U.S. Citizens Stand Firmly
in Support of
Maduro Government
February 25, 2019

On February 22-24 across America, rallies in support of the democratically elected Government of Venezuela were held in hundreds of cities. Millions in U.S. are standing in support of Nicolas Maduro, the most legitimately and democratically elected leader in the world, according to the Jimmy Carter and international election monitors. While millions of U.S. citizens are standing with Maduro, Google continues to censor real news in favor of Donald Trump’s white supremacist coup, fronted by regime change alleged terrorist Juan Guaido. In these rallies, Americans asked why Guaido hasn’t been arrested for terrorism, for encouraging violence against the Venezuelan people and for his supporters burning Maduro supporters to death.
In the Los Angeles area, multiple rallies were held. Internationally renowned journalist Abby Martin attended two of these rallies and spoke at one on the steps of the Los Angeles City Hall. Here is a video of Abby Martin, who has been in Venezuela doing extensive research, speaking at the City Hall. Other speakers there included various Spanish speakers and Jim Lafferty of the National Lawyers Guild.
In the Los Angeles area, multiple rallies were held. Internationally renowned journalist Abby Martin attended two of these rallies and spoke at one on the steps of the Los Angeles City Hall. Here is a video of Abby Martin, who has been in Venezuela doing extensive research, speaking at the City Hall. Other speakers there included various Spanish speakers and Jim Lafferty of the National Lawyers Guild.
Greg Palast has called the coup, fronted by American-backed and regime-change educated Juan Guaido, a white supremacist coup.
“Four centuries of white supremacy in Venezuela by those who identify their ancestors as European came to an end with the 1998 election of Hugo Chavez who won with the overwhelming support of the Mestizo majority. This turn away from white supremacy continues under Maduro, Chavez’ chosen successor.
“Many in the US have never heard this story of race war in Venezuela (and war is what it is), as the US press does not recognize its own racial bias. In 2002, as today, the massive demonstrations of the whiter Venezuelans were reported as evidence that Chavez was wildly unpopular. Yet, the day after each anti-Chavez march, I would witness and film the pro-Chavez demonstrations that flooded Caracas with an ocean of nearly half a million marchers, overwhelmingly poor Mestizos, that received little or no coverage in the US press.”

It is interesting that the US official press and now Google are pretending the millions of supporters of Chavez and now Maduro do not exist. The press and American leaders are telling the millions of Venezuelan voters who backed Maduro by close to a 70% margin that their votes don't count as much as the wishes of American oil and war profiteers. Remember all those Berniecrats who sat out the election of 2016? The same media tried to pretend they didn’t exist either and so when Trump won because the Berniecrats sat out the 2016 election, the media and Democrats made up a now debunked story of Russian meddling in the election.
The truth that the masses know and the press will not acknowledge is that the U.S. Government has worked overtime to starve the Venezuelan people. It has blocked 16 million boxes of international aid while attempting to send its version of “humanitarian aid” in the form of weapons directed towards those who would kill supporters of the duly-elected Government. U.S. so-called "humanitarian" shipments have been opened and shown to contain “humanitarian” weapons. Earlier this week, Russia provided Venezuela with 300 tons of real humanitarian aid. Other countries who have supported the human rights of Venezuelans have also provided aid. The Red Cross has warned Venezuelans about U.S.aid, which they have characterized as “political” and NOT “humanitarian.” Also, check out this article showing the link between U.S. planes found to contain weapons shipments to Venezuela and the CIA “Black Site” renditions. "US Air Freight Company That Smuggled Weapons Into Venezuela Linked To CIA “Black Site” Renditions” Another important article is Truthdig's "The U.S.-Venezuela Aid Convoy Story Is Clearly Bogus, but No One Wants to Say It." As Venezuela listened to the Red Cross in refusing to let in the aid, the opposition set fire to the aid.
Among the various rallies held over the weekend were a couple in Santa Monica at the pier and at the Spirit Awards near the pier. Boots Riley and Laura Dern gave the pro-Maduro supporters thumbs up support. A number of other film stars did as well. Abby Martin joined the event and was present as the crowd chanted, “No blood for oil” and “U.S. out of Venezuela.”
Now, look at Google for information on the millions supporting Maduro around the country. While photos were posted on Facebook, references on articles on the rallies in support of Maduro were suppressed by Google and other search engines, intent on making their war profiteering supporters happy.
The truth that the masses know and the press will not acknowledge is that the U.S. Government has worked overtime to starve the Venezuelan people. It has blocked 16 million boxes of international aid while attempting to send its version of “humanitarian aid” in the form of weapons directed towards those who would kill supporters of the duly-elected Government. U.S. so-called "humanitarian" shipments have been opened and shown to contain “humanitarian” weapons. Earlier this week, Russia provided Venezuela with 300 tons of real humanitarian aid. Other countries who have supported the human rights of Venezuelans have also provided aid. The Red Cross has warned Venezuelans about U.S.aid, which they have characterized as “political” and NOT “humanitarian.” Also, check out this article showing the link between U.S. planes found to contain weapons shipments to Venezuela and the CIA “Black Site” renditions. "US Air Freight Company That Smuggled Weapons Into Venezuela Linked To CIA “Black Site” Renditions” Another important article is Truthdig's "The U.S.-Venezuela Aid Convoy Story Is Clearly Bogus, but No One Wants to Say It." As Venezuela listened to the Red Cross in refusing to let in the aid, the opposition set fire to the aid.
Among the various rallies held over the weekend were a couple in Santa Monica at the pier and at the Spirit Awards near the pier. Boots Riley and Laura Dern gave the pro-Maduro supporters thumbs up support. A number of other film stars did as well. Abby Martin joined the event and was present as the crowd chanted, “No blood for oil” and “U.S. out of Venezuela.”
Now, look at Google for information on the millions supporting Maduro around the country. While photos were posted on Facebook, references on articles on the rallies in support of Maduro were suppressed by Google and other search engines, intent on making their war profiteering supporters happy.