Over the Top: Will Californians Revolt Over SB 277?

June 30, 2015. Sacramento, CA. Jerry Brown has a quagmire. SB 277, paid for with big bucks by Big Pharma is opposed by the majority of people in the State of California. This is a mandatory vaccine bill that forces virtually all California children, including homeschoolers to receive more than 49 vaccines, some of which are deadly and known to cause serious side effects, including cancer and multiple sclerosis. Though a homeschooling exception was promised, an exception to the exception rules out virtually all homeschoolers. The exception to the homeschooling exception forces vaccinations on homeschoolers who take classes in a classroom setting. Virtually all homeschoolers would fall within the vaccine requirement as classes in a classroom setting would include religious Bible Study, homeschool AP and IB classes, dance classes, music classes, art classes and a wide variety of classes that are common to homeschooling. It is almost impossible for anyone not isolated in a cave to avoid enrichment or other classes throughout their entire homeschooling adventure.
This bill has seen an unprecedented number of Californians flood the Capitol and the streets to voice their opposition. Californians who have gotten their own kids vaccinated, people who could not possibly be called anti-vaccine, are opposed to SB 277 because of the freedoms Californians will lose under the bill. SB 277 has woken up Californians who believe that parents, not the government, should have the right to determine whether their children will have life-threatening medical procedures. The loss of the right of a patient to refuse a potentially dangerous procedure sets a precedent previously unparalleled in the history of America.
This bill has seen an unprecedented number of Californians flood the Capitol and the streets to voice their opposition. Californians who have gotten their own kids vaccinated, people who could not possibly be called anti-vaccine, are opposed to SB 277 because of the freedoms Californians will lose under the bill. SB 277 has woken up Californians who believe that parents, not the government, should have the right to determine whether their children will have life-threatening medical procedures. The loss of the right of a patient to refuse a potentially dangerous procedure sets a precedent previously unparalleled in the history of America.

Even worse for Jerry, vaccine injuries and deaths have been exposed and the public is listening and watching. In fact, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and the scientists who actually did the research on the vaccines are calling SB 277 Tuskegee II. CDC lead scientists Dr. William Thompson has released thousands of pages to Congress establishing that the studies on which the proponents of SB 277 rely are faked or fraudulently conducted and the results have based on lies and deceipt. Dr. Thompson and another whistleblower Dr. Brian Hooker have apologized to the African-American community for helping to cover up the fact that the vaccines disproportionately target Blacks with death and serious injuries. According to America's top environmental attorney Robert F. Kennedy and to the scientists who have opened up and exposed the truth about the studies they, themselves, conducted for the CDC, California's B277 is the Tuskegee Experiment 200,000 times and over. Another Whistleblower, Dr. James Jeff Bradstreet also exposed the ties between vaccines and autism before he was found floating in the Rocky Broad River with a bullet in his chest less than a week ago.

Thousands of parents (mostly from Jerry Brown's own party) who have seen their kids killed or damaged by vaccines have rallied and marched around the State's Capitol to let him know that their children's lives meant something. The cover-up has hidden their existence, an insult to those valuable children who died or were harmed from the vaccines. Among these parents speaking out was Karen Kain, whose daughter Lorrin was injured and eventually died from her baby MMR vaccine. Many of the child victims have gotten cancer, a side effect known to the vaccine proponents who have covered up the cancer risk associated with the MMR and other vaccines.
As Minister Tony Muhammed and Reverend Louis Farrakhan have said, "When they come for our children, that's war." To parents across the state, this is not a bill that will be obeyed. Open revolt is expected. Schools will close and parents will hide their children. In a choice between their children and leaders, parents will stand by their children Even parents who have been traditionally pro-vaccine have joined with the opponents of SB 277 to fight for medical freedom. That referendum to repeal 277 is expected to be on the November 2016 ballot, commanding a larger turnout than the candidates in an election that will determine the White House. One stroke of Jerry's pen could spell the outcome of the next Presidential election.
What Jerry will do is a big question mark for some. Some hope he will be true to his roots, roots that include a connection to Robert Kennedy . Will Jerry listen as Kennedy speaks to him honestly and with compassion for others? To sign the bill, Jerry would also have to go back on what he learned in Calcutta, harming the less fortunate to support Big Pharma. In signing it, he would be going against the provisions of the U.S. and California Cosntitutions by forcing the injections of aborted fetal tissue (an ingredient of the MMR vaccine) into kids whose religious background would abhor such injections. To do this, Jerry would have to be willing to usher in Tuskegee II, a Black holocaust, that goes against the grain of everything for which Jerry Brown has previously stood.
Between his two governorships, Jerry Brown visited Mother Theresa in Calcutta, India and ministered to the sick in one of her hospices. He expressed a wisdom that opponents of SB 277 hope he will follow now in protecting the right of all of California's children to an education, not making children choose between their health and their schooling so that the pharmacetucia giants can get richer. In Jerry's words,
As Minister Tony Muhammed and Reverend Louis Farrakhan have said, "When they come for our children, that's war." To parents across the state, this is not a bill that will be obeyed. Open revolt is expected. Schools will close and parents will hide their children. In a choice between their children and leaders, parents will stand by their children Even parents who have been traditionally pro-vaccine have joined with the opponents of SB 277 to fight for medical freedom. That referendum to repeal 277 is expected to be on the November 2016 ballot, commanding a larger turnout than the candidates in an election that will determine the White House. One stroke of Jerry's pen could spell the outcome of the next Presidential election.
What Jerry will do is a big question mark for some. Some hope he will be true to his roots, roots that include a connection to Robert Kennedy . Will Jerry listen as Kennedy speaks to him honestly and with compassion for others? To sign the bill, Jerry would also have to go back on what he learned in Calcutta, harming the less fortunate to support Big Pharma. In signing it, he would be going against the provisions of the U.S. and California Cosntitutions by forcing the injections of aborted fetal tissue (an ingredient of the MMR vaccine) into kids whose religious background would abhor such injections. To do this, Jerry would have to be willing to usher in Tuskegee II, a Black holocaust, that goes against the grain of everything for which Jerry Brown has previously stood.
Between his two governorships, Jerry Brown visited Mother Theresa in Calcutta, India and ministered to the sick in one of her hospices. He expressed a wisdom that opponents of SB 277 hope he will follow now in protecting the right of all of California's children to an education, not making children choose between their health and their schooling so that the pharmacetucia giants can get richer. In Jerry's words,
"Politics is a power struggle to get to the top of the heap. Calcutta and Mother Teresa are about working with those who are at the bottom of the heap. And to see them as no different than yourself, and their needs as important as your needs. And you're there to serve them, and doing that you are attaining as great a state of being as you can."

To sign SB 277, Jerry would have to turn his back on the Blacks who will be disproportionately harmed, the poor who will lose their right to an education, the middle classs who be forced to survive on a single income, single-mothers and single fathers who don't know how they could work and homeschool at the same time, and on all the kids who have died or been injured by vaccines. So Jerry, are kids like Lorrin Kain, like ah Ja'Lilah Turner, like Jason Wright Richardson, and the other kids whose lives were cut short by their first baby vaccines, meaningless? How many other Jason Richardson's have to die at two months of age so you can please Big Pharma? How many other Ja'Lilah Turner's cannot reach their four month birthday so that Big Pharma can make big bucks? How many working mothers have to take their families into poverty so they can protect their children by homeschooling without the assistance of any homeschooling classes whatsoever? Scientists, civil rights activists and humanitarians are saying that surely the Jerry Brown Californians have grown to know and love cares enough to say "no" to this draconian attack on California's children, this removal of patients' rights to informed consent to medical procedures, this under-cutting of the First Amendment's Freedom of Religion and the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments' Right to Due Process before the State could force a potentially lethal injection on a child? Even convicted killers have the right to a trial before the injection is administered.

Robert Kennedy doesn't have anything to gain from speaking out about vaccines--except the knowledge that he is working to save lives. Will Jerry Brown join Robert Kennedy in standing up to Big Pharma and its big money? Does Jerry have the courage to protect the right of informed consent, to re-affirm Article I, section 4 of the California Constitution, and to let the parents of vaccine-injured children who have died, know that their children’s deaths were not in vain but that their lives did matter? Only Jerry knows if he has that much courage but those who believe in him have faith that he does.