Bernie Wins Unprecedented Victory in Michigan as the North Prepares to Defeat the Confederacy Again

March 8, 2016. Michigan. All the polls said Michiganders would vote against their interests and Bernie Sanders would lose Michigan by a large margin to Hillary Clinton, the candidate who sent Michigan's jobs to Mexico and Asia and voted to gut the Clean Water Act by deregulating MTBE, actively promoted fracking and whitewashed the poisons her corporate donors were using pollute the Flint River. But surprise, surprise, Michiganders said an emphatic "NO" to voting against themselves. The voters showed up in record numbers to gave Bernie Sanders a decisive victory. The extent to which the polls were wrong shocked newscasters, who called the victory an unprecedented upset.
The odds were dramatically in Clinton's favor. The major media outlets, controlled by six corporations that are backing Clinton, insisted Sanders didn't have a chance and ran attack stories misrepresenting his record. Some ran multiple Sanders attack articles in the final day. Among these was the Washington Post, which is run by the top 1% and backing Clinton. Seemingly frightened by Sanders's Super-weekend victories (Kansas, Nebraska, Maine), it ran 16 misleading and incorrect stories designed to discourage voters from supporting Sanders.
Though the corporate media waited until the last minute to call the race, Bernie Sanders was ahead and winning by a sizable margin all through the vote-counting. Major networks which had insisted Sanders could not win were reluctant to call themselves wrong---even when the votes coming in told them Sanders was heading to a sure victory. Never before had their polls been so wrong. The polling was way off in Kansas but nothing like that in Michigan. Much of the problem with the polling has been push polling, used to influence the vote. The voters have stopped buying the push.
In recent elections (Kansas, Minnesota, Vermont, Maine and now Michigan) where Sanders has won, there have been unprecedented turnouts. This is largely thanks to Millennials who do not want to be forced into debt for their education and who want the jobs to stay in the United States. Millennials do not want a poisoned planet. Polling has shown that education is a major factor affecting the voting in another way. Exit polls showed that college students and those with higher education were mostly supporting Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton while high-school drop-outs and people who have lower literacy levels were more likely to support Hillary Clinton. While Sanders has won numerous Northern and Midwestern states by landslide margins or decisive victories, close votes in three states are under investigation due to videos and evidence of vote tampering and vote fraud on the part of the Clinton campaign. A petition calling for the arrest of Bill Clinton for voting law violations in Massachusetts has over 113,000 Democratic signatures. Sanders has done better than expected everywhere outside the Deep South and Clinton is doing much worse than the polls and her proponents had expected.
Getting an education has been a serious problem in the Deep South where white supremacists have worked to deny particularly Blacks a quality education. Large percentages of Blacks in places like Mississippi and Louisiana live in extreme poverty, having limited or no access to the Internet to acquire accurate information. The News Media has been hyping Clinton as their candidate--in spite of Clinton's dismal record with respect to civil rights. Because Hillary Clinton has promoted and profited from mass incarceration and from militarizing the police and has prominently promoted the death penalty, it has struck observers as odd that the South has been so supportive of Hillary. But then the South executed Troy Davis and is home to the School of the Americas, a training ground for torture in Latin American countries. With mass incarceration and disenfranchisement of Black voters high in the South and with Clinton's longtime support for the Confederate Battle flag, many experts believe that much of her Southern vote in reality comes from white racists, voting alongside those Blacks the corporate media has been able to deceive about her record on race relations. American educators on government and history, professors such as Robert Reich, teach that Bernie Sanders is the Civil Rights candidate, having marched with Martin Luther King and having been arrested for supporting equal rights for Blacks, something Clinton officially opposed at the same time. She listened to King but then supported re-segregation. There is a widespread belief that Clinton opposes free college as an uneducated public is a more gullible and controllable public.
The odds were dramatically in Clinton's favor. The major media outlets, controlled by six corporations that are backing Clinton, insisted Sanders didn't have a chance and ran attack stories misrepresenting his record. Some ran multiple Sanders attack articles in the final day. Among these was the Washington Post, which is run by the top 1% and backing Clinton. Seemingly frightened by Sanders's Super-weekend victories (Kansas, Nebraska, Maine), it ran 16 misleading and incorrect stories designed to discourage voters from supporting Sanders.
Though the corporate media waited until the last minute to call the race, Bernie Sanders was ahead and winning by a sizable margin all through the vote-counting. Major networks which had insisted Sanders could not win were reluctant to call themselves wrong---even when the votes coming in told them Sanders was heading to a sure victory. Never before had their polls been so wrong. The polling was way off in Kansas but nothing like that in Michigan. Much of the problem with the polling has been push polling, used to influence the vote. The voters have stopped buying the push.
In recent elections (Kansas, Minnesota, Vermont, Maine and now Michigan) where Sanders has won, there have been unprecedented turnouts. This is largely thanks to Millennials who do not want to be forced into debt for their education and who want the jobs to stay in the United States. Millennials do not want a poisoned planet. Polling has shown that education is a major factor affecting the voting in another way. Exit polls showed that college students and those with higher education were mostly supporting Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton while high-school drop-outs and people who have lower literacy levels were more likely to support Hillary Clinton. While Sanders has won numerous Northern and Midwestern states by landslide margins or decisive victories, close votes in three states are under investigation due to videos and evidence of vote tampering and vote fraud on the part of the Clinton campaign. A petition calling for the arrest of Bill Clinton for voting law violations in Massachusetts has over 113,000 Democratic signatures. Sanders has done better than expected everywhere outside the Deep South and Clinton is doing much worse than the polls and her proponents had expected.
Getting an education has been a serious problem in the Deep South where white supremacists have worked to deny particularly Blacks a quality education. Large percentages of Blacks in places like Mississippi and Louisiana live in extreme poverty, having limited or no access to the Internet to acquire accurate information. The News Media has been hyping Clinton as their candidate--in spite of Clinton's dismal record with respect to civil rights. Because Hillary Clinton has promoted and profited from mass incarceration and from militarizing the police and has prominently promoted the death penalty, it has struck observers as odd that the South has been so supportive of Hillary. But then the South executed Troy Davis and is home to the School of the Americas, a training ground for torture in Latin American countries. With mass incarceration and disenfranchisement of Black voters high in the South and with Clinton's longtime support for the Confederate Battle flag, many experts believe that much of her Southern vote in reality comes from white racists, voting alongside those Blacks the corporate media has been able to deceive about her record on race relations. American educators on government and history, professors such as Robert Reich, teach that Bernie Sanders is the Civil Rights candidate, having marched with Martin Luther King and having been arrested for supporting equal rights for Blacks, something Clinton officially opposed at the same time. She listened to King but then supported re-segregation. There is a widespread belief that Clinton opposes free college as an uneducated public is a more gullible and controllable public.

Americans are looking at the map and questioning whether Hillary can win votes in the Midwest and other areas where the population isn't kept in ignorance. Polls show that most Republican candidates will beat her in a general election while Sanders would defeat all Republicans, according to those same polls.
Eric Garner's daughter Erica has done a video supporting Sanders. The attorney representing Trayvon Martin's family, and a rising number of African-American Civil Rights Activists have come on board Bernie's campaign. Hillary Clinton's security detail bodily removed a paying Black Rights Matter Activist from one of her meetings on video. Some see it as only a matter of time before those who have not had the advantage of ready access to information about the candidates learn the truth and join the leaders of the civil rights movement in backing Bernie Sanders. At that point, Clinton's support from the South may well be limited to those who backed Goldwater in 1964. Since Clinton's hero Barry Goldwater ran on an anti-civil-rights platform, the Democrats have only won the Presidency by defeating the South in the general election. Polls show, that with Bernie Sanders as the nominee, the South will again be defeated by the North.
Eric Garner's daughter Erica has done a video supporting Sanders. The attorney representing Trayvon Martin's family, and a rising number of African-American Civil Rights Activists have come on board Bernie's campaign. Hillary Clinton's security detail bodily removed a paying Black Rights Matter Activist from one of her meetings on video. Some see it as only a matter of time before those who have not had the advantage of ready access to information about the candidates learn the truth and join the leaders of the civil rights movement in backing Bernie Sanders. At that point, Clinton's support from the South may well be limited to those who backed Goldwater in 1964. Since Clinton's hero Barry Goldwater ran on an anti-civil-rights platform, the Democrats have only won the Presidency by defeating the South in the general election. Polls show, that with Bernie Sanders as the nominee, the South will again be defeated by the North.