Tuskegee II --- Mandatory Vaccinations-- A Legislated Black Holocaust

Los Angeles, CA. June 18, 2015. America's foremost environmental attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., whistleblower and top scientist Dr. Brian Hooker and Minister/civil rights leader Tony Muhammed addressed a standing room only crowd about California's new Tuskegee Experiment, SB 277. Robert Kennedy calls this bill "Tuskegee Times 200,000" because of the disproportionate extent of the African-American injuries and deaths that SB 277 is scientificatlly projected to create. With the facts exposed, will the California Assembly vote to
adopt what is now considered the most racist bill in California's history?
Will Jerry Brown sign a bill that will especially target Blacks
with unnecessary injuries and deaths?
The crowd was riveted, frequently bursting into standing ovations as the presenters showed clear and convincing scientific evidence of the inherent racism and dangers of mandatory vaccines. Both Kennedy and Hooker are pro-vaccine but expressed concerns about the CDC's use of fraudulent tests or no tests at all before approving vaccines that kill and injure. They also exposed vaccine experimentation in the Black communities and revealed that there is a difference between vaccine ingredients in the White and Black communities.
The crowd was riveted, frequently bursting into standing ovations as the presenters showed clear and convincing scientific evidence of the inherent racism and dangers of mandatory vaccines. Both Kennedy and Hooker are pro-vaccine but expressed concerns about the CDC's use of fraudulent tests or no tests at all before approving vaccines that kill and injure. They also exposed vaccine experimentation in the Black communities and revealed that there is a difference between vaccine ingredients in the White and Black communities.
The Tuskegee syphilis experiment (/tʌsˈkiːɡiː/)[1] was an infamous clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by theU.S. Public Health Service to study the natural progression of untreated syphilis in rural African-American men ...They were told that they were receiving free health care from the U.S. government.[1] [from Wiikipedia.com]

It was Robert Kennedy's uncle, Senator Edward Kennedy, who brought about the end to the Tuskegee experiment. Robert noted that the CDC and the public health service ran that experiment. They got impoverished, illiterate, poor share-croppers from Macon County, Georgia, so they could see what would happen if they let syphilis run its course. They told the men they were offering them free health care and free burial service. The free burial service was so the government experimenters could autopsy the brains of these African-Americans to see what they looked like after the syphilis killed them. In 1949, the CDC learned that penicillin cured syphilis but the CDC decided not to give it to the experimentees as the CDC wanted to play the experiment out until the end---until the men were dead. It was not only men who suffered but also 40 women who got it from their spouses and 40 children who got it congenitally from their fathers. The CDC said they were poor, illiterate and they would never know, that they would never find out. In 1966, a whistleblower from the CDC named Peter Buxton wrote a letter to the CDC saying that this was immoral. The CDC refused to end it and got the American Medical Association to endorse the study and make sure nobody would talk about it. Four years later, Buxton, frustrated that the newspapers wouldn't cover this and the government wouldn’t respond, went to Robert's uncle Edward Kennedy. Edward Kennedy held hearings in the Senate and they ended the experiment. President Bill Clinton issued a public apology with five of the last eight survivors in 1996 and said, "Never again will the public health service of this country engage in this kind of racism." Kennedy went on to note:
Guess what. In 1989, the CDC wanted to test a new vaccine that they thought might be dangerous. Where did they decide to test it? [Audience: Los Angeles] In the African-American community of Los Angeles and they gave 1500 African-American babies this vaccine. Where else do you think they tested it? They tested it in Senegal. Do you know what color the people are in Senegal? They tested it in Ghana. Do you know what color the people are there? Do you think they tested it in Denmark? They tested it in Haiti. Do you know what color the people are there? So what they found is that, in the middle of this experiment, they found that this vaccine was killing Black girls in Africa and Haiti. So they discontinued it in 1996 in this country, in Los Angeles, where they were experimenting in these communities with little Black children. And they said this will never happen again. This was in 1996.

Kennedy spoke of the 2001
study approximately four years later in Georgia, where they discovered children who were
exposed to the MMR vaccine following the scheduleby receiving it in the first three years of life had a
336 % higher rate of the autism than children who received it after they were three years of age. They
knew they were causing autism in the Black communities. So they played
with the numbers, getting rid of the autistic kids to flatten out the numbers.
In 2004, they published the study and said there was no problem, meaning
they lied. Dr. Brian Hooker was one of the whistle-blower authors of this
study and because of his courage, it is known that the CDC lied. Kennedy
noted that, if they hadn’t lied, they could have saved 250,000 Black children
who today are crippled by debilitating neurological illnesses. The Tuskegee
Experiment only affected 399 individuals.
Kennedy noted that African-American children exposed to the Hepatitis B vaccine (which has thimerisol) are over 500% more likely to get autism than kids who are not. He noted that there is something in the genetic vulnerability of African-American children making them more likely to get autism from the vaccines than children of other races. The CDC has been hiding this fact and lying about it.
Kennedy noted that, "statistics don't lie but statisticians do." Kennedy pointed out that statistics can show that"...sex doesn't make you pregnant" by getting rid of all the pregnant women in the study of people who have sex the same way they get rid of all the vaccine-injured participants in the studies into whether vaccines cause injuries. If you remove all those injured before checking the results, you don't see injuries. That's how they did all their vaccine studies. But adding to the problem, more than 90% of vaccines are never tested and they have no idea what the consequences of those vaccines will be.
There are over 500 studies showing Thimerosal vaccines are unsafe. Thimerosal (mercury)"... is the most deadly neurotoxic substance known to man in the known universe that is not radioactive. It is 1000 times more toxic than lead. Kennedy asked, "Would you shoot lead into your little baby? Into a pregnant mother?" He noted that, in Black neighborhoods, they don't stock mercury-free vaccines. Kennedy has offered $10,000 to anyone proving him wrong about the Thimerosol.
Referring to the CDC as the "sock puppet" of the pharmaceutical industry, Kennedy noted that all the safeguards to protect the public from dangerous drugs are gone. The pharmaceutical industry spends more on buying politicians and the news media than any other industry. In the June 18th program, reference was made to the Sacramento Bee article discussing the millions the pharmaceutical industry had given California legislators to buy their support for SB 277. In other words, the California legislators are willing to play Russian roulette with the health of California's children for a quick buck from the pharmaceutical industry. Kennedy noted that the mass media is bought off and won't allow the truth or debate on the issue of vaccines.
The courts have also been removed from the equation as Congress has exempted the vaccine industry from liability for deadly or dangerous vaccines. With bills like SB 277, vaccines are very profitable but there is no incentive to make them safe. Those who put the vaccines on the schedule work for the drug companies profiting from the vaccine. They don't work for the CDC.
The CDC's lead scientist Dr. William Thompson turned over a thousand pages of incriminating documents proving the vaccine trials were a hoax---a fraud -- to Congress. He said, "My bosses ordered me to lie but I am done lying." He wants to be subpoenaed to speak in the open to Congress so the public can learn the truth.
Kennedy noted that the State of California is about to remove the mother, the final protection children have, from the equation. SB 277 removes the rights of the parents to protect their children. As members of the audience pointed out, using a homeschooling exception, will likely lead to Child Protective Services removing unvaccinated children from their homes.
Kennedy noted that African-American children exposed to the Hepatitis B vaccine (which has thimerisol) are over 500% more likely to get autism than kids who are not. He noted that there is something in the genetic vulnerability of African-American children making them more likely to get autism from the vaccines than children of other races. The CDC has been hiding this fact and lying about it.
Kennedy noted that, "statistics don't lie but statisticians do." Kennedy pointed out that statistics can show that"...sex doesn't make you pregnant" by getting rid of all the pregnant women in the study of people who have sex the same way they get rid of all the vaccine-injured participants in the studies into whether vaccines cause injuries. If you remove all those injured before checking the results, you don't see injuries. That's how they did all their vaccine studies. But adding to the problem, more than 90% of vaccines are never tested and they have no idea what the consequences of those vaccines will be.
There are over 500 studies showing Thimerosal vaccines are unsafe. Thimerosal (mercury)"... is the most deadly neurotoxic substance known to man in the known universe that is not radioactive. It is 1000 times more toxic than lead. Kennedy asked, "Would you shoot lead into your little baby? Into a pregnant mother?" He noted that, in Black neighborhoods, they don't stock mercury-free vaccines. Kennedy has offered $10,000 to anyone proving him wrong about the Thimerosol.
Referring to the CDC as the "sock puppet" of the pharmaceutical industry, Kennedy noted that all the safeguards to protect the public from dangerous drugs are gone. The pharmaceutical industry spends more on buying politicians and the news media than any other industry. In the June 18th program, reference was made to the Sacramento Bee article discussing the millions the pharmaceutical industry had given California legislators to buy their support for SB 277. In other words, the California legislators are willing to play Russian roulette with the health of California's children for a quick buck from the pharmaceutical industry. Kennedy noted that the mass media is bought off and won't allow the truth or debate on the issue of vaccines.
The courts have also been removed from the equation as Congress has exempted the vaccine industry from liability for deadly or dangerous vaccines. With bills like SB 277, vaccines are very profitable but there is no incentive to make them safe. Those who put the vaccines on the schedule work for the drug companies profiting from the vaccine. They don't work for the CDC.
The CDC's lead scientist Dr. William Thompson turned over a thousand pages of incriminating documents proving the vaccine trials were a hoax---a fraud -- to Congress. He said, "My bosses ordered me to lie but I am done lying." He wants to be subpoenaed to speak in the open to Congress so the public can learn the truth.
Kennedy noted that the State of California is about to remove the mother, the final protection children have, from the equation. SB 277 removes the rights of the parents to protect their children. As members of the audience pointed out, using a homeschooling exception, will likely lead to Child Protective Services removing unvaccinated children from their homes.

Whistleblower Dr. Brian Hooker, one of America's most renowned bio-research scientists, stated unequivocally that, based on his scientific research, African-Americans...are more susceptible to vaccine-injury." He spoke about studies showing that Blacks are more likely than whites to develop autism after being exposed to vaccines containing thimerosal. Black boys receiving the Hepatitis B vaccine (which contains thimerosal) have a 5.53 times greater incidence of autism than those Black boys not receiving those shots. Studies also show a significantly increased risk of autism for Black boys who receive the MMR vaccine on time as opposed to those who receive it after three years of age. The CDC tried to hide this information when it was discovered thirteen years ago. Dr. Hooker and CDC lead scientist William Thompson have both issued apologies to the Black community over the CDC’s MMR cover-up. Dr. Hooker legally recorded conversations with CDC lead scientist Dr. William Thompson regarding the fraudulent vaccine studies. The CDC has billions at stake annually that it will lose if the truth is widely known. Dr. Thompson was directly told to lie but stepped forward after ten years of being forced to lie.
The MMR vaccine is not what it seems. Dr. Hooker revealed that there is a false claims lawsuit brought by two of Mercs efficacy testers of the MMR vaccine against Merc, the manufacturer in the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. According to these scientists, Merc engaged in fraudulent testing and data falsification to hide the vaccines diminished efficacy. The suit by the testers claims that, because of the fraudulent testing, the MMR vaccine does not provide the public with adequate immunization. They stated that the vaccine contributed to the recent outbreaks last year. Merc tried to get the lawsuit dismissed but the court denied Merc's motion to dismiss and the case is now in the discovery phase. On the schedule, there are 13 vaccines that have never been studied and have never been looked at. Under SB 277, children will be required to be vaccinated with vaccines never checked out for safety. Dr. Hooker said, "I just don't feel like having my grandson participate in a grand science experiment."
Dr. Hooker noted that medical exemptions are rare and extremely difficult to obtain. He stated that prior seizures from the vaccine or deaths of siblings from the vaccine don't qualify as reasons for a medical exemption. The homeschooling exception is economic discrimination in view of the need for both parents to work in low income areas.
All 159 of those who got measles from the Disneyland outbreak recovered with no complications. At the same time, there were over 300 vaccine injuries and one vaccine death. The vaccine was significantly more dangerous to the recipients than the measles, itself.
Stating that he wanted safe vaccines that protect children, Dr. Hooker noted, "You don't call someone who advocates for safe automobiles anti-car. Similarly it's ridiculous to call somebody who advocates for safer vaccines, more effective vaccines and to protect children, to ever call them anti-vaccine.” As they areboth pro-vaccine, Kennedy and Hooker would like to see the pharmaceutical industry work to make safe vaccines. When asked for if there was a safe vaccine, the answer from these experts was that currently there is no safe vaccine.
Dr, Hooker noted that the truth needs to come out. He also has personal experience with the tragedy of the unsafe vaccines. Dr. Hooker's son was severely vaccine-injured at 15 months of age. At 17 years of age, despite all his advances and accomplishments, the son is still non-verbal and uses an I-Pod to communicate.
The MMR vaccine is not what it seems. Dr. Hooker revealed that there is a false claims lawsuit brought by two of Mercs efficacy testers of the MMR vaccine against Merc, the manufacturer in the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. According to these scientists, Merc engaged in fraudulent testing and data falsification to hide the vaccines diminished efficacy. The suit by the testers claims that, because of the fraudulent testing, the MMR vaccine does not provide the public with adequate immunization. They stated that the vaccine contributed to the recent outbreaks last year. Merc tried to get the lawsuit dismissed but the court denied Merc's motion to dismiss and the case is now in the discovery phase. On the schedule, there are 13 vaccines that have never been studied and have never been looked at. Under SB 277, children will be required to be vaccinated with vaccines never checked out for safety. Dr. Hooker said, "I just don't feel like having my grandson participate in a grand science experiment."
Dr. Hooker noted that medical exemptions are rare and extremely difficult to obtain. He stated that prior seizures from the vaccine or deaths of siblings from the vaccine don't qualify as reasons for a medical exemption. The homeschooling exception is economic discrimination in view of the need for both parents to work in low income areas.
All 159 of those who got measles from the Disneyland outbreak recovered with no complications. At the same time, there were over 300 vaccine injuries and one vaccine death. The vaccine was significantly more dangerous to the recipients than the measles, itself.
Stating that he wanted safe vaccines that protect children, Dr. Hooker noted, "You don't call someone who advocates for safe automobiles anti-car. Similarly it's ridiculous to call somebody who advocates for safer vaccines, more effective vaccines and to protect children, to ever call them anti-vaccine.” As they areboth pro-vaccine, Kennedy and Hooker would like to see the pharmaceutical industry work to make safe vaccines. When asked for if there was a safe vaccine, the answer from these experts was that currently there is no safe vaccine.
Dr, Hooker noted that the truth needs to come out. He also has personal experience with the tragedy of the unsafe vaccines. Dr. Hooker's son was severely vaccine-injured at 15 months of age. At 17 years of age, despite all his advances and accomplishments, the son is still non-verbal and uses an I-Pod to communicate.

Trace Amounts director Eric Gladen, who has worked to educate audiences on the dangers of vaccines, received a standing ovation. Other film makers were present as well.
Reverend Muhammed said the film artists were more receptive than California's legislators, some of whom he described as arrogant. According to the Sacramento Bee and speakers at the event, the states leaders have been purchased. However, efforts are still being made to encourage Assembly members to oppose the bill. A petition has been circulated to ask Jerry Brown to veto the bill.
Women have been under attack from leaders who are pushing mandatory vaccinations. Kennedy has found the insulting names proponents of SB 277 have called concerned mothers to be offensive and untrue. He has spoken of admiringly of how the women opposing mandatory vaccinations are well-educated and include professionals: doctors, lawyers and scientists. At the meeting, Reverend Muhammed showed respect for the women in attendance, asking for men who were seated to give up their seats to women who had had to stand due to the large crowd in attendance. Expressing concern for women, Dr. Hooker stated that vaccines should NEVER be given to pregnant women.
Tuskegee and the vaccine racism are not America's only use of African-Americans and other minorities as guinea pigs. Government-sponstored racist experimentation included the documented use of mustard gas.
Reverend Muhammed said the film artists were more receptive than California's legislators, some of whom he described as arrogant. According to the Sacramento Bee and speakers at the event, the states leaders have been purchased. However, efforts are still being made to encourage Assembly members to oppose the bill. A petition has been circulated to ask Jerry Brown to veto the bill.
Women have been under attack from leaders who are pushing mandatory vaccinations. Kennedy has found the insulting names proponents of SB 277 have called concerned mothers to be offensive and untrue. He has spoken of admiringly of how the women opposing mandatory vaccinations are well-educated and include professionals: doctors, lawyers and scientists. At the meeting, Reverend Muhammed showed respect for the women in attendance, asking for men who were seated to give up their seats to women who had had to stand due to the large crowd in attendance. Expressing concern for women, Dr. Hooker stated that vaccines should NEVER be given to pregnant women.
Tuskegee and the vaccine racism are not America's only use of African-Americans and other minorities as guinea pigs. Government-sponstored racist experimentation included the documented use of mustard gas.
At least eight separate experimental programs in the United States focused specifically on Japanese American and African American soldiers and one focused on testing Puerto Ricans on an island off Panama. The researchers were searching for evidence of race-based differences in the responses of the human body to mustard gas exposure. No differences were found. - -The New York Academy of Medicine

Quoting Reverend Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Muhammed said, "When they come at your children, that's a declaration of war."
Some additional hope has come in the form of Senator Isadore Hall. Though Senator Hall has already voted on the bill, he asked Reverend Muhammed to bring Kennedy and Hooker to see him and told Reverend Muhammed that if they presented him with the very information presented at this meeting, he would be willing to write a letter to California Governor Jerry Brown asking Brown NOT to sign SB 277 into law.
Some additional hope has come in the form of Senator Isadore Hall. Though Senator Hall has already voted on the bill, he asked Reverend Muhammed to bring Kennedy and Hooker to see him and told Reverend Muhammed that if they presented him with the very information presented at this meeting, he would be willing to write a letter to California Governor Jerry Brown asking Brown NOT to sign SB 277 into law.