More Election Fraud in DC as Bernie Demands Election and DNC Reform

June 14, 2016. On a day where observers saw vote flipping in D.C., Senator Bernie Sanders demanded election reform and DNC reform in a press conference. Though the mainstream media tried to push Sanders into endorsing Hillary Clinton, he stayed true to his supporters and no endorsement followed his meeting with Clinton.

Nik Sturm, who obtained a screen shot of the vote in DC was surprised that five minutes after getting a shot of Sanders winning by a landslide, the vote suddenly flipped from a Sanders landslide to a Clinton landslide with no additional percentages being counted.
However, even more odd is that the amount of the fix appeared to be unrelated to the number of votes counted as Hillary's and Bernie's vote counts remained the same between 82.5% and 90.9% of the precincts being counted. Were there no voters in 8.4% of the precincts or were the election results prepared in advance and just fed onto the screen, forgetting that Sanders supporters know how to do screen shots? (Thank you to Nik Sturm for his work in capturing the apparent vote result tampering and notifying the public.)
However, even more odd is that the amount of the fix appeared to be unrelated to the number of votes counted as Hillary's and Bernie's vote counts remained the same between 82.5% and 90.9% of the precincts being counted. Were there no voters in 8.4% of the precincts or were the election results prepared in advance and just fed onto the screen, forgetting that Sanders supporters know how to do screen shots? (Thank you to Nik Sturm for his work in capturing the apparent vote result tampering and notifying the public.)

Another oddity in the D.C. election was that people who had been Democrats for years suddenly found their party affiliation changed on election day. One of these was Jahar Abraham, a former Democratic candidate for D.C. Council. Abraham was among those who found his party registration erased when he went to vote.
Perhaps it was the dead voters who flipped the election results for Clinton. Deborah Simmons, in her article, "Democrats perpetuate election fraud: Deborah Simmons, Can we talk..." cited a claim by an auditor that a week before the primary, “Our review of the District’s Voter Registration File revealed that it contains 6,543 voter registration records with dates of birth listed between 1800 and 1899.” Interestingly, there was a similar problem with dead people supposedly voting for Clinton in Los Angeles County, California.
Given all the election fraud that turned Clinton from a more than likely nomination loser into a probable Democratic nominee for President, not a lot of people were surprised by anything that took place in D.C.
However, undaunted by the appearance of continuing massive election fraud, Bernie Sanders held a press conference today to demand election reform and DNC reform.
Among other reforms, Sanders is calling for new leadership (Goodbye Debbie Wasserman Schultz), open primaries, same day registration, adequate staffing of polling places, adequate training of poll workers, a progressive Democratic platform and elimination of super delegates. Here is a YouTube of the livestream uploaded by the Sanders campaign.
Perhaps it was the dead voters who flipped the election results for Clinton. Deborah Simmons, in her article, "Democrats perpetuate election fraud: Deborah Simmons, Can we talk..." cited a claim by an auditor that a week before the primary, “Our review of the District’s Voter Registration File revealed that it contains 6,543 voter registration records with dates of birth listed between 1800 and 1899.” Interestingly, there was a similar problem with dead people supposedly voting for Clinton in Los Angeles County, California.
Given all the election fraud that turned Clinton from a more than likely nomination loser into a probable Democratic nominee for President, not a lot of people were surprised by anything that took place in D.C.
However, undaunted by the appearance of continuing massive election fraud, Bernie Sanders held a press conference today to demand election reform and DNC reform.
Among other reforms, Sanders is calling for new leadership (Goodbye Debbie Wasserman Schultz), open primaries, same day registration, adequate staffing of polling places, adequate training of poll workers, a progressive Democratic platform and elimination of super delegates. Here is a YouTube of the livestream uploaded by the Sanders campaign.
With over 110,000 of his supporters signing a petition in the last couple of days calling on Sanders to run as as an independent candidate, he is not letting down his voters. True to his principles, he is refusing to endorse Clinton. He met with her tonight to discuss the DNC platform but not an endorsement.
Millions of votes remain uncounted in California. Already three counties have flipped as the counting has continued.
Following is a video of a problem that has happened in various places, where voting machines refuse to allow voters to properly record votes for Bernie Sanders. This video from Alameda County, California, was uploaded to youtube by "feelthebern."
Millions of votes remain uncounted in California. Already three counties have flipped as the counting has continued.
Following is a video of a problem that has happened in various places, where voting machines refuse to allow voters to properly record votes for Bernie Sanders. This video from Alameda County, California, was uploaded to youtube by "feelthebern."
It is no surprise that Sanders supporters will not follow Clinton when there is strong evidence she never came close to legitimately winning the nomination. A Harvard study recently ranked the United States worst in the Western world for fair elections. Based of the likely granting of the Democratic nomination to the candidate who lost the majority of states or would have if all the votes had been counted, most of the American public would tend to agree with that study. Jimmy Carter has called the United States an "oligarchy" with "unlimited political bribery." Polls show that Bernie Sanders would win a three way race against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton if he follows the wishes of his supporters and dumps the Democratic Party for an independent run. The majority of voters have made it clear they will not fall in line and support Clinton for the Presidency in 2016. Is Clinton planning to rig the general election?