Graft and Circuses: CA Lawmakers Get Big $$ to Forcibly Inject Mercury Into School Kids

June 24, 2015. Sacramento, CA. As thousands of concerned parents, injured children, scientists, doctors, and Constitutional law experts rallied at the Sacramento Capitol, lawmakers appeared more interested in counting their money from Big Pharma than in studying the science showing that the SB 277 vaccines contained high levels of mercury and dangerous carcinogens. The damage scientific studies showed was taking place among America's children did not matter. Only money and greed appeared to matter as most Assemblymen and women took to the floor.
The Sacramento Bee headline recently read, "Drug companies donated millions to California lawmakers before vaccine debate." Bill author Senator Richard Pan Received the largest acknowledged donations (DA- he's pushing this bill really hard and has earned Big Pharma's money.) Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins was also a big recipient of direct donations, $90,250. She did her job as well in getting the Assemblymembers to vote against the science on vaccines. Beyond the direct donations, are the campaign contributions from industries that benefit from the bill. According to Maplight, Pan received $1,153,704 in contributions from various industries benefiting from this bill during the 2011-2012. These lobbyists contributed $8,884,501 to the various Cal legislators during that period. More money was contributed to gain legislative support for the bill during the 2013-2014 election cycle . But it wasn't all hard cash that was donated. Pan used the Grandchild of a GlaxoSmithKline Consultant, a little girl named Rhett Krawitt for publicized promotionals. So in addition to hard donations, there are also the soft donations. Soft donations are generally a multiple of hard donations and much harder to track. Pan and the California legislators supporting SB 277 are major beneficiaries of Citizens United.
The Sacramento Bee headline recently read, "Drug companies donated millions to California lawmakers before vaccine debate." Bill author Senator Richard Pan Received the largest acknowledged donations (DA- he's pushing this bill really hard and has earned Big Pharma's money.) Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins was also a big recipient of direct donations, $90,250. She did her job as well in getting the Assemblymembers to vote against the science on vaccines. Beyond the direct donations, are the campaign contributions from industries that benefit from the bill. According to Maplight, Pan received $1,153,704 in contributions from various industries benefiting from this bill during the 2011-2012. These lobbyists contributed $8,884,501 to the various Cal legislators during that period. More money was contributed to gain legislative support for the bill during the 2013-2014 election cycle . But it wasn't all hard cash that was donated. Pan used the Grandchild of a GlaxoSmithKline Consultant, a little girl named Rhett Krawitt for publicized promotionals. So in addition to hard donations, there are also the soft donations. Soft donations are generally a multiple of hard donations and much harder to track. Pan and the California legislators supporting SB 277 are major beneficiaries of Citizens United.

Though CDC whistleblowers like Dr. William Thompson and Dr. Brian Hooker who actually conducted vaccine studies, verified that the vaccines were dangers and that results utilized in support of hte vaccines were fakes or lies,, Legislators, robotically referred to testing that they knew had never taken or had falsified results to try to excuse their votes. In other words, the pro-vaccine Legislators were caught knowingly lying in thieir supeeches in support of hte bill.

Though pro-Pharma legislators, like Kim Young referred to the Disneyland outbreak which caused no serious damage and was mainly among vaccinated kids, it has been verified by whistleblower and CDC vaccine researcher Dr. Hooker that, during the same time, 300 children were vaccine-injured and one child died from the vaccine. Experts like whistleblower Dr. Brian Hooker believe that the child who spread the measles at Disneyland was a vaccinated child.
Dr Hooker also revealed that 250,000 African-American boys were severely vaccine-injured in one study he conducted. The CDC had initially falsified the results but he and CDC lead scientiest Dr. Thomson later came forward and apologized for the damage done through misleading the African-American community into believing the vaccine was safe. Kennedy pointed out that SB 277 is the Tuskegee Experiment 200,000 times and over. To clarify the scientific research that the whistle-blowers for the CDC have revealed, vaccines create contagions. African American leaders, such as Minister Tony Muhammed have called on California legislators to oppose this bill that appears to be racist in nature. They are also calling on Governor Jerry Brown to veto the bill to prevent a likely genocide. Dr. Hooker has also educated the public on the science and students which show that the MMR vaccine is actually much more deadly and harmful than the disease of measles. CDC lead scientist and whistleblower Dr. William Thomspons who has had recorded conversations with Dr. Hooker about the vaccine cover-up, wishs to testify before Contress. Dr. Thompson has presented more than a thousand pages of evidence of the CDC's vaccine cover-up.
Eric Gladen's film Trace Elements shows scientific documentation of the toxic, even deadly levels of mercury in the various vaccines that are being mandated under SB 277. Mercury is tied to autism, early dementia and Alzheimers, MS and a variety of other diseases. A significant number of children have died from the vaccines.
Mercury is only part of the problem. Vaccines, such as the MMR and others vaccines have ingredients known to cause cancer. Those with a religious objection to abortions will have to hold their tongues while the government forcibly injectes thir children with aborted fetal tissue. The insert on the MMR vaccine states that it contains aborted fetal lung tissue. There will be no allowance for people who have a strong religious convictions under this new required medical procedcure. Of course, patient consent becomes a thing of the past with this new bill.
Dr Hooker also revealed that 250,000 African-American boys were severely vaccine-injured in one study he conducted. The CDC had initially falsified the results but he and CDC lead scientiest Dr. Thomson later came forward and apologized for the damage done through misleading the African-American community into believing the vaccine was safe. Kennedy pointed out that SB 277 is the Tuskegee Experiment 200,000 times and over. To clarify the scientific research that the whistle-blowers for the CDC have revealed, vaccines create contagions. African American leaders, such as Minister Tony Muhammed have called on California legislators to oppose this bill that appears to be racist in nature. They are also calling on Governor Jerry Brown to veto the bill to prevent a likely genocide. Dr. Hooker has also educated the public on the science and students which show that the MMR vaccine is actually much more deadly and harmful than the disease of measles. CDC lead scientist and whistleblower Dr. William Thomspons who has had recorded conversations with Dr. Hooker about the vaccine cover-up, wishs to testify before Contress. Dr. Thompson has presented more than a thousand pages of evidence of the CDC's vaccine cover-up.
Eric Gladen's film Trace Elements shows scientific documentation of the toxic, even deadly levels of mercury in the various vaccines that are being mandated under SB 277. Mercury is tied to autism, early dementia and Alzheimers, MS and a variety of other diseases. A significant number of children have died from the vaccines.
Mercury is only part of the problem. Vaccines, such as the MMR and others vaccines have ingredients known to cause cancer. Those with a religious objection to abortions will have to hold their tongues while the government forcibly injectes thir children with aborted fetal tissue. The insert on the MMR vaccine states that it contains aborted fetal lung tissue. There will be no allowance for people who have a strong religious convictions under this new required medical procedcure. Of course, patient consent becomes a thing of the past with this new bill.

show the courage to vote to protect the children. Among the Democrats only Cheryl Brown, Patty Lopez and Mike Gatto took the time to look at the scientific reports, refused to be bought off by Big Pharma, and showed the courage to vote to protect California's children. After watching them vote against the draconian measure, parents across the State declared their appreciation for their integrity and offered to support them in future elections. Democrats Kansen Chu,Henry Perea and Das Williams had to go up against the Pharma-financed Speaker from their own Party and chose to abstain. Those three abstentions would not have changed the result. Though opponents of the bill said they recognized it took courage even to refuse to vote for the bill, it was those who took the additional step to oppose it who were declared the big heroes by parents groups up and down him State.
In the Assembly, the vote was 46 Yeas to 31 Nays. Those voting against the bill stood up to threats and considerable pressure. Looking at the reaction of California voters, though, the thirty won the support of the people.
In the Assembly, the vote was 46 Yeas to 31 Nays. Those voting against the bill stood up to threats and considerable pressure. Looking at the reaction of California voters, though, the thirty won the support of the people.

The bill goes back to the State Senate for an additional vote and then to Jerry Brown. Concerned parents, doctors and scientists are attempting convince Jerry Brown to write in at least a religious exemption to avoid a violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and of Article I, Section 4 of the California Constitution..
If Jerry Brown follows the Big Pharma money and signs the bill, a Referendum is planned to overturn the law. This is expected to be placed on the November 2016 ballot, where it could have a substantial impact on the state and federal elections. Though voting apathy is at a record high in California, concerned families who have seen children injured or killed by the vaccines or who are simply trying to protect their own children are expected to turn out in record numbers to support the Referendum. At the same time, the millions who will likely vote to overturn SB 277 are expected to turn out all legislators who voted for the bill and it is mostly Democrats who are on this hot seat. That election could buck past California trends as a large number of motivated voters could cost California Democrats the States Presidential electors and a number of seats on Congress.
An additional impact would be on the schools. The funding schools receive is dependent upon how many students attend classes each day. Currently, there are plans to pull millions of California children out of school and homeschool those children. There is a concern that a number of schools could wind up closing between the passage of the bill and the referendum. This would have a major impact on funding throughout the state. Though the final impact is unclear, some economists have stated that it could do irreparable damage to the educational system in California, resulting in the worst educational crisis in history.
If Jerry Brown follows the Big Pharma money and signs the bill, a Referendum is planned to overturn the law. This is expected to be placed on the November 2016 ballot, where it could have a substantial impact on the state and federal elections. Though voting apathy is at a record high in California, concerned families who have seen children injured or killed by the vaccines or who are simply trying to protect their own children are expected to turn out in record numbers to support the Referendum. At the same time, the millions who will likely vote to overturn SB 277 are expected to turn out all legislators who voted for the bill and it is mostly Democrats who are on this hot seat. That election could buck past California trends as a large number of motivated voters could cost California Democrats the States Presidential electors and a number of seats on Congress.
An additional impact would be on the schools. The funding schools receive is dependent upon how many students attend classes each day. Currently, there are plans to pull millions of California children out of school and homeschool those children. There is a concern that a number of schools could wind up closing between the passage of the bill and the referendum. This would have a major impact on funding throughout the state. Though the final impact is unclear, some economists have stated that it could do irreparable damage to the educational system in California, resulting in the worst educational crisis in history.