Robert Kennedy Ties SB 277 Forced Vaccine Bill to Corruption, Lies and Big Pharma Bribes (video below)

Sacramento, April 8, 2015. Robert. F. Kennedy, Jr. informed the audience that SB 277 calling for forced vaccinations of California's children had sprung from lies, corruption and Big Pharmaceutical bribes. He called the CDC a "cesspool of corruption," whose decisions are made by Wall Street executives in business suits instead of by scientists in white lab coats. Kennedy spoke of the thousands who have recovered billions of dollars from the secret vaccine courts, with awards paid by the U.S. Government because Big Pharma has been exempt from suits from vaccines, no matter how dangerous, since 1989.
Kennedy spoke of the fake science that is being used to promote the vaccines. He called the epidemiological studies referred to by the vaccines proponents "phony” and those creating them "corrupt." He reiterated the findings of CDC lead scientist and whistleblower Dr. William Thompson that the scientists in the immunological safety division of the CDC "have been required by their bosses for at least a decade to lie, manipulate and massage data and bury data that connects neurological disorders, including autism, to thimerosal exposure and to vaccines."
Kennedy informed the audience that the pharmaceutical industry give more money to politicians than both the oil and gas industry and the military industrial complex. He noted that the pharmaceutical industry provides our politicians with four times the amount of money they receive from defense and aeronautical companies. He declared that the pharmaceutical industry, "has complete possession of our politicians on Capitol Hill. So the politicians are no longer protecting the public."
Kennedy spoke of the fake science that is being used to promote the vaccines. He called the epidemiological studies referred to by the vaccines proponents "phony” and those creating them "corrupt." He reiterated the findings of CDC lead scientist and whistleblower Dr. William Thompson that the scientists in the immunological safety division of the CDC "have been required by their bosses for at least a decade to lie, manipulate and massage data and bury data that connects neurological disorders, including autism, to thimerosal exposure and to vaccines."
Kennedy informed the audience that the pharmaceutical industry give more money to politicians than both the oil and gas industry and the military industrial complex. He noted that the pharmaceutical industry provides our politicians with four times the amount of money they receive from defense and aeronautical companies. He declared that the pharmaceutical industry, "has complete possession of our politicians on Capitol Hill. So the politicians are no longer protecting the public."
"The regulatory agency has become captured by the industry is supposed to regulate. CDC is now a sock puppet for the pharmaceutical industry and is representing the mercantile interests of that industry, promoting that rather than our public health as their primary priority. The lawyers and the courts that would also form a barrier, a check and balance against this power of very, very wealthy industry are also gone because the pharmaceutical industry has used its political clout on Capitol Hill to make it illegal for people who have been injured by vaccines to sue the company that injured them. So, there's no discovery. There's no depositions. There's no document searches. You can go to vaccine court, which is essential a secret court that doesn't advertise. Even the vaccines court estimates that it is so little known that only 10% of the people injured by vaccines and could make claims ever show up there. And when you get there, you are not suing the industry that poisoned you, you are suing the federal government. And nevertheless, they have paid out three billion dollars to thousands and thousands of people who have been insured by the vaccines."

Kennedy pointed out that viewers will not see a network news show covering this issue honestly as pharmaceutical industry is the single biggest advertiser on radio, television and newspapers. Big Pharma gives between 3.4 and 5.6 billion dollars per year in advertising.
He stated that the pro-vaccine movement is the most misogynistic he has seen in his lifetime. The pro-vaccine movement, "is anti-mother and it is anti-woman." They are calling mothers names. He said that though he had been raised around extraordinary women but he noted that he had never met women like those fighting the vaccines. He noted that these women are doctors, lawyers and professionals and could destroy any politician in a debate.
He noted the effects of the vaccines are now cost us four hundred billion a year, a cost that will increase and collapse the social safety net.
He stated that the pro-vaccine movement is the most misogynistic he has seen in his lifetime. The pro-vaccine movement, "is anti-mother and it is anti-woman." They are calling mothers names. He said that though he had been raised around extraordinary women but he noted that he had never met women like those fighting the vaccines. He noted that these women are doctors, lawyers and professionals and could destroy any politician in a debate.
He noted the effects of the vaccines are now cost us four hundred billion a year, a cost that will increase and collapse the social safety net.
"Let me repeat that. All the barriers that are meant to protect our children: the government, the lawyers, the regulatory agency and the press, the checks and balances in our democratic system that are supposed to stand between corporate power and our children have been removed and there is only one barrier left and that is the parents."

Thousands came
from all over California to the State Capital to join Robert Kennedy in opposing
SB 277, the forced vaccine bill. The health committee of the State Senate
was to meet at 1:30 P.M. but started late as there was no room for the
thousands of California voters and their children who flooded the chamber, the
balcony, and the hallways and elsewhere in the Capitol. After the room
and hallways were filled, the opponents were sent to the cafeteria and basement
where they filled those rooms as well. The line just to get in the Capitol building
itself and be placed in a holding area took 25 minutes or more.

At the hearing, Sean Whalen, acting for the Rules Committee, performed the function of press bouncer, ordering member of the press he felt were unsupportive out of hearing area and threatened press with removal if they exchanged information with injured victims of vaccinations. Another member of the committee staff started yelling at one of the vaccine opponents.
During the hearing, SB 277 sponsor Senator Richard Pan referred to the studies Kennedy had called corrupt and phony as his justification for the bill. One of his witnesses, Arial Loon, was the mother of a vaccinated child who got measles, anyway. As her family was 100% vaccinated, she inadvertently made the point established by the doctors and parents that vaccines are not effective and often don't work while endangering those receiving the vaccines. Will Arial’s child wind up autistic from the vaccines to which her child was subjected? Parents were concerned that Ariel's plight might wind up more tragic when the final effects to her child are known.
During the hearing, SB 277 sponsor Senator Richard Pan referred to the studies Kennedy had called corrupt and phony as his justification for the bill. One of his witnesses, Arial Loon, was the mother of a vaccinated child who got measles, anyway. As her family was 100% vaccinated, she inadvertently made the point established by the doctors and parents that vaccines are not effective and often don't work while endangering those receiving the vaccines. Will Arial’s child wind up autistic from the vaccines to which her child was subjected? Parents were concerned that Ariel's plight might wind up more tragic when the final effects to her child are known.

Among the speakers against the bill hearing and at the rally was Karen Kain, whose daughter Lorrin had been severely disabled and died as a result of a vaccine injury for the MMR vaccine she had received as a baby. Lorrin had seizures and lost the use of her arms and legs. She was also unable to speak and had to wear a feeding tube. Though Lorrin only lived to less than 16 years old, her mother and members of the crowd spoke of what an inspiration Lorrin had been to them.
During the public comment section, thousands of parents of vaccine injured or vaccine killed children lined up to speak. Children also gave eloquent presentations. Chairman Ed Hernandez wanted the commits limited to their names, who they represented and whether they supported or opposed. Hernandez repeatedly threatened to close down the public comment unless speakers limited their words as ordered. Over continued opposition from Hernandez, parents and children continued to say whether they or family members had been killed or injured by vaccines. People from Pan's district expressed disappointment with their Senator and there was discussion among the crowd about a voter revolution against leaders supporting the bill. While thousands showed up to oppose the bill, only few handfuls of people, mostly lobbyists, showed up to speak for the bill.
During the public comment section, thousands of parents of vaccine injured or vaccine killed children lined up to speak. Children also gave eloquent presentations. Chairman Ed Hernandez wanted the commits limited to their names, who they represented and whether they supported or opposed. Hernandez repeatedly threatened to close down the public comment unless speakers limited their words as ordered. Over continued opposition from Hernandez, parents and children continued to say whether they or family members had been killed or injured by vaccines. People from Pan's district expressed disappointment with their Senator and there was discussion among the crowd about a voter revolution against leaders supporting the bill. While thousands showed up to oppose the bill, only few handfuls of people, mostly lobbyists, showed up to speak for the bill.

Bill Co-sponsor Senator Ben Allen watched the presenatations and comments, appearing sympathetic as he watched Karen Kain speak and listened to details of severe injuries related by parents. However, his concern did not translate into his yet withdrawing his co-sponsorship from the bill that Kennedy and renowned pediatricians, like Dr. Bob Sears, believe will place children in harm's way. He was not on the committee and some parents said they hoped he would turn around and join Robert Kennedy in opposing the forced vacination bill.

In the end, the vote was 6-2 in favor of moving the bill forward. The thousands of injured parents did not move six of the members to show any sympathy for the injured or dead children. Members of the Senate Health Committee often left to go elsewhere during much of the public comment and opposition's speaking time. Health Committee Vice Chairman Janet Nguyen, recently elected from Orange County, appeared unmoved by the comments from grieving parents and injured children and voted to move the vote forward, disappointing those present from her district. Voting against the bill were Jim Nelson and Richard Roth. Chairman Ed Hernandez abstained. Several parents who had worked in politics noted that Nelson's and Roth's votes against forced vaccinations will go to endear voters and future voters to them in coming elections.
The bill will go forward to the California Senate's Education Committee on April 15 and from there to the Judiciary Committee.
The bill will go forward to the California Senate's Education Committee on April 15 and from there to the Judiciary Committee.