Rigging Is Not Winning: Will Legitimate Democratic Nominee Bernie Sanders Choose His Supporters Over the
DNC Vote-Riggers?

July 24, 2016. Philadelphia, PA. Poll workers, election fraud experts, exit polls, leaked emails and millions of Democratic voters who were denied their voting rights are in agreement: Bernie Sanders is the legitimate Democratic nominee and would currently have enough pledged delegates for outright victory but for election rigging, seemingly on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee
In response to the latest WikiLeaks release of emails, this time showing the DNC’s complicity in vote rigging, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has resigned as Democratic National Committee Chairwoman. But those who have taken over the reins at the DNC appear to be implicated in the emails as well. Having served Hillary Clinton with her apparent misconduct, following her DNC resignation, DWS was instantly placed in charge of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. But was this a new position or an acknowledgement of who her real boss was all along?
This weekend, millions of Democratic voters have been preparing to travel to Philadelphia to protest the Democratic National Convention. Already, the day before the start of the Democratic National Convention, thousands of Democratic voters marched in the street and rallied against the perceived stolen election. “Democrat” is a temporary description for a significant percentage of those who were registered to vote in the 2016 primaries and caucuses. The membership of the Democratic Party is expected to plummet as the Demexit strategy of angry Democrats planning to leave the party escalates. Currently, if independents belonged to a single party it would be, by far, the largest party in America. Absent election fraud, polls show that Hillary Clinton cannot expect to win the general election.
There is evidence that Bill Clinton encouraged Donald Trump to run a bogus campaign for President, it appears that the Republican opposition to Hillary Clinton is little more than a show. Trump's corporate policies that include equal treatment of immigrants and minority employees reveal that the comments against various groups are little more than a play for the votes of the right wing. Repulbicans, whose names have become almost synomous with election fraud, have now endorsed Hillary Clinton and not their own party's nominee. The RNC Convention came across as a show aimed at losing the general election. Despite seemingly trying to lose the Presidency, polls show that Donald Trump is ahead of Clinton. The plan isn’t working. Some are waiting to see what Trump will next do to try to lose the Presidency. Trump Sanders and agree on the TPP, health care, fracking and genetically modified foods. Basically the Hillary Clinton-Tim Kaine pro-TPP ticket presents a much greater danger to the middle class, the environment and the planet than the controlled opposition candidate Donald Trump.
Most Sanders voters are looking at switching to Green candidate Jill Stein following any nomination of Hillary Clinton. Bernie’s strongest supporters (including Cornel West) have already endorsed Jill Stein, who is running on the platform Bernie Sanders said he supported. Stein already is on the ballots in enough states to achieve 270 electoral votes and her supporters are working hard to get her on the ballot in the remainder of the states. Polling shows that, if Bernie Sanders takes up Jill Stein’s offer to run as the Green Presidential nominee, he would be elected President. Polls show that Sanders, but not Clinton, can stop a Trump Presidency. A significant number of Sanders supporters are asking how Sanders can claim to be against Trump if Sanders fails to take up Stein’s offer (if Sanders is not nominated at the Democratic Convention) when polls show Bernie’s absence from the November ballot would be the key factor in bringing about a Trump Presidency.
Unlike Jill Stein, Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson supports the TPP and opposes almost all of Bernie’s proposed platform and is not an option for most Sanders supporters. Students will pay more not less for college under Gary Johnson’s plan. With Jill Stein, their college would be free and past college debt would be forgiven.
The game is underway this week and the question that has voters marching in the streets and rather frightened is whether Sanders will stand by his supporters and by his purposed positions or knuckle under to Hillary Clinton and Wall Street. Bernie’s supporters are split between seeing Bernie’s recent endorsement of Clinton as a sell-out by a sheepdog versus seeing it as a chess move that will get around DNC threats and result in Bernie’s being nominated.
As more and more Democratic voters march in the streets to let the DNC know Hillary Clinton will lose the general election, the DNC has its own decisions to make. Will it unseat delegates acquired through election fraud? Will it throw away the Presidency by selecting the candidate the voters didn’t support in the primaries and won’t support in the general election? Will it decide to place winning over arrogance and go with Bernie Sanders, whom the polls say will defeat Donald Trump. Or is the plan to ignore the voters altogether and simply rig the general election? Lawsuits have been filed in connection with the primary election fraud but won’t have any impact on the seating of illegitimate pledged delegates at the Democratic Convention.
Following are YouTube videos of anti-DNC marches by Democratic voters that took place a day before the start of the convention. Left to right, top then bottom, they were uploaded to YouTube.com by Matthew Levy, PennLive.com, PressTVNews Videos and High Energy. The protests are expected to increase in size and culminate with a mass exodus from the Democratic Party should Hillary Clinton be nominated.
In response to the latest WikiLeaks release of emails, this time showing the DNC’s complicity in vote rigging, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has resigned as Democratic National Committee Chairwoman. But those who have taken over the reins at the DNC appear to be implicated in the emails as well. Having served Hillary Clinton with her apparent misconduct, following her DNC resignation, DWS was instantly placed in charge of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. But was this a new position or an acknowledgement of who her real boss was all along?
This weekend, millions of Democratic voters have been preparing to travel to Philadelphia to protest the Democratic National Convention. Already, the day before the start of the Democratic National Convention, thousands of Democratic voters marched in the street and rallied against the perceived stolen election. “Democrat” is a temporary description for a significant percentage of those who were registered to vote in the 2016 primaries and caucuses. The membership of the Democratic Party is expected to plummet as the Demexit strategy of angry Democrats planning to leave the party escalates. Currently, if independents belonged to a single party it would be, by far, the largest party in America. Absent election fraud, polls show that Hillary Clinton cannot expect to win the general election.
There is evidence that Bill Clinton encouraged Donald Trump to run a bogus campaign for President, it appears that the Republican opposition to Hillary Clinton is little more than a show. Trump's corporate policies that include equal treatment of immigrants and minority employees reveal that the comments against various groups are little more than a play for the votes of the right wing. Repulbicans, whose names have become almost synomous with election fraud, have now endorsed Hillary Clinton and not their own party's nominee. The RNC Convention came across as a show aimed at losing the general election. Despite seemingly trying to lose the Presidency, polls show that Donald Trump is ahead of Clinton. The plan isn’t working. Some are waiting to see what Trump will next do to try to lose the Presidency. Trump Sanders and agree on the TPP, health care, fracking and genetically modified foods. Basically the Hillary Clinton-Tim Kaine pro-TPP ticket presents a much greater danger to the middle class, the environment and the planet than the controlled opposition candidate Donald Trump.
Most Sanders voters are looking at switching to Green candidate Jill Stein following any nomination of Hillary Clinton. Bernie’s strongest supporters (including Cornel West) have already endorsed Jill Stein, who is running on the platform Bernie Sanders said he supported. Stein already is on the ballots in enough states to achieve 270 electoral votes and her supporters are working hard to get her on the ballot in the remainder of the states. Polling shows that, if Bernie Sanders takes up Jill Stein’s offer to run as the Green Presidential nominee, he would be elected President. Polls show that Sanders, but not Clinton, can stop a Trump Presidency. A significant number of Sanders supporters are asking how Sanders can claim to be against Trump if Sanders fails to take up Stein’s offer (if Sanders is not nominated at the Democratic Convention) when polls show Bernie’s absence from the November ballot would be the key factor in bringing about a Trump Presidency.
Unlike Jill Stein, Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson supports the TPP and opposes almost all of Bernie’s proposed platform and is not an option for most Sanders supporters. Students will pay more not less for college under Gary Johnson’s plan. With Jill Stein, their college would be free and past college debt would be forgiven.
The game is underway this week and the question that has voters marching in the streets and rather frightened is whether Sanders will stand by his supporters and by his purposed positions or knuckle under to Hillary Clinton and Wall Street. Bernie’s supporters are split between seeing Bernie’s recent endorsement of Clinton as a sell-out by a sheepdog versus seeing it as a chess move that will get around DNC threats and result in Bernie’s being nominated.
As more and more Democratic voters march in the streets to let the DNC know Hillary Clinton will lose the general election, the DNC has its own decisions to make. Will it unseat delegates acquired through election fraud? Will it throw away the Presidency by selecting the candidate the voters didn’t support in the primaries and won’t support in the general election? Will it decide to place winning over arrogance and go with Bernie Sanders, whom the polls say will defeat Donald Trump. Or is the plan to ignore the voters altogether and simply rig the general election? Lawsuits have been filed in connection with the primary election fraud but won’t have any impact on the seating of illegitimate pledged delegates at the Democratic Convention.
Following are YouTube videos of anti-DNC marches by Democratic voters that took place a day before the start of the convention. Left to right, top then bottom, they were uploaded to YouTube.com by Matthew Levy, PennLive.com, PressTVNews Videos and High Energy. The protests are expected to increase in size and culminate with a mass exodus from the Democratic Party should Hillary Clinton be nominated.