How Far Would the DNC Go to Stop the Truth?
Who killed Seth Rich?

May 16, 2017: Yesterday, America heard confirmation from Rich family private investigator Rod Wheeler connecting Seth Rich to WikiLeaks. Reportedly Seth Rich provided 44,054 emails to WikiLeaks investigative reporter Gavin MacFadyer. Asked about Rich’s connection to Wikleaks, Wheeler has said, “Absolutely. Yeah. That's confirmed."
At about 4:19 A.M. on July 10, 2016, Seth Rich was shot in the back in Washington D.C., reportedly on his way to meet an FBI agent. Hours earlier, he has been seen in a bar and the official story is he was walking home for hours. What was so dangerous in his planned revelations to the F.B.I. that his life was in jeopardy? Though, a cover-up with no evidence whatsoever of a robbery, it is known that nothing was taken (though he had cash and an expensive watch) and that there never was any evidence of a robbery.
In a quality investigation, the main two questions are opportunity and motive. Rich people can always afford hitmen for middle of the night appearances. There is no evidence other than that it was a hit, unrelated to anyone wanting any of his possessions. So the next question is motive. Was it revenge for the leaks or fear of what more damaging information would be given to the F.B.I?
Seth Rich did not die at the scene. He arrived at the hospital alive and reportedly conscious and died there, leading many to speculate that the assassination was finished at the hospital.
Now normally, one would expect a serious investigation to follow but it has been almost over ten months and nothing has taken place. Wheeler presented the why in saying, "I have a source inside the police department that has looked at me straight in the eye and said, ‘Rod, we were told to stand down on this case and I can’t share any information with you.’ Now, that is highly unusual for a murder investigation, especially from a police department. Again, I don’t think it comes from the chief’s office, but I do believe there is a correlation between the mayor's office and the DNC and that is the information that will come out “
Though Rich had worked for the DNC, the DNC officials and their nominee Hillary Clinton showed no interest in finding out who killed Seth Rich. A Republican offered a reward. A $20,000 reward for information was offered by Julian Assange. In offering the reward, Assange made it clear that WikiLeaks was protective of it’s sources, causing Americans to suspect what Wheeler has since confirmed. Seth Rich was the source for WikiLeaks---not Russia.
Following the revelations from Wheeler, those sharing the information were attacked on social media. Fake-fact-checkers tied to the DNC have tried to unsuccessfully tried to refute the news and the MSM has tried hard not to cover it.
Covering up a murder is also a crime. Those who assist in covering up the murder are accessories after the fact. One narrative that has been a major part of the cover-up is the creation of the Russia narrative, blaming Russia for the leaks that likely lead to the death of Seth Rich. Will there be arrests? Unlikely. Certain people appear to be above the laws that the masses are required to obey.
Watch the following video from the Sane Progressive (Debbie Lusignan) who has been one of the top spokespersons for the supporters of Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders.
At about 4:19 A.M. on July 10, 2016, Seth Rich was shot in the back in Washington D.C., reportedly on his way to meet an FBI agent. Hours earlier, he has been seen in a bar and the official story is he was walking home for hours. What was so dangerous in his planned revelations to the F.B.I. that his life was in jeopardy? Though, a cover-up with no evidence whatsoever of a robbery, it is known that nothing was taken (though he had cash and an expensive watch) and that there never was any evidence of a robbery.
In a quality investigation, the main two questions are opportunity and motive. Rich people can always afford hitmen for middle of the night appearances. There is no evidence other than that it was a hit, unrelated to anyone wanting any of his possessions. So the next question is motive. Was it revenge for the leaks or fear of what more damaging information would be given to the F.B.I?
Seth Rich did not die at the scene. He arrived at the hospital alive and reportedly conscious and died there, leading many to speculate that the assassination was finished at the hospital.
Now normally, one would expect a serious investigation to follow but it has been almost over ten months and nothing has taken place. Wheeler presented the why in saying, "I have a source inside the police department that has looked at me straight in the eye and said, ‘Rod, we were told to stand down on this case and I can’t share any information with you.’ Now, that is highly unusual for a murder investigation, especially from a police department. Again, I don’t think it comes from the chief’s office, but I do believe there is a correlation between the mayor's office and the DNC and that is the information that will come out “
Though Rich had worked for the DNC, the DNC officials and their nominee Hillary Clinton showed no interest in finding out who killed Seth Rich. A Republican offered a reward. A $20,000 reward for information was offered by Julian Assange. In offering the reward, Assange made it clear that WikiLeaks was protective of it’s sources, causing Americans to suspect what Wheeler has since confirmed. Seth Rich was the source for WikiLeaks---not Russia.
Following the revelations from Wheeler, those sharing the information were attacked on social media. Fake-fact-checkers tied to the DNC have tried to unsuccessfully tried to refute the news and the MSM has tried hard not to cover it.
Covering up a murder is also a crime. Those who assist in covering up the murder are accessories after the fact. One narrative that has been a major part of the cover-up is the creation of the Russia narrative, blaming Russia for the leaks that likely lead to the death of Seth Rich. Will there be arrests? Unlikely. Certain people appear to be above the laws that the masses are required to obey.
Watch the following video from the Sane Progressive (Debbie Lusignan) who has been one of the top spokespersons for the supporters of Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders.