Saving Ohio: Who You Gonna Call? Dennis Kucinich
by R Hull

April 22, 2018. Ohio. The bad news. Every new day brings a new list of layoffs in the Buckeye State. The Ohio River tops America in industrial pollution. Bankruptcies are at an all time high. College is unaffordable to most Ohio students. Health care is unaffordable for half of Ohioans. Rich Ohioans are getting richer while middle class Ohioans are sinking towards the bottom. The good news. There is hope for America's 17th State in the form of the only Gubernatorial candidate who has an effective plan to save Ohio's middle class. That candidate is Dennis Kucinich.
The trouble with most politicians is they sweet talk the voters and then pull a bait and switch when they get into office. Of the candidates running for Ohio Governor the only one who has a proven track record of standing by his promises once he is in office is Dennis Kucinich. Ask the people of Cleveland for whom Kucinich risked his career and his life to stand up against a corporate take-over of the city-owned Muny Light, thereby saving the people of Cleveland hundreds of millions of dollars.
Health Care: Dennis co-wrote HR 676 with John Conyers, the Single-Payer Universal Health Care Bill that continues to gain support in Congress. If Kucinich's health care bill had been implemented, instead of the Affordable Care Act, every person in Ohio would be covered and their taxes and costs would be lower as single-payer would provide more extensive coverage at a significantly lower cost.
Publicly funded college: Dennis has fought for publicly-funded college for more than a decade. He knows that, in order for Ohioans to obtain high quality 21st Century jobs, they need an affordable education, not one that leaves them in a lifetime of debt. He has been unwavering on this point, which is why he has consistently been supported by college students and families of college students.
Jobs: Dennis has been consistent in his insistence on protecting American jobs, particularly Ohio's jobs. He fought against NAFTA and CAFTA and all the bills that sent Ohio's jobs overseas. Not one other person running in the Ohio's Governor race can honestly claim to have done that. Dennis has also fought for protection of small farms and businesses. He has marched with workers and fought to protect them and their jobs and has insisted that workers receive a livable income while working under safe conditions. Factories are closing and laying off workers. Retail stores are closing. Ohio has gotten much of the worst of the recession. To restore jobs, Ohio needs Dennis Kucinich.
Pollution: Dennis has been one of the strongest environmentalist activists in America for decades. He has fought for safer, cleaner water, free from dangerous chemicals and other pollutants. He has fought for clean air. He has fought against radioactive waste and for the right of public to be informed of the dangers to which they are subjected on a daily basis. He has also fought for higher standards for food.
No Corporate Donations: While other Gubernatorial candidates are receiving donations from Wall Street, war profiteers and from lobbying groups that sponsor terrorism and beheading of women, Dennis Kucinich looks to real people for his contributions. A person who takes contributions from real people from all walks of life knows what it is like to stand in the shoes of a real person.
It doesn't matter if you are Black, White, Hispanic or of Middle Eastern descent, if you are a person and an American citizen, you have a right to be part of the political process and to support the candidate who will stand for the people. Too many politicians accept money from military contractors and support unnecessary attacks on nations that result in the deaths of millions of innocent children. Those are not the politicians you want. You want someone who represents you, someone who will build education and the economy, not push pro-war propaganda. The one person who will represent you and not Wall Street and not the war profiteers is Dennis Kucinich.
The trouble with most politicians is they sweet talk the voters and then pull a bait and switch when they get into office. Of the candidates running for Ohio Governor the only one who has a proven track record of standing by his promises once he is in office is Dennis Kucinich. Ask the people of Cleveland for whom Kucinich risked his career and his life to stand up against a corporate take-over of the city-owned Muny Light, thereby saving the people of Cleveland hundreds of millions of dollars.
Health Care: Dennis co-wrote HR 676 with John Conyers, the Single-Payer Universal Health Care Bill that continues to gain support in Congress. If Kucinich's health care bill had been implemented, instead of the Affordable Care Act, every person in Ohio would be covered and their taxes and costs would be lower as single-payer would provide more extensive coverage at a significantly lower cost.
Publicly funded college: Dennis has fought for publicly-funded college for more than a decade. He knows that, in order for Ohioans to obtain high quality 21st Century jobs, they need an affordable education, not one that leaves them in a lifetime of debt. He has been unwavering on this point, which is why he has consistently been supported by college students and families of college students.
Jobs: Dennis has been consistent in his insistence on protecting American jobs, particularly Ohio's jobs. He fought against NAFTA and CAFTA and all the bills that sent Ohio's jobs overseas. Not one other person running in the Ohio's Governor race can honestly claim to have done that. Dennis has also fought for protection of small farms and businesses. He has marched with workers and fought to protect them and their jobs and has insisted that workers receive a livable income while working under safe conditions. Factories are closing and laying off workers. Retail stores are closing. Ohio has gotten much of the worst of the recession. To restore jobs, Ohio needs Dennis Kucinich.
Pollution: Dennis has been one of the strongest environmentalist activists in America for decades. He has fought for safer, cleaner water, free from dangerous chemicals and other pollutants. He has fought for clean air. He has fought against radioactive waste and for the right of public to be informed of the dangers to which they are subjected on a daily basis. He has also fought for higher standards for food.
No Corporate Donations: While other Gubernatorial candidates are receiving donations from Wall Street, war profiteers and from lobbying groups that sponsor terrorism and beheading of women, Dennis Kucinich looks to real people for his contributions. A person who takes contributions from real people from all walks of life knows what it is like to stand in the shoes of a real person.
It doesn't matter if you are Black, White, Hispanic or of Middle Eastern descent, if you are a person and an American citizen, you have a right to be part of the political process and to support the candidate who will stand for the people. Too many politicians accept money from military contractors and support unnecessary attacks on nations that result in the deaths of millions of innocent children. Those are not the politicians you want. You want someone who represents you, someone who will build education and the economy, not push pro-war propaganda. The one person who will represent you and not Wall Street and not the war profiteers is Dennis Kucinich.

If you loved Bernie Sanders, most of his platform was previously advanced by Dennis Kucinich. Those familiar with both Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders know that Bernie sounded very much as if he were quoting Dennis Kucinich when Bernie gave the speeches that made him popular, coast to coast. This is because Bernie knew that the principles that Dennis Kucinich stood by would make America truly great, once again. America is watching Ohio because it has the power to do what didn't happen in 2016. Though the principles of Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders did not result in a Presidency in 2016, they could result in Dennis Kucinich being elected Governor of Ohio in 2018.
Americans can help Ohio win and restore its future, its environment, its economy and the hope of its citizens. Ohio has one and only one real shot at saving its future and that one shot is Dennis Kucinich.
Americans can help Ohio win and restore its future, its environment, its economy and the hope of its citizens. Ohio has one and only one real shot at saving its future and that one shot is Dennis Kucinich.
R Hull has worked as a criminal defense attorney, an investigator, a journalist and a professor. As a journalist, R Hull has published hundreds of popular articles. R Hull has worked to promote voting rights and the rights of innocent people caught up in the criminal justice system.