Clinton Stands With Wall Street Against Main Street as Sanders Wins Post-Debate Polls

November 14, 2015: Democratic Debate. According to all post-debate polls, Bernie Sanders soundly defeated Hillary Clinton by landslide margins, with the narrowest poll result still placing him above 70% and Clinton below 25%. Many of Clinton's former supporters are suggesting she save face and avoid further harm to the image of the Democratic Party by stepping down before she does more damage to her reputation.
What led to Clinton’s downfall during the Second Democratic Debate?
1) Hillary took strong positions, opposing a living wage of $15 per hour. Coming from top 1% with a current official salary of six figures and an expected seven to eight figure post-retirement salary, her position on the living wage is seen as elitist and hypocritical by a large percentage of American society that has seen wages in the country decline in comparison to the rising cost of living. Her failure to care about the demise of the middle class came across as rather cold to many people interviewed in connection with this report.
2) Hillary Clinton also strongly expressed her clear opposition to single-payer, universal health care, supporting instead a system of insurance care wherein insurance executives receive the bulk of the health care money. This means that doctors and patients get left out in the cold with patients having one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world and America ranking worst among similarly industrialized nations.
3) Hillary Clinton took another strong stance attacking the idea of free college. She excused her opposition to free college by saying that tax payers shouldn’t have to pay for college for Donald Trump’s kids. However, nobody suggested such a plan. Sanders’s plan would have resulted in Trump and other Wall Street moguls paying for college for the children of the bulk of the tax-payers, something Hillary's Wall Street donors don't want to see happen.
Clinton's college remark showed another of her problems. Fact-checkers caught her fabricating or misstating a number of her claims and accusations during the evening. These fabrications included the positions of her opponents on various issues as well as her justifications for war and her brags about the Obama Administration's military successes. At the location where this writer viewed the event, the focus group of over 250 viewers frequently booed Clinton on these distortions.
Debate Tweeter Andy Grewal asked the most memorable question of the evening. It was presented in the form of a statement. “Have never seen a candidate invoke 9/11 to justify millions of Wall Street donations. Until now.” This established the essence of Hillary’s problem. Her positions, her donations, her record (from her pro-credit-card-company-bankruptcy vote to her 2008 Wall Street Bailout vote) all signify Hillary's attachment to Wall Street first and the people last.
What led to Clinton’s downfall during the Second Democratic Debate?
1) Hillary took strong positions, opposing a living wage of $15 per hour. Coming from top 1% with a current official salary of six figures and an expected seven to eight figure post-retirement salary, her position on the living wage is seen as elitist and hypocritical by a large percentage of American society that has seen wages in the country decline in comparison to the rising cost of living. Her failure to care about the demise of the middle class came across as rather cold to many people interviewed in connection with this report.
2) Hillary Clinton also strongly expressed her clear opposition to single-payer, universal health care, supporting instead a system of insurance care wherein insurance executives receive the bulk of the health care money. This means that doctors and patients get left out in the cold with patients having one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world and America ranking worst among similarly industrialized nations.
3) Hillary Clinton took another strong stance attacking the idea of free college. She excused her opposition to free college by saying that tax payers shouldn’t have to pay for college for Donald Trump’s kids. However, nobody suggested such a plan. Sanders’s plan would have resulted in Trump and other Wall Street moguls paying for college for the children of the bulk of the tax-payers, something Hillary's Wall Street donors don't want to see happen.
Clinton's college remark showed another of her problems. Fact-checkers caught her fabricating or misstating a number of her claims and accusations during the evening. These fabrications included the positions of her opponents on various issues as well as her justifications for war and her brags about the Obama Administration's military successes. At the location where this writer viewed the event, the focus group of over 250 viewers frequently booed Clinton on these distortions.
Debate Tweeter Andy Grewal asked the most memorable question of the evening. It was presented in the form of a statement. “Have never seen a candidate invoke 9/11 to justify millions of Wall Street donations. Until now.” This established the essence of Hillary’s problem. Her positions, her donations, her record (from her pro-credit-card-company-bankruptcy vote to her 2008 Wall Street Bailout vote) all signify Hillary's attachment to Wall Street first and the people last.

Viewers in the 250 plus member focus group with which this writer watched the second debate were in unanimous agreement. Bernie Sanders came in first, Martin O’Malley was second and Hillary Clinton came in a distant third. Many members of the crowd said they would be deligted to see O'Malley as a Vice Presidential candidate if the right Presidential candidate was chosen.
Most popular quotes of the night:
Martin O’Malley: "You'll never hear this from that immigrant-bashing carnival barker, Donald Trump."
Most popular quotes of the night:
Martin O’Malley: "You'll never hear this from that immigrant-bashing carnival barker, Donald Trump."

Bernie Sanders: “Why do they make millions of dollars of campaign contributions? They expect to get something.”: