Coachella Has Spoken: Bernie Will Landslide There--Absent Election Fraud

Dec 16, 2019. Coachella Valley, CA. Following a unanimous endorsement vote of the Coachella City Counsel for Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, Bernie spoke to a large enthusiastic crowd outside Cesar Chavez’s former offices that will serve as his new Coachella campaign headquarters. His wife Jane joined him on stage as she often does at his campaign events. Prior to the opening, the city closed down the street in front of the office to accommodate Bernie and the excited crowd of at least 500 people. Steven Hernandez, the Coachella Mayor, introduced Bernie. The unanimous support of each and every city councilman in Coachella means that all their constituencies are aligned behind Bernie Sanders. The support could be seen when supporters arrived long before the event, demanding signs supporting Sanders.

In 2016, Hillary ignored the people of Michigan and Wisconsin. Likewise all presidential candidates have ignored Coachella Valley with the sole exception of Bernie Sanders. It is not just that he is the only candidate who has dared to rally in Coachella in more than half a century. His positions are aligned with the reality the Coachella Valley residents see on a daily basis. Rich elites (like Barack Obama) buy up property in Coachella while the vast majority of residents are not affuent enough to afford quality healthcare and elite colleges. Bernie addressed all these issues and more.

The people of Coachella Valley have seen first-hand the unequal treatment of the non-affluent in the Valley. In addition to other inequities, they have seen prosecutions of minorities and the poor on behalf of a prison industrial complex that is using the poor and minorities for slave labor. One trick prosecutors use is to overcharge and offer defendants a few years if they will plead to a crime they haven't committed or, in the alternative, go to trial and risk 60 years for multiple charges they also didn't commit but couldn't afford the defense to refute. Bernie received a strong applause when he addressed the criminal justice issue that has plagued minority communities across America. Bernie remains the only candidate who has called for retention of voting rights of all felon prisoners who are otherwise elgible to vote, a position the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice (the criminal defense bar) has long supported.

Bernie is one of only two candidates who has refused to cater to Wall Street. The other hero of the working class and poor is Tulsi Gabbard. All other candidates have reached out to Wall Street, including Elizabeth Warren who is using Wall Street donations she got for her Senate campaign in her Presidential primary and who has stated she will use Wall Street donations in the general elections. Where your donations come from determines your loyalty.

After opening his campaign headquarters at the former offices of Cesar Chavez, Berne spoke at a second event in the Valley, a rally at the Rancho Mirage Amphitheater. Coachella Mayor Steven Hernandez spoke in support of Bernie at both events. Nina Turner introduced Bernie at the Rancho Mirage rally. Long before the start of the rally, people who had rushed to see Bernie were told the amphitheater was full. It was actually more than full as quite a number of the observers inside had to stand as there were no seats left. Those who couldn’t make it inside, stood on the grass outside and listened to Bernie’s message.

One person, possibly overcome with excitement, passed out (apparently a cardiac arrest) and paramedics did compressions, working to save her life. After they were apparently successful, they took her to a hospital. Her friends expressed appreciation for the way the staff handled the incident.
A number of strong supporters of Tulsi Gabbard were also in the audience. It is generally felt that Bernie and Tulsi are a team. Polls show that a Bernie/Tulsi or a Tulsi/Bernie ticket would be more likely to win the general election, bringing back the swing voters, than any other ticket.
A number of strong supporters of Tulsi Gabbard were also in the audience. It is generally felt that Bernie and Tulsi are a team. Polls show that a Bernie/Tulsi or a Tulsi/Bernie ticket would be more likely to win the general election, bringing back the swing voters, than any other ticket.

At the Rancho Mirage event, the press liaisons Elizabeth Cavalieri and a staffer named Noelle were very supportive of the press and were excellent examples of staffers creating good will for the campaign. At some of Bernie’s events, the press has been treated like unwanted children (even being subjected at one event to being sniffed along with all their equipment by a big dog). It would definitely assist Bernie with public relations to place Elizabeth and Noelle in charge of as many press events as possible and for all of Bernie’s press relations staff to show the press the kind of respect we received at the Rancho Mirage rally.

Watch the videos of the two events. Due to an equipment malfunction, only the first part of Bernie's speech at the office opening could be uploaded at this time. The video of the rally includes Nina Turner’s introduction and Bernie’s entire speech.