Peace candidate Tulsi Gabbard Decimates Opponents to Become Runaway First Place Winner in Her Second Debate

July 31, 2019. Detroit, Michigan. Despite obvious CNN debate rigging in support of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and other conservative Democrats, Tulsi Gabbard made her limited time count, proving she is the one candidate with the courage to bring change for the better to America. Her performance was so impressive that she was once again the most Google-searched candidate of the night.
CNN warned about punishing debaters who over-spoke their time, but that apparently only applied to those the CNN hosts were biased against. Joe Biden was allotted over 21 minutes. Kamala Harris was allotted almost 18 minutes. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the woman who has written the most legislation on the issues debated on, was only allowed a little ten and a half minutes and at one point they even cut her microphone. At debate parties, people were calling it the Biden/Harris Show. In spite of those odds and dramatically reduced time, Tulsi Gabbard blew away the other candidates with clear honest answers Americans were eager to hear on issues from Medicare for All to criminal justice reform to immigration to free college for all to bringing the troops home and redistributing the wealth for the benefit of the people. She even spoke about her O.F.F. (Off Fossil Fuels) Act, which actually is much stronger than the Green New Deal by taking America off fossil fuel and nuclear energy.
Tulsi was the only one with a plan to fund College for All, Medicare for All, housing as a human right and environmental clean-up and protection. End the wars and all these are funded with money to spare.
The biggest losers of the night were the CNN-promoted candidates, the ones with the most time: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The audience expressed its opposition to Biden’s health care plan and to the Obama immigrant arrests and supported Tulsi Gabbard’s criticisms of Kamala Harris’s failure to protect human rights while California’s Attorney General.
Watch this debate video (uploaded to YouTube by the Gabbard campaign) of the interchange between Tulsi Gabbard and Kamala Harris.
CNN warned about punishing debaters who over-spoke their time, but that apparently only applied to those the CNN hosts were biased against. Joe Biden was allotted over 21 minutes. Kamala Harris was allotted almost 18 minutes. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the woman who has written the most legislation on the issues debated on, was only allowed a little ten and a half minutes and at one point they even cut her microphone. At debate parties, people were calling it the Biden/Harris Show. In spite of those odds and dramatically reduced time, Tulsi Gabbard blew away the other candidates with clear honest answers Americans were eager to hear on issues from Medicare for All to criminal justice reform to immigration to free college for all to bringing the troops home and redistributing the wealth for the benefit of the people. She even spoke about her O.F.F. (Off Fossil Fuels) Act, which actually is much stronger than the Green New Deal by taking America off fossil fuel and nuclear energy.
Tulsi was the only one with a plan to fund College for All, Medicare for All, housing as a human right and environmental clean-up and protection. End the wars and all these are funded with money to spare.
The biggest losers of the night were the CNN-promoted candidates, the ones with the most time: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The audience expressed its opposition to Biden’s health care plan and to the Obama immigrant arrests and supported Tulsi Gabbard’s criticisms of Kamala Harris’s failure to protect human rights while California’s Attorney General.
Watch this debate video (uploaded to YouTube by the Gabbard campaign) of the interchange between Tulsi Gabbard and Kamala Harris.

The introductions were marked by chants against Bill de Blasio and Corey Booker, over public concerns about their record. Funded by pharmaceutical companies, Corey Booker voted against lower prescription drug prices. De Blasio’s New York City has a serious problem with police violence against African-Americans. Later, audience members also chanted objections to Obama’s deportations, which were significantly more extensive than Donald Trump.
Yang blew out with most Americans on his insistence on impeachment. His universal basic income plan (UBI) requires seniors and the disabled to give up their Social Security and disability benefits to get a lower amount of UBI, possibly costing them their homes and ability to buy food.
Here are some excerpts from Tulsi’s statements, minus the extensive applause she repeatedly received from the audience and minus interruptions and responses.
Yang blew out with most Americans on his insistence on impeachment. His universal basic income plan (UBI) requires seniors and the disabled to give up their Social Security and disability benefits to get a lower amount of UBI, possibly costing them their homes and ability to buy food.
Here are some excerpts from Tulsi’s statements, minus the extensive applause she repeatedly received from the audience and minus interruptions and responses.
GABBARD: “The reality is right now, we don’t have a healthcare system. We have a sick care system, and there are far too many people in this country who are sick and unable to get the care that they need because they cannot afford it. So the core of this problem is the fact that big insurance companies and big pharmaceutical companies who’ve been profiting off the backs of sick people have had a seat at the table, writing this legislation.
“Now, Kamala Harris just talked about Kathleen Sebelius who helped write her bill. This just pointed to the fatal flaw in her proposal. Sebelius works for Medicare Advantage, a private insurance company who will stand to profit under her plan. If we’re seeking to really reform our healthcare system, we’ve got to shut out big insurance and big pharma out of the drafting process so they cannot continue to profit off the backs of the sick people in this country who are searching and in desperate need of care.”
GABARD: “Our hearts break when we see those children at these detention facilities who've been separated from their parents, when we see human beings crowded into cages in abhorrent, inhumane conditions. This is about leadership and understanding that we can and should have both secure borders as well as humane immigration policies.
“We will have to stop separating children from their parents, make it so that it’s easier for people to seek asylum in this country, make sure that we are securing our borders and making it so that people are able to use our legal immigration system by reforming those laws.”
GABBARD: “I think it's important for us to fix our legal immigration system and look at the millions of undocumented immigrants in this country who have been suffering as they've been living in the shadows.
“And instead of putting a band-aid on this problem, fix our legal immigration system to provide them with that pathway to legal residency or citizenships, that they are no longer treated as second-class citizens in this country.
“We've got to look at the challenge that people all across the country are facing, under crushing student debt. This is something that is impacting my generation in a huge way and I believe that it is our generation that has the bold, creative solutions to be able to solve it. This is about promise for our future and we've got to make those kinds of investments.”
GABBARD: “I want to bring the conversation back to the broken criminal justice system that is disproportionately negatively impacting black and brown people all across this country today.
“Now Senator Harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she'll be a prosecutor president. But I'm deeply concerned about this record. There are too many examples to cite but she put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.
“She blocked evidence -- she blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California.”
“And she fought to keep—“
GABBARD: “A bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way.”
GABBARD: “The bottom line is, Senator Harris, when you were in a position to make a difference and an impact in these people's lives, you did not.
“And worse yet, in the case of those who were on death row, innocent people, you actually blocked evidence from being revealed that would have freed them until you were forced to do so.
“There is no excuse for that and the people who suffered under your reign as prosecutor owe -- you owe them an apology.”
GABBARD: “Well, first of all, this is personal. If you can imagine, I grew up in Hawaii, which is the most remote island chain in the world. So for us growing up there, protecting our environment was not a political issue, it's a way of life. It's part of our culture. It's part of who we are.
“This is why, as a member of Congress, long before there was ever a Green New Deal, I introduced the most ambitious climate change legislation ever in Congress called the Off Fossil Fuels Act. That actually laid out an actionable plan to take us from where we are today to transition off of fossil fuels and invest in green renewable energy, invest in workforce training, invest in the kinds of infrastructure that we need to deal with the problems and the challenges that climate is posing t
GABBARD: “Donald Trump won this election because far too many people in this country felt like they'd been left behind by both political parties, by self serving politicians on both sides who are more interested in partisan politics than they are in actually fighting for the people.
“I'm speaking the truth to people all across this country about the fact that people in Flint, Michigan are still being left behind, still being poisoned by the water in their system because every single month we are spending $4 billion on a continuing war in Afghanistan, $4 billion every single month rather than ending that war, bringing our troops home, and using those precious resources into serving the needs of the people here in this country.
“People, communities—“
GABBARD: “That's the kind of leadership that I'll bring.”
GABBARD: “By pushing for fair trade, not trade deals that give away the sovereignty of the American people and our country, that give away American jobs, and that threaten our environment.
“These are the three main issues with that massive trade deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. I think the central one was the fact that it gave away our sovereignty to a panel of international corporations whose rulings would supersede any domestic law that we would pass, either a federal law or a state or a local law. This is extremely dangerous and goes against the very values that we have as a country.
“I want to speak of the fact that it would have a negative impact on domestic jobs and that it lacked clear protections for our environment. These are the things that we have to keep at the forefront as we look to enact fair trade deals with other countries to make sure that we continue to be a thriving part of our global economy.”
GABBARD: “I would not, because the approach that President Trump has taken has been extremely volatile without any clear strategic plan, and it has a ravaging and devastating effect on our domestic manufacturers, on our farmers, who are already struggling and now failing to see the light of day because of the plan that Trump has taken.”
GABBARD: “This is real in a way that's very difficult to convey in words. I was deployed to Iraq in 2005 during the height of the war where I served in a field medical unit where every single day I saw the high cost of war.
“Just this past week, two more of our soldiers were killed in Afghanistan.
“My cousin is deployed to Afghanistan right now. Nearly 300 of our Hawaii National Guard soldiers are deployed to Afghanistan, 14,000 servicemembers are deployed there. This is not about arbitrary deadlines.
“This is about leadership, the leadership I will bring to do the right thing to bring our troops home, within the first year in office, because they shouldn't have been there this long.
“For too long, we've had leaders who have been arbitrating foreign policy from ivory towers in Washington without any idea about the cost and the consequence, the toll that it takes on our servicemembers, on their families.
“We have to do the right thing, end these wasteful regime change wars, and bring our troops home."
GABBARD: “We were all lied to. This is the betrayal. This is the betrayal to the American people, to me, to my fellow servicemembers. We were all lied to, told that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, was working with Al Qaida, and that this posed a threat to the American people.
“So I enlisted after 9/11 to protect our country, to go after those who attacked us on that fateful day, who took the lives of thousands of Americans.
“The problem is that this current president is continuing to betray us. We were supposed to be going after Al Qaida. But over years now, not only have we not gone after Al Qaida, who is stronger today than they were in 9/11.
“Our president is supporting Al Qaida.” (Microphone cut)
GABBARD: “Thank you. Now, Donald Trump and warmongering politicians in Washington have failed us. They continue to escalate tensions with other nuclear-armed countries like Russia and China and North Korea, starting a new Cold War, pushing us closer and closer to the brink of nuclear catastrophe.
“Now, as we stand here tonight, there are thousands of nuclear missiles pointed at us. And if we were to get an attack right here tonight, we would have 30 minutes, 30 minutes before we were hit. And you would receive an alert like the one we received in Hawaii last year that would say, "Incoming missile. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill."
“And you would see as we did, as my loved ones in Hawaii did, there is no shelter. This is the warmonger's hoax. There is no shelter. It's all a lie.
“As president, I will end this insanity, because it doesn't have to be this way. I will end these wasteful regime change wars, work to end this new Cold War through the use of diplomacy to de-escalate these tensions and take the trillions of dollars that we've been wasting on these wars and on these weapons and redirect those resources into serving the needs of our people right here at home, things like health care for all, making sure everyone in this country has clean water to drink and clean air to breathe, investing in education, investing in our infrastructure.
“The needs are great. As your president, I will put your interests above all else.”
On an additional note, Mike Gravel, who qualified, was missing from the second debate. Though he was out of sight, he was not out of mind as people on both nights, watching the debate expressed anger at the DNC, which in violation of its own rules, omitted the Senator who had read the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional record.