Breaking News: No Congressional Sit-Ins Yet for Peace, Human Rights, Voting Rights, Health Care, Economic Justice or Education

June 24, 2016. Washington D.C. To date, members of Congress have failed and refused to sit in to protect human rights, American freedom, the Constitution, the right to health care, or the right to a college education. There have been no sit-ins to stop wars or to restore the right to Habeas Corpus or to end the abuses of the PATRIOT Act or to end poverty in America. These issues are unimportant compared to preventing Mark Ruffalo (placed on the terrorist watch list for opposing fracking) from owning a gun. Will Americans sleep sounder at night knowing Congressional Democrats are doing everything possible to make sure no gun ever falls into the hands of Mark Ruffalo?
In contrast, while taking no action to stop people like the Orlando Shooter from obtaining a gun, the members of Congress sat in to stop people on the terrorist watch list (which has included Mark Ruffalo, Greenpeace and other environmentalists, peace activists and other non-violent Americans who have dared to question governmental policies) from owning a gun. The Orlando shooter had access to guns through his international security firm, which was tied to the Israelis and British. The FBI reportedly attempted to recruit the shooter, providing him access to even more serious weapons. His father was a longtime CIA asset, also a possible source of deadly firearms.
The Orlando shooting, which would not have been stopped by gun control, is being used to remove guns from peace activists and environmentalists, basically people who would never have any interest in owning or using a gun. Among those losing their right to own a gun under various pieces of proposed legislation are crime victims who wish to protect themselves from future crimes. Media Benjamin (Code Pink) was among the many peaceniks who has found herself on the "Terrorist No Fly" list.
The Orlando shooting is not being used just to prevent peaceful, law-abiding citizens from owning guns. It is also being used for other purposes too—to bomb Syria, which had nothing to do with the shooting. The shooter was reportedly from Turkey and worked for a firm connected to the Israelis and the British. Is Barack Obama bombing Israel, Britain and Turkey in retaliation? The one place that makes no sense to bomb in retaliation for the Orlando shooting is Syria, a country unconnected to the shooting-- except that Obama and Hillary Clinton were looking for any excuse (legitimate or not) to bomb Syria.
John Lewis, who called for the ban, has been under attack lately because of his support for candidates who support the death penalty, private prisons and oppose a livable wage. Lewis was also caught lying about who was at Martin Luther King, Jr’s marches. Many view Lewis’s statements and the actions of Congress as grandstanding in the hopes of undoing damage caused by their continued support of Wall Street over Main Street.
In other news, Bernie Sanders has not conceded his campaign, has not stepped down as a candidate for President and has not endorsed Hillary Clinton. Saying he will “in all likelihood” “probably” vote for Hillary Clinton, does not equal an endorsement. Depending on what happens at the Democratic National Convention, some still hope Sanders will take up Jill Stein's offer to be the Green presidential candidate. Sanders claims to oppose Donald Trump. According to polls, the only way Sanders can defeat Trumps if the Democrats fail to nominated him is if Sanders runs as a third party candidate himself. Polls show that Sanders would easily defeat Trump and Clinton combined if he makes that move.
In contrast, while taking no action to stop people like the Orlando Shooter from obtaining a gun, the members of Congress sat in to stop people on the terrorist watch list (which has included Mark Ruffalo, Greenpeace and other environmentalists, peace activists and other non-violent Americans who have dared to question governmental policies) from owning a gun. The Orlando shooter had access to guns through his international security firm, which was tied to the Israelis and British. The FBI reportedly attempted to recruit the shooter, providing him access to even more serious weapons. His father was a longtime CIA asset, also a possible source of deadly firearms.
The Orlando shooting, which would not have been stopped by gun control, is being used to remove guns from peace activists and environmentalists, basically people who would never have any interest in owning or using a gun. Among those losing their right to own a gun under various pieces of proposed legislation are crime victims who wish to protect themselves from future crimes. Media Benjamin (Code Pink) was among the many peaceniks who has found herself on the "Terrorist No Fly" list.
The Orlando shooting is not being used just to prevent peaceful, law-abiding citizens from owning guns. It is also being used for other purposes too—to bomb Syria, which had nothing to do with the shooting. The shooter was reportedly from Turkey and worked for a firm connected to the Israelis and the British. Is Barack Obama bombing Israel, Britain and Turkey in retaliation? The one place that makes no sense to bomb in retaliation for the Orlando shooting is Syria, a country unconnected to the shooting-- except that Obama and Hillary Clinton were looking for any excuse (legitimate or not) to bomb Syria.
John Lewis, who called for the ban, has been under attack lately because of his support for candidates who support the death penalty, private prisons and oppose a livable wage. Lewis was also caught lying about who was at Martin Luther King, Jr’s marches. Many view Lewis’s statements and the actions of Congress as grandstanding in the hopes of undoing damage caused by their continued support of Wall Street over Main Street.
In other news, Bernie Sanders has not conceded his campaign, has not stepped down as a candidate for President and has not endorsed Hillary Clinton. Saying he will “in all likelihood” “probably” vote for Hillary Clinton, does not equal an endorsement. Depending on what happens at the Democratic National Convention, some still hope Sanders will take up Jill Stein's offer to be the Green presidential candidate. Sanders claims to oppose Donald Trump. According to polls, the only way Sanders can defeat Trumps if the Democrats fail to nominated him is if Sanders runs as a third party candidate himself. Polls show that Sanders would easily defeat Trump and Clinton combined if he makes that move.