In Orange County, A Former White Supremacist Stronghold, People of All Colors Join in Calling for End to Racially-Motivated Killings by Law Enforcement (video)

July 10, 2016. Orange County CA. In Orange County,CA, long known for vigilante Minute Men, injunctions preventing minorities from assembling, frequent police killings of unarmed minorities, White upper class neighborhoods, and extreme right-wing politics, the masses have arisen and are demanding an end to what are perceived as racist law enforcement killings of innocent, unarmed minorities.
Blacks make up only 1.5% of Orange County but the residents of all colors let law enforcement know they would tolerate no more killings of Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans or people of any background. What many don't realize is that there are usually more white activists at the Black Lives Matter gatherings and protests than there are Blacks. In Orange County, Latinos make up the bulk of the unarmed victims police killings, but non-Latinos in the community are fed up with all forms of institutional racism. Though unarmed minorities are disproportionately killed by police, whites are sometimes killed and residents oppose these killings as well.
On July 10, hundreds of active community members (Whites, Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Native Americans, Middle Easterners and others) marched on law enforcement headquarters across the country demanding an end to killings and an end to racism. Many of those present had seen brothers, sisters and friends killed. Others simply had learned about the killings and knew they were wrong and that the racism had to end.
Among those present were many people who had worked on the Bernie Sanders Presidential campaign. Through Bernie is supported by officers on most police departments, he plans to launch a federal investigation into all deaths taking place in police custody. He is the only major Presidential candidate who has come up with a workable plan to end the violence.
At the rallies, it was pointed out that most officers are not engaged in racially-related killings. However, most of those present felt it was the responsibility of the good officers to demonstrate the courage and character to out the bad officers, throw them off the forces and make sure they are prosecuted for any crimes they commit.
Blacks make up only 1.5% of Orange County but the residents of all colors let law enforcement know they would tolerate no more killings of Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans or people of any background. What many don't realize is that there are usually more white activists at the Black Lives Matter gatherings and protests than there are Blacks. In Orange County, Latinos make up the bulk of the unarmed victims police killings, but non-Latinos in the community are fed up with all forms of institutional racism. Though unarmed minorities are disproportionately killed by police, whites are sometimes killed and residents oppose these killings as well.
On July 10, hundreds of active community members (Whites, Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Native Americans, Middle Easterners and others) marched on law enforcement headquarters across the country demanding an end to killings and an end to racism. Many of those present had seen brothers, sisters and friends killed. Others simply had learned about the killings and knew they were wrong and that the racism had to end.
Among those present were many people who had worked on the Bernie Sanders Presidential campaign. Through Bernie is supported by officers on most police departments, he plans to launch a federal investigation into all deaths taking place in police custody. He is the only major Presidential candidate who has come up with a workable plan to end the violence.
At the rallies, it was pointed out that most officers are not engaged in racially-related killings. However, most of those present felt it was the responsibility of the good officers to demonstrate the courage and character to out the bad officers, throw them off the forces and make sure they are prosecuted for any crimes they commit.

At the Anaheim rally, Damien Ramirez announced the death of Fermin Vincent Venezuela, who had just been removed from life support. Venezuela was reportedly another innocent, unarmed person, who was tased into a coma by the Anaheim PD. After putting Venezuela in a situation where he was near death, the Anaheim PD proceeded to try to deny Venezuela's family the right to see their loved one in the hospital. Venezuela was a family man, a father. A whole new generation has been left orphaned, parentless because of all killings of unarmed civilians by police.
Damien's best friend Michael Nida was machine gunned to death by Downey Police even though Nida was unarmed and innocent. His untimely death of Michael Nida (Mikey to his friends) left behind his wife, children, other family members and many close friends who loved him. It is the untimely death of the close friend he grew up with that continues to motivate Damien to help others who have lost loved ones. Damien has consistently been a leader in the movement to make police officers accountable.
Below are videos from the Orange County events. They just touch the surface with respect to the sorrow and loss that has become a daily part of the lives of a growing number of Orange County residents. In many cases, the angriest protesters are whites, who are fed up with and angered by the horrors usually perpetrated by members of their own race.
Damien's best friend Michael Nida was machine gunned to death by Downey Police even though Nida was unarmed and innocent. His untimely death of Michael Nida (Mikey to his friends) left behind his wife, children, other family members and many close friends who loved him. It is the untimely death of the close friend he grew up with that continues to motivate Damien to help others who have lost loved ones. Damien has consistently been a leader in the movement to make police officers accountable.
Below are videos from the Orange County events. They just touch the surface with respect to the sorrow and loss that has become a daily part of the lives of a growing number of Orange County residents. In many cases, the angriest protesters are whites, who are fed up with and angered by the horrors usually perpetrated by members of their own race.