Clark County, Nevada. February 20, 2016. In Clark County and elsewhere in Nevada, Hillary Clinton's campaign was caught in numerous violations of election laws, including the use of non-registered voters (caught on video), use of pre-counted votes (also caught on video) that shifted the results into a victory for her, using fake uniforms (caught in photos) and seemingly bribing culinary workers to get to the caucuses to vote for her. Still her victory was small and the difference in delegates she and Bernie Sanders received was less than a handful. Some counts of pledged delegates list Sanders as ahead with 50 to 49 and other list Clinton as one delegate ahead with 51 to 50.
The amount of victory Hillary Clinton received from cheating in Clark County (the most populous county in Nevada) was much more than the comparatively minuscule difference between her final numbers and those of Bernie Sanders. Cheating was also caught on video in other counties, such as Douglas County (which includes the popular city of Stateline along Lake Tahoe). This is the second caucus state where Clinton's campaign has been caught cheating. Still, through the cheating clearly contributed to her small victory, that win was a small fraction of what her campaign had expected to receive a month ago. Over the last month, she lost Latino supporters who came out for her opponent Bernie Sanders.
Watch this video of unregistered voters being allowed to vote, uploaded to YouTube by James Porter.
The amount of victory Hillary Clinton received from cheating in Clark County (the most populous county in Nevada) was much more than the comparatively minuscule difference between her final numbers and those of Bernie Sanders. Cheating was also caught on video in other counties, such as Douglas County (which includes the popular city of Stateline along Lake Tahoe). This is the second caucus state where Clinton's campaign has been caught cheating. Still, through the cheating clearly contributed to her small victory, that win was a small fraction of what her campaign had expected to receive a month ago. Over the last month, she lost Latino supporters who came out for her opponent Bernie Sanders.
Watch this video of unregistered voters being allowed to vote, uploaded to YouTube by James Porter.
When voters are not registered, you don't know who they are. They could be dead people, Board Members of Goldman Sachs, members of Clinton's family, ISIS terrorists, representatives of foreign governments who have contributed to Clinton's foundation or a string of out-of-state Clinton supporters who follow her from state to state to vote in every primary or caucus. Maybe creating opportunities for Clinton campaign workers to cast votes in multiple states is the reason the Party run by Clinton's former campaign chairman allows the registration and attendance rules to be waived for Clinton supporters at these caucuses. If you look at the second video, there was also confusion and chaos after the voting by the unregistered participants at the caucus and there is no way of knowing how many of Clinton's supporters ever turned in registration forms. Many or most might not even be residents of the state. This caucus essentially gave Clinton her small victory.
While law requires employers to allow workers time off to caucus, the Clinton campaign wanted to make sure the culinary workers (part of a union that made a top-down endorsement of Clinton) were paid to go vote for Clinton and that they knew Clinton and her team were behind their being paid. Clinton endorser Harry Reid also stepped in to make sure they would be paid so they could vote for her. The result turned out as expected and the majority of this paid group of caucus-goers voted, whether out of gratitude or bribery, for Clinton.
The National Nurses Union, which is backing Bernie Sanders, is considering filing a lawsuit over Clinton workers putting on shirts associated with their union to trick caucus-goers into thinking that the nurses supported Clinton. One headline read, "National Nurses accuses Clinton campaign of trying to trick Bernie Sanders’ voters at Nevada caucuses."
While law requires employers to allow workers time off to caucus, the Clinton campaign wanted to make sure the culinary workers (part of a union that made a top-down endorsement of Clinton) were paid to go vote for Clinton and that they knew Clinton and her team were behind their being paid. Clinton endorser Harry Reid also stepped in to make sure they would be paid so they could vote for her. The result turned out as expected and the majority of this paid group of caucus-goers voted, whether out of gratitude or bribery, for Clinton.
The National Nurses Union, which is backing Bernie Sanders, is considering filing a lawsuit over Clinton workers putting on shirts associated with their union to trick caucus-goers into thinking that the nurses supported Clinton. One headline read, "National Nurses accuses Clinton campaign of trying to trick Bernie Sanders’ voters at Nevada caucuses."
Representatives for the National Nurses union which has thrown its support behind Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders are accusing the Clinton campaign of trying to hoodwink Nevada caucus-goers by wearing the red t-shirts normally associated with the union.
In a series of photos tweeted out by Executive Director of National Nurses United RoseAnn DeMoro, volunteers can be seen receiving red t’s carrying the logo, “I’m with her.”
Accompanying the photo, DeMoro wrote: “Photo of Clinton campaign pretending to be@NationalNurses in #Nevadacaucus. More deception”
National Nurses United, with members in every state, 185,000 total, announced they were backing Sanders in August of last year, with DeMoro stating, “Bernie Sanders aligns perfectly with nurses on the most critical problems facing our nation, from income inequality to guaranteeing healthcare to all to holding Wall Street and corporations to account to opening the doors to college education for everyone to racial justice to the climate crisis.”
In Douglas County (which includes the populace city of Stateline), caucus counts were not even turned in at one precinct and were supposedly later turned in to the state, leading to questions regarding the accuracy of counts. There is video on this too. Even through Douglas is much smaller than Clark County, the number of residents in Douglas, this would be more than a thousand times the difference in the official election count totals, according to some reports of the actual count breakdown. In other words, Sanders could have won Nevada's popular vote by a significant number and nobody would know. (Winning the popular vote in a caucus state does not necessarily mean winning the caucuses as the caucus system is designed to be a small scale version of the Electoral College, that sometimes given the Presidency to the loser of the popular vote.) Elsewhere, Clinton won by luck of the draw. Yes, Nevada law allows delegates to be determined by card playing.
In addition to problems associated with Clinton's documented vote rigging, Sanders's numbers would likely have been even higher if devout Jews and Seventh Day Adventists had been allowed to vote. It seems likely that Jews would have voted for a Jewish candidate. However, under their religions, devout and Orthodox Jews and Seventh Day Adventists are not allowed to participate in election on Saturdays before sundown and no other voting arrangements were available under Democratic Party rules. In the November general election, all Nevada residents (regardless of religion) would be able to vote and this would mean a larger turnout for Bernie Sanders.
Watch the following video uploaded by the Jimmy Dore Show to Youtube, showing the end of the Clark County caucus and raising serious questions about the accuracy of the count.
In addition to problems associated with Clinton's documented vote rigging, Sanders's numbers would likely have been even higher if devout Jews and Seventh Day Adventists had been allowed to vote. It seems likely that Jews would have voted for a Jewish candidate. However, under their religions, devout and Orthodox Jews and Seventh Day Adventists are not allowed to participate in election on Saturdays before sundown and no other voting arrangements were available under Democratic Party rules. In the November general election, all Nevada residents (regardless of religion) would be able to vote and this would mean a larger turnout for Bernie Sanders.
Watch the following video uploaded by the Jimmy Dore Show to Youtube, showing the end of the Clark County caucus and raising serious questions about the accuracy of the count.
There are petitions online to encourage Clinton to stop cheating and for the Democratic Party to restore faith in the caucus process. Through Sanders congratulated Clinton, vote-watchers are demanding justice. U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is believed to be on the short-list to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated by Antonin Scalia's death. However, Lynch may encounter some serious opposition from both Democrats and Republicans due to her failure to follow through with reported FBI allegations regarding Clinton's emails, possible fraud regarding the Clinton Foundation, possible misdirection of charity funds to Clinton's campaign and concerns over election fraud that have been documented in more than one state.
Nevada was supposed to be one of Clinton's "safe" states. Sanders rose from 40 points down to maybe beating Clinton had there not been cheating. Despite receiving fewer delegates in Nevada than Clinton, Sanders's rise to a possible win and at least a near tie in Nevada, demonstrates his staying power. Two national polls show Sanders tied with Clinton and a third shows Sanders leading Clinton. Barack Obama lost Nevada to Clinton. Unlike Sanders, Obama also lost New Hampshire to Clinton. Clinton is currently behind where she was at this point in the nomination process in 2008, a nomination she lost. So far, Sanders is doing well and on schedule for a victory among the primary/caucus delegates at the DNC Convention.
Sanders is banking on Super-Tuesday and primaries and caucuses in other upcoming voting states. Clinton is expected to win South Carolina, a state which has promoted the Confederate flag that she and Hillary and Bill Clinton supported and placed on prior campaign buttons. Racism is alive and well in the South. While Clinton was a Goldwater Girl who opposed the work of Martin Luther King, Jr., when he led the famous march, Bernie Sanders is the "Black" candidate as he has been called, who marched with King and who was arrested fighting for civil rights. While Clinton has taken sizable donations from the private prison industry that houses a disproportionate number of Blacks, Sanders wants to close Clinton's private prisons down. While Clinton supports the death penalty that took the life of Troy Davis and other Black men believed by many to be innocent, Sanders wants to abolish the death penalty. While Clinton has called young Black men, "SUPER-PREDATORS," thereby justifying the execution of Trayvon Martin, Trayvon Martin's family attorney has endorsed Bernie Sanders because of the latter's support for ending violence against Blacks. One of the more popular videos shows Erica Garner (Eric Garner's daughter) encouraging people to vote for Sanders. Clinton has classified South Carolina as a "safe" state. However, if Spike Lee, Danny Glover, Erica Garner, Dr. Cornel West, Congressman Keith Ellison, Nina Turner and the family of Trayvon Martin are able to motivate the African-America community to vote their interests, there may be an unexpected surprise in Sanders's favor prior to Super Tuesday.
People who shot videos and pictures are being encourage to turn them over to the Justice Department in case Attorney General decides to prosecute election crimes in 2016
Nevada was supposed to be one of Clinton's "safe" states. Sanders rose from 40 points down to maybe beating Clinton had there not been cheating. Despite receiving fewer delegates in Nevada than Clinton, Sanders's rise to a possible win and at least a near tie in Nevada, demonstrates his staying power. Two national polls show Sanders tied with Clinton and a third shows Sanders leading Clinton. Barack Obama lost Nevada to Clinton. Unlike Sanders, Obama also lost New Hampshire to Clinton. Clinton is currently behind where she was at this point in the nomination process in 2008, a nomination she lost. So far, Sanders is doing well and on schedule for a victory among the primary/caucus delegates at the DNC Convention.
Sanders is banking on Super-Tuesday and primaries and caucuses in other upcoming voting states. Clinton is expected to win South Carolina, a state which has promoted the Confederate flag that she and Hillary and Bill Clinton supported and placed on prior campaign buttons. Racism is alive and well in the South. While Clinton was a Goldwater Girl who opposed the work of Martin Luther King, Jr., when he led the famous march, Bernie Sanders is the "Black" candidate as he has been called, who marched with King and who was arrested fighting for civil rights. While Clinton has taken sizable donations from the private prison industry that houses a disproportionate number of Blacks, Sanders wants to close Clinton's private prisons down. While Clinton supports the death penalty that took the life of Troy Davis and other Black men believed by many to be innocent, Sanders wants to abolish the death penalty. While Clinton has called young Black men, "SUPER-PREDATORS," thereby justifying the execution of Trayvon Martin, Trayvon Martin's family attorney has endorsed Bernie Sanders because of the latter's support for ending violence against Blacks. One of the more popular videos shows Erica Garner (Eric Garner's daughter) encouraging people to vote for Sanders. Clinton has classified South Carolina as a "safe" state. However, if Spike Lee, Danny Glover, Erica Garner, Dr. Cornel West, Congressman Keith Ellison, Nina Turner and the family of Trayvon Martin are able to motivate the African-America community to vote their interests, there may be an unexpected surprise in Sanders's favor prior to Super Tuesday.
People who shot videos and pictures are being encourage to turn them over to the Justice Department in case Attorney General decides to prosecute election crimes in 2016