California’s Lawyers and Democratic Leaders Hold Legislative Day

April 19, 2023. Sacramento. Several members of the California State Legislature and California Lawyers got together to discuss legislation and the need for more input from the state’s attorneys in creating legislation. Assemblymembers Eloise Gómez Reyes and Blanca Pacheco both spoke of the lack of active attorneys in the California legislature and encouraged attorneys to take a more active role. That sentiment was echoed by others speakers as well Also making presentations were California Attorney General Rob Bonta, Assemblymember Brian Majenschein, Gavin Newsom’s Chief Deputy Legislative Secretary Jessica Devencenzi, State Senator Tom Umberg and Cory Jasperson of the Judicial Council of California.
The speakers took questions from the attorneys present and the chief concern of the attorneys seemed to be that much of the recent legislation was had been challenged in the courts on Constitutional issues and the need, as pointed out by the various legislatures.
A significant number of California attorneys have been working to organize a legal caucus within the California Democratic Party aimed at civil rights issues. This year, new Assemblymember Avelino Valencia derailed that civil rights caucus and attorneys are still waiting for an explanation. Though Valencia has failed to answer calls requesting the reason, the information that has been obtained is that in two years, California attorneys might be able to put together their civil rights caucus.
State Sentator Tom Umberg’s district covers essentially the same geographic area as Valencia’s. Maybe he or one of the others who spoke at the Legislative Day will come forward to assist the attorneys in the creation of their civil rights caucus.
The speakers took questions from the attorneys present and the chief concern of the attorneys seemed to be that much of the recent legislation was had been challenged in the courts on Constitutional issues and the need, as pointed out by the various legislatures.
A significant number of California attorneys have been working to organize a legal caucus within the California Democratic Party aimed at civil rights issues. This year, new Assemblymember Avelino Valencia derailed that civil rights caucus and attorneys are still waiting for an explanation. Though Valencia has failed to answer calls requesting the reason, the information that has been obtained is that in two years, California attorneys might be able to put together their civil rights caucus.
State Sentator Tom Umberg’s district covers essentially the same geographic area as Valencia’s. Maybe he or one of the others who spoke at the Legislative Day will come forward to assist the attorneys in the creation of their civil rights caucus.