March 12, 2016: An Ohio judge has ruled that 17 year olds who will turn 18 by the general election can vote in Ohio's March 15th primary for President of the United States. This constitutes a big win for Bernie Sanders, for the U.S. Constitution and for federal law while it constitutes a major loss for Hillary Clinton, whose supporters were hoping young voters would stay away from the polls that day. Bernie Sanders is the only Presidential candidate from either party who has been fighting to protect the right of the voters to vote in Ohio and elsewhere throughout this election season. It was Sanders's lawsuit against Ohio's Secretary of State Jon Husted that led to the decision allowing 17 year olds to vote in Ohio.
But it's not all good. Having been lied to and told they were told they would not be allowed to vote, 90% of 17 year olds in Ohio apparently failed to register to vote. In other words, the bulk of 17 year olds might still be disenfranchised. However, under federal law, can those who failed to register be denied the right to register and vote if their failure to register was the result of seeming conduct on the part of Husted and active discouragement from Clinton's supporters. Is there time to take that issue to a higher level court before Tuesday's election or will those who hadn't registered need to vote provisional ballots?
Disenfranchising the masses is not new to Hillary Clinton. She supported her husband's mass incarceration bill that resulted in 40% of African-American males being disenfranchised. When Katherine Harris wrongfully disenfranchised over 144,000 eligible voters (mostly African-American) in 2000 and 2002, Hillary was silent and allowed the loser of the 2000 election to take office. It only took one Senator to join House members opposed to Bush's Florida electors. Without that one Senator, House members didn't have a say or a vote. While Bernie was in the House, silenced by a lack of a Senator to join the House opposition to Bush's Florida electors, Hillary was in the Senate, refusing to stand against George W. Bush and the theft of the 2000 election. In 2004, she was again silent about the theft of Ohio's vote. Bob Fitrakis (a professor and Green Gubernatorial candidate in Ohio),put together evidence that John Kerry won Ohio in 2004.
While Bernie has stood up for the right of the voters to have their votes counted, Clinton has taken no action to protect the voters. In contrast, her campaign has actively interfered with voting.
In Iowa, video reveals that Clinton's precinct captains counted the votes of people who were not present to vote for her in the caucuses. Precinct leaders refused to count the Sanders voters in one caucus and tried to throw Sanders supporters out without counting their votes. Sanders supporters in more than one caucus gave up and left. Despite requests from Bernie Sanders and the Des Moines Register, raw totals have still not been made available to show whether Clinton actually won or lost the popular vote in Iowa.
In Nevada, video shows that they did not even check the registration of those voting, making a mockery of the right to vote and allowing for the likelihood that many of Clinton's voters were from out of state. There is a running joke that people saw Kim Jong-un and his family voting for Hillary in Nevada.
In Massachusetts, Hillary Clinton's husband Bill blocked voting in Boston for 2 hours, This and his actively and illegally campaigning for his wife within 150 feet of four polling stations in the Boston area were caught on video. There is a petition with well over 100,000 Democratic signatures calling for his arrest for his actions in Boston. Some Sanders supporters were forced to partially undress and turn their shirts inside out before entering their polling place to vote in Boston.
In Georgia, Sanders voters were not allowed to vote for Sanders in some precincts where they were given Republican ballots.
Low turnout has identified as the number one factor helping Clinton where she has done well. In the South, where she has done her biggest winning, large numbers of voters were disenfranchised resulting from her own support for mass incarceration and her continuing support for the incarceration of drug users.
Worldwide, Clinton has supported the overthrow of governments elected by the people. She opposed the popular leaders of Venezuela, chosen in elections in what President Jimmy Carter referred to as the best election system in the world. Some wonder where President Carter is now that he is needed to monitor elections in his own country. Clinton repeatedly voted in the Senate to waste money propagandizing against the elected leaders of Venezuela and she supported the 2002 kidnapping of the elected Venezuelan President, who was only returned after the people of Venezuela took to the streets to demand the CIA forces who had kidnapped their leader give him back.
Hillary Clinton supported the Haitian ouster and kidnapping of Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Later, after an earthquake hit Haiti, she collected donations supposedly for the Haitian people. Her foundation reportedly diverted the money that was supposed to go to aid the Haitians into Clinton's campaign, instead.
In Honduras and in the Middle East, Clinton has repeatedly supported the violent overthrow of Democratically elected leaders on behalf of Clinton's big money donors from the military industrial complex and from the fossil fuel industry. In violently over-throwing these leaders, she also threw out the right of the voters in those countries to determine who their leaders would be. Her hero Henry Kissinger has followed a similar path to Clinton's and it is now surprise to those familiar with their histories of overthrowing governments that they admire each other.
Hillary Clinton is counting on low Democratic turnouts as those have been found to be necessary for her to do well in elections. She continues to echo the words of entitlement. She was groomed for the job. She waited her turn. In each state that has voted in this election season, election watchers say they have observed the Clinton forces finding new ways to disenfranchise the voters. In contrast, her opponent Bernie Sanders has been working hard to secure a high turnout, insisting that the revolution belongs to all of the people and not to the few. Where he has done well, the masses have turned out.
But it's not all good. Having been lied to and told they were told they would not be allowed to vote, 90% of 17 year olds in Ohio apparently failed to register to vote. In other words, the bulk of 17 year olds might still be disenfranchised. However, under federal law, can those who failed to register be denied the right to register and vote if their failure to register was the result of seeming conduct on the part of Husted and active discouragement from Clinton's supporters. Is there time to take that issue to a higher level court before Tuesday's election or will those who hadn't registered need to vote provisional ballots?
Disenfranchising the masses is not new to Hillary Clinton. She supported her husband's mass incarceration bill that resulted in 40% of African-American males being disenfranchised. When Katherine Harris wrongfully disenfranchised over 144,000 eligible voters (mostly African-American) in 2000 and 2002, Hillary was silent and allowed the loser of the 2000 election to take office. It only took one Senator to join House members opposed to Bush's Florida electors. Without that one Senator, House members didn't have a say or a vote. While Bernie was in the House, silenced by a lack of a Senator to join the House opposition to Bush's Florida electors, Hillary was in the Senate, refusing to stand against George W. Bush and the theft of the 2000 election. In 2004, she was again silent about the theft of Ohio's vote. Bob Fitrakis (a professor and Green Gubernatorial candidate in Ohio),put together evidence that John Kerry won Ohio in 2004.
While Bernie has stood up for the right of the voters to have their votes counted, Clinton has taken no action to protect the voters. In contrast, her campaign has actively interfered with voting.
In Iowa, video reveals that Clinton's precinct captains counted the votes of people who were not present to vote for her in the caucuses. Precinct leaders refused to count the Sanders voters in one caucus and tried to throw Sanders supporters out without counting their votes. Sanders supporters in more than one caucus gave up and left. Despite requests from Bernie Sanders and the Des Moines Register, raw totals have still not been made available to show whether Clinton actually won or lost the popular vote in Iowa.
In Nevada, video shows that they did not even check the registration of those voting, making a mockery of the right to vote and allowing for the likelihood that many of Clinton's voters were from out of state. There is a running joke that people saw Kim Jong-un and his family voting for Hillary in Nevada.
In Massachusetts, Hillary Clinton's husband Bill blocked voting in Boston for 2 hours, This and his actively and illegally campaigning for his wife within 150 feet of four polling stations in the Boston area were caught on video. There is a petition with well over 100,000 Democratic signatures calling for his arrest for his actions in Boston. Some Sanders supporters were forced to partially undress and turn their shirts inside out before entering their polling place to vote in Boston.
In Georgia, Sanders voters were not allowed to vote for Sanders in some precincts where they were given Republican ballots.
Low turnout has identified as the number one factor helping Clinton where she has done well. In the South, where she has done her biggest winning, large numbers of voters were disenfranchised resulting from her own support for mass incarceration and her continuing support for the incarceration of drug users.
Worldwide, Clinton has supported the overthrow of governments elected by the people. She opposed the popular leaders of Venezuela, chosen in elections in what President Jimmy Carter referred to as the best election system in the world. Some wonder where President Carter is now that he is needed to monitor elections in his own country. Clinton repeatedly voted in the Senate to waste money propagandizing against the elected leaders of Venezuela and she supported the 2002 kidnapping of the elected Venezuelan President, who was only returned after the people of Venezuela took to the streets to demand the CIA forces who had kidnapped their leader give him back.
Hillary Clinton supported the Haitian ouster and kidnapping of Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Later, after an earthquake hit Haiti, she collected donations supposedly for the Haitian people. Her foundation reportedly diverted the money that was supposed to go to aid the Haitians into Clinton's campaign, instead.
In Honduras and in the Middle East, Clinton has repeatedly supported the violent overthrow of Democratically elected leaders on behalf of Clinton's big money donors from the military industrial complex and from the fossil fuel industry. In violently over-throwing these leaders, she also threw out the right of the voters in those countries to determine who their leaders would be. Her hero Henry Kissinger has followed a similar path to Clinton's and it is now surprise to those familiar with their histories of overthrowing governments that they admire each other.
Hillary Clinton is counting on low Democratic turnouts as those have been found to be necessary for her to do well in elections. She continues to echo the words of entitlement. She was groomed for the job. She waited her turn. In each state that has voted in this election season, election watchers say they have observed the Clinton forces finding new ways to disenfranchise the voters. In contrast, her opponent Bernie Sanders has been working hard to secure a high turnout, insisting that the revolution belongs to all of the people and not to the few. Where he has done well, the masses have turned out.

The ruling allowing 17 year olds to vote in Ohio is in accord with federal law and the U.S. Constitution. While the Clinton forces hoped the judge would rule against the youth vote, Sanders fought for the 17 year olds and applauded the decision. However, in spite of the decision, will some or most of the 17 year olds still be prevented from voting by counter-efforts of the Clinton forces and Jon Husted? Will Bill Clinton close down more polling places? On March 15, voters in Florida, Illinois, Ohio, Missouri and North Carolina will go to the polls, many worrying whether that Clinton or her supporters may have some new disenfranchisement trick in store for them.