Americans Pledge: "Venezuela, we got your back. No more U.S. Attacks"

.“Venezuela, we got your back. No more U.S. attacks.”
“No more sanctions, no more lies. Venezuela’s unified.”
“Venezuela under attack. What do we do? Stand up, fight back.”
“The people united can never be defeated.”
“Up, Up, Up with the people. Down, down ,down with the coup.”
“Why does Washington spread the lies? Venezuela’s oil is nationalized.”
“No more sanctions, no more lies. Venezuela’s unified.”
“Venezuela under attack. What do we do? Stand up, fight back.”
“The people united can never be defeated.”
“Up, Up, Up with the people. Down, down ,down with the coup.”
“Why does Washington spread the lies? Venezuela’s oil is nationalized.”

These chants echoed off the skyscrapers in major cities across America on March 16, 2019. Across the U.S, tens of thousands of marchers voiced full support for Nicolas Maduro and the Venezuelan people. U.S. Peace rallies have dwindled to almost non-existent since 2008 but protecting Venezuela is clearly a priority for a great many U.S. citizens.
Many observers said these were the largest peace rallies they had seen in over a decade. So what brought so many Americans into the streets? What happened to the MSM's control over the public? Could Venezuela be a line in the sand the American people will not let Trump continue to cross? Read the chants again. The marchers were very enthusiastic in their support for Maduro's legitimate government.

There were actually three rallies and two marches in Los Angeles in support of Maduro on March 16th. A large crowd of Angelinos attended a morning rally in MacArthur Park, followed by a march. In the afternoon, a larger rally took place at Pershing square, followed by another march that is reported to have numbered five thousand marchers. Angelinos, seeing the marchers, walked out of restaurants and stores to cheer on the Maduro supporters and join in the chants.

While popular comedian Lee Camp , former Vice Presidential Candidate Cindy Sheehan ,Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin and Max Blumenthal spoke on the East Coast, Sojourner Truth’s Margaret Prescott and Empire File’s Abby Martin spoke at the Los Angeles rally. Jim Lafferty of the National Lawyers Guild gave an impassioned speech about the crimes of the Trump Administration against the people of Venezuela. Also speaking were numerous people who had witnessed the assistance Maduro had given his people. Many reported to have observed illegal and violent actions of the opposition. In Venezuela, 9 out of every 10 news sources are anti-government, making Venezuela the country with the freest press in the world. Add this to the fact that Jimmy Carter has called Venezuela’s election system the “best election system in the world,” and it is understandable why Venezuelans are standing with Maduro and with the freedom and voting rights the U.S. citizens have never enjoyed.

Many speakers pointed to the homelessness and poverty in the U.S. Maduro has housed the homeless and given food, health care and education to the poorest Venezuelans. There is a 95% literacy rate in Venezuela, something the U.S. doesn’t come close to equaling. Speaker after speaker pointed out that Donald Trump should take care of the humanitarian crisis in the USA before using American money to attack others countries. One country that has come to the aid of poor Americans is Venezuela, the first country to offer aid to the victims of Hurricane Katrina—before FEMA even started to act. Venezuela has also saved a great many American lives by providing heating oil to the people in the Northern part of the United States, something Americans have not forgotten. Many Americans are grateful to Venezuela for their lives and the lives of their children.
In the crowds, marchers spoke about Presidential candidates with the popular favorite being Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. The media has tried to hide the existence of the anti-war major who has served two tours in Iraq but word has gotten out. The MSM has attacked her for her opposition to war and has tried to silence support for her. 2020 will determine whether the Democratic Party will again dictate the nominee and lose again or whether the nomination will be a popular choice.

Meanwhile, observers saw no more than handfuls of people showing up to support Juan Guaido. These Guaido supporters were reportedly paid $1200 per person, according to one source working for the Guido opposition. Guaido agitators came prepared for fights which were squelched by police or by non-violent lines of Maduro supporters, protecting the rallies. In Los Angeles, Officer Rios, acknowledged that the police had only come because of violence from the Guaido supporters and to keep the peace. To protect the rally, thirty Maduro volunteers lined up behind the rally to form a barricade between the ralliers and the confrontational tactics of the Guaido supporters. Police formed an additional barricade.
At City Hall, the final rally of the day lasted until close to evening as people stood out in the hot sun, eager to hear the popular speakers. In the City where the police regularly shoot Blacks in their backyard, a group of African-American supporters of Maduro felt so badly harassed that they filed a police complaint against the officers present at the rally.
Racism plays a large part of the problem for which the marchers were marching. Maduro is part African, part Indian by descent, as was Chavez. His supporters who constitute the bulk of Venezuela’s citizenry are also dark-completed. Juan Guaido’s supporters are from the white minority. Accused of racism in the U.S. and elsewhere, Donald Trump appears to be trying to institute a theft of Venezuela’s resources from the majority and hand them over to a white supremacist minority, shades of Apartheid South Africa revisited. The sanctions are aimed at the dark-skinned majority as the rich white minority can afford all the luxuries they desire. Those who support sanctions, according to speakers who had been to Venezuela, are pushing the white supremacist agenda. Greg Palast of the BBC, The London Guardian and Rolling Stone Magazine Has written extensively about the racist aspects of the coup.
Racism plays a large part of the problem for which the marchers were marching. Maduro is part African, part Indian by descent, as was Chavez. His supporters who constitute the bulk of Venezuela’s citizenry are also dark-completed. Juan Guaido’s supporters are from the white minority. Accused of racism in the U.S. and elsewhere, Donald Trump appears to be trying to institute a theft of Venezuela’s resources from the majority and hand them over to a white supremacist minority, shades of Apartheid South Africa revisited. The sanctions are aimed at the dark-skinned majority as the rich white minority can afford all the luxuries they desire. Those who support sanctions, according to speakers who had been to Venezuela, are pushing the white supremacist agenda. Greg Palast of the BBC, The London Guardian and Rolling Stone Magazine Has written extensively about the racist aspects of the coup.
Will the Venezuela policy backfire, creating an internal civil war within the USA? Will Donald Trump succeed in turning Venezuela into Apartheid South Africa? Will the Mainstream Media ever report that America’s own former President Jimmy Carter has declared Venezuela’s election system the best in the world? Will America ever stop blowing up countries on false pretexts to steal their resources? These are questions Americans want answers to, answers that may determine the outcome of the next election.