Half DNC Delegates Walk Out, Protesting Acclamation Nomination of Clinton
After Sanders Wins Earlier Vote

July 26, 2016. Philadelphia, PA. Seemingly trying to prevent a roll call in prime time, the DNC had a vote for President in the A.M. which was won by Sanders. Sanders supporters feared the change to a breakfast roll call vote was for the purpose of pulling the roll call off the floor and confusing the Sanders supporters into missing the event. However, Sanders won that vote and the DNC demanded a redo, according to delegate reports.
The redo arranged by the DNC took place later on the floor. During the floor roll call vote, for some of the states (such as Wyoming) in which Bernie Sanders landslided over Hillary Clinton, more vote were announced for Clinton due to super-delegate votes outweighing votes by registered voters in those states. After the announcement of Vermont’s vote, Bernie Sanders halted the proceedings and moved to suspend the count and nominate Hillary Clinton by acclamation. The result was a chaotic vocal something that may or may not have been a vote in support of the acclimation. According to delegates on the floor, the nays were louder, though in the broadcast it appeared clear that the microphones in the Clinton section of the audience were turned on and those in the Sanders sections of the audience, providing a false illusion of the outcome.
In protest, Sanders supporter walked out, expecting to upstage Hilary Clinton’s acceptance speech. Usually the winner of a vote speaks right after the vote. Instead of speaking to the half-empty room, Hillary Clinton sent in her husband’s former campaign manager Terry MacAulliffe to speak on her behalf. An announcement was made that Hillary would speak Thursday night.
Earlier, it had been learned that Bernie Sanders volunteers who had been scheduled to work at the convention had been thrown out by the DNC and replaced with volunteers supporting Hillary Clinton. Security personnel demanded that Sanders supporters (but not Clinton supporters) turn over signs and stickers in their possession. Mass arrests took place with some of the arrestees being treated very roughly at someone's direction. Among those arrestees treated roughly was Abby Martin, knowng for The Empire Files. There were reports of additional ejections of Sanders delegates. Ohio Democratic State Senator Nina Turner, who has confirmed that her convention speaking privileges were taken way. This was reportedly due to her courage in questioning actions of the DNC. Popular human rights activist super-star and Bernie Sanders supporter Susan Sarandon tweeted a confirmation of a report that she was having the “worst time” at the convention. Many felt mistreatment of the elected delegates and public officials who supported Bernie Sanders exemplified how the Democratic Party treats loyal party members who refuse to become robots whenever total obedience is demanded by the DNC.
During the last few days, many delegates could be seen crying, having had their belief in Sanders crushed. To come to Philadelphia, the delegates (many of whom were struggling to afford day to day expenses) spent thousands of dollars at Bernie’s request, only to feel stabbed in the back by Bernie and/or the DNC. Some are angry, calling Bernie a “sell-out” and a “sheepdog.” Some fear that he will turn over his supporter’s list to Clinton, endangering the safety and mental well-being of his supporters even further. Others are grateful Bernie started the revolution and intend to move on to the next stage of the revolution. Demexit, the plan to depopulate the Democratic Party, has recently been The gaining momentum. The Democratic Party may soon find it no longer has enough members to be called a major party.
Supporters aren't the only ones leaving the Democratic Party. During the morning, Sanders, himself, stated that he would be returning to the Senate as an independent.
Despite the Clinton news network reports of Sanders supporters being willing to vote for Clinton, less biased polls show that over 80% will not be voting for Clinton. Supporters are challenging pro-Clinton supporters to identify where they found Sanders supporters who were willing to switch to Clinton. The average response from Sanders voters to those reports of acquiescence is, “I don’t know anyone who is willing to switch to Clinton.” Some supporters say they will switch to Donald Trump. The DNC fear tactics have been about as effective as calls to fear the boogey man or invaders from Mars. Some supporters will switch to Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson but most won’t as Johnson supports the TPP, opposes publicly funded college and wants to raise the Social Security age to 75.
The candidate who is expected to receive the support of the bulk of the Sanders voters is Jill Stein of the Green Party, who is running on the same platform that has been so popular with Sanders supporters. As Stein and Sanders have been sharing the same base, her poll numbers have appeared artificially lower pending Demexit. Stein has been speaking to Sanders supporters the last few days in Philadelphia. This evening, Sanders delegates reeling from the devastating collapse of the Sanders campaignm flocked to Jill in massive numbers. Bernie Sanders has always said the revolution was not about him. Jill Stein and the revolutionaries plan to continue the revolution Bernie began.
Below are links to three videos of the Walkout and one of Jill Stein (bottom right), the candidate whom most Sanders supporters see as the leader who will continue the revolution. They were uploaded to YouTube by Metro US, Bretbart News (top, left to right), WHIO, and PennLive.com (bottom, left to right)
The redo arranged by the DNC took place later on the floor. During the floor roll call vote, for some of the states (such as Wyoming) in which Bernie Sanders landslided over Hillary Clinton, more vote were announced for Clinton due to super-delegate votes outweighing votes by registered voters in those states. After the announcement of Vermont’s vote, Bernie Sanders halted the proceedings and moved to suspend the count and nominate Hillary Clinton by acclamation. The result was a chaotic vocal something that may or may not have been a vote in support of the acclimation. According to delegates on the floor, the nays were louder, though in the broadcast it appeared clear that the microphones in the Clinton section of the audience were turned on and those in the Sanders sections of the audience, providing a false illusion of the outcome.
In protest, Sanders supporter walked out, expecting to upstage Hilary Clinton’s acceptance speech. Usually the winner of a vote speaks right after the vote. Instead of speaking to the half-empty room, Hillary Clinton sent in her husband’s former campaign manager Terry MacAulliffe to speak on her behalf. An announcement was made that Hillary would speak Thursday night.
Earlier, it had been learned that Bernie Sanders volunteers who had been scheduled to work at the convention had been thrown out by the DNC and replaced with volunteers supporting Hillary Clinton. Security personnel demanded that Sanders supporters (but not Clinton supporters) turn over signs and stickers in their possession. Mass arrests took place with some of the arrestees being treated very roughly at someone's direction. Among those arrestees treated roughly was Abby Martin, knowng for The Empire Files. There were reports of additional ejections of Sanders delegates. Ohio Democratic State Senator Nina Turner, who has confirmed that her convention speaking privileges were taken way. This was reportedly due to her courage in questioning actions of the DNC. Popular human rights activist super-star and Bernie Sanders supporter Susan Sarandon tweeted a confirmation of a report that she was having the “worst time” at the convention. Many felt mistreatment of the elected delegates and public officials who supported Bernie Sanders exemplified how the Democratic Party treats loyal party members who refuse to become robots whenever total obedience is demanded by the DNC.
During the last few days, many delegates could be seen crying, having had their belief in Sanders crushed. To come to Philadelphia, the delegates (many of whom were struggling to afford day to day expenses) spent thousands of dollars at Bernie’s request, only to feel stabbed in the back by Bernie and/or the DNC. Some are angry, calling Bernie a “sell-out” and a “sheepdog.” Some fear that he will turn over his supporter’s list to Clinton, endangering the safety and mental well-being of his supporters even further. Others are grateful Bernie started the revolution and intend to move on to the next stage of the revolution. Demexit, the plan to depopulate the Democratic Party, has recently been The gaining momentum. The Democratic Party may soon find it no longer has enough members to be called a major party.
Supporters aren't the only ones leaving the Democratic Party. During the morning, Sanders, himself, stated that he would be returning to the Senate as an independent.
Despite the Clinton news network reports of Sanders supporters being willing to vote for Clinton, less biased polls show that over 80% will not be voting for Clinton. Supporters are challenging pro-Clinton supporters to identify where they found Sanders supporters who were willing to switch to Clinton. The average response from Sanders voters to those reports of acquiescence is, “I don’t know anyone who is willing to switch to Clinton.” Some supporters say they will switch to Donald Trump. The DNC fear tactics have been about as effective as calls to fear the boogey man or invaders from Mars. Some supporters will switch to Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson but most won’t as Johnson supports the TPP, opposes publicly funded college and wants to raise the Social Security age to 75.
The candidate who is expected to receive the support of the bulk of the Sanders voters is Jill Stein of the Green Party, who is running on the same platform that has been so popular with Sanders supporters. As Stein and Sanders have been sharing the same base, her poll numbers have appeared artificially lower pending Demexit. Stein has been speaking to Sanders supporters the last few days in Philadelphia. This evening, Sanders delegates reeling from the devastating collapse of the Sanders campaignm flocked to Jill in massive numbers. Bernie Sanders has always said the revolution was not about him. Jill Stein and the revolutionaries plan to continue the revolution Bernie began.
Below are links to three videos of the Walkout and one of Jill Stein (bottom right), the candidate whom most Sanders supporters see as the leader who will continue the revolution. They were uploaded to YouTube by Metro US, Bretbart News (top, left to right), WHIO, and PennLive.com (bottom, left to right)