Runaway Winner
Tulsi Gabbard: the Only 4th Debate Candidate Against Permanent War

October 15, 2019. Westerville, Ohio. Watching the debate was like watching one adult (Tulsi Gabbard) having to be quiet while a bunch of whinny, over-indulged children demanded to beat up and kill the other kids on the block and destroy the big kid who had just beaten them at table tennis. Eleven of the candidates (including three female candidates) wanted to take on the big orange guy (Donald Trump) just to prove their manhood was bigger than his. Never mind that they were going after him over a childish vendetta instead of for real reasons, like he stole everyone’s lunch money. They were too busy playing cops and robbers but this time everyone but the eleven and the hosts were considered the robbers and the eleven cops were fine with using bombs and troops to extinguish all life on Earth. In contrast to the children playing cops and robbers with deadly weapons that kill millions, one well-reasoned adult in the room who tried to inject sense and dignity into the debate was cut off by debates hosts who preferred a juvenile circus to a rational discussion of the issues. The sabre rattling of infants did not play well with the public. Tulsi again was the most googled candidate of the night and won the first poll of the night.
While CNN and the New York Times engaged in outrageous smears, obvious and clear debate-rigging and election fraud in their polling and reporting, Tulsi was the only candidate who was not eager to vaporize her fellow Americans by taking us into permanent war and a final conflict with Russia. Even Bernie expressed a muddled pro-war viewpoint. In the end, the solution of the other candidates might actually be a peace solution as, with no life left on Earth, this might actually become a peaceful planet.
While CNN and the New York Times engaged in outrageous smears, obvious and clear debate-rigging and election fraud in their polling and reporting, Tulsi was the only candidate who was not eager to vaporize her fellow Americans by taking us into permanent war and a final conflict with Russia. Even Bernie expressed a muddled pro-war viewpoint. In the end, the solution of the other candidates might actually be a peace solution as, with no life left on Earth, this might actually become a peaceful planet.

Tulsi was cut off when she tried to ask Elizabeth Warren about her qualifications to become Commander in Chief. Tulsi was the only candidate so cut off during the evening. As Liz did not answer that question (though Warren received roughly three times more speaking time than Tulsi overall), the Justice Gazette will provide the answer Warren would have given if she had honestly chosen to answer:
Proposed answer for Elizabeth Warren: “I have a strong or or rather strong-armed foreign policy as I have regularly supported weapons manufacturers and war profiteers and given them big bucks for weapons that have been used to kill innocent school children, including children on a bus in Yemen and coups that have killed significant numbers of children, thereby decreasing over-population of the planet. I will not bend down to peace. I have supported sanctions that have killed over 40,000 innocent Venezuelans, I supported the 2014 Israeli bombing of schoolchildren and other potential future combatants in Palestine. In 2016, I signed a letter demanding that Barack Obama increase funding to Israel’s military so that they could kill more children who might grow up to be bad people. I have pointed out that there are too many Brown and Black people being born in Israel. Israel has taken steps to reduce the Brown and Black population and so they must be listening to me.
"Now recent Presidents have shown that they feel that taking money from people in need and giving it to the rich is important and likewise, I took money that was supposed to go to Native American students who were in need. As making false statements seems to be Presidential, I falsified my Oklahoma Bar Registration by listing my race as American Indian. To show that I could really stick it to people whose money I obtained by false claims of being a Native American, I was more than OK with Native American Water Protectors getting blasted with ice water cannons in the freezing cold and being partially eaten by dogs at Standing Rock.
"As lies have become common place for Presidents, I have pretended to oppose Wall Street while using my Wall Street donations for my 2020 Presidential nomination bid against candidates who are only using money from grass roots supporters. And I have the full support of Deep State, the Military Industrial Complex, the Corporate Media, and Hillary Clinton in my bid for the Presidency because they see me as one of them.”
Pete Buttigieg took down himself on the Syrian question in establishing that he supports permanent war and continued support for terrorism in Syria. Buttigieg lost the support of what is remaining of the anti-war community with his answer.
Bernie was in great form physically and he spoke strongly but joined in the childish fray, giving a muddled response to the Syria question, indicating he would support continued war and did Deep State talking points against Russia that could lead to World War III. Like the seven other whining children, he blamed Trump for everyone’s problems. His supporters are hoping there is a difference between his pro-war rhetoric and the way he will actually govern. And there is some merit to the idea that, to be nominated, one must call for wiping out mankind. Overall, just by looking physically fit and speaking strongly about issues, he gutted fears about whether he was up to the job of being President and that makes him one of the winners of the debate.
Literacy was also a problem for all candidates except for Tulsi Gabbard. She was the only candidate who had actually read Roe v Wade and her answer on the abortion question was the closest of the debaters to Blackmun’s decision in Roe v Wade. It would seem that, on such an important issue, the other candidates would choose to read the decision they are mouthing off about. The Justice Gazette attributes the lack of literacy among eleven of the candidates to a failing education system in the United States. Therefore, The Justice Gazette is willing to provide the e;evem reading-disabled candidates with a set of Kindergarten level alphabet books and the Dick and Jane series so that they can better prepare for the next debate. Read the decision for yourself.
The real second place winner was Donald Trump. Eleven of the debaters essentially turned him into a deity whom they could blame for all their problems. But it provides a good solution for school children who are asked why they aren’t turning in their homework. All they have tell the teacher is “Donald Trump.”
Because of the debate rigging that was so obvious to the public in the Fourth Debate, legitimate candidates might best show their support for democracy by banding together to boycott the fifth and sixth debates and having a series honest and unrigged debate of their own. Supporting fraud against the American people is not Presidential.
The best line of the night also belonged to Tulsi Gabbard:
Tulsi: ”When I look out at our country, I don’t see deplorables, I see fellow American.”
Maybe that’s why the other eleven candidates are willing to wipe out all life in America. They see everyone but themselves as “deplorables.”
Proposed answer for Elizabeth Warren: “I have a strong or or rather strong-armed foreign policy as I have regularly supported weapons manufacturers and war profiteers and given them big bucks for weapons that have been used to kill innocent school children, including children on a bus in Yemen and coups that have killed significant numbers of children, thereby decreasing over-population of the planet. I will not bend down to peace. I have supported sanctions that have killed over 40,000 innocent Venezuelans, I supported the 2014 Israeli bombing of schoolchildren and other potential future combatants in Palestine. In 2016, I signed a letter demanding that Barack Obama increase funding to Israel’s military so that they could kill more children who might grow up to be bad people. I have pointed out that there are too many Brown and Black people being born in Israel. Israel has taken steps to reduce the Brown and Black population and so they must be listening to me.
"Now recent Presidents have shown that they feel that taking money from people in need and giving it to the rich is important and likewise, I took money that was supposed to go to Native American students who were in need. As making false statements seems to be Presidential, I falsified my Oklahoma Bar Registration by listing my race as American Indian. To show that I could really stick it to people whose money I obtained by false claims of being a Native American, I was more than OK with Native American Water Protectors getting blasted with ice water cannons in the freezing cold and being partially eaten by dogs at Standing Rock.
"As lies have become common place for Presidents, I have pretended to oppose Wall Street while using my Wall Street donations for my 2020 Presidential nomination bid against candidates who are only using money from grass roots supporters. And I have the full support of Deep State, the Military Industrial Complex, the Corporate Media, and Hillary Clinton in my bid for the Presidency because they see me as one of them.”
Pete Buttigieg took down himself on the Syrian question in establishing that he supports permanent war and continued support for terrorism in Syria. Buttigieg lost the support of what is remaining of the anti-war community with his answer.
Bernie was in great form physically and he spoke strongly but joined in the childish fray, giving a muddled response to the Syria question, indicating he would support continued war and did Deep State talking points against Russia that could lead to World War III. Like the seven other whining children, he blamed Trump for everyone’s problems. His supporters are hoping there is a difference between his pro-war rhetoric and the way he will actually govern. And there is some merit to the idea that, to be nominated, one must call for wiping out mankind. Overall, just by looking physically fit and speaking strongly about issues, he gutted fears about whether he was up to the job of being President and that makes him one of the winners of the debate.
Literacy was also a problem for all candidates except for Tulsi Gabbard. She was the only candidate who had actually read Roe v Wade and her answer on the abortion question was the closest of the debaters to Blackmun’s decision in Roe v Wade. It would seem that, on such an important issue, the other candidates would choose to read the decision they are mouthing off about. The Justice Gazette attributes the lack of literacy among eleven of the candidates to a failing education system in the United States. Therefore, The Justice Gazette is willing to provide the e;evem reading-disabled candidates with a set of Kindergarten level alphabet books and the Dick and Jane series so that they can better prepare for the next debate. Read the decision for yourself.
The real second place winner was Donald Trump. Eleven of the debaters essentially turned him into a deity whom they could blame for all their problems. But it provides a good solution for school children who are asked why they aren’t turning in their homework. All they have tell the teacher is “Donald Trump.”
Because of the debate rigging that was so obvious to the public in the Fourth Debate, legitimate candidates might best show their support for democracy by banding together to boycott the fifth and sixth debates and having a series honest and unrigged debate of their own. Supporting fraud against the American people is not Presidential.
The best line of the night also belonged to Tulsi Gabbard:
Tulsi: ”When I look out at our country, I don’t see deplorables, I see fellow American.”
Maybe that’s why the other eleven candidates are willing to wipe out all life in America. They see everyone but themselves as “deplorables.”