The True Left Rises Up

January 24, 2022. Op-Ed:
“We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”-Franklin Delano Roosevelt, First Inaugural Speech, 1933.
“Our unalterable resolution should be to be free.”- 1776, Samuel Adams (Leader of the Boston Tea Party).
“You will never know how much it cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.” – 1777, John Adams, Second President and co-author of the Declaration of Independence.
“Is life so dear as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” – 1775, Patrick Henry.
“Nobody’s free until everybody’s free.” - 1971, Fannie Lou Hamer.
True leftists handle their fear, refuse to wear chains, and fight for the right of ALL to be FREE. They are never afraid to go up to strangers and give them a hug or greet them warmly. What true leftists want is for everyone to live freely in peace, and have what they need. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Malcolm Little and Martin Luther King, Jr., showed no fear for their own safety as they fought for freedom and rights for everyone.
In spite of personal danger, John Fitzgerald Kennedy gave orders to end the war in Vietnam, disband the CIA and eliminate the Federal Reserve. After his death, all these orders were reversed by faux leftists. Back then, real leftists were not fooled and marched and protested against the LBJ and RMN Administrations, which took the country on a different course. Knowing his life was at risk, the late Robert Francis Kennedy was on his way to being elected President on a platform of peace and human rights. Even though he was struck down by those wanting to reset the norms for the country, his spirit continues on in those who believe in the principles of freedom, peace and human rights. Bobby’s son RFK, Jr., is continuing his father's fight in his own work to protect the environment and save the lives of children.
Other human rights superstars have arisen over the years. These include Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney, Cindy Sheehan and many others, who have been willing to risk it all for what they believe in. These leaders are still fighting for freedom and human rights for all and not just for some.
Standing up against human rights are faux progressives (authoritarian lefties) who spread messages of hate, fear and cruelty. These lockdown lefties have taken over the mainstream media, most of our government and the large social media platforms that are working with the government to suppress the rights of the people. These haters of human rights and The Constitution have denied the true left even freedom of speech and of the press. Who in our government or the mass media has stood up to demand the release of the great heroic journalist Julian Assange?
To have an effect on our government at the ballot box, votes would have to matter to our government and this has not been the case in a very long time. Faux progressives and totalitarians have fixed elections to prevent true progressive candidates from appearing to win elections. While faux leftists demand that questionable elections be unquestioned, true leftists support fair and transparent elections and election audits.
In 2001, Congressional heroes walked out of Congress to oppose the seating of Bush’s Florida electors and in 2005, massive progressive crowds gathered outside the U.S. Capitol, eager to overturn the electoral college results and to demand that Kerry’s rather than Bush’s Ohio electors be allowed to decide the election outcomes. They had the support of many members of the House of Representatives and of Barbara Boxer in the U.S. Senate. Nobody called the progressives who were there to overturn supposed election results insurrectionists, or have the progressive Capitol election protesters arrested, or demanded the removal of Boxer’s privileges or those of now deceased former Representative Stephanie Tubbs-Jones. The turning of the tables on the American integrity activists last January and the denial to them of basic Constitutional rights was unprecedented and the true left does not condone the attack on human rights and voting rights and Constitutional rights ushered in that day and thereafter.
If you attend a freedom rally, you will discover that a significant portion of the participants have been longtime progressive Democrats or Greens, but unlike faux progressives who support a racist President, these genuine progressives have remained true to their principles. That is why, to protect the rights of all, true progressives are willing to risk hatred from family and friends caught up in a mass narrative of fear and hatred. Real progressives are even risking arrest and refusing to surrender to threats against their income and ability to eat because they know that history will look harshly on all who fail to stand firm against violations of the Nuremberg Code. True progressives refuse to hate their fellow Americans.
No true progressive would ever support a mandate that would deprive others of employment or food or serve to segregate society. True progressives have fought too hard and too long for equality and human rights to support rights for some and not others.
“All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.”—1945, George Orwell (Eric Blair), Animal Farm.
The faux progressives (the authoritarian lefties) believe that some humans are more deserving than others of employment, of medical care, of food and of the freedom to go into public buildings and events. These faux progressives are into hate and death and have already cost too many Americans their lives. These haters might one day learn not to hate but in the meantime, one of the things they hate is the Constitution of the United States. California has a Constitution too but authoritarian lefties have tried to negate it as well.
The lockdown lefties want real progressives to believe they are alone but real progressives are the majority. In spite of lockdowns and cruel impediments to those wanting to travel, tens of thousands made it to Washington D.C. for the “Defeat the Mandates” event on January 23rd. On that day, top doctors presented the truth about the current healthcare situation and two prominent lifelong true progressives (Del Bigtree and Robert Kennedy, Jr.,) carried the legacy of JFK, FDR, RFK, Sr., Fannie Lou Hamer and the founders of this country in standing up for equality and human rights.
The true left knows it’s not alone. But only by uniting can the true left defeat the continuing violations of human rights being orchestrated by the U.S. Government and it’s companions in the pharmaceutical companies. The haters want to re-institute slavery and have forgotten that there is a Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution forbidding slavery. That is our future---slavery---if the entire true left does not proudly stand up together and take to the streets now and keep standing up until all Americans are free.
We must not let those who died in the last few years because of a lie be forgotten. We must not let their deaths be in vain. The left is rising up and it must band together, make it's voice heard over the censorship against a narrative of lies, and defeat the tyranny.
“We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”-Franklin Delano Roosevelt, First Inaugural Speech, 1933.
“Our unalterable resolution should be to be free.”- 1776, Samuel Adams (Leader of the Boston Tea Party).
“You will never know how much it cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.” – 1777, John Adams, Second President and co-author of the Declaration of Independence.
“Is life so dear as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” – 1775, Patrick Henry.
“Nobody’s free until everybody’s free.” - 1971, Fannie Lou Hamer.
True leftists handle their fear, refuse to wear chains, and fight for the right of ALL to be FREE. They are never afraid to go up to strangers and give them a hug or greet them warmly. What true leftists want is for everyone to live freely in peace, and have what they need. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Malcolm Little and Martin Luther King, Jr., showed no fear for their own safety as they fought for freedom and rights for everyone.
In spite of personal danger, John Fitzgerald Kennedy gave orders to end the war in Vietnam, disband the CIA and eliminate the Federal Reserve. After his death, all these orders were reversed by faux leftists. Back then, real leftists were not fooled and marched and protested against the LBJ and RMN Administrations, which took the country on a different course. Knowing his life was at risk, the late Robert Francis Kennedy was on his way to being elected President on a platform of peace and human rights. Even though he was struck down by those wanting to reset the norms for the country, his spirit continues on in those who believe in the principles of freedom, peace and human rights. Bobby’s son RFK, Jr., is continuing his father's fight in his own work to protect the environment and save the lives of children.
Other human rights superstars have arisen over the years. These include Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney, Cindy Sheehan and many others, who have been willing to risk it all for what they believe in. These leaders are still fighting for freedom and human rights for all and not just for some.
Standing up against human rights are faux progressives (authoritarian lefties) who spread messages of hate, fear and cruelty. These lockdown lefties have taken over the mainstream media, most of our government and the large social media platforms that are working with the government to suppress the rights of the people. These haters of human rights and The Constitution have denied the true left even freedom of speech and of the press. Who in our government or the mass media has stood up to demand the release of the great heroic journalist Julian Assange?
To have an effect on our government at the ballot box, votes would have to matter to our government and this has not been the case in a very long time. Faux progressives and totalitarians have fixed elections to prevent true progressive candidates from appearing to win elections. While faux leftists demand that questionable elections be unquestioned, true leftists support fair and transparent elections and election audits.
In 2001, Congressional heroes walked out of Congress to oppose the seating of Bush’s Florida electors and in 2005, massive progressive crowds gathered outside the U.S. Capitol, eager to overturn the electoral college results and to demand that Kerry’s rather than Bush’s Ohio electors be allowed to decide the election outcomes. They had the support of many members of the House of Representatives and of Barbara Boxer in the U.S. Senate. Nobody called the progressives who were there to overturn supposed election results insurrectionists, or have the progressive Capitol election protesters arrested, or demanded the removal of Boxer’s privileges or those of now deceased former Representative Stephanie Tubbs-Jones. The turning of the tables on the American integrity activists last January and the denial to them of basic Constitutional rights was unprecedented and the true left does not condone the attack on human rights and voting rights and Constitutional rights ushered in that day and thereafter.
If you attend a freedom rally, you will discover that a significant portion of the participants have been longtime progressive Democrats or Greens, but unlike faux progressives who support a racist President, these genuine progressives have remained true to their principles. That is why, to protect the rights of all, true progressives are willing to risk hatred from family and friends caught up in a mass narrative of fear and hatred. Real progressives are even risking arrest and refusing to surrender to threats against their income and ability to eat because they know that history will look harshly on all who fail to stand firm against violations of the Nuremberg Code. True progressives refuse to hate their fellow Americans.
No true progressive would ever support a mandate that would deprive others of employment or food or serve to segregate society. True progressives have fought too hard and too long for equality and human rights to support rights for some and not others.
“All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.”—1945, George Orwell (Eric Blair), Animal Farm.
The faux progressives (the authoritarian lefties) believe that some humans are more deserving than others of employment, of medical care, of food and of the freedom to go into public buildings and events. These faux progressives are into hate and death and have already cost too many Americans their lives. These haters might one day learn not to hate but in the meantime, one of the things they hate is the Constitution of the United States. California has a Constitution too but authoritarian lefties have tried to negate it as well.
The lockdown lefties want real progressives to believe they are alone but real progressives are the majority. In spite of lockdowns and cruel impediments to those wanting to travel, tens of thousands made it to Washington D.C. for the “Defeat the Mandates” event on January 23rd. On that day, top doctors presented the truth about the current healthcare situation and two prominent lifelong true progressives (Del Bigtree and Robert Kennedy, Jr.,) carried the legacy of JFK, FDR, RFK, Sr., Fannie Lou Hamer and the founders of this country in standing up for equality and human rights.
The true left knows it’s not alone. But only by uniting can the true left defeat the continuing violations of human rights being orchestrated by the U.S. Government and it’s companions in the pharmaceutical companies. The haters want to re-institute slavery and have forgotten that there is a Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution forbidding slavery. That is our future---slavery---if the entire true left does not proudly stand up together and take to the streets now and keep standing up until all Americans are free.
We must not let those who died in the last few years because of a lie be forgotten. We must not let their deaths be in vain. The left is rising up and it must band together, make it's voice heard over the censorship against a narrative of lies, and defeat the tyranny.