional pictures and videos from the Orange County protests of June 6th.