Bernie Sanders is Still in the Race
and Going for the Win

April 26, 2016. After winning 10 of the last 15 state contests, Bernie Sanders is not about to let a little or rather a lot of election fraud keep him from winning the Presidency for the people. While his opponent is running for herself, Bernie is running for 300 million people.
The main obstacle Bernie has had in this primary season is fighting election fraud. Many of his supporters feel that his biggest fault is not calling his opponent Hillary Clinton on the fraud when it is clear from the evidence that she has been the clear benefactor of the fraud and has had the opportunity to fix the votes believed to have been rigged.
In Chicago, it was discovered that one precinct flipped the vote, costing Sanders 18% and the victory. This does not accidentally happen. Vote-flipping happens because someone puts a program in the computer that flips the vote. This can be done in a matter of seconds. Watch the videos at the end of this article for more information.
In Arizona, Sanders voter preference databases were hacked and surprisingly or not so surprisingly it was those identified as Sanders supporters whose voters registrations were altered to make them ineligible to vote. There were enough disenfranchised Democrats to give Sanders a victory there. This disenfranchisement was coupled with the closure of the vast majority of polling places. The fraud was so bad that the Arizona voters want a revote since hundreds of thousands of Arizona voters consider it an invalid election.
In New York, the fraud was more extensive. Sanders voters were sent voter information from the Board of Elections with the wrong date for the election. After receiving $6.6 million dollars from a Clinton delegate for an almost worthless piece of property, a Brooklyn election official removed 126,000 registered Democrats from the voters roles, making them ineligible to vote. Coincidentally or not so coincidentally, these were also voters listed in the Sanders database as Sanders supporters. Similar purges happened throughout the state but the most extensive ones happened in New York City, resulting in the appearance of a Clinton victory, there. Polling places favoring Sanders were cut by 6 hours. Those in Clinton-supporting areas did not have their hours cut. Voters watched as the computer switched their votes from Sanders to Clinton, finding it impossible to have a vote for Sanders stick to the electronic ballot in some places. Other polling places were closed in precincts favoring Sanders and the voters had to go elsewhere for provisional ballots, which have not been counted yet. Still Sanders won 50 of the 62 counties in New York State. The election results are not considered valid by the New York voters, who continue to protest. The fraud was so extensive that the New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is officially investigating. Voters were dismayed to learn that he has ties to Hillary Clinton and that the New York Comptroller Scott Stringer, who is conducting the audit of the voting irregularities, is also one of Clinton's delegates. In other words, both the New York City Attorney General and the New York City Comptroller appear to have a conflict of interest. Most voters fear the investigation and audit will be complete shams.
Clinton has been accused of election law violations in various others states. A petition that acquired over 100,000 signatures within a day, called for the immediate arrest of Clinton's husband for election law violations. Other petitions call Bill Clinton's arrest or for an investigation, including a petition for a United Nations investigation. There have also been number petitions calling for U.N. monitors to restore the integrity of the vote.
By taking the "higher road" and not outright accusing Clinton of fraud, Sanders allowed Clinton-supporting networks to erroneously claim the outcome was a victory for her and question his electability, causing some apathy prior to the vote of today, April 26th. Some of Sander's supporters feel his failure to address what appeared to be intentional fraud is part of the reason that fraud is continuing.
The Sanders supporters were hit with more fraud the evening before April 26th, as Clinton trolls, paid a million dollars, posted child pornography on pro-Sanders Facebook pages and then reported the inappropriate content they, themselves had posted, to Facebook.The Clinton trolls managed to have 15 Sanders pages taken down. These pages cumulatively represented over three-quarters of a million Facebook members. Hours later, the Sanders supporters were able to get most but not all of their pages back. Spamming an opponent's supporters with pornography may have been a trick learned from George W. Bush. On December 12, 2000 as the Supreme Court decision was coming in, Bush's team in Texas sent a pornographic email to a 9 year old female Al Gore supporter and faked it to make it look like it had come from Jesse Jackson, Sr. The email was the subject of an FBI investigation until John Ashcroft became Attorney General. While Ashcroft would never have acted against Bush, current Attorney General Loretta Lynch, whose law firm is tied to Hillary Clinton, has been unwilling to concede to reported FBI demands that she pursue a criminal case against Hillary Clinton.
The main obstacle Bernie has had in this primary season is fighting election fraud. Many of his supporters feel that his biggest fault is not calling his opponent Hillary Clinton on the fraud when it is clear from the evidence that she has been the clear benefactor of the fraud and has had the opportunity to fix the votes believed to have been rigged.
In Chicago, it was discovered that one precinct flipped the vote, costing Sanders 18% and the victory. This does not accidentally happen. Vote-flipping happens because someone puts a program in the computer that flips the vote. This can be done in a matter of seconds. Watch the videos at the end of this article for more information.
In Arizona, Sanders voter preference databases were hacked and surprisingly or not so surprisingly it was those identified as Sanders supporters whose voters registrations were altered to make them ineligible to vote. There were enough disenfranchised Democrats to give Sanders a victory there. This disenfranchisement was coupled with the closure of the vast majority of polling places. The fraud was so bad that the Arizona voters want a revote since hundreds of thousands of Arizona voters consider it an invalid election.
In New York, the fraud was more extensive. Sanders voters were sent voter information from the Board of Elections with the wrong date for the election. After receiving $6.6 million dollars from a Clinton delegate for an almost worthless piece of property, a Brooklyn election official removed 126,000 registered Democrats from the voters roles, making them ineligible to vote. Coincidentally or not so coincidentally, these were also voters listed in the Sanders database as Sanders supporters. Similar purges happened throughout the state but the most extensive ones happened in New York City, resulting in the appearance of a Clinton victory, there. Polling places favoring Sanders were cut by 6 hours. Those in Clinton-supporting areas did not have their hours cut. Voters watched as the computer switched their votes from Sanders to Clinton, finding it impossible to have a vote for Sanders stick to the electronic ballot in some places. Other polling places were closed in precincts favoring Sanders and the voters had to go elsewhere for provisional ballots, which have not been counted yet. Still Sanders won 50 of the 62 counties in New York State. The election results are not considered valid by the New York voters, who continue to protest. The fraud was so extensive that the New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is officially investigating. Voters were dismayed to learn that he has ties to Hillary Clinton and that the New York Comptroller Scott Stringer, who is conducting the audit of the voting irregularities, is also one of Clinton's delegates. In other words, both the New York City Attorney General and the New York City Comptroller appear to have a conflict of interest. Most voters fear the investigation and audit will be complete shams.
Clinton has been accused of election law violations in various others states. A petition that acquired over 100,000 signatures within a day, called for the immediate arrest of Clinton's husband for election law violations. Other petitions call Bill Clinton's arrest or for an investigation, including a petition for a United Nations investigation. There have also been number petitions calling for U.N. monitors to restore the integrity of the vote.
By taking the "higher road" and not outright accusing Clinton of fraud, Sanders allowed Clinton-supporting networks to erroneously claim the outcome was a victory for her and question his electability, causing some apathy prior to the vote of today, April 26th. Some of Sander's supporters feel his failure to address what appeared to be intentional fraud is part of the reason that fraud is continuing.
The Sanders supporters were hit with more fraud the evening before April 26th, as Clinton trolls, paid a million dollars, posted child pornography on pro-Sanders Facebook pages and then reported the inappropriate content they, themselves had posted, to Facebook.The Clinton trolls managed to have 15 Sanders pages taken down. These pages cumulatively represented over three-quarters of a million Facebook members. Hours later, the Sanders supporters were able to get most but not all of their pages back. Spamming an opponent's supporters with pornography may have been a trick learned from George W. Bush. On December 12, 2000 as the Supreme Court decision was coming in, Bush's team in Texas sent a pornographic email to a 9 year old female Al Gore supporter and faked it to make it look like it had come from Jesse Jackson, Sr. The email was the subject of an FBI investigation until John Ashcroft became Attorney General. While Ashcroft would never have acted against Bush, current Attorney General Loretta Lynch, whose law firm is tied to Hillary Clinton, has been unwilling to concede to reported FBI demands that she pursue a criminal case against Hillary Clinton.

The election fraud does not end there. Here is a photo of a ballot uploaded to Facebook by Monique L. Hayes who discovered Bernie Sanders was not listed as a choice on her Democratic Presidential ballot in Philadelphia. How was Sanders to win in places where he was not on the ballot?
In Rhode Island, a state where Bernie Sanders won by a sizable margin but was polled as likely to win much bigger, 2/3 of the polling places were closed. Bad weather made it difficult for Sanders voters to get to the small number of remaining precincts. This cut down the extent of his victory there.
In Maryland, where Clinton won, the outcome appear flipped. Polling done by the Justice Gazette showed that the vast majority of voters there were planning to vote for Sanders in numbers at least as high as the percentage obtained by Hillary Clinton, a typical indicator of vote flipping. The Clinton media polling numbers did not match how the voters told canvassers and independent pollsters they would vote, hinting to anyone checking that something odd was taking place there. As in Chicago, it would have taken less than a minute to insert a program to flip the votes.
More information is coming in on other states. However, it is know that, election rigging aside, Clinton pretended she hadn't approved a $4 million dollar sale for the Sandy Hook gunmaker while she Re-Sandy-Hooked Sanders by misportraying one of his votes. Sandy Hook was in Connecticut. The mass media, donors to the Clinton campaign, only projected Clinton's faulty version of the facts.
The amount of delegates lost in the April 26th contest, not finalized yet, will be relatively small compared to those available from the remaining races. The Clinton media continues to add in superdelgate votes as if they were automatically hers. However, she lost all of her superdelegate votes by the end, of the 2008 convention. Superdelegate votes can never be counted on for a victory.
Interestingly, nobody is talking about Clinton being finished when Sanders has climbed in the polls to the point where he is polling well ahead of Clinton in national polls and does better against all Republicans in all national polls. Nobody is asking Clinton to drop out over losing 2/3 of the last 15 races.
In Rhode Island, a state where Bernie Sanders won by a sizable margin but was polled as likely to win much bigger, 2/3 of the polling places were closed. Bad weather made it difficult for Sanders voters to get to the small number of remaining precincts. This cut down the extent of his victory there.
In Maryland, where Clinton won, the outcome appear flipped. Polling done by the Justice Gazette showed that the vast majority of voters there were planning to vote for Sanders in numbers at least as high as the percentage obtained by Hillary Clinton, a typical indicator of vote flipping. The Clinton media polling numbers did not match how the voters told canvassers and independent pollsters they would vote, hinting to anyone checking that something odd was taking place there. As in Chicago, it would have taken less than a minute to insert a program to flip the votes.
More information is coming in on other states. However, it is know that, election rigging aside, Clinton pretended she hadn't approved a $4 million dollar sale for the Sandy Hook gunmaker while she Re-Sandy-Hooked Sanders by misportraying one of his votes. Sandy Hook was in Connecticut. The mass media, donors to the Clinton campaign, only projected Clinton's faulty version of the facts.
The amount of delegates lost in the April 26th contest, not finalized yet, will be relatively small compared to those available from the remaining races. The Clinton media continues to add in superdelgate votes as if they were automatically hers. However, she lost all of her superdelegate votes by the end, of the 2008 convention. Superdelegate votes can never be counted on for a victory.
Interestingly, nobody is talking about Clinton being finished when Sanders has climbed in the polls to the point where he is polling well ahead of Clinton in national polls and does better against all Republicans in all national polls. Nobody is asking Clinton to drop out over losing 2/3 of the last 15 races.

California, Indiana and Oregon and various other states could turn things around for Sanders. However, the Clinton media is doing its best to pretend the race is over so as to discourage voters in upcoming states from voting for Sanders.
California has been found to have a problem that Sanders may have to deal with. Several articles have reported that Clinton supporters have infiltrated the California Sanders caucuses, some even running in slates. The Clinton delegates running for Sanders slots are spending a lot of money on ads and flyers according to the news stories. So caucus goers are being urged to vet each candidate, individually. The Sanders campaign has not endorsed any slates or candidates for delegate slots.
Other problems of likely rigging have being discovered in the upcoming states. Voters are encouraged to check their registrations before deadlines to make sure there has been no tampering. A significant number of voters across the United States have found their registrations altered.
It has become apparent to Sanders supporters that the longer Sanders takes to call Clinton on the seemingly obvious election fraud, the more fraud that will take place.
[Watch the following youtube videos about the ease of election and the final video about a Sanders voter finding an election law violation favoring Clinton at a Pennsylvania polling place. Fist: Hacking Democracy, uploaded by Ahamo, Second: Uncounted-Chris Curtis: Million Dollar Programmer, uploaded by Uncounted the Movie, Third, WV Vote Flipping Caught on Tape, uploaded by Video the Vote, and the Fourth: Problems Inside PA Polling Station 4/26/16 Philadelphia Democratic Primary Bernie Sanders, uploaded by Collectibully.]
California has been found to have a problem that Sanders may have to deal with. Several articles have reported that Clinton supporters have infiltrated the California Sanders caucuses, some even running in slates. The Clinton delegates running for Sanders slots are spending a lot of money on ads and flyers according to the news stories. So caucus goers are being urged to vet each candidate, individually. The Sanders campaign has not endorsed any slates or candidates for delegate slots.
Other problems of likely rigging have being discovered in the upcoming states. Voters are encouraged to check their registrations before deadlines to make sure there has been no tampering. A significant number of voters across the United States have found their registrations altered.
It has become apparent to Sanders supporters that the longer Sanders takes to call Clinton on the seemingly obvious election fraud, the more fraud that will take place.
[Watch the following youtube videos about the ease of election and the final video about a Sanders voter finding an election law violation favoring Clinton at a Pennsylvania polling place. Fist: Hacking Democracy, uploaded by Ahamo, Second: Uncounted-Chris Curtis: Million Dollar Programmer, uploaded by Uncounted the Movie, Third, WV Vote Flipping Caught on Tape, uploaded by Video the Vote, and the Fourth: Problems Inside PA Polling Station 4/26/16 Philadelphia Democratic Primary Bernie Sanders, uploaded by Collectibully.]